1 | #ifndef MARS_MSequence
2 | #define MARS_MSequence
3 |
4 | #ifndef ROOT_TArrayI
5 | #include <TArrayI.h>
6 | #endif
7 |
8 | #ifndef MARS_MTime
9 | #include "MTime.h"
10 | #endif
11 |
12 | class MDirIter;
13 |
14 | class MSequence : public MParContainer
15 | {
16 | friend class MSequenceSQL;
17 |
18 | public:
19 | enum LightCondition_t { kNA, kNoMoon, kTwilight, kMoon, kDay };
20 |
21 | enum FileExt_t {
22 | kRaw =BIT(0),
23 | kRoot =BIT(1),
24 | kReport=BIT(2),
25 | };
26 | enum RunType_t {
27 | kPed =BIT(3),
28 | kCal =BIT(4),
29 | kDat =BIT(5),
30 | kExcl =BIT(6),
31 | kAll =kPed|kDat|kCal,
32 | kImage =BIT(7),
33 | kCalib =BIT(8)
34 | };
35 |
36 | enum { kRunType = kPed|kCal|kDat|kImage|kCalib };
37 | enum { kFileType = kRaw|kRoot|kReport };
38 | enum { kFilePaths = kFileType|kImage|kCalib };
39 |
40 | enum FileType_t {
41 | kRawDat = kRaw |kDat,
42 | kRawPed = kRaw |kPed,
43 | kRawCal = kRaw |kCal,
44 | kRawAll = kRaw |kAll,
45 | kRootDat = kRoot |kDat,
46 | kRootPed = kRoot |kPed,
47 | kRootCal = kRoot |kCal,
48 | kRootAll = kRoot |kAll,
49 | kReportPed = kReport|kPed,
50 | kReportCal = kReport|kCal,
51 | kReportDat = kReport|kDat,
52 | kReportAll = kReport|kAll,
53 | kCalibrated = kRoot |kCalib,
54 | kImages = kRoot |kImage,
55 | };
56 |
57 | private:
58 | TString fFileName; // Expanded file name
59 | TString fDataPath; // Path to data files
60 |
61 | UShort_t fTelescope; // Telescope number
62 | UInt_t fSequence; // Sequence number
63 |
64 | MTime fStart; // Start time of sequence
65 |
66 | UInt_t fLastRun; // Last run in sequence (necessary?)
67 | UInt_t fNumEvents; // Number of events in sequence
68 |
69 | UInt_t fPeriod; // Observation period of the sequence
70 | MTime fNight; // Night (day of sunrise) of the sequence
71 |
72 | LightCondition_t fLightCondition;
73 |
74 | TString fProject;
75 | TString fSource;
76 | TString fTriggerTable;
77 | TString fHvSettings;
78 | TString fComment;
79 |
80 | TArrayI fRuns; // Run numbers
81 | TArrayI fRunsSub; // Sub runs (files)
82 |
83 | TArrayI fCalRuns; // Numbers of calibration runs/files
84 | TArrayI fCalRunsSub; // Sub runs (files) of calibration runs
85 |
86 | TArrayI fPedRuns; // Numbers of pedestal runs/files
87 | TArrayI fPedRunsSub; // Sub runs (files) of pedestal runs
88 |
89 | TArrayI fDatRuns; // Numbers of data runs/files
90 | TArrayI fDatRunsSub; // Sub runs (files) of data runs
91 |
92 | TArrayI fExclRuns; // Numbers of excluded runs/files
93 | TArrayI fExclRunsSub; // Sub runs (files) of excluded runs
94 |
95 | Bool_t fMonteCarlo; // Flag for Monte Carlo sequences
96 |
97 | // Helper for interpretation
98 | void AddEntry(Int_t run, Int_t file, TArrayI &data, TArrayI &sub) const;
99 | void EvalEntry(const TEnv *env, const TString &prefix, const TString &num, TArrayI &data, TArrayI &sub) const;
100 |
101 | void Split(TString &runs, TArrayI &data, TArrayI &sub, const TEnv *env=0, const TString prefix="") const;
102 | void Split(const TEnv &env, const TString &prefix, const char *name, TArrayI &data, TArrayI &sub) const;
103 |
104 | LightCondition_t GetLightCondition(const TString &str) const;
105 |
106 | // Helper for file setup
107 | void GetArrays(const TArrayI* &r, const TArrayI* &f, Int_t type) const;
108 | Bool_t FindPath(TString &path, FileType_t type) const;
109 | TString FindPath(FileType_t type, TString path="") const { FindPath(path, type); return path; }
110 | TString FindFile(const TString &d, const TString &f) const;
111 | TString GetPathName(TString d, FileType_t type) const;
112 | TString GetFileRegexp(UInt_t num, const TArrayI &arr, const TArrayI &sub, FileType_t type) const;
113 | TString GetFileName(UInt_t i, const TArrayI &arr, const TArrayI &sub, FileType_t type, const char *path) const;
114 | UInt_t GetRuns(MDirIter &iter, const TArrayI &arr, const TArrayI &file, FileType_t type, TString path="") const;
115 |
116 | // Helper for Print()
117 | TString GetNumSequence(Int_t pos, Int_t n, const TArrayI &f) const;
118 | TString GetNumSequence(Int_t &pos, const TArrayI &n, const TArrayI &f) const;
119 |
120 | void PrintRunsClassic(ostream &out, const char *pre, const char *name, const TArrayI &r) const;
121 | TString PrintRuns(ostream &out, const char *pre, const char *name, const TArrayI &r, const TArrayI &f) const;
122 |
123 | // General helper
124 | Bool_t HasSubRuns() const { return fRunsSub.GetSize()!=0 || fDatRunsSub.GetSize()!=0 || fPedRunsSub.GetSize()!=0 || fCalRunsSub.GetSize()!=0 || fExclRunsSub.GetSize()!=0; }
125 | Bool_t IsContained(const TArrayI &arr, const TArrayI &sub, UInt_t num, UInt_t file) const;
126 |
127 | // Some helpers to handle the arrays
128 | static Int_t SortArraySub(Int_t p, Int_t n, Int_t *arr1, Int_t *arr2);
129 | static void SortArrays(TArrayI &arr1, TArrayI &arr2);
130 | static Int_t GetSubArray(Int_t p, Int_t n, Int_t *arr1);
131 |
132 | public:
133 | MSequence() : fTelescope(1), fSequence((UInt_t)-1), fLastRun((UInt_t)-1),
134 | fNumEvents((UInt_t)-1), fPeriod((UInt_t)-1), fLightCondition(kNA), fMonteCarlo(kFALSE)
135 | {
136 | fName = "MSequence";
137 | fTitle = "Sequence file";
138 | }
139 | MSequence(const char *fname, const char *path="", UInt_t id=(UInt_t)-1);
140 | MSequence(const char *fname, UInt_t seq, UShort_t tel=0);
141 | MSequence(const MSequence &s) : MParContainer(s),
142 | fFileName(s.fFileName), fDataPath(s.fDataPath),
143 | fTelescope(s.fTelescope),
144 | fSequence(s.fSequence), fStart(s.fStart),
145 | fLastRun(s.fLastRun), fNumEvents(s.fNumEvents), fPeriod(s.fPeriod),
146 | fNight(s.fNight), fLightCondition(s.fLightCondition),
147 | fProject(s.fProject), fSource(s.fSource),
148 | fTriggerTable(s.fTriggerTable), fHvSettings(s.fHvSettings),
149 | fRuns(s.fRuns), fRunsSub(s.fRunsSub), fCalRuns(s.fCalRuns),
150 | fCalRunsSub(s.fCalRunsSub), fPedRuns(s.fPedRuns),
151 | fPedRunsSub(s.fPedRunsSub), fDatRuns(s.fDatRuns),
152 | fDatRunsSub(s.fDatRunsSub), fExclRuns(s.fExclRuns),
153 | fExclRunsSub(s.fExclRunsSub), fMonteCarlo(s.fMonteCarlo) { }
154 |
155 | Bool_t IsCompatible(const MSequence &s) const;
156 | Bool_t IsIdentical(const MSequence &s) const;
157 | Bool_t operator==(const MSequence &s) const;
158 |
159 | // I/O
160 | Int_t Read(const char *name=0);
161 | Bool_t ReadDatabase(TString sql, UInt_t seq=0, UShort_t tel=0);
162 | Bool_t ReadFile(const char *filename, UInt_t id=(UInt_t)-1);
163 | Bool_t WriteFile(const char *filename, const Option_t *o) const;
164 | Bool_t WriteFile(const char *filename) const { return WriteFile(filename,""); } //*MENU *ARGS={filename=>fBaseName}
165 | Bool_t SetDataPath(const char *path="");
166 |
167 | // TObject
168 | void Print(ostream &out, Option_t *o) const;
169 | void Print(Option_t *o) const;
170 | void Print() const { Print(""); } //*MENU*
171 |
172 | // Genaral interface
173 | Bool_t IsValid() const { return fTelescope>0 && fSequence!=(UInt_t)-1; }
174 | Bool_t IsMonteCarlo() const { return fMonteCarlo; }
175 | Bool_t IsExcluded(UInt_t run, UInt_t file) const { return IsContained(fExclRuns, fExclRunsSub, run, file); }
176 | Bool_t IsContained(UInt_t run, UInt_t file) const { return IsContained(fCalRuns, fCalRunsSub, run, file) || IsContained(fPedRuns, fPedRunsSub, run, file) || IsContained(fDatRuns, fDatRunsSub, run, file); }
177 |
178 | // Setter
179 | void SetNight(const char*night);
180 |
181 | void AddRun(UInt_t run, RunType_t type=kAll) { AddFile(run, 0, type); }
182 | void AddRuns(UInt_t run1, UInt_t run2, RunType_t type=kAll) { for (UInt_t i=run1; i<=run2; i++) AddFile(i, 0, type); }
183 | void AddFile(UInt_t run, UInt_t file, RunType_t type=kAll);
184 | void AddFiles(UInt_t run, UInt_t f1, UInt_t f2, RunType_t type=kAll) { for (UInt_t i=f1; i<=f2; i++) AddFile(run, i, type); }
185 |
186 | void ExcludeFile(UInt_t run, UInt_t file=0) { /*if (!force || !IsExcluded(run, file))*/ AddFile(run, file, kExcl); }
187 | void ExcludeRuns(TString runs);
188 |
189 | void SetMonteCarlo(Bool_t ismc=kTRUE) { fMonteCarlo=ismc; }
190 |
191 | // Getter
192 | UInt_t GetNumExclRuns() const { return fExclRuns.GetSize(); }
193 |
194 | UShort_t GetTelescope() const { return fTelescope; }
195 | UInt_t GetSequence() const { return fSequence; }
196 | UInt_t GetLastRun() const { return fLastRun; }
197 | UInt_t GetPeriod() const { return fPeriod; }
198 | Bool_t HasMoon() const { return fLightCondition==kMoon; }
199 |
200 | Int_t GetFile(UInt_t i, RunType_t type, UInt_t &run, UInt_t &file) const;
201 |
202 | LightCondition_t GetLightCondition() const { return fLightCondition; }
203 |
204 | const MTime &GetStart() const { return fStart; }
205 | const MTime &GetNight() const { return fNight; }
206 | const TString &GetSource() const { return fSource; }
207 |
208 | const TString GetExcludedRuns() const;
209 |
210 | // Filesystem interface
211 | UInt_t GetRuns(MDirIter &iter, FileType_t type, const char *path=0) const;
212 | TString GetFileRegexp(UInt_t num, FileType_t type) const;
213 | TString GetFileName(UInt_t i, FileType_t type, const char *path=0) const;
214 | UInt_t GetNumEntries(RunType_t type=kAll) const;
215 |
216 | // Filesystem getter
217 | const char *GetBaseName() const;
218 | const char *GetFilePath() const;
219 | const TString &GetFileName() const { return fFileName; }
220 | const TString &GetDataPath() const { return fDataPath; }
221 |
222 | const TString GetStandardPath() const { return GetStandardPath(fMonteCarlo); }
223 |
224 | // Static function for external access
225 | static TString GetStandardPath(Bool_t mc) { return mc?"/magic/montecarlo/":"/magic/data/"; }
226 | static Bool_t InflateSeq(TString &seq, /*FIXME: TELNUM*/ Bool_t ismc=kFALSE);
227 |
228 | static TString InflateFileName(const MTime &night, UShort_t tel, Int_t run, Int_t file, Int_t type=kRawAll);
229 | static TString InflateFileName(const MTime &night, Int_t run, Int_t type=kRawAll) { return InflateFileName(night, 1, run, 0, type); }
230 |
231 | static TString InflateFilePath(const MTime &night, UShort_t tel, Int_t run, Int_t file=0, Int_t type=kRawAll);
232 | static TString InflateFilePath(const MTime &night, Int_t run, Int_t type=kRawAll) { return InflateFilePath(night, 1, run, 0, type); }
233 |
234 | static TString InflateFilePath(const MTime &night, Bool_t mc=kFALSE);
235 |
236 | ClassDef(MSequence, 6) // Describes a sequences, reads and writes sequence files
237 | };
238 |
239 | #endif