1 | /* ======================================================================== *\
2 | !
3 | ! *
4 | ! * This file is part of MARS, the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction
5 | ! * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful
6 | ! * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes.
7 | ! * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
8 | ! *
9 | ! * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
10 | ! * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
11 | ! * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
12 | ! * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
13 | ! * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express
14 | ! * or implied warranty.
15 | ! *
16 | !
17 | !
18 | ! Author(s): Thomas Bretz 12/2000 <mailto:tbretz@uni-sw.gwdg.de>
19 | ! Author(s): Harald Kornmayer 1/2001
20 | !
21 | ! Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2001
22 | !
23 | !
24 | \* ======================================================================== */
25 |
26 | #include "MMonteCarlo.h"
27 |
28 | #include <stdlib.h>
29 | #include <iostream.h>
30 |
31 | #include <TGLabel.h> // TGLabel
32 | #include <TGButton.h> // TGTextButton
33 | #include <TGTextEntry.h> // TGTextEntry
34 | #include <TGProgressBar.h> // TGHProgressBar
35 | #include <TGButtonGroup.h> // TGVButtonGroup
36 |
37 | #include "MGList.h"
38 |
39 | ClassImp(MMonteCarlo)
40 |
41 | enum {
42 | kButCollArea = 0x100,
43 | kButTrigRate = 0x101,
44 | kButThreshold = 0x102
45 | };
46 |
47 | void MMonteCarlo::AddButtons()
48 | {
49 | TGTextButton *carea = new TGTextButton(fTop2, "Collection Area", kButCollArea);
50 | TGTextButton *trate = new TGTextButton(fTop2, "Trigger Rate", kButTrigRate);
51 | TGTextButton *thold = new TGTextButton(fTop2, "Threshold", kButThreshold);
52 |
53 | fList->Add(carea);
54 | fList->Add(trate);
55 | fList->Add(thold);
56 |
57 | carea->Associate(this);
58 | trate->Associate(this);
59 | thold->Associate(this);
60 |
61 | TGLayoutHints *laybut = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsNormal, 5, 5, 10, 10);
62 | fList->Add(laybut);
63 |
64 | fTop2->AddFrame(carea, laybut);
65 | fTop2->AddFrame(trate, laybut);
66 | fTop2->AddFrame(thold, laybut);
67 | }
68 |
69 | void MMonteCarlo::AddSetupTab()
70 | {
71 | //
72 | // Create Setup Tab
73 | //
74 | TGCompositeFrame *frame = CreateNewTab("Setup");
75 |
76 | //
77 | // Create a button group (it alignes the buttons and make
78 | // them automatic radio buttons)
79 | // Create three (auto) radio buttons in the button group
80 | //
81 | TGVButtonGroup *group = new TGVButtonGroup(frame);
82 | fList->Add(group);
83 |
84 | fRadioButton1 = new TGRadioButton(group, "Use unnumbered trigger condition olny.");
85 | fRadioButton2 = new TGRadioButton(group, "Use only one trigger condition (specify number below).");
86 | fRadioButton3 = new TGRadioButton(group, "Use a number of trigger conditions (1..n).");
87 |
88 | fRadioButton1->SetState(kButtonDown);
89 |
90 | /*
92 | Bacause of some strage and hidden dependencies the
93 | GetMaiFrame call in the destructor of TGButton may fail if some
94 | of the other gui elemts is deleted first.
95 | AddFirst adds the buttons at the beginning of the deletion list,
96 | this seems to work.
97 | */
98 | fList->AddFirst(fRadioButton1);
99 | fList->AddFirst(fRadioButton2);
100 | fList->AddFirst(fRadioButton3);
101 |
102 | //
103 | // Add the button group (all buttons) as first line
104 | //
105 | frame->AddFrame(group);
106 |
107 | //
108 | // Create entry fields and labels for line 3 and 4
109 | //
110 |
111 | /*
112 | * --> use with root >=3.02 <--
113 | *
114 |
115 | TGNumberEntry *fNumEntry1 = new TGNumberEntry(frame, 3.0, 2, M_NENT_LVL1, kNESRealOne, kNEANonNegative);
116 | TGNumberEntry *fNumEntry2 = new TGNumberEntry(frame, 2.5, 2, M_NENT_LVL1, kNESRealOne, kNEANonNegative);
117 |
118 | */
119 |
120 | //
121 | // Align the lines:
122 | // - top, left
123 | // - padding: top=20, bottom=0, left=20, right=0
124 | //
125 | TGLayoutHints *layline = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsNormal, 20, 0, 20);
126 | fList->Add(layline);
127 |
128 |
129 | //
130 | // Create a frame for line 3 and 4 to be able
131 | // to align entry field and label in one line
132 | //
133 | TGHorizontalFrame *f = new TGHorizontalFrame(frame, 0, 0);
134 | fNumEntry = new TGTextEntry(f, "****");
135 | fNumEntry->SetText("1");
136 | fList->Add(fNumEntry);
137 |
138 | // --- doesn't work like expected --- fNumEntry1->SetAlignment(kTextRight);
139 | // --- doesn't work like expected --- fNumEntry2->SetAlignment(kTextRight);
140 |
141 | TGLabel *l = new TGLabel(f, "Trigger Condition Setup.");
142 | l->SetTextJustify(kTextLeft);
143 | fList->Add(l);
144 |
145 | //
146 | // Align the text of the label centered, left in the row
147 | // with a left padding of 10
148 | //
149 | TGLayoutHints *laylabel = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsCenterY|kLHintsLeft, 10); //, 10); //, 5, 5);
150 | fList->Add(laylabel);
151 |
152 | //
153 | // Add one entry field and the corresponding label to each line
154 | //
155 | f->AddFrame(fNumEntry);
156 | f->AddFrame(l, laylabel);
157 |
158 | //
159 | // Add line 3 and 4 to tab
160 | //
161 | frame->AddFrame(f, layline);
162 | }
163 |
164 | MMonteCarlo::MMonteCarlo(const TGWindow *main, const TGWindow *p,
165 | const UInt_t w, const UInt_t h)
166 | : MBrowser(main, p, w, h)
167 | {
168 | AddButtons();
169 | AddSetupTab();
170 |
171 | MapSubwindows();
172 |
173 | Layout();
174 |
175 | SetWindowName("MonteCarlo Main");
176 | SetIconName("MonteCarlo");
177 |
178 | MapWindow();
179 | }
180 |
181 | // ======================================================================
182 | #include <TObjArray.h>
183 |
184 | #include "MParList.h"
185 | #include "MTaskList.h"
186 | #include "MEvtLoop.h"
187 |
188 | #include "MReadTree.h"
189 |
190 | #include "MHMcRate.h"
191 | #include "MHMcEnergy.h"
192 |
193 | #include "MMcTriggerRateCalc.h"
194 | #include "MMcThresholdCalc.h"
195 | #include "MMcCollectionAreaCalc.h"
196 |
197 | #include "../mmc/MMcTrig.hxx" // FIXME: see FIXME below
198 |
199 | Int_t MMonteCarlo::GetDim() const
200 | {
201 | Int_t dim = atoi(fNumEntry->GetText());
202 |
203 | if (dim<0)
204 | {
205 | dim=0;
206 | fNumEntry->SetText("0");
207 | }
208 |
209 | if (fRadioButton1->GetState())
210 | dim = 0;
211 |
212 | if (fRadioButton2->GetState())
213 | dim = -dim;
214 |
215 | return dim;
216 | }
217 |
218 | void MMonteCarlo::CalculateCollectionArea()
219 | {
220 | //
221 | // first we have to create our empty lists
222 | //
223 | MParList plist;
224 |
225 | MTaskList tlist;
226 | plist.AddToList(&tlist);
227 |
228 | //
229 | // FIXME: This line is needed that root finds the MMc-classes in the
230 | // dictionary when calling the constructor of MReadTree
231 | // I don't have any idea why...
232 | // Rem: This happens only in this GUI!
233 | //
234 | MMcTrig trig;
235 |
236 | //
237 | // Setup out tasks:
238 | // - First we have to read the events
239 | // - Then we can fill the efficiency histograms
240 | //
241 | MReadTree read("Events", fInputFile);
242 | tlist.AddToList(&read);
243 |
244 | MMcCollectionAreaCalc effi;
245 | tlist.AddToList(&effi);
246 |
247 | //
248 | // set up the loop for the processing
249 | //
250 | MEvtLoop magic;
251 | magic.SetParList(&plist);
252 |
253 | //
254 | // Add ProgressBar to window
255 | //
256 | TGProgressBar *bar = CreateProgressBar(fTop2);
257 | magic.SetProgressBar(bar);
258 |
259 | //
260 | // Execute your analysis
261 | //
262 | Bool_t rc = magic.Eventloop();
263 |
264 | //
265 | // Remove progressbar from window
266 | //
267 | DestroyProgressBar(bar);
268 |
269 | if (!rc)
270 | return;
271 |
272 | //
273 | // Now the histogram we wanted to get out of the data is
274 | // filled and can be displayd
275 | //
276 | plist.FindObject("MHMcCollectionArea")->DrawClone();
277 | }
278 |
279 | void MMonteCarlo::CalculateTriggerRate()
280 | {
281 | // This macro has two input parameter:
282 | // dim : = 0 -> root file with 1 trigger condition.
283 | // > 0 -> number of trigger condition to be analised
284 | // in multi conditon file.
285 | // < 0 -> selects the -dim trigger condition.
286 | //
287 | // first we have to create our empty lists
288 | //
289 | const Int_t dim = GetDim();
290 |
291 | MParList plist;
292 | MTaskList tlist;
293 |
294 | //
295 | // Setup the parameter list.
296 | // - we do not need to create any other container. All of them
297 | // are created automatically without loss - we don't have to
298 | // access them-
299 | //
300 | // - we need to create MHMcRate only. The other containers
301 | // are created automatically without loss - we don't have to
302 | // access them-
303 | // - MHMcRate must be created by us because we need the pointer
304 | // to it and if it would get created automatically it would also be
305 | // deleted automatically
306 | // - Actually, depending on using a single trigger option MonteCarlo
307 | // file or a multyple trigger option, a MHMcRate or an array of
308 | // MHMcRate are needed.
309 | //
310 | plist.AddToList(&tlist);
311 |
312 | //
313 | // You don't have to add the MHMcRate container here by hand.
314 | // But if you want to print or display these containers later on
315 | // it is necessary (Rem: No printing or displaying is done in this
316 | // macro yet)
317 | //
318 | const UInt_t from = dim>0 ? 1 : -dim;
319 | const UInt_t to = dim>0 ? dim : -dim;
320 | const Int_t num = to-from+1;
321 |
322 | TObjArray hists(MParList::CreateObjList("MHMcRate", from, to));
323 | hists.SetOwner();
324 |
325 | //
326 | // Check if the list really contains the right number of histograms
327 | //
328 | if (hists.GetEntriesFast() != num)
329 | return;
330 |
331 | //
332 | // Add the histograms to the paramater list.
333 | //
334 | plist.AddToList(&hists);
335 |
336 | //
337 | // FIXME: This line is needed that root finds the MMc-classes in the
338 | // dictionary when calling the constructor of MReadTree
339 | // I don't have any idea why...
340 | // Rem: This happens only in this GUI!
341 | //
342 | MMcTrig trig;
343 |
344 | //
345 | // Setup out tasks:
346 | // - First we have to read the events
347 | // - Then we can calculate rates, for what the number of
348 | // triggered showers from a empty reflector file for the
349 | // analised trigger conditions should be set (BgR[])
350 | //
351 | MReadTree read("Events", fInputFile);
352 | tlist.AddToList(&read);
353 |
354 | Float_t BgR[10]={660, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
355 |
356 | MMcTriggerRateCalc crate(dim, 14, BgR, 100000);
357 | tlist.AddToList(&crate);
358 |
359 | //
360 | // set up the loop for the processing
361 | //
362 | MEvtLoop magic;
363 | magic.SetParList(&plist);
364 |
365 | //
366 | // Add ProgressBar to window
367 | //
368 | TGProgressBar *bar = CreateProgressBar(fTop2);
369 | magic.SetProgressBar(bar);
370 |
371 | //
372 | // Execute your analysis
373 | //
374 | Bool_t rc = magic.Eventloop();
375 |
376 | //
377 | // Remove progressbar from window
378 | //
379 | DestroyProgressBar(bar);
380 |
381 | if (!rc)
382 | return;
383 |
384 | hists.Print();
385 | }
386 |
387 | void MMonteCarlo::CalculateThreshold()
388 | {
389 | const Int_t dim = GetDim();
390 |
391 | //
392 | // This macro fill the container MHMcEnergies using the task
393 | // MMcThresholdCalc and shows the results.
394 | //
395 | MParList plist;
396 |
397 | MTaskList tlist;
398 | plist.AddToList(&tlist);
399 |
400 | //
401 | // Setup the parameter list
402 | // - You need create the container MHMcEnergies.
403 | // + You need to put the number of trigger conditions when
404 | // you declarete the MHMcEnergies
405 | // + If you don't put any dimension to MHMcEnergies it works
406 | // taking only the trigger information from MMcTrig
407 | //
408 |
409 | //
410 | // Create numtriggerconditions histograms of type MHMcEnergy
411 | // and store the histograms in an TObjArray
412 | //
413 | const UInt_t from = dim>0 ? 1 : -dim;
414 | const UInt_t to = dim>0 ? dim : -dim;
415 | const Int_t num = to-from+1;
416 |
417 | TObjArray hists(MParList::CreateObjList("MHMcEnergy", from, to));
418 | hists.SetOwner();
419 |
420 | //
421 | // Check if the list really contains the right number of histograms
422 | //
423 | if (hists.GetEntriesFast() != num)
424 | return;
425 |
426 | //
427 | // Add the histograms to the paramater list.
428 | //
429 | plist.AddToList(&hists);
430 |
431 | //
432 | // FIXME: This line is needed that root finds the MMc-classes in the
433 | // dictionary when calling the constructor of MReadTree
434 | // I don't have any idea why...
435 | // Rem: This happens only in this GUI!
436 | //
437 | MMcTrig trig;
438 |
439 | //
440 | // Setup the task list
441 | // - You need the read and the MMcThresholdCalc tasks
442 | // - You have to fill the histograms for the Energy threshold
443 | // + You need to put the number of trigger conditions when
444 | // you declarete the MMcThresholdCalc
445 | // + If you don't put any dimension to MMcThresholdCalc it works
446 | // like one dimension MMcThresholdCalc
447 | //
448 |
449 | MReadTree read("Events", fInputFile);
450 |
451 | MMcThresholdCalc calc(dim);
452 | tlist.AddToList(&read);
453 | tlist.AddToList(&calc);
454 |
455 | MEvtLoop evtloop;
456 | evtloop.SetParList(&plist);
457 |
458 | //
459 | // Add ProgressBar to window
460 | //
461 | TGProgressBar *bar = CreateProgressBar(fTop2);
462 | evtloop.SetProgressBar(bar);
463 |
464 | //
465 | // Execute your analysis
466 | //
467 | Bool_t rc = evtloop.Eventloop();
468 |
469 | //
470 | // Remove progressbar from window
471 | //
472 | DestroyProgressBar(bar);
473 |
474 | if (!rc)
475 | return;
476 |
477 | //
478 | // Now you can display the results
479 | //
480 | TIter Next(&hists);
481 | TObject *obj;
482 | while ((obj=Next()))
483 | obj->DrawClone();
484 | }
485 |
486 | // ======================================================================
487 |
488 | Bool_t MMonteCarlo::ProcessMessage(Long_t msg, Long_t parm1, Long_t parm2)
489 | {
490 | if (GET_MSG(msg) == kC_COMMAND && GET_SUBMSG(msg) == kCM_BUTTON)
491 | switch (parm1)
492 | {
493 | case kButCollArea:
494 | CalculateCollectionArea();
495 | return kTRUE;
496 |
497 | case kButTrigRate:
498 | CalculateTriggerRate();
499 | return kTRUE;
500 |
501 | case kButThreshold:
502 | CalculateThreshold();
503 | return kTRUE;
504 | }
505 |
506 | return MBrowser::ProcessMessage(msg, parm1, parm2);
507 | }