################################################################## # # makefile # # for the MARS software # ################################################################## include ../Makefile.conf.$(OSTYPE) include ../Makefile.conf.general # # Handling name of the Root Dictionary Files # CINT = Main # # Library name to creatre # LIB = mmain.a # # connect the include files defined in the config.mk file # INCLUDES = -I. -I../mbase -I../manalysis -I../mdatacheck -I../mraw \ -I../mgui -I../mgeom -I../mhbase -I../mhist -I../mmontecarlo \ -I../mfileio -I../mimage -I../mhistmc -I../mgbase -I../mfbase \ -I../mdata -I../msignal -I../mcalib -I../mbadpixels \ -I../mpointing #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .SUFFIXES: .c .cc .cxx .h .hxx .o SRCFILES = MBrowser.cc \ MDataCheck.cc \ MMars.cc \ MAnalysis.cc \ MMonteCarlo.cc \ MGDisplayAdc.cc \ MEventDisplay.cc \ MOnlineDisplay.cc \ MOnlineDump.cc \ MCameraDisplay.cc SRCS = $(SRCFILES) HEADERS = $(SRCFILES:.cc=.h) OBJS = $(SRCFILES:.cc=.o) ############################################################ all: $(LIB) include ../Makefile.rules #clean: rmcint rmobjs rmcore rmlib mrproper: clean rmbak # @endcode