#include "MCollArea.h" #include #include ClassImp(MCollArea) MCollArea::MCollArea(const char *name, const char *title) { // // default constructor // // initialize the histogram for the distribution r vs E // // we set the energy range from 1 Gev to 10000 GeV (in log 5 orders // of magnitude) and for each order we take 10 subdivision --> 50 xbins // // we set the radius range from 0 m to 500 m with 10 m bin --> 50 ybins *fName = name ? name : "MCollArea"; *fTitle = title ? title : "Data to Calculate Coll-Area"; fHistAll = new TH2D("collAreaAll", "all showers - Radius vs log(E) distribution", 50, 0., 5., 50, 0., 500. ) ; fHistSel = new TH2D("collAreaSel", "selected showers - Radius vs log(E) distribution", 50, 0., 5., 50, 0., 500. ) ; fHistCol = new TH1D("collArea", "Collection Area", 50, 0., 5.) ; } MCollArea::~MCollArea() { delete fHistAll ; delete fHistSel ; delete fHistCol ; } void MCollArea::FillAll(Float_t log10E, Float_t radius) { fHistAll->Fill(log10E, radius ) ; } void MCollArea::FillSel(Float_t log10E, Float_t radius) { fHistSel->Fill(log10E, radius ) ; } void MCollArea::DrawAll() { fHistAll->Draw() ; } void MCollArea::DrawSel() { fHistSel->Draw() ; } void MCollArea::Draw(Option_t* option) { fHistCol->Draw(option) ; } void MCollArea::CalcEfficiency() { // Description! // // first of all calculate the efficency // do it here by hand to get the right error of efficency // const Int_t iBinx = ((TAxis *)fHistSel->GetXaxis())->GetNbins(); const Int_t iBiny = ((TAxis *)fHistSel->GetYaxis())->GetNbins(); for (Int_t ix=1; ix<=iBiny; ix++ ) { for (Int_t iy=1; iy<=iBiny; iy++ ) { const Float_t N = fHistSel->GetCellContent(ix, iy); const Float_t Nall = fHistAll->GetCellContent(ix, iy); if ( Nall <= 0 ) { // cout << ix << " " << iy << endl ; continue; } const Double_t eff = N / Nall ; const Double_t err = sqrt(Nall + Nall*N - N*N - N) / (Nall*Nall); /* cout << ix << " " << iy << " N " << N << " Nall " << Nall << " effi " << eff << " error " << err << endl ; */ fHistSel->SetCellContent(ix, iy, eff); fHistSel->SetCellError(ix, iy, err); } } // // now calculate the Collection area for different // energies // for (Int_t ix=1; ix<=iBiny; ix++ ) { Double_t errA = 0; Double_t colA = 0; for (Int_t iy=1; iy<=iBiny; iy++ ) { const Double_t r1 = ((TAxis *)fHistSel->GetYaxis())->GetBinLowEdge(iy); const Double_t r2 = ((TAxis *)fHistSel->GetYaxis())->GetBinLowEdge(iy+1); const Double_t A = kPI * (r2*r2 - r1*r1); const Double_t eff = fHistSel->GetCellContent(ix, iy); const Double_t err = fHistSel->GetCellError(ix, iy); colA += eff*A; errA += (A*A) * err * err; } fHistCol->SetBinContent(ix, colA); fHistCol->SetBinError(ix, sqrt(errA)); } }