1 | /* ======================================================================== *\
2 | ! $Name: not supported by cvs2svn $:$Id: MHSingleMuon.cc,v 1.17 2007-12-03 17:44:59 tbretz Exp $
3 | ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 | !
5 | ! *
6 | ! * This file is part of MARS, the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction
7 | ! * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful
8 | ! * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes.
9 | ! * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
10 | ! *
11 | ! * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
12 | ! * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
13 | ! * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
14 | ! * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
15 | ! * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express
16 | ! * or implied warranty.
17 | ! *
18 | !
19 | !
20 | ! Author(s): Keiichi Mase, 10/2004
21 | ! Author(s): Markus Meyer, 02/2005 <mailto:meyer@astro.uni-wuerzburg.de>
22 | ! Author(s): Thomas Bretz, 04/2005 <mailto:tbretz@astro.uni-wuerzburg.de>
23 | !
24 | ! Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2005
25 | !
26 | !
27 | \* ======================================================================== */
28 |
29 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
30 | //
31 | // MHSingleMuon
32 | //
33 | // This class is a histogram class for displaying the radial (fHistWidth)
34 | // and the azimuthal (fHistPhi) intensity distribution for one muon.
35 | // You can retrieve the histogram (TH1F) using the function GetHistPhi()
36 | // or GetHistWidth().
37 | // From these histograms the fraction of the ring segment (ArcPhi) and the
38 | // Width of the muon ring (ArcWidth) is calculated.
39 | //
40 | // First, the radius and center of the ring has to be calculted by
41 | // MMuonSearchParCalc
42 | // After that the histograms has to be filled in the following way:
43 | //
44 | // MFillH fillmuon("MHSingleMuon", "", "FillMuon");
45 | //
46 | // The allowed region to estimate ArcPhi is a certain margin around the
47 | // radius. The default value is 0.2 deg (60mm). If the estimated radius
48 | // of the arc is 1.0 deg, the pixel contents in the radius range from
49 | // 0.8 deg to 1.2 deg are fill in the histogram.
50 | //
51 | // For ArcPhi only bins over a certain threshold are supposed to be part
52 | // of the ring.
53 | // For ArcWidth, the same algorithm is used to determine the fit region
54 | // for a gaussian fit to the radial intensity distribution. The ArcWidth
55 | // is defined as the sigma value of the gaussian fit.
56 | //
57 | // The binning of the histograms can be changed in the following way:
58 | //
59 | // MBinning bins1("BinningMuonWidth");
60 | // MBinning bins2("BinningArcPhi");
61 | // bins1.SetEdges(28, 0.3, 1.7);
62 | // bins2.SetEdges(20, -180,180);
63 | // plist.AddToList(&bins1);
64 | // plist.AddToList(&bins2);
65 | //
66 | // The values for the thresholds and the margin are saved in MMuonSetup.
67 | // They can be easily changed in star.rc.
68 | //
69 | // Please have in mind, that changes in this basic parameters will change
70 | // your results!!
71 | //
72 | // InputContainer:
73 | // - MGeomCam
74 | // - MMuonSearchPar
75 | //
76 | //
77 | // Class Version 2:
78 | // ----------------
79 | // + Double_t fRelTimeMean; // Result of the gaus fit to the arrival time
80 | // + Double_t fRelTimeSigma; // Result of the gaus fit to the arrival time
81 | //
82 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
83 | #include "MHSingleMuon.h"
84 |
85 | #include <TF1.h>
86 | #include <TMinuit.h>
87 | #include <TPad.h>
88 | #include <TCanvas.h>
89 |
90 | #include "MLog.h"
91 | #include "MLogManip.h"
92 |
93 | #include "MBinning.h"
94 | #include "MParList.h"
95 |
96 | #include "MGeomCam.h"
97 | #include "MGeomPix.h"
98 |
99 | #include "MSignalCam.h"
100 | #include "MSignalPix.h"
101 |
102 | #include "MMuonSetup.h"
103 | #include "MMuonCalibPar.h"
104 | #include "MMuonSearchPar.h"
105 |
106 | ClassImp(MHSingleMuon);
107 |
108 | using namespace std;
109 |
110 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
111 | //
112 | // Setup histograms
113 | //
114 | MHSingleMuon::MHSingleMuon(const char *name, const char *title) :
115 | fSignalCam(0), fMuonSearchPar(0), fGeomCam(0), fMargin(0)
116 | {
117 | fName = name ? name : "MHSingleMuon";
118 | fTitle = title ? title : "Histograms of muon parameters";
119 |
120 | fHistPhi.SetName("HistPhi");
121 | fHistPhi.SetTitle("HistPhi");
122 | fHistPhi.SetXTitle("\\phi [\\circ]");
123 | fHistPhi.SetYTitle("sum of ADC");
124 | fHistPhi.SetDirectory(NULL);
125 | fHistPhi.SetFillStyle(4000);
126 | fHistPhi.UseCurrentStyle();
127 |
128 | fHistWidth.SetName("HistWidth");
129 | fHistWidth.SetTitle("HistWidth");
130 | fHistWidth.SetXTitle("distance from the ring center [\\circ]");
131 | fHistWidth.SetYTitle("sum of ADC");
132 | fHistWidth.SetDirectory(NULL);
133 | fHistWidth.SetFillStyle(4000);
134 | fHistWidth.UseCurrentStyle();
135 |
136 | fHistTime.SetName("HistTime");
137 | fHistTime.SetTitle("HistTime");
138 | fHistTime.SetXTitle("timing difference");
139 | fHistTime.SetYTitle("Counts");
140 | fHistTime.SetDirectory(NULL);
141 | fHistTime.SetFillStyle(4000);
142 | fHistTime.UseCurrentStyle();
143 |
144 | MBinning bins;
145 | bins.SetEdges(20, -180, 180);
146 | bins.Apply(fHistPhi);
147 |
148 | bins.SetEdges(28, 0.3, 1.7);
149 | bins.Apply(fHistWidth);
150 |
151 | bins.SetEdges(101, -33, 33); // +/- 33ns
152 | bins.Apply(fHistTime);
153 | }
154 |
155 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
156 | //
157 | // Setup the Binning for the histograms automatically if the correct
158 | // instances of MBinning
159 | //
160 | Bool_t MHSingleMuon::SetupFill(const MParList *plist)
161 | {
162 | fGeomCam = (MGeomCam*)plist->FindObject("MGeomCam");
163 | if (!fGeomCam)
164 | {
165 | *fLog << warn << "MGeomCam not found... abort." << endl;
166 | return kFALSE;
167 | }
168 | fMuonSearchPar = (MMuonSearchPar*)plist->FindObject("MMuonSearchPar");
169 | if (!fMuonSearchPar)
170 | {
171 | *fLog << warn << "MMuonSearchPar not found... abort." << endl;
172 | return kFALSE;
173 | }
174 | fSignalCam = (MSignalCam*)plist->FindObject("MSignalCam");
175 | if (!fSignalCam)
176 | {
177 | *fLog << warn << "MSignalCam not found... abort." << endl;
178 | return kFALSE;
179 | }
180 |
181 | MMuonSetup *setup = (MMuonSetup*)const_cast<MParList*>(plist)->FindCreateObj("MMuonSetup");
182 | if (!setup)
183 | return kFALSE;
184 |
185 | fMargin = setup->GetMargin()/fGeomCam->GetConvMm2Deg();
186 |
187 | ApplyBinning(*plist, "ArcPhi", &fHistPhi);
188 | ApplyBinning(*plist, "MuonWidth", &fHistWidth);
189 | ApplyBinning(*plist, "MuonTime", &fHistTime);
190 |
191 | return kTRUE;
192 | }
193 |
194 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
195 | //
196 | // Fill the histograms with data from a MMuonCalibPar and
197 | // MMuonSearchPar container.
198 | //
199 | Bool_t MHSingleMuon::Fill(const MParContainer *par, const Stat_t w)
200 | {
201 | fRelTimeMean = 0;
202 | fRelTimeSigma = -1;
203 |
204 | fHistPhi.Reset();
205 | fHistWidth.Reset();
206 | fHistTime.Reset();
207 |
208 | const Int_t entries = fSignalCam->GetNumPixels();
209 |
210 | // the position of the center of a muon ring
211 | const Float_t cenx = fMuonSearchPar->GetCenterX();
212 | const Float_t ceny = fMuonSearchPar->GetCenterY();
213 |
214 | for (Int_t i=0; i<entries; i++)
215 | {
216 | const MSignalPix &pix = (*fSignalCam)[i];
217 | const MGeomPix &gpix = (*fGeomCam)[i];
218 |
219 | const Float_t dx = gpix.GetX() - cenx;
220 | const Float_t dy = gpix.GetY() - ceny;
221 |
222 | const Float_t dist = TMath::Hypot(dx, dy);
223 |
224 | // if the signal is not near the estimated circle, it is ignored.
225 | if (TMath::Abs(dist-fMuonSearchPar->GetRadius())<fMargin)
226 | {
227 | // The arrival time is aligned around 0 for smaller
228 | // and more stable histogram range
229 | fHistTime.Fill(pix.GetArrivalTime()-fMuonSearchPar->GetTime());
230 | }
231 |
232 | // use only the inner pixles. FIXME: This is geometry dependent
233 | if(gpix.GetAidx()>0)
234 | continue;
235 |
236 | fHistWidth.Fill(dist*fGeomCam->GetConvMm2Deg(), pix.GetNumPhotons());
237 | }
238 | // Setup the function and perform the fit
239 | TF1 g1("g1", "gaus");//, -fHistTime.GetXmin(), fHistTime.GetXmax());
240 |
241 | // Choose starting values as accurate as possible
242 | g1.SetParameter(0, fHistTime.GetMaximum());
243 | g1.SetParameter(1, 0);
244 | g1.SetParameter(2, 0.7); // FIXME! GetRMS instead???
245 |
246 | // According to fMuonSearchPar->GetTimeRMS() identified muons
247 | // do not have an arrival time rms>3
248 | g1.SetParLimits(1, -1.7, 1.7);
249 | g1.SetParLimits(2, 0, 3.4);
250 |
251 | // options : N do not store the function, do not draw
252 | // I use integral of function in bin rather than value at bin center
253 | // R use the range specified in the function range
254 | // Q quiet mode
255 | fHistTime.Fit(&g1, "QNB");
256 |
257 | Double_t dummy;
258 | gMinuit->GetParameter(1, fRelTimeMean, dummy); // get the mean value
259 | gMinuit->GetParameter(2, fRelTimeSigma, dummy); // get the sigma value
260 |
261 | // The mean arrival time which was subtracted before will
262 | // be added again, now
263 | const Double_t tm0 = fMuonSearchPar->GetTime()+fRelTimeMean;
264 |
265 | for (Int_t i=0; i<entries; i++)
266 | {
267 | const MSignalPix &pix = (*fSignalCam)[i];
268 | const MGeomPix &gpix = (*fGeomCam)[i];
269 |
270 | const Float_t dx = gpix.GetX() - cenx;
271 | const Float_t dy = gpix.GetY() - ceny;
272 |
273 | const Float_t dist = TMath::Hypot(dx, dy);
274 |
275 | // if the signal is not near the estimated circle, it is ignored.
276 | if (TMath::Abs(dist-fMuonSearchPar->GetRadius())<fMargin &&
277 | TMath::Abs(pix.GetArrivalTime()-tm0) < 2*fRelTimeSigma)
278 | {
279 | fHistPhi.Fill(TMath::ATan2(dx, dy)*TMath::RadToDeg(), pix.GetNumPhotons());
280 | }
281 | }
282 |
283 | return kTRUE;
284 |
285 | /*
286 | // Because the errors (sqrt(content)) are only scaled by a fixed
287 | // factor, and the absolute value of the error is nowhere
288 | // needed we skip this step
289 |
290 | // error estimation (temporarily)
291 | // The error is estimated from the signal. In order to do so, we have to
292 | // once convert the signal from ADC to photo-electron. Then we can get
293 | // the fluctuation such as F-factor*sqrt(phe).
294 | // Up to now, the error of pedestal is not taken into accout. This is not
295 | // of course correct. We will include this soon.
296 | const Double_t Ffactor = 1.4;
297 | for (Int_t i=0; i<fHistPhi.GetNbinsX()+1; i++)
298 | fHistPhi.SetBinError(i, fHistPhi.GetBinError(i)*Ffactor);
299 |
300 | for (Int_t i=0; i<fHistWidth.GetNbinsX()+1; i++)
301 | fHistWidth.SetBinError(i, fHistWidth.GetBinError(i)*Ffactor);
302 |
303 | return kTRUE;
304 | */
305 | }
306 |
307 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
308 | //
309 | // Find the first bins starting at the bin with maximum content in both
310 | // directions which are below threshold.
311 | // If in a range of half the histogram size in both directions no bin
312 | // below the threshold is found, kFALSE is returned.
313 | //
314 | Bool_t MHSingleMuon::FindRangeAboveThreshold(const TProfile &h, Float_t thres, Int_t &first, Int_t &last) const
315 | {
316 | const Int_t n = h.GetNbinsX();
317 | const Int_t maxbin = h.GetMaximumBin();
318 | const Int_t edge = maxbin+n/2;
319 |
320 | // Search from the peak to the right
321 | last = -1;
322 | for (Int_t i=maxbin; i<edge; i++)
323 | {
324 | const Float_t val = h.GetBinContent(i%n + 1);
325 | if (val<thres)
326 | {
327 | last = i%n+1;
328 | break;
329 | }
330 | }
331 |
332 | // Search from the peak to the left
333 | first = -1;
334 | for (Int_t i=maxbin+n-1; i>=edge; i--)
335 | {
336 | const Float_t val = h.GetBinContent(i%n + 1);
337 | if (val<thres)
338 | {
339 | first = i%n+1;
340 | break;
341 | }
342 | }
343 |
344 | return first>=0 && last>=0;
345 | }
346 |
347 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
348 | //
349 | // Photon distribution along the estimated circle is fitted with theoritical
350 | // function in order to get some more information such as Arc Phi and Arc
351 | // Length.
352 | //
353 | Bool_t MHSingleMuon::CalcPhi(Double_t thres, Double_t &peakphi, Double_t &arcphi) const
354 | {
355 | if (fHistPhi.GetMaximum()<thres)
356 | return kFALSE;
357 |
358 | peakphi = 180.-fHistPhi.GetBinCenter(fHistPhi.GetMaximumBin());
359 |
360 | // Now find the position at which the peak edges crosses the threshold
361 | Int_t first, last;
362 |
363 | FindRangeAboveThreshold(fHistPhi, thres, first, last);
364 |
365 | const Int_t n = fHistPhi.GetNbinsX();
366 | const Int_t edge = fHistPhi.GetMaximumBin()+n/2;
367 | if (first<0)
368 | first = (edge-1)%n+1;
369 | if (last<0)
370 | last = edge%n+1;;
371 |
372 | const Float_t startfitval = fHistPhi.GetBinLowEdge(first+1);
373 | const Float_t endfitval = fHistPhi.GetBinLowEdge(last);
374 |
375 | arcphi = last-1<first ? 360+(endfitval-startfitval) : endfitval-startfitval;
376 |
377 | //if (fEnableImpactCalc)
378 | // CalcImpact(effbinnum, startfitval, endfitval);
379 |
380 | return kTRUE;
381 | }
382 |
383 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
384 | //
385 | // Photon distribution of distance from the center of estimated ring is
386 | // fitted in order to get some more information such as ARC WIDTH which
387 | // can represent to the PSF of our reflector.
388 | //
389 | // thres: Threshold above zero to determin the edges of the peak which
390 | // is used as fit range
391 | // width: ArcWidth returned in deg
392 | // chi: Chi^2/NDF of the fit
393 | //
394 | Bool_t MHSingleMuon::CalcWidth(Double_t thres, Double_t &width, Double_t &chi)
395 | {
396 | Int_t first, last;
397 |
398 | if (!FindRangeAboveThreshold(fHistWidth, thres, first, last))
399 | return kFALSE;
400 |
401 | // This happens in some cases
402 | const Int_t n = fHistWidth.GetNbinsX()/2;
403 | const Int_t m = fHistWidth.GetMaximumBin();
404 | if (first>last)
405 | if (m>n) // If maximum is on the right side of histogram
406 | last = n;
407 | else
408 | first = 0; // If maximum is on the left side of histogram
409 |
410 | if (last-first<=3)
411 | return kFALSE;
412 |
413 | // Now get the fit range
414 | const Float_t startfitval = fHistWidth.GetBinLowEdge(first+1);
415 | const Float_t endfitval = fHistWidth.GetBinLowEdge(last);
416 |
417 | // Setup the function and perform the fit
418 | TF1 f1("f1", "gaus + [3]", startfitval, endfitval);
419 | f1.SetLineColor(kBlue);
420 |
421 | // Choose starting values as accurate as possible
422 | f1.SetParameter(0, fHistWidth.GetMaximum());
423 | f1.SetParameter(1, fHistWidth.GetBinCenter(m));
424 | // f1.SetParameter(2, (endfitval-startfitval)/2);
425 | f1.SetParameter(2, 0.1);
426 | f1.SetParameter(3, 1.8);
427 |
428 | // options : N do not store the function, do not draw
429 | // I use integral of function in bin rather than value at bin center
430 | // R use the range specified in the function range
431 | // Q quiet mode
432 | // fHistWidth.Fit(&f1, "QRO");
433 | fHistWidth.Fit(&f1, "QRN");
434 |
435 | chi = f1.GetChisquare()/f1.GetNDF();
436 |
437 | Double_t ferr;
438 | gMinuit->GetParameter(2, width, ferr); // get the sigma value
439 |
440 | return kTRUE;
441 | }
442 |
443 | /*
444 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
445 | //
446 | // An impact parameter is calculated by fitting the histogram of photon
447 | // distribution along the circle with a theoritical model.
448 | // (See G. Vacanti et. al., Astroparticle Physics 2, 1994, 1-11.
449 | // The function (6) is used here.)
450 | //
451 | // By default this calculation is suppressed because this calculation is
452 | // very time consuming. If you want to calculate an impact parameter,
453 | // you can call the function of EnableImpactCalc().
454 | //
455 | void MMuonCalibParCalc::CalcImpact(Int_t effbinnum, Float_t startfitval, Float_t endfitval)
456 | {
457 | // Fit the distribution with Vacanti function. The function is different
458 | // for the impact parameter of inside or outside of our reflector.
459 | // Then two different functions are applied to the photon distribution,
460 | // and the one which give us smaller chisquare value is taken as a
461 | // proper one.
462 |
463 | Double_t val1,err1,val2,err2;
464 | // impact parameter inside mirror radius (8.5m)
465 | TString func1;
466 | Float_t tmpval = (*fMuonSearchPar).GetRadius()*(*fGeomCam).GetConvMm2Deg()*TMath::DegToRad();
467 | tmpval = sin(2.*tmpval)*8.5;
468 | func1 += "[0]*";
469 | func1 += tmpval;
470 | func1 += "*(sqrt(1.-([1]/8.5)**2*sin((x-[2])*3.1415926/180.)**2)+([1]/8.5)*cos((x-[2])*3.1415926/180.))";
471 |
472 | TF1 f1("f1",func1,startfitval,endfitval);
473 | f1.SetParameters(2000,3,0);
474 | f1.SetParLimits(1,0,8.5);
475 | f1.SetParLimits(2,-180.,180.);
476 |
477 | fMuonCalibPar->fHistPhi->Fit("f1","RQEM");
478 |
479 | Float_t chi1 = -1;
480 | Float_t chi2 = -1;
481 | if(effbinnum>3)
482 | chi1 = f1.GetChisquare()/((Float_t)(effbinnum-3));
483 |
484 | gMinuit->GetParameter(1,val1,err1); // get the estimated IP
485 | Float_t estip1 = val1;
486 |
487 | // impact parameter beyond mirror area (8.5m)
488 | TString func2;
489 | Float_t tmpval2 = (*fMuonSearchPar).GetRadius()*(*fGeomCam).GetConvMm2Deg()*TMath::DegToRad();
490 | tmpval2 = sin(2.*tmpval2)*8.5*2.;
491 | func2 += "[0]*";
492 | func2 += tmpval2;
493 | func2 += "*sqrt(1.-(([1]/8.5)*sin((x-[2])*3.1415926/180.))**2)";
494 |
495 | TF1 f2("f2",func2,startfitval,endfitval);
496 | f2.SetParameters(2000,20,0);
497 | f2.SetParLimits(1,8.5,300.);
498 | f2.SetParLimits(2,-180.,180.);
499 |
500 | fMuonCalibPar->fHistPhi->Fit("f2","RQEM+");
501 |
502 | if(effbinnum>3)
503 | chi2 = f2.GetChisquare()/((Float_t)(effbinnum-3));
504 |
505 | gMinuit->GetParameter(1,val2,err2); // get the estimated IP
506 | Float_t estip2 = val2;
507 |
508 | if(effbinnum<=3)
509 | {
510 | fMuonCalibPar->SetEstImpact(-1.);
511 | }
512 | if(chi2 > chi1)
513 | {
514 | fMuonCalibPar->SetEstImpact(estip1);
515 | fMuonCalibPar->SetChiArcPhi(chi1);
516 | }
517 | else
518 | {
519 | fMuonCalibPar->SetEstImpact(estip2);
520 | fMuonCalibPar->SetChiArcPhi(chi2);
521 | }
522 | }
523 | */
524 |
525 | Float_t MHSingleMuon::CalcSize() const
526 | {
527 | const Int_t n = fHistPhi.GetNbinsX();
528 |
529 | Double_t sz=0;
530 | for (Int_t i=1; i<=n; i++)
531 | sz += fHistPhi.GetBinContent(i)*fHistPhi.GetBinEntries(i);
532 |
533 | return sz;
534 | }
535 |
536 | void MHSingleMuon::Paint(Option_t *o)
537 | {
538 | TF1 *f = fHistWidth.GetFunction("f1");
539 | if (f)
540 | f->ResetBit(1<<9);
541 | }
542 |
543 | void MHSingleMuon::Draw(Option_t *o)
544 | {
545 | TVirtualPad *pad = gPad ? gPad : MakeDefCanvas(this);
546 | pad->SetBorderMode(0);
547 |
548 | AppendPad("");
549 |
550 | pad->Divide(1,2);
551 |
552 | pad->cd(1);
553 | gPad->SetBorderMode(0);
554 | fHistPhi.Draw();
555 |
556 | pad->cd(2);
557 | gPad->SetBorderMode(0);
558 | fHistWidth.Draw();
559 | }