1 | #ifndef MARS_MMuonCalibPar
2 | #define MARS_MMuonCalibPar
3 |
4 | #ifndef MARS_MParContainer
5 | #include "MParContainer.h"
6 | #endif
7 |
8 | #ifndef ROOT_TH1
9 | #include <TH1.h>
10 | #endif
11 |
12 | class MSignalCam;
13 | class MMuonSearchPar;
14 |
15 | class MMuonCalibPar : public MParContainer
16 | {
17 | private:
18 | Float_t fArcLength; // An arc length of a muon along the arc [deg.]
19 | Float_t fArcPhi; // A opening angle of a muon arc [deg.]
20 | Float_t fArcWidth; // A width of a muon [deg.] (1 sigma of gaussian fit)
21 | Float_t fChiArcPhi; // A chisquare value of the cosine fit for arc phi
22 | Float_t fChiArcWidth; // A chisquare value of the cosine fit for arc wid
23 | Float_t fMuonSize; // A SIZE of muon which is defined as a SIZE around the estimated circle
24 | Float_t fEstImpact; // An estimated impact parameter from the photon distribution along the arc image
25 | Bool_t fUseUnmap; // This is a flag to know the Unmapped pixels are used. Refer to the class of MImgCleanStd
26 | Float_t fPeakPhi; // The angle which indicates the peak position in the estimated circle
27 |
28 | public:
29 | MMuonCalibPar(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL);
30 | ~MMuonCalibPar();
31 |
32 | TH1F *fHistPhi; // Histogram of photon distribution along the arc.
33 | TH1F *fHistWidth; // Histogram of radial photon distribution of the arc.
34 |
35 | void Reset();
36 |
37 | Float_t GetArcLength() const { return fArcLength; }
38 | Float_t GetArcPhi() const { return fArcPhi; }
39 | Float_t GetArcWidth() const { return fArcWidth; }
40 | Float_t GetChiArcPhi() const { return fChiArcPhi; }
41 | Float_t GetChiArcWidth() const { return fChiArcWidth; }
42 | Float_t GetMuonSize() const { return fMuonSize; }
43 | Float_t GetEstImpact() const { return fEstImpact; }
44 | Bool_t IsUseUnmap() const { return fUseUnmap; }
45 | Float_t GetPeakPhi() const { return fPeakPhi; }
46 | TH1F *GetHistPhi() { return fHistPhi; }
47 | TH1F *GetHistWidth() { return fHistWidth; }
48 |
49 | void SetArcLength(Float_t len) { fArcLength = len; }
50 | void SetArcPhi(Float_t phi) { fArcPhi = phi; }
51 | void SetArcWidth(Float_t wid) { fArcWidth = wid; }
52 | void SetChiArcPhi(Float_t chi) { fChiArcPhi = chi; }
53 | void SetChiArcWidth(Float_t chi) { fChiArcWidth = chi; }
54 | void SetMuonSize(Float_t size) { fMuonSize = size; }
55 | void SetEstImpact(Float_t impact) { fEstImpact = impact; }
56 | void SetUseUnmap() { fUseUnmap = kTRUE; }
57 | void SetPeakPhi(Float_t phi) { fPeakPhi = phi; }
58 |
59 | void Print(Option_t *opt=NULL) const;
60 |
61 | ClassDef(MMuonCalibPar, 1) // Container to hold muon calibration parameters
62 | };
63 |
64 | #endif