1 | #ifndef MARS_MPedCalcFromLoGain
2 | #define MARS_MPedCalcFromLoGain
3 |
4 | #ifndef MARS_MExtractor
5 | #include "MExtractor.h"
6 | #endif
7 |
8 | #ifndef ROOT_TArrayD
9 | #include <TArrayD.h>
10 | #endif
11 |
12 | #ifndef ROOT_TArrayI
13 | #include <TArrayI.h>
14 | #endif
15 |
16 | class MGeomCam;
17 | class MBadPixelsCam;
18 |
19 | class MPedCalcFromLoGain : public MExtractor
20 | {
21 | static const Byte_t fgHiGainFirst; // First FADC slice Hi-Gain (currently set to: 3)
22 | static const Byte_t fgHiGainLast; // Last FADC slice Hi-Gain (currently set to: 14)
23 | static const Byte_t fgLoGainFirst; // First FADC slice Lo-Gain (currently set to: 3)
24 | static const Byte_t fgLoGainLast; // Last FADC slice Lo-Gain (currently set to: 14)
25 | static const Byte_t fgHiGainWindowSize; // The extraction window Hi-Gain
26 | static const Byte_t fgLoGainWindowSize; // The extraction window Lo-Gain
27 | static const Byte_t fgMaxHiGainVar; // The maximum difference between the highest and lowest slice
28 |
29 | Int_t fNumEventsDump; // Number of event after which MPedestalCam gets updated
30 |
31 | Byte_t fMaxHiGainVar;
32 | Byte_t fWindowSizeHiGain; // Number of Hi Gain slices in window
33 | Byte_t fWindowSizeLoGain; // Number of Lo Gain slices in window
34 |
35 | Bool_t fPedestalUpdate;
36 |
37 | MGeomCam *fGeom; // Camera geometry
38 | TString fPedContainerName; // name of the 'MPedestalCam' container
39 |
40 | TArrayI fNumEventsUsed; // Number of events used for pedestal calc for each pixel
41 | TArrayI fTotalCounter; // Counter for dumping values to Pedestal Container
42 | TArrayD fSumx; // sum of values
43 | TArrayD fSumx2; // sum of squared values
44 | TArrayD fSumAB0; // sum of ABFlag=0 slices
45 | TArrayD fSumAB1; // sum of ABFlag=1 slices
46 |
47 | // MParContainer
48 | Int_t PreProcess (MParList *pList);
49 | Bool_t ReInit (MParList *pList);
50 | Int_t Process ();
51 | Int_t PostProcess();
52 | Int_t ReadEnv(const TEnv &env, TString prefix, Bool_t print);
53 |
54 | // Calculation
55 | void Calc(ULong_t n, UInt_t idx);
56 |
57 | public:
58 | MPedCalcFromLoGain(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL);
59 |
60 | // TObject
61 | void Clear(const Option_t *o="");
62 |
63 | // Setter
64 | void SetRange(Byte_t hifirst=fgHiGainFirst, Byte_t hilast=fgHiGainLast, Byte_t lofirst=fgLoGainFirst, Byte_t lolast=fgLoGainLast);
65 | void SetWindowSize(Byte_t windowh=fgHiGainWindowSize, Byte_t windowl=fgLoGainWindowSize);
66 | void SetMaxHiGainVar(Byte_t maxvar=fgMaxHiGainVar);
67 | void SetDumpEvents(UInt_t dumpevents = 0) {fNumEventsDump = dumpevents;}
68 | void SetPedestalUpdate(Bool_t pedupdate) {fPedestalUpdate = pedupdate;}
69 |
70 | void SetPedContainerName(const char *name) { fPedContainerName = name; }
71 |
72 | // Getter
73 | TArrayI *GetNumEventsUsed() { return &fNumEventsUsed; }
74 |
75 | ClassDef(MPedCalcFromLoGain, 0) // Task to calculate pedestals from pedestal runs raw data
76 | };
77 |
78 | #endif