1 | #ifndef MARS_MPedestalSubtractedEvt
2 | #define MARS_MPedestalSubtractedEvt
3 |
4 | #ifndef MARS_MParContainer
5 | #include "MParContainer.h"
6 | #endif
7 | #ifndef MARS_MCamEvent
8 | #include "MCamEvent.h"
9 | #endif
10 | #ifndef MARS_MArrayF
11 | #include "MArrayF.h"
12 | #endif
13 | #ifndef MARS_MArrayS
14 | #include "MArrayS.h"
15 | #endif
16 |
17 | typedef UShort_t USample_t;
18 |
19 | class MPedestalSubtractedEvt : public MParContainer, public MCamEvent
20 | {
21 | private:
22 | MArrayF fSamples; // list of all samples with pedestal subtracted
23 | MArrayS fSamplesRaw; // list of all samples (raw)
24 |
25 | UInt_t fNumSamples; // number of samples per pixel
26 | UInt_t fNumPixels; // number of pixels
27 |
28 | public:
29 | MPedestalSubtractedEvt(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL)
30 | : fNumSamples(0), fNumPixels(0)
31 | {
32 | }
33 |
34 | void InitSize(const UInt_t i) { fNumPixels=i; }
35 | void InitSamples(UInt_t samples, UInt_t pixels=0);
36 |
37 | Float_t *GetSamples(UInt_t pixel) const;
38 | USample_t *GetSamplesRaw(UInt_t pixel) const;
39 |
40 | UInt_t GetNumSamples() const { return fNumSamples; }
41 | UShort_t GetNumPixels() const { return fNumPixels; }
42 |
43 | Int_t GetSaturation(const Int_t idx, Int_t limit, Int_t &first, Int_t &last) const;
44 | //void InterpolateSaturation(const Int_t idx, Int_t limit, Int_t first, Int_t last) const;
45 |
46 | Int_t GetMax(const Int_t pixidx, const Int_t first, const Int_t last, Float_t &val) const;
47 | Int_t GetMax(const Int_t pixidx, Float_t &val) const
48 | {
49 | return GetMax(pixidx, 0, fNumSamples-1, val);
50 | }
51 | Int_t GetMaxPos(const Int_t pixidx, const Int_t first, const Int_t last) const
52 | {
53 | Float_t val;
54 | return GetMax(pixidx, first, last, val);
55 | }
56 | Int_t GetMaxPos(const Int_t pixidx, Float_t &val) const
57 | {
58 | return GetMax(pixidx, 0, fNumSamples-1, val);
59 | }
60 |
61 | Int_t GetMaxPos(const Int_t pixidx) const
62 | {
63 | Float_t val;
64 | return GetMax(pixidx, 0, fNumSamples-1, val);
65 | }
66 |
67 | Int_t GetRawMax(const Int_t idx, const Int_t first, const Int_t last, UInt_t &val) const;
68 | Int_t GetRawMax(const Int_t pixidx, UInt_t &val) const
69 | {
70 | return GetRawMax(pixidx, 0, fNumSamples-1, val);
71 | }
72 | Int_t GetRawMaxPos(const Int_t pixidx, const Int_t first, const Int_t last) const
73 | {
74 | UInt_t val;
75 | return GetRawMax(pixidx, first, last, val);
76 | }
77 | Int_t GetRawMaxPos(const Int_t pixidx, UInt_t &val) const
78 | {
79 | return GetRawMax(pixidx, 0, fNumSamples-1, val);
80 | }
81 |
82 | Int_t GetRawMaxPos(const Int_t pixidx) const
83 | {
84 | UInt_t val;
85 | return GetRawMax(pixidx, 0, fNumSamples-1, val);
86 | }
87 |
88 | UInt_t GetRawMaxVal(const Int_t idx, const Int_t first, const Int_t last) const
89 | {
90 | UInt_t val;
91 | GetRawMax(idx, first, last, val);
92 | return val;
93 | }
94 |
95 |
96 | Int_t GetSaturation(const Int_t pixidx, Int_t limit) const
97 | {
98 | Int_t first=0;
99 | Int_t last=fNumSamples-1;
100 | return GetSaturation(pixidx, limit, first, last);
101 | }
102 |
103 | Int_t GetIntegralRaw(Int_t idx, Int_t first, Int_t last) const
104 | {
105 | USample_t *ptr = GetSamplesRaw(idx);
106 |
107 | const USample_t *end = ptr + last - first + 1;
108 |
109 | Int_t sum = 0;
110 | while (ptr<end)
111 | sum += *ptr++;
112 |
113 | return sum;
114 | }
115 |
116 | Bool_t GetPixelContent(Double_t &val, Int_t idx, const MGeomCam &cam, Int_t type=0) const { return kTRUE; }
117 | void DrawPixelContent(Int_t num) const { }
118 |
119 | ClassDef(MPedestalSubtractedEvt, 6) //Container to store the raw Event Data
120 | };
121 |
122 | #endif