1 | #ifndef MARS_MPointing
2 | #define MARS_MPointing
3 |
4 | #ifndef ROOT_TArrayD
5 | #include <TArrayD.h>
6 | #endif
7 |
8 | #ifndef ROOT_TVector2
9 | #include <TVector2.h>
10 | #endif
11 |
12 | #ifndef ROOT_TVector3
13 | #include <TVector3.h>
14 | #endif
15 |
16 | #ifndef MARS_MParContainer
17 | #include "MParContainer.h"
18 | #endif
19 |
20 | // ---------------------------------------------------
21 | // FIXME: Replace coord.h completely with this!
22 | //#ifndef __MARS__
23 | //#include "coord.h"
24 | //#else
25 | class AltAz : public TVector2
26 | {
27 | public:
28 | AltAz(Double_t alt, Double_t az) : TVector2(alt, az)
29 | {
30 | }
31 | AltAz(const AltAz &aa) : TVector2(aa) { }
32 | Double_t Alt() const { return fX; }
33 | Double_t Az() const { return fY; }
34 | ClassDef(AltAz, 1)
35 | };
36 |
37 | class ZdAz : public TVector2
38 | {
39 | public:
40 | ZdAz(Double_t zd, Double_t az) : TVector2(zd, az)
41 | {
42 | }
43 | ZdAz(const ZdAz &aa) : TVector2(aa) { }
44 | Double_t Zd() const { return fX; }
45 | Double_t Az() const { return fY; }
46 | ClassDef(ZdAz, 1)
47 | };
48 | //#endif
49 | // ---------------------------------------------------
50 |
51 | class TMinuit;
52 |
53 | class MPointing : public MParContainer
54 | {
55 | private:
56 | enum {
57 | kIA, // [rad] Index Error in Elevation
58 | kIE, // [rad] Index Error in Azimuth
59 | kFLOP, // [rad] Vertical Sag
60 | kAN, // [rad] Az-El Nonperpendicularity
61 | kAW, // [rad] Left-Right Collimation Error
62 | kNPAE, // [rad] Azimuth Axis Misalignment (N-S)
63 | kCA, // [rad] Azimuth Axis Misalignment (E-W)
64 | kTF, // [rad] Tube fluxture (sin)
65 | kTX, // [rad] Tube fluxture (tan)
66 | kECES, // [rad] Nasmyth rotator displacement, horizontal
67 | kACES, // [rad] Nasmyth rotator displacement, vertical
68 | kECEC, // [rad] Alt/Az Coude Displacement (N-S)
69 | kACEC, // [rad] Alt/Az Coude Displacement (E-W)
70 | kNRX, // [rad] Elevation Centering Error (sin)
71 | kNRY, // [rad] Azimuth Centering Error (sin)
72 | kCRX, // [rad] Elevation Centering Error (cos)
73 | kCRY, // [rad] Azimuth Centering Error (cos)
74 | kMAGIC1, // [rad] Magic Term (what is it?)
75 | kMAGIC2, // [rad] Magic Term (what is it?)
76 | kPX, // [rad] Starguider calibration fixed offset x
77 | kPY, // [rad] Starguider calibration fixed offset y
78 | kDX, // [rad] Starguider calibration additional offset dx
79 | kDY, // [rad] Starguider calibration additional offset dy
80 | kNumPar // Number of elements
81 | };
82 |
83 |
84 | Double_t fIe ; // [rad] Index Error in Elevation
85 | Double_t fIa ; // [rad] Index Error in Azimuth
86 | Double_t fFlop ; // [rad] Vertical Sag
87 | Double_t fNpae ; // [rad] Az-El Nonperpendicularity
88 | Double_t fCa ; // [rad] Left-Right Collimation Error
89 | Double_t fAn ; // [rad] Azimuth Axis Misalignment (N-S)
90 | Double_t fAw ; // [rad] Azimuth Axis Misalignment (E-W)
91 | Double_t fTf ; // [rad] Tube fluxture (sin)
92 | Double_t fTx ; // [rad] Tube fluxture (tan)
93 | Double_t fNrx ; // [rad] Nasmyth rotator displacement, horizontal
94 | Double_t fNry ; // [rad] Nasmyth rotator displacement, vertical
95 | Double_t fCrx ; // [rad] Alt/Az Coude Displacement (N-S)
96 | Double_t fCry ; // [rad] Alt/Az Coude Displacement (E-W)
97 | Double_t fEces ; // [rad] Elevation Centering Error (sin)
98 | Double_t fAces ; // [rad] Azimuth Centering Error (sin)
99 | Double_t fEcec ; // [rad] Elevation Centering Error (cos)
100 | Double_t fAcec ; // [rad] Azimuth Centering Error (cos)
101 | Double_t fMagic1; // [rad] Magic Term (what is it?)
102 | Double_t fMagic2; // [rad] Magic Term (what is it?)
103 |
104 | Double_t fPx; // [rad] Starguider calibration fixed offset x
105 | Double_t fPy; // [rad] Starguider calibration fixed offset y
106 | Double_t fDx; // [rad] Starguider calibration additional offset dx
107 | Double_t fDy; // [rad] Starguider calibration additional offset dy
108 |
109 | Double_t **fCoeff; //!
110 | TString *fNames; //!
111 | TString *fDescr; //!
112 |
113 | TArrayD fError;
114 |
115 | void Init(const char *name=0, const char *title=0);
116 |
117 | void Clear(Option_t *o="")
118 | {
119 | for (int i=0; i<kNumPar; i++)
120 | {
121 | *fCoeff[i] = 0;
122 | fError[i] = -1;
123 | }
124 | }
125 |
126 | static Double_t Sign(Double_t val, Double_t alt);
127 | AltAz CalcAnAw(const AltAz &p, Int_t sign) const;
128 |
129 | public:
130 | MPointing() : fError(kNumPar) { Init(); Clear(); }
131 | MPointing(const char *name) : fError(kNumPar) { Init(); Clear(); Load(name); }
132 | virtual ~MPointing() { delete [] fNames; delete [] fCoeff; delete [] fDescr; }
133 |
134 | Bool_t Load(const char *name);
135 | Bool_t Save(const char *name);
136 |
137 | void Reset();
138 |
139 | ZdAz Correct(const ZdAz &zdaz) const;
140 | AltAz Correct(const AltAz &aaz) const;
141 | TVector3 Correct(const TVector3 &v) const;
142 |
143 | ZdAz CorrectBack(const ZdAz &zdaz) const;
144 | AltAz CorrectBack(const AltAz &aaz) const;
145 | TVector3 CorrectBack(const TVector3 &v) const;
146 |
147 | ZdAz operator()(const ZdAz &zdaz) const { return Correct(zdaz); }
148 | AltAz operator()(const AltAz &aaz) const { return Correct(aaz); }
149 | TVector3 operator()(const TVector3 &v) const { return Correct(v); }
150 |
151 | ZdAz operator()(const ZdAz &zdaz, void (*fcn)(ZdAz &zdaz, Double_t *par)) const
152 | {
153 | Double_t par[kNumPar];
154 | GetParameters(par);
155 | ZdAz za = zdaz;
156 | fcn(za, par);
157 | return za;
158 | }
159 |
160 | AltAz operator()(const AltAz &aaz, void (*fcn)(AltAz &aaz, Double_t *par)) const
161 | {
162 | Double_t par[kNumPar];
163 | GetParameters(par);
164 | AltAz aa = aaz;
165 | fcn(aa, par);
166 | return aa;
167 | }
168 |
169 | TVector3 operator()(const TVector3 &aaz, void (*fcn)(TVector3 &aaz, Double_t *par)) const
170 | {
171 | Double_t par[kNumPar];
172 | GetParameters(par);
173 | TVector3 v = aaz;
174 | fcn(v, par);
175 | return v;
176 | }
177 |
178 | AltAz AddOffsets(const AltAz &aa) const;
179 | ZdAz AddOffsets(const ZdAz &zdaz) const
180 | {
181 | AltAz p(TMath::Pi()/2-zdaz.Zd(), zdaz.Az());
182 | AltAz c = AddOffsets(p);
183 | return ZdAz(TMath::Pi()/2-c.Alt(), c.Az());
184 | }
185 | TVector3 AddOffsets(const TVector3 &v) const
186 | {
187 | AltAz p(TMath::Pi()/2-v.Theta(), v.Phi());
188 | AltAz c = AddOffsets(p);
189 | TVector3 rc;
190 | rc.SetMagThetaPhi(1, TMath::Pi()/2-c.Alt(), c.Az());
191 | return rc;
192 | }
193 |
194 | AltAz SubtractOffsets(const AltAz &aa) const;
195 | ZdAz SubtractOffsets(const ZdAz &zdaz) const
196 | {
197 | AltAz p(TMath::Pi()/2-zdaz.Zd(), zdaz.Az());
198 | AltAz c = SubtractOffsets(p);
199 | return ZdAz(TMath::Pi()/2-c.Alt(), c.Az());
200 | }
201 | TVector3 SubtractOffsets(const TVector3 &v) const
202 | {
203 | AltAz p(TMath::Pi()/2-v.Theta(), v.Phi());
204 | AltAz c = SubtractOffsets(p);
205 | TVector3 rc;
206 | rc.SetMagThetaPhi(1, TMath::Pi()/2-c.Alt(), c.Az());
207 | return rc;
208 | }
209 |
210 | void SetParameters(const Double_t *par, Int_t n=kNumPar);
211 | void GetParameters(Double_t *par, Int_t n=kNumPar) const;
212 |
213 | void SetParameters(const TArrayD &par)
214 | {
215 | SetParameters(par.GetArray(), par.GetSize());
216 | }
217 | void GetParameters(TArrayD &par) const
218 | {
219 | par.Set(kNumPar);
220 | GetParameters(par.GetArray());
221 | }
222 | void GetError(TArrayD &par) const
223 | {
224 | par = fError;
225 | for (int i=0; i<kNumPar; i++)
226 | par[i] *= TMath::RadToDeg();
227 | }
228 |
229 | void SetMinuitParameters(TMinuit &m, Int_t n=-1) const;
230 | void GetMinuitParameters(TMinuit &m, Int_t n=-1);
231 | void PrintMinuitParameters(TMinuit &m, Int_t n=-1) const;
232 |
233 | const TString &GetVarName(int i) const { return fNames[i]; }
234 | const TString &GetDescription(int i) const { return fDescr[i]; }
235 |
236 | /*
237 | Double_t GetIe() const { return fIe; }
238 | Double_t GetIa() const { return fIa; }
239 | Double_t GetCa() const { return fCa; }
240 | Double_t GetAn() const { return fAn; }
241 | Double_t GetAw() const { return fAw; }
242 | Double_t GetNrx() const { return fNrx; }
243 | Double_t GetNry() const { return fNry; }
244 | Double_t GetCrx() const { return fNrx; }
245 | Double_t GetCry() const { return fNry; }
246 | Double_t GetEces() const { return fEces; }
247 | Double_t GetEcec() const { return fEcec; }
248 | Double_t GetAces() const { return fAces; }
249 | Double_t GetAcec() const { return fAcec; }
250 | Double_t GetNpae() const { return fNpae; }
251 | */
252 |
253 | TVector2 GetDxy() const { return TVector2(fDx, fDy)*TMath::RadToDeg(); }
254 |
255 | Double_t GetPx() const { return fPx*TMath::RadToDeg(); }
256 | Double_t GetPy() const { return fPy*TMath::RadToDeg(); }
257 |
258 | Bool_t IsPxValid() const { return fError[kPX]>0; }
259 | Bool_t IsPyValid() const { return fError[kPY]>0; }
260 |
261 | static const Int_t GetNumPar() { return kNumPar; }
262 |
263 | ClassDef(MPointing, 2) // Pointing Model for MAGIC
264 | };
265 |
266 | #endif