1 | /* ======================================================================== *\
2 | !
3 | ! *
4 | ! * This file is part of MARS, the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction
5 | ! * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful
6 | ! * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes.
7 | ! * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
8 | ! *
9 | ! * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
10 | ! * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
11 | ! * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
12 | ! * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
13 | ! * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express
14 | ! * or implied warranty.
15 | ! *
16 | !
17 | !
18 | ! Author(s): Thomas Bretz, 07/2005 <mailto:tbretz@astro.uni-wuerzburg.de>
19 | !
20 | ! Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2007
21 | !
22 | !
23 | \* ======================================================================== */
24 |
25 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
26 | //
27 | // MPointingDevCalc
28 | //
29 | // Calculates the pointing deviation from the starguider information.
30 | //
31 | // There are some quality parameters to steer which are the valid
32 | // starguider data points:
33 | //
34 | // * MPointingDevCalc.NumMinStars: 8
35 | // Minimum number of identified stars required to accep the data
36 | //
37 | // * MPointingDevCalc.NsbLevel: 3.0
38 | // Minimum deviation (in rms) from the the mean allowed for the
39 | // measured NSB (noise in the ccd camera)
40 | //
41 | // * MPointingDevCalc.NsbMin: 30
42 | // - minimum NSB to be used in mean/rms calculation
43 | //
44 | // * MPointingDevCalc.NsbMax: 60
45 | // - maximum NSB to be used in mean/rms calculation
46 | //
47 | // * MPointingDevCalc.MaxAbsDev: 15
48 | // - Maximum absolute deviation which is consideres as valid (arcmin)
49 | //
50 | // Starguider data which doens't fullfill this requirements is ignored.
51 | // If the measures NSB==0 (file too old, starguider didn't write down
52 | // these values) the checks based on NSB and NumMinStar are skipped.
53 | //
54 | // The calculation of NSB mean and rms is reset for each file (ReInit)
55 | //
56 | // If your starguider data doesn't fullfill this requirement the latest
57 | // value which could be correctly calculated is used instead. If the time
58 | // for which no valid value can be calculated exceeds one minute
59 | // the return value is reset to 0/0. The maximum time allowed without
60 | // a valid value can be setup using:
61 | //
62 | // * MPointingDevCalc.MaxAge: 1
63 | // Maximum time before the starguider is reset to 0/0 in minutes
64 | //
65 | // Note, that the starguider itself is not well calibrated. Therefore
66 | // it is necessary to do a starguider calibration in our software.
67 | //
68 | // There are two options:
69 | //
70 | // * Simple starguider calibration using offsets in the camera plane
71 | //
72 | // The starguider is calibrated by taking its values (dZd/dAz)
73 | // adding them to the source position, calculating the source position
74 | // in the camera plane and adding the offsets. To switch off the
75 | // full starguider calibration do:
76 | //
77 | // * MPointingDevCalc.PointingModels:
78 | //
79 | // To set the offsets (in units of degree) use
80 | //
81 | // * MPointingDevCalc.Dx: -0.001
82 | // * MPointingDevCalc.Dy: -0.004
83 | //
84 | // * A starguider calibration using a pointing model calculated
85 | // from calibration data, so called TPoints
86 | //
87 | // Because the pointing model can change from time to time
88 | // you can give the run-number from which on a new pointing
89 | // model is valid. The run itself is included, e.g.:
90 | //
91 | // * MPointingDevCalc.PointingModels: 85240 89180
92 | // * MPointingDevCalc.FilePrefix: resources/starguider
93 | //
94 | // mean that for all runs<85240 the simple offset correction is used.
95 | // For runs >=85240 and <89180 the file resources/starguider0085240.txt
96 | // and for runs >=89180 the file resources/starguider0089180.txt is
97 | // used. To setup a default file for all runs before 85240 setup
98 | // a low number (eg. 0 or 1)
99 | //
100 | // In the case a pointing model is used additional offsets in
101 | // the x/y-camera plane (in units of deg) can be set using the DX
102 | // and DY parameters of the pointing model. The fDx and fDy data
103 | // members of this class are ignored. To overwrite the starguider
104 | // calibrated offset in either Az or Zd with a constant, you
105 | // can use the PX/PY directive in the pointing model. (To enable
106 | // the overwrite set the third column, the error, to a value
107 | // greater than zero)
108 | //
109 | //
110 | // At the PostProcessing step a table with statistics is print if the
111 | // debug level is greater or equal 3 (in most applications it is switched
112 | // on by -v3)
113 | //
114 | //
115 | // Pointing Models:
116 | // ----------------
117 | //
118 | // What we know so far about (maybe) important changes in cosy or to the
119 | // hardware:
120 | //
121 | // 25.01.2010: Changed scaling factors for TPoint camera (M1)
122 | //
123 | // 11.01.2010: New TPoint camera (M1)
124 | //
125 | // 18.03.2006: The camera holding has been repaired and the camera got
126 | // shifted a little bit.
127 | //
128 | // 16.04.2006: Around this date a roque lamp focussing has been done
129 | //
130 | // 25.04.2006: A missalignment introduced with the roque adjust has been
131 | // corrected
132 | //
133 | // The starguider pointing model for the time before 18.3.2006 and after
134 | // April 2006 (in fact there are no TPoints until 07/2006 to check it)
135 | // and for the period 07/2006 to (at least) 06/2007 are very similar.
136 | //
137 | // The pointing model for the time between 18.3.2006 and 04/2006 is
138 | // clearly different, mainly giving different Azimuth values between
139 | // Zenith and roughly ~25deg, and a slight offset on both axes.
140 | //
141 | // 10.5.2006: pos1 -= pos0 commented (What was the mentioned fix?)
142 | // 29.6.2006: repaired
143 | //
144 | // 23.3.2006: new starguider algorithm
145 | //
146 | // 17.3.2005: Fixed units of "nompos" in MDriveCom
147 | //
148 | //
149 | // New pointing models have been installed (if the pointing model
150 | // is different, than the previous one it might mean, that also
151 | // the starguider calibration is different.) The date only means
152 | // day-time (noon) at which the model has been changed.
153 | //
154 | // 29. Apr. 2004 ~25800
155 | // 5. Aug. 2004 ~32000
156 | // 19. Aug. 2004 ~33530
157 | // 7. Jun. 2005 ~57650
158 | // 8. Jun. 2005
159 | // 9. Jun. 2005 ~57860
160 | // 12. Sep. 2005 ~68338
161 | // 24. Nov. 2005 ~75562
162 | // 17. Oct. 2006 ~103130
163 | // 17. Jun. 2007 ~248193
164 | // 18. Oct. 2007 291104 // Correction for the offsets introduced by AMC
165 | // 14. Jan. 2008 328198 // Complete new pointing model
166 | // 11. Jun. 2008 1000534 (ca. 23:00) // Before new TPoints
167 | // 19. Jun. 2008 (ca. 15:00) // From new TPoints
168 | // 7. Mar. 2009 (ca. 14:00) // From new TPoints (0808-0902)
169 | // 14. May 2009 // M1/M2 after upgrade (from TPoints taken in the days before)
170 | // 17. Aug. 2009 New pointing models for both telescopes
171 | // 01. Feb. 2010 New pointing models for both telescopes
172 | // 26. Feb. 2010 New pointing models for both telescopes
173 | // 31. Mar. 2010 New pointing models for both telescopes
174 | //
175 | // From 2.2.2006 beginnig of the night (21:05h, run >=81855) to 24.2.2006
176 | // beginning of the the night (20:34h, run<83722) the LEDs did not work.
177 | // In the time after this incident the shift crew often forgot to switch on
178 | // the LEDs at the beginning of the night!
179 | //
180 | // [2006-03-07 00:10:58] In the daytime, we raised the position of the
181 | // 9 o'clock LED by one screw hole to make it visible when the TPoint
182 | // Lid is closed. (< run 84980)
183 | //
184 | // Mirror refocussing around 23.Apr.2006, from the Runbook.
185 | //
186 | // 25./26.4.2006: Run 89180
187 | //
188 | // (Note: The year here is not a typo!)
189 | // [2007-04-25 23:50:39]
190 | // Markus is performing AMC focussing.
191 | //
192 | // Mirror refocussing around 4.Aug.2007, from the Runbook:
193 | //
194 | // [2007-08-04 04:46:47]
195 | // We finished with the focussing with Polaris. The images need to be
196 | // analysed and new LUTs generated.
197 | //
198 | // [2007-08-04 23:47:30]
199 | // Actually we see that the mispointing is always large; probably since
200 | // the LUT tables have not yet been adjusted to the new focussing.
201 | //
202 | // [2007-08-03 23:07:58]
203 | // Data taking stopped. Mirror focussing.
204 | //
205 | // [2007-08-05 00:09:16]
206 | // We take some pictures on stars nearby Cyg X3 with the sbig camera;
207 | // actually the spot doesn't look very nice... The pictures have been
208 | // saved with name Deneb- and Sadr- Polaris seems a bit better. Should we
209 | // have new LUT tables after the focussing?
210 | //
211 | // [2007-08-10 20:18:48]
212 | // Tonight we take first images of Polaris with a new LUT file generated
213 | // based on the recent focussing. The image will be analysed tomorrow and
214 | // than new LUTs will be generated. For tonight the focussing is still not
215 | // changed.
216 | //
217 | // [2007-08-14 20:57:59]
218 | // The weather is fine. There is a group of hobby astronomers at the
219 | // helicopter parking. Before data taking, we tried to check the new LUTs.
220 | // However, because of technical problems with the new LUTs we had to
221 | // postpone the measurements. We lost some 10 min of data taking because
222 | // of this.
223 | //
224 | // [2007-08-14 22:29:37] Run 267253
225 | // Before continuing the observation we perform a focussing test with the
226 | // new LUTs from recent Polaris focussing. Note: Data on Her X-1 was taken
227 | // with old focussing. We performed PSF measurements on Kornephorus (Zd
228 | // 31.77, Az 264,67) first with old LUTs and then with new LUTs. We took
229 | // T-points with both focussing. The first T-Point corresponds to the
230 | // previous focussing and the second with the improved. Please check both
231 | // T-points for eventual misspointing. We found big improvement of the PSF
232 | // with the new LUTs and will therefore continue from now on with the new
233 | // focussing. Having a first look at the SBIG pictures we see a slightly
234 | // misspointing of ~0.1 deg with the new LUTs.
235 | //
236 | // [2007-08-14 22:46:10]
237 | // Comparing the trigger rate with yesterday night we do not see an
238 | // improvement with the new focussing.
239 | //
240 | // [2007-10-27 email]
241 | // [...]
242 | // When removing the cover of the motor all 4 nuts which fix the gear of
243 | // the motor to the structure fell out. The motor was completely loose.
244 | // [...]
245 | // We checked also the second azimuth motor and .. the same situation.
246 | // [...]
247 | // Peter Sawallisch opened and fixed all 3 motors of MAGIC-I. We checked
248 | // all critical screws that came to our minds and fixed them as much as
249 | // possible with loctite and counter nuts. No damage whatsoever has been
250 | // found.
251 | //
252 | // [2009-08-05 Mail from Markus Garcz. about M1]
253 | // [...]
254 | // On the 23.07.2009 we tested the new LUTs using the star Etamin. The
255 | // PSF (sigma) improved from 11.0 mm to 9.5 mm and the total light content
256 | // in one PMT from 54% to 62%.
257 | // Furthermore I saw a small movement of the spot after the new focussing:
258 | // dX = 3 CCD pixel = 7 mm
259 | // dY = 2 CCD pixel = 4.7 mm
260 | // The new LUTs are now installed since the 23.07.2009 and are used as
261 | // default during the observation.
262 | // [...]
263 | //
264 | //
265 | // [2009-10-16 Email Adrian]
266 | //
267 | // I checked the AMC2 log files to check which LUTs had been used in which nights
268 | // until 09/09/12 the old version from March had always been used
269 | // 09/09/13-09/09/16 LUT_090913 (test) was used (by mistake)
270 | // 09/09/17-09/09/20 switched back to the version from March
271 | // since 09/09/21 using actual version LUT_090918
272 | // (PSF at ~10deg still rather poor, but I see strange
273 | // effects I do not yet understand and therefore cannot
274 | // correct)
275 | // Especially: nothing has changed in the AMC on 09/09/09,
276 | // except that around that date the SBIG camera was readjusted (but this
277 | // has no direct affect on the AMC)
278 | //
279 | //
280 | // [2010-02-03 M. Garcz.]
281 | //
282 | // New LUTs for M2
283 | //
284 | //
285 | // Others
286 | // ------
287 | //
288 | // The pointing of both(!) telescopes changed >2009/06/11 2:36h
289 | // In both cases the reason is unknown.
290 | //
291 | // The pointing has changed for M2 after 2009/09/09 noon
292 | // It recovered to the previous pointing at 2009/10/08 noon
293 | // Resons unknown (there were LUT changes but at different dates)
294 | //
295 | //
296 | // ToDo:
297 | // -----
298 | //
299 | // * Is 0/0 the best assumption if the starguider partly fails?
300 | //
301 | //
302 | // Input Container:
303 | // MRawRunHeader
304 | // MReportStarguider
305 | //
306 | // Output Container:
307 | // MPointingDev
308 | //
309 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
310 | #include "MPointingDevCalc.h"
311 |
312 | #include <stdlib.h> // atoi (Ubuntu 8.10)
313 |
314 | #include "MLog.h"
315 | #include "MLogManip.h"
316 |
317 | #include "MParList.h"
318 |
319 | #include "MAstro.h"
320 | #include "MPointing.h"
321 | #include "MPointingDev.h"
322 | #include "MRawRunHeader.h"
323 | #include "MReportStarguider.h"
324 |
325 | ClassImp(MPointingDevCalc);
326 |
327 | using namespace std;
328 |
329 | const TString MPointingDevCalc::fgFilePrefix="resources/starguider";
330 |
331 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
332 | //
333 | // Destructor. Call Clear() and delete fPointingModels if any.
334 | //
335 | MPointingDevCalc::~MPointingDevCalc()
336 | {
337 | Clear();
338 | }
339 |
340 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
341 | //
342 | // Delete fPointing and set pointing to NULL
343 | //
344 | void MPointingDevCalc::Clear(Option_t *o)
345 | {
346 | if (fPointing)
347 | delete fPointing;
348 |
349 | fPointing = NULL;
350 | }
351 |
352 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
353 | //
354 | // Sort the entries in fPoinitngModels
355 | //
356 | void MPointingDevCalc::SortPointingModels()
357 | {
358 | const int n = fPointingModels.GetSize();
359 |
360 | TArrayI idx(n);
361 |
362 | TMath::Sort(n, fPointingModels.GetArray(), idx.GetArray(), kFALSE);
363 |
364 | const TArrayI arr(fPointingModels);
365 |
366 | for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
367 | fPointingModels[i] = arr[idx[i]];
368 | }
369 |
370 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
371 | //
372 | // Set new pointing models
373 | //
374 | void MPointingDevCalc::SetPointingModels(const TString &models)
375 | {
376 | fPointingModels.Set(0);
377 |
378 | if (models.IsNull())
379 | return;
380 |
381 | TObjArray *arr = models.Tokenize(" ");
382 |
383 | const int n = arr->GetEntries();
384 | fPointingModels.Set(n);
385 |
386 | for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
387 | fPointingModels[i] = atoi((*arr)[i]->GetName());
388 |
389 | delete arr;
390 |
391 | SortPointingModels();
392 | }
393 |
394 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
395 | //
396 | // Return a string with the pointing models, seperated by a space.
397 | //
398 | TString MPointingDevCalc::GetPointingModels() const
399 | {
400 | TString rc;
401 | for (int i=0; i<fPointingModels.GetSize(); i++)
402 | rc += Form ("%d ", fPointingModels[i]);
403 |
404 | return rc;
405 | }
406 |
407 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
408 | //
409 | // Add a number to the pointing models
410 | //
411 | void MPointingDevCalc::AddPointingModel(UInt_t runnum)
412 | {
413 | const int n = fPointingModels.GetSize();
414 | for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
415 | if ((UInt_t)fPointingModels[i]==runnum)
416 | {
417 | *fLog << warn << "WARNING - Pointing model " << runnum << " already in list... ignored." << endl;
418 | return;
419 | }
420 |
421 | fPointingModels.Set(n+1);
422 | fPointingModels[n] = runnum;
423 |
424 | SortPointingModels();
425 | }
426 |
427 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
428 | //
429 | // Find the highest number in the array which is lower or equal num.
430 | //
431 | UInt_t MPointingDevCalc::FindPointingModel(UInt_t num)
432 | {
433 | const int n = fPointingModels.GetSize();
434 | if (n==0)
435 | return (UInt_t)-1;
436 |
437 | // Loop over all pointing models
438 | for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
439 | {
440 | // The number stored in the array did not yet overtake the runnumber
441 | if ((UInt_t)fPointingModels[i]<num)
442 | continue;
443 |
444 | // The first pointing model is later than this run: use a default
445 | if (i==0)
446 | return (UInt_t)-1;
447 |
448 | // The last entry in the array is the right one.
449 | return fPointingModels[i-1];
450 | }
451 |
452 | // Runnumber is after last entry of pointing models. Use the last one.
453 | return fPointingModels[n-1];
454 | }
455 |
456 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
457 | //
458 | // Clear the pointing model. If run-number >= 87751 read the new
459 | // pointing model with fFilePrefix
460 | //
461 | Bool_t MPointingDevCalc::ReadPointingModel(const MRawRunHeader &run)
462 | {
463 | const UInt_t num = FindPointingModel(run.GetRunNumber());
464 |
465 | // No poinitng models are defined. Use simple dx/dy-calibration
466 | if (num==(UInt_t)-1)
467 | {
468 | Clear();
469 | return kTRUE;
470 | }
471 |
472 | // compile the name for the starguider files
473 | // The file with the number 00000000 is the default file
474 | TString fname = Form("%s%08d.txt", fFilePrefix.Data(), num);
475 |
476 | if (!fPointing)
477 | fPointing = new MPointing;
478 |
479 | if (fname==fPointing->GetName())
480 | {
481 | *fLog << inf << fname << " already loaded." << endl;
482 | return kTRUE;
483 | }
484 |
485 | return fPointing->Load(fname);
486 | }
487 |
488 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
489 | //
490 | // Check the file/run type from the run-header and if it is a data file
491 | // load starguider calibration.
492 | //
493 | Bool_t MPointingDevCalc::ReInit(MParList *plist)
494 | {
495 | MRawRunHeader *run = (MRawRunHeader*)plist->FindObject("MRawRunHeader");
496 | if (!run)
497 | {
498 | *fLog << err << "MRawRunHeader not found... aborting." << endl;
499 | return kFALSE;
500 | }
501 |
502 | fNsbSum = 0;
503 | fNsbSq = 0;
504 | fNsbCount = 0;
505 |
506 | fRunType = run->GetRunType();
507 |
508 | switch (fRunType)
509 | {
510 | case MRawRunHeader::kRTData:
511 | if (!fReport)
512 | *fLog << warn << "MReportStarguider not found... skipped." << endl;
513 | return ReadPointingModel(*run);
514 |
515 | case MRawRunHeader::kRTMonteCarlo:
516 | return kTRUE;
517 |
518 | case MRawRunHeader::kRTPedestal:
519 | *fLog << err << "Cannot work in a pedestal Run!... aborting." << endl;
520 | return kFALSE;
521 |
522 | case MRawRunHeader::kRTCalibration:
523 | *fLog << err << "Cannot work in a calibration Run!... aborting." << endl;
524 | return kFALSE;
525 |
526 | default:
527 | *fLog << err << "Run Type " << fRunType << " unknown!... aborting." << endl;
528 | return kFALSE;
529 | }
530 |
531 | return kTRUE;
532 | }
533 |
534 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
535 | //
536 | // Search for 'MPointingPos'. Create if not found.
537 | //
538 | Int_t MPointingDevCalc::PreProcess(MParList *plist)
539 | {
540 | fDeviation = (MPointingDev*)plist->FindCreateObj("MPointingDev");
541 | fReport = (MReportStarguider*)plist->FindObject("MReportStarguider");
542 |
543 | // We use kRTNone here as a placeholder for data runs.
544 | fRunType = MRawRunHeader::kRTNone;
545 | fLastMjd = -1;
546 |
547 | fSkip.Reset();
548 |
549 | // In cases in which ReInit isn't called right in time (e.g. if
550 | // the first starguider event comes before the first data event)
551 | fNsbSum = 0;
552 | fNsbSq = 0;
553 | fNsbCount = 0;
554 |
555 | return fDeviation ? kTRUE : kFALSE;
556 | }
557 |
558 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
559 | //
560 | // Increase fSkip[i] by one. If the data in fDeviation is outdated (older
561 | // than fMaxAge) and the current report should be skipped reset DevZdAz and
562 | // DevXY and fSkip[6] is increased by one.
563 | //
564 | void MPointingDevCalc::Skip(Int_t i)
565 | {
566 | fSkip[i]++;
567 |
568 | const Double_t diff = (fReport->GetMjd()-fLastMjd)*1440; // [min] 1440=24*60
569 | if (diff<fMaxAge && fLastMjd>0)
570 | return;
571 |
572 | fDeviation->SetDevZdAz(0, 0);
573 | fDeviation->SetDevXY(0, 0);
574 | fSkip[6]++;
575 | }
576 |
577 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
578 | //
579 | // Do a full starguider calibration using a pointing model for the starguider.
580 | //
581 | void MPointingDevCalc::DoCalibration(Double_t devzd, Double_t devaz) const
582 | {
583 | if (!fPointing)
584 | {
585 | // Do a simple starguider calibration using a simple offset in x and y
586 | fDeviation->SetDevZdAz(devzd, devaz);
587 |
588 | // Linear starguider calibration taken from April/May data
589 | // For calibration add MDriveReport::GetErrorZd/Az !
590 | fDeviation->SetDevXY(fDx, fDy); // 1arcmin ~ 5mm
591 |
592 | return;
593 | }
594 |
595 | // Get the nominal position the star is at the sky
596 | // Unit: deg
597 | ZdAz nom(fReport->GetNominalZd(), fReport->GetNominalAz());
598 | nom *= TMath::DegToRad();
599 |
600 | // Get the mispointing measured by the telescope. It is
601 | // calculate as follows:
602 | //
603 | // The mispointing measured by the starguider:
604 | // ZdAz mis(devzd, devaz);
605 | // mis *= TMath::DegToRad();
606 |
607 | // The pointing model is the conversion from the real pointing
608 | // position of the telescope into the pointing position measured
609 | // by the starguider.
610 | //
611 | // To keep as close to the fitted model we use the forward correction.
612 |
613 | // Position at which the starguider camera is pointing in real:
614 | // pointing position = nominal position - dev
615 | //
616 | // The position measured as the starguider's pointing position
617 | ZdAz pos(nom); // cpos = sao - dev
618 | pos -= ZdAz(devzd, devaz)*TMath::DegToRad();
619 |
620 | // Now we convert the starguider's pointing position into the
621 | // telescope pointing position (the pointing model converts
622 | // the telescope pointing position into the starguider pointing
623 | // position)
624 | ZdAz point = fPointing->CorrectBack(pos); //FWD!!!
625 |
626 | // MSrcPosCalc uses the following condition to calculate the
627 | // source position in the camera:
628 | // real pointing pos = nominal pointing pos - dev
629 | // --> dev = nominal - real
630 | // Therefor we calculate dev as follows:
631 | ZdAz dev(nom);
632 | dev -= point;
633 | dev *= TMath::RadToDeg();
634 |
635 | /*
636 | // We chose the other way. It is less accurate because is is the
637 | // other was than the poinitng model was fittet, but it is more
638 | // accurate because the nominal (i.e. real) pointing position
639 | // is less accurately known than the position returned by the
640 | // starguider.
641 | //
642 | // Calculate the deviation which would be measured by the starguider
643 | // if applied to a perfectly pointing telescope.
644 | ZdAz dev = fPointing->Correct(nom);
645 | dev -= nom;
646 |
647 | // Now add these offsets and the starguider measured offsets to
648 | // the real pointing deviation of the telescope (note, that
649 | // signs here are just conventions)
650 | dev += ZdAz(devzd, devaz)*TMath::DegToRad(); // --> nom-mis
651 | dev *= TMath::RadToDeg();
652 | */
653 |
654 | // Check if the starguider pointing model requests overwriting
655 | // of the values with constants (e.g. 0)
656 | devaz = fPointing->IsPxValid() ? fPointing->GetPx() : dev.Az();
657 | devzd = fPointing->IsPyValid() ? fPointing->GetPy() : dev.Zd();
658 |
659 | fDeviation->SetDevZdAz(devzd, devaz);
660 | fDeviation->SetDevXY(fPointing->GetDxy());
661 | }
662 |
663 | Int_t MPointingDevCalc::ProcessStarguiderReport()
664 | {
665 | Double_t devzd = fReport->GetDevZd(); // [arcmin]
666 | Double_t devaz = fReport->GetDevAz(); // [arcmin]
667 | if (devzd==0 && devaz==0)
668 | {
669 | Skip(1);
670 | return kTRUE;
671 | }
672 |
673 | if (!fReport->IsMonitoring())
674 | {
675 | Skip(2);
676 | return kTRUE;
677 | }
678 |
679 | devzd /= 60; // Convert from arcmin to deg
680 | devaz /= 60; // Convert from arcmin to deg
681 |
682 | const Double_t nsb = fReport->GetSkyBrightness();
683 | if (nsb>0)
684 | {
685 | if (nsb>fNsbMin && nsb<fNsbMax)
686 | {
687 | fNsbSum += nsb;
688 | fNsbSq += nsb*nsb;
689 | fNsbCount++;
690 | }
691 |
692 | if (fNsbCount>0)
693 | {
694 | const Double_t sum = fNsbSum/fNsbCount;
695 | const Double_t sq = fNsbSq /fNsbCount;
696 |
697 | const Double_t rms = fNsbLevel*TMath::Sqrt(sq - sum*sum);
698 |
699 | if (nsb<sum-rms || nsb>sum+rms)
700 | {
701 | Skip(3);
702 | return kTRUE;
703 | }
704 | }
705 |
706 | if (fReport->GetNumIdentifiedStars()<fNumMinStars)
707 | {
708 | Skip(4);
709 | return kTRUE;
710 | }
711 | }
712 |
713 | // >= 87751 (31.3.06 12:00)
714 |
715 | // Calculate absolute deviation
716 | const Double_t dev = MAstro::GetDevAbs(fReport->GetNominalZd(), devzd, devaz);
717 |
718 | // Sanity check... larger deviation are strange and ignored
719 | if (dev*60>fMaxAbsDev)
720 | {
721 | Skip(5);
722 | return kTRUE;
723 | }
724 |
725 | DoCalibration(devzd, devaz);
726 |
727 | fSkip[0]++;
728 | fLastMjd = fReport->GetMjd();
729 |
730 | return kTRUE;
731 | }
732 |
733 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
734 | //
735 | // See class description.
736 | //
737 | Int_t MPointingDevCalc::Process()
738 | {
739 | switch (fRunType)
740 | {
741 | case MRawRunHeader::kRTNone:
742 | case MRawRunHeader::kRTData:
743 | return fReport ? ProcessStarguiderReport() : kTRUE;
744 |
745 | case MRawRunHeader::kRTMonteCarlo:
746 | fSkip[0]++;
747 | fDeviation->SetDevZdAz(0, 0);
748 | fDeviation->SetDevXY(0, 0);
749 | return kTRUE;
750 | }
751 | return kTRUE;
752 | }
753 |
754 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
755 | //
756 | // Print execution statistics
757 | //
758 | Int_t MPointingDevCalc::PostProcess()
759 | {
760 | if (GetNumExecutions()==0)
761 | return kTRUE;
762 |
763 | *fLog << inf << endl;
764 | *fLog << GetDescriptor() << " execution statistics:" << endl;
765 | PrintSkipped(fSkip[1], "Starguider deviation not set, is exactly 0/0");
766 | PrintSkipped(fSkip[2], "Starguider was not monitoring (eg. LEDs off)");
767 | PrintSkipped(fSkip[3], Form("NSB out of %.1f sigma range", fNsbLevel));
768 | PrintSkipped(fSkip[4], Form("Number of identified stars < %d", fNumMinStars));
769 | PrintSkipped(fSkip[5], Form("Absolute deviation > %.1farcmin", fMaxAbsDev));
770 | PrintSkipped(fSkip[6], Form("Events set to 0 because older than %.1fmin", fMaxAge));
771 | *fLog << " " << (int)fSkip[0] << " (" << Form("%5.1f", 100.*fSkip[0]/GetNumExecutions()) << "%) Evts survived calculation!" << endl;
772 | *fLog << endl;
773 |
774 | return kTRUE;
775 | }
776 |
777 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
778 | //
779 | // MPointingDevCalc.NumMinStars: 8
780 | // MPointingDevCalc.NsbLevel: 3.0
781 | // MPointingDevCalc.NsbMin: 30
782 | // MPointingDevCalc.NsbMax: 60
783 | // MPointingDevCalc.MaxAbsDev: 15
784 | // MPointingDevCalc.MaxAge: 1.0
785 | // MPointingDevCalc.Dx: -0.001
786 | // MPointingDevCalc.Dy: -0.004
787 | //
788 | // For a detailed description see the class reference.
789 | //
790 | Int_t MPointingDevCalc::ReadEnv(const TEnv &env, TString prefix, Bool_t print)
791 | {
792 | Bool_t rc = kFALSE;
793 | if (IsEnvDefined(env, prefix, "NumMinStars", print))
794 | {
795 | SetNumMinStars(GetEnvValue(env, prefix, "NumMinStars", (Int_t)fNumMinStars));
796 | rc = kTRUE;
797 | }
798 | if (IsEnvDefined(env, prefix, "NsbLevel", print))
799 | {
800 | SetNsbLevel(GetEnvValue(env, prefix, "NsbLevel", fNsbLevel));
801 | rc = kTRUE;
802 | }
803 | if (IsEnvDefined(env, prefix, "NsbMin", print))
804 | {
805 | SetNsbMin(GetEnvValue(env, prefix, "NsbMin", fNsbMin));
806 | rc = kTRUE;
807 | }
808 | if (IsEnvDefined(env, prefix, "NsbMax", print))
809 | {
810 | SetNsbMax(GetEnvValue(env, prefix, "NsbMax", fNsbMax));
811 | rc = kTRUE;
812 | }
813 | if (IsEnvDefined(env, prefix, "MaxAbsDev", print))
814 | {
815 | SetMaxAbsDev(GetEnvValue(env, prefix, "MaxAbsDev", fMaxAbsDev));
816 | rc = kTRUE;
817 | }
818 | if (IsEnvDefined(env, prefix, "Dx", print))
819 | {
820 | fDx = GetEnvValue(env, prefix, "Dx", fDx);
821 | rc = kTRUE;
822 | }
823 | if (IsEnvDefined(env, prefix, "Dy", print))
824 | {
825 | fDy = GetEnvValue(env, prefix, "Dy", fDy);
826 | rc = kTRUE;
827 | }
828 | if (IsEnvDefined(env, prefix, "MaxAge", print))
829 | {
830 | fMaxAge = GetEnvValue(env, prefix, "MaxAge", fMaxAge);
831 | rc = kTRUE;
832 | }
833 | if (IsEnvDefined(env, prefix, "FilePrefix", print))
834 | {
835 | fFilePrefix = GetEnvValue(env, prefix, "FilePrefix", fFilePrefix);
836 | rc = kTRUE;
837 | }
838 | if (IsEnvDefined(env, prefix, "PointingModels", print))
839 | {
840 | SetPointingModels(GetEnvValue(env, prefix, "PointingModels", GetPointingModels()));
841 | rc = kTRUE;
842 | }
843 |
844 | return rc;
845 | }