#ifndef MARS_MPointingPositionCalc #define MARS_MPointingPositionCalc #ifndef MARS_MTask #include "MTask.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_TArrayI #include #endif class MPointingDev; class MReportStarguider; class MPointingDevCalc : public MTask { private: MReportStarguider *fReport; //! MReportStarguider to get mispointing MPointingDev *fDeviation; //! Output container to store pointing deviation UShort_t fRunType; //! Run Type to decide where to get pointing position from Double_t fNsbSum; //! Sum of Nsb from Starguider Double_t fNsbSq; //! Sum of Sq of Nsb from Starguider Int_t fNsbCount; //! Counter of Nsb entries from Starguider TArrayI fSkip; //! Counter for execution statistics Double_t fLastMjd; //! Time of last processed report UInt_t fNumMinStars; // Minimum number of identified stars Float_t fNsbLevel; // Minimum deviation from mean in sigma Float_t fNsbMin; // Minimum NSB to calc mean and rms Float_t fNsbMax; // Maximum NSB to calc mean and rms Float_t fMaxAbsDev; // [arcmin] Maximum considered absolute deviation Float_t fMaxAge; // [min] Maximum age of reports to be used without an update Float_t fDx; // Starguider calibration dx Float_t fDy; // Starguider calibration dy // MPointingDevCalc Int_t ProcessStarguiderReport(); void Skip(Int_t i); // MParContainer Int_t ReadEnv(const TEnv &env, TString prefix, Bool_t print); // MTask Bool_t ReInit(MParList *plist); Int_t PreProcess(MParList *plist); Int_t Process(); Int_t PostProcess(); public: MPointingDevCalc() : fReport(0), fDeviation(0), fSkip(7), fNumMinStars(8), fNsbLevel(3), fNsbMin(30), fNsbMax(60), fMaxAbsDev(15), fMaxAge(1), fDx(-7), fDy(16) { fName = "MPointingDevCalc"; fTitle = "Task calculating the pointing deviation"; AddToBranchList("MReportStarguider.*"); } void SetNumMinStars(UInt_t n) { fNumMinStars=n; } void SetNsbLevel(Float_t lvl) { fNsbLevel=lvl; } void SetNsbMin(Float_t nsb) { fNsbMin=nsb; } void SetNsbMax(Float_t nsb) { fNsbMax=nsb; } void SetMaxAbsDev(Float_t max) { fMaxAbsDev=max; } void SetDx(Float_t dx) { fDx=dx; } void SetDy(Float_t dy) { fDy=dy; } void SetMaxAge(Float_t age) { fMaxAge=age; } ClassDef(MPointingDevCalc, 0) //Task calculating the pointing deviation }; #endif