#ifndef MARS_MPointingPos #define MARS_MPointingPos #ifndef MARS_MParContainer #include "MParContainer.h" #endif // FIXME: Should not be here... (ZdAz) #ifndef MARS_MPointing #include "MPointing.h" #endif class MTime; class MObservatory; class MPointingDev; class MPointingPos : public MParContainer { private: static const TString gsDefName; static const TString gsDefTitle; Double_t fZd; // [deg] Zenith distance (ZA) Double_t fAz; // [deg] Azimuth Double_t fRa; // [h] Right ascension Double_t fHa; // [h] Hour angle Double_t fDec; // [deg] Declination // Hour angle! // Angle to magnetic field! public: MPointingPos(const char *name=0, const char *title=0) : fZd(0), fAz(0), fRa(0), fHa(0), fDec(0) { fName = name ? (TString)name : gsDefName; fTitle = title ? (TString)title : gsDefTitle; } MPointingPos(const MPointingPos &p) : MParContainer(p), fZd(p.fZd), fAz(p.fAz), fRa(p.fRa), fHa(p.fHa), fDec(p.fDec) { } Bool_t IsInitialized() const { return !(fZd==0 && fAz==0 && fRa==0 && fHa==0 && fDec==0); } void Print(Option_t *o="") const; TString GetString(Option_t *o="") const; void SetLocalPosition(Double_t zd, Double_t az) { fZd=zd; fAz=az; } void SetSkyPosition(Double_t ra, Double_t dec, Double_t ha=0) { fRa=ra; fDec=dec; fHa=ha; } Double_t GetZd() const { return fZd; } Double_t GetAz() const { return fAz; } Double_t GetZdRad() const;// { return fZd*TMath::DegToRad(); } Double_t GetAzRad() const;// { return fAz*TMath::DegToRad(); } ZdAz GetZdAz() const { return ZdAz(fZd, fAz); } Double_t GetRa() const { return fRa; } Double_t GetHa() const { return fHa; } Double_t GetDec() const { return fDec; } Double_t GetRaRad() const;// { return fRa*TMath::DegToRad()*15; } Double_t GetDecRad() const;// { return fDec*TMath::DegToRad(); } Double_t RotationAngle(const MObservatory &o) const; Double_t RotationAngle(const MObservatory &o, const MTime &t, const MPointingDev *dev=0) const; Double_t RotationAngle(const MObservatory &o, const MTime *t) const { return t ? RotationAngle(o, *t) : RotationAngle(o); } ClassDef(MPointingPos, 1) //Container storing the (corrected) telescope pointing position }; #endif