#ifndef MARS_MRanForestGrow #define MARS_MRanForestGrow #ifndef MARS_MRead #include "MRead.h" #endif class MHMatrix; class MParList; class MRanForest; class MRanForestGrow : public MRead { private: static const TString gsDefName; static const TString gsDefTitle; // Int_t fNumTrees; // Int_t fNumTry; // Int_t fNdSize; MRanForest *fRanForest; MHMatrix *fMatrix; //! matrix with events Int_t PreProcess(MParList *pList); Int_t Process(); Int_t PostProcess(); UInt_t GetEntries() { return 100; }//fNumTrees; } TString GetFileName() const { return "MRanForestGrow"; } TString GetFullFileName() const { return "MRanForestGrow"; } public: MRanForestGrow(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL); // void SetNumTrees(Int_t n=-1) { fNumTrees=n>0?n:100; } // void SetNumTry(Int_t n=-1) { fNumTry =n>0?n: 3; } // void SetNdSize(Int_t n=-1) { fNdSize =n>0?n: 1; } ClassDef(MRanForestGrow, 0) // Task to grow a random forest }; #endif