1 | /* ======================================================================== *\
2 | !
3 | ! *
4 | ! * This file is part of MARS, the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction
5 | ! * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful
6 | ! * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes.
7 | ! * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
8 | ! *
9 | ! * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
10 | ! * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
11 | ! * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
12 | ! * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
13 | ! * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express
14 | ! * or implied warranty.
15 | ! *
16 | !
17 | !
18 | ! Author(s): Thomas Bretz 12/2000 <mailto:tbretz@astro.uni-wuerzburg.de>
19 | !
20 | ! Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2008
21 | !
22 | !
23 | \* ======================================================================== */
24 |
25 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
26 | //
27 | // MRawEvtHeader
28 | //
29 | // One Event is a sample of FADC measurements of different Pixels
30 | // (Photomultipliers) from the Camera of MAGIC. So all data (FADC) of the
31 | // interesting pixels are the modules of an event. To describe pixels the
32 | // class MRawPixel is used and the class MRawCrate to describe Crates.
33 | // To define a single events some other data members are needed
34 | // (Time of the events, tirgger pattern of event..)
35 | //
36 | // To describe one event on the level of FADC values the Class MRawEvtHeader is
37 | // created. It has the following data members:
38 | //
39 | // UInt_t fDAQEvtNumber
40 | // -----------------------
41 | // This it the number of the Event in one
42 | // data run. The first event in this run get
43 | // the number zero. The next one is one bigger.
44 | //
45 | // Assuming that one run takes 1 hour and a
46 | // triggerrate of 1kHz the number must be able
47 | // to reach 3.6e6 Events. To reach this number
48 | // you need at least 22 bits. This is the reason
49 | // why we use an integer (of root type UInt_t)
50 | // with a range to 4.2e9.
51 | //
52 | // MTime fRawEvtTime
53 | // -------------------
54 | // Time of the event.
55 | // The start point of the time determination can be
56 | // the millenium. From that start point the time is
57 | // measured in 200ns-count. One day for example
58 | // contains 432.e9 counts. An array of two unsigned Int is able to
59 | // contain 1.8e19 200ns-counts. This corresponds to 41.e6
60 | // days. This should be more than the livetime of MAGIC.
61 | // Private member of MTime.h
62 | //
63 | // UInt_t fNumTrigLvl1
64 | // --------------------
65 | //
66 | // Number of first level trigger
67 | // This member counts the number of First Level Trigger
68 | // between the last and this event. May be that due to
69 | // dead time of the DAQ this number is different from 1.
70 | // If the DAQ is fast enough, this value should be 1.
71 | // This may be usefull in GammaRayBursts and if we
72 | // apply a data reduction in the DAQ-chain, which selects
73 | // only good events.
74 | //
75 | // UInt_t fNumTrigLvl2
76 | // --------------------
77 | //
78 | // Number of second level trigger
79 | // This member counts the number of Second Level Trigger
80 | // between the last and this event.
81 | //
82 | // UInt_t fTrigPattern[0]
83 | // -----------------------
84 | // Trigger Pattern used for this event
85 | // Each event triggers for a particular configuration and each
86 | // configuration should have an ID (which is not fixed yet).
87 | //
88 | // UInt_t fCalibPattern == fTrigPattern[1]
89 | // -----------------------
90 | // Calibration Pattern used for this event
91 | // Each (calibration) event uses a particular LEDs configuration and
92 | // particular strength and colour of the continunous light.
93 | // Bits 1-16: Pulser slot pattern: 16 LEDs slots.
94 | // Bits 17: CT1 Pulser
95 | // Bits 21-24: Colour of Continous light source:
96 | // Bits 25-32: Strength of continuous light source: 256 level
97 | //
98 | // UShort_t fAllLowGainOn
99 | // ----------------------
100 | // Type of Trigger.
101 | // This is a Byte (8 bit) to indicated if any of the pixels
102 | // have a non-negligible low gain (1) or not (0)
103 | //
104 | // Class Version 2:
105 | // ---------------
106 | // - added fCalibPattern
107 | //
108 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
109 | #include "MRawEvtHeader.h"
110 |
111 | #include <fstream>
112 |
113 | #include <TArrayC.h>
114 |
115 | #include "MLog.h"
116 | #include "MLogManip.h"
117 |
118 | #include "MTime.h"
119 | #include "MArrayB.h"
120 | #include "MRawRunHeader.h"
121 |
122 | ClassImp(MRawEvtHeader);
123 |
124 | using namespace std;
125 |
126 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
127 | //
128 | // Default constructor. Create the array to store the data.
129 | //
130 | MRawEvtHeader::MRawEvtHeader(const char *name, const char *title)
131 | : fTime(0), fNumTrigLvl1(0), fNumTrigLvl2(0), fNumLoGainOn(0), fPixLoGainOn(0)
132 | {
133 | fName = name ? name : "MRawEvtHeader";
134 | fTitle = title ? title : "Raw Event Header Information";
135 |
136 | //
137 | // set all member to zero, init the pointer to ClonesArray,
138 | //
139 | fPixLoGainOn = new MArrayB;
140 |
141 | Clear();
142 | }
143 |
144 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
145 | //
146 | // Destructor. Deletes the array to store pixlogainon
147 | //
148 | MRawEvtHeader::~MRawEvtHeader()
149 | {
150 | delete fPixLoGainOn;
151 | }
152 |
153 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
154 | //
155 | // you have to init the conatainer before you can read from
156 | // a raw binary file
157 | //
158 | void MRawEvtHeader::InitRead(MRawRunHeader *rh, MTime *t)
159 | {
160 | //
161 | // this is the number of entries in the array like specification
162 | //
163 | UInt_t fN = (rh->GetNumCrates() * rh->GetNumPixInCrate() + 7) / 8;
164 |
165 | //
166 | // initialize the array
167 | //
168 | fPixLoGainOn->Set(fN);
169 |
170 | //
171 | // this is the conatiner where we have to store the time of the event we
172 | // read from the input stream
173 | //
174 | fTime = t;
175 | }
176 |
177 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
178 | //
179 | // Implementation of the Clear function
180 | //
181 | // Resets all members to zero, clear the list of Pixels
182 | //
183 | void MRawEvtHeader::Clear(Option_t *)
184 | {
185 | fDAQEvtNumber = 0;
186 | fNumTrigLvl1 = 0;
187 | fNumTrigLvl2 = 0;
188 | fTrigPattern[0] = 0;
189 | fTrigPattern[1] = 0;
190 | fTrigType = 0;
191 | fNumLoGainOn = 0;
192 | }
193 |
194 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
195 | //
196 | // This member function prints all Data of one Event to *fLog.
197 | //
198 | void MRawEvtHeader::Print(Option_t *o) const
199 | {
200 | *fLog << all;
201 | *fLog << "DAQEvtNr: " << dec << fDAQEvtNumber << " (";
202 | *fLog << "Trigger: ";
203 | *fLog << "NumLvl1=" << fNumTrigLvl1 << " ";
204 | *fLog << "NumLvl2=" << fNumTrigLvl2 << " ";
205 | *fLog << "Pattern=" << hex << setfill('0');
206 | *fLog << setw(8) << fTrigPattern[0];
207 | *fLog << setw(8) << fTrigPattern[1] << " " << dec;
208 |
209 | *fLog << "Type=";
210 | switch (fTrigType)
211 | {
212 | case 0:
213 | *fLog << "Trigger";
214 | break;
215 | case 1:
216 | *fLog << "Pedestal";
217 | break;
218 | case 2:
219 | *fLog << "Calibration";
220 | break;
221 | case 3:
222 | *fLog << "PinDiode";
223 | break;
224 | }
225 | *fLog << ")" << endl;
226 | *fLog << "Number of Lo Gains On: " << fNumLoGainOn << endl;
227 |
228 | TString str(o);
229 | str.ToLower();
230 |
231 | if (str.Contains("nogains"))
232 | return;
233 |
234 | for (unsigned int i=0; i<fPixLoGainOn->GetSize(); i++)
235 | {
236 | for (int j=0; j<8; j++)
237 | {
238 | const UInt_t on = (*fPixLoGainOn)[i]&(1<<j) ? 1 : 0;
239 | *fLog << on;
240 | }
241 | }
242 | if (fPixLoGainOn->GetSize())
243 | *fLog << endl;
244 | }
245 |
246 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
247 | //
248 | // Return the size in bytes of the event header.
249 | //
250 | Int_t MRawEvtHeader::GetNumBytes() const
251 | {
252 | return 36+fPixLoGainOn->GetSize();
253 | }
254 |
255 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
256 | //
257 | // Used to set the header information. This is for MC only. NEVER, NEVER
258 | // use this somewhere else!
259 | //
260 | void MRawEvtHeader::FillHeader(UInt_t uiN, Float_t ulTP)
261 | {
262 | fDAQEvtNumber = uiN;
263 | fTrigPattern[0] = (UInt_t)(ulTP/4294967296.0) ;
264 | fTrigPattern[1] = (UInt_t)(ulTP-fTrigPattern[0]*4294967296.0);
265 | }
266 |
267 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
268 | //
269 | // Decode the binary Time Stamp. For more detailed information see the
270 | // source code.
271 | //
272 | Bool_t MRawEvtHeader::DecodeTime(const UInt_t tm[2], UShort_t ver) const
273 | {
274 | //
275 | // SuperSecond (20 bits giving hh:mm:ss)
276 | // ------------
277 | //
278 | // Reading the hours:
279 | // Swap bits: 23->16, 22->17, 21->16, 20->19
280 | //
281 | UInt_t abstime[2] = { tm[0], tm[1] };
282 |
283 | abstime[0] =
284 | abstime[0]>>7 & 0x00010000 |
285 | abstime[0]>>5 & 0x00020000 |
286 | abstime[0]>>3 & 0x00040000 |
287 | abstime[0]>>1 & 0x00080000 |
288 | abstime[0] & 0xff00ffff;
289 |
290 | //
291 | // SubSecond (24 bits giving number of clock ticks of a 5Mhz signal since
292 | // the beginning of last second, i.e., number of ns with a precision of to
293 | // 200 ns)
294 | // ----------
295 | //
296 | // The last 8 bits must be flipped.
297 | //
298 | abstime[1] ^= 0x000000ff;
299 |
300 | //
301 | // Due to a problem with one Digital Module, three of the less significant
302 | // eight bits of the subsecond are corrupted. So, until new DM's arrive to
303 | // La Palma, we won't use the eight first bits of the subsecond.
304 | // This reduces the precision from 200 ns to of 51.2 us. (ver<5)
305 | //
306 | if (ver<5)
307 | abstime[1] &= 0xffffff00;
308 |
309 | //
310 | // Decode Time Stamp
311 | //
312 | const Byte_t h = (abstime[0]>>18 & 0x3)*10 + (abstime[0]>>14 & 0xf);
313 | const Byte_t m = (abstime[0]>>11 & 0x7)*10 + (abstime[0]>> 7 & 0xf);
314 | const Byte_t s = (abstime[0]>> 4 & 0x7)*10 + (abstime[0]>> 0 & 0xf);
315 | const UInt_t ns = abstime[1]*200;
316 |
317 | //
318 | // Update the time stamp with the current event time.
319 | // Make sure, that the time stamp was initialized correctly
320 | // with the start-date/time of the run (after reading the run header)
321 | //
322 | if (fTime->UpdMagicTime(h, m, s, ns))
323 | return kTRUE;
324 |
325 | *fLog << warn << "WARNING - Time (" << Form("%2d:%02d:%02d,%09d", h, m, s, ns);
326 | *fLog << ") in header of event #" << dec << fDAQEvtNumber << " invalid..." << endl;
327 |
328 | return kFALSE;
329 | }
330 |
331 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
332 | //
333 | // read the EVENT HEADER information from the input stream
334 | // return FALSE if there is now header anymore, else TRUE
335 | //
336 | // For version>2 we expect to have a valid time-stamp in the files.
337 | //
338 | // Updates the time stamp with the current event time.
339 | // Make sure, that the time stamp was initialized correctly
340 | // with the start-date/time of the run (after reading the run header)
341 | //
342 | // Remark: This 'feature' disallows single runs of more than 11h!
343 | //
344 | Int_t MRawEvtHeader::ReadEvtOld(istream &fin, UShort_t ver)
345 | {
346 | Int_t rc = kTRUE;
347 |
348 | fin.read((char*)&fDAQEvtNumber, 4); // Total=4
349 | if (!fin)
350 | return kFALSE;
351 |
352 | UInt_t abstime[2];
353 | fin.read((char*)abstime, 8); // Total=12
354 |
355 | if (ver>2)
356 | if (!DecodeTime(abstime, ver))
357 | rc = kCONTINUE;
358 |
359 | Byte_t dummy[4];
360 | fin.read((char*)&fNumTrigLvl1, 4); // Total=16
361 | fin.read((char*)&fNumTrigLvl2, 4); // Total=20
362 | fin.read((char*)fTrigPattern, 8); // Total=28
363 | fin.read((char*)&fTrigType, 2); // Total=30
364 | if (ver<=6)
365 | {
366 | fin.read((char*)dummy, 2); // Total=32, was fAllLoGainOn
367 | fin.read((char*)fPixLoGainOn->GetArray(), fPixLoGainOn->GetSize());
368 |
369 | fNumLoGainOn = 0;
370 | for (unsigned int i=0; i<fPixLoGainOn->GetSize(); i++)
371 | for (int j=0; j<8; j++)
372 | if ((*fPixLoGainOn)[i] & (1<<j))
373 | fNumLoGainOn++;
374 |
375 | fin.read((char*)&dummy, 4);
376 | }
377 | else
378 | {
379 | // No LoGains for version 7 data
380 | fPixLoGainOn->Reset();
381 | fNumLoGainOn = 0;
382 | }
383 |
384 | return fin.eof() ? kFALSE : rc;
385 | }
386 |
387 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
388 | //
389 | Int_t MRawEvtHeader::ReadEvt(istream &fin, UShort_t ver, UInt_t size)
390 | {
391 | if (ver<11)
392 | return ReadEvtOld(fin, ver);
393 |
394 | if (size==0)
395 | {
396 | *fLog << err << "ERROR - Event header size unknown." << endl;
397 | return kFALSE;
398 | }
399 |
400 | if (size<32)
401 | {
402 | *fLog << err << "ERROR - Event header too small (<32b)." << endl;
403 | return kFALSE;
404 | }
405 |
406 | TArrayC h(size);
407 | fin.read(h.GetArray(), h.GetSize());
408 | if (!fin)
409 | return kFALSE;
410 |
411 | // ----- convert -----
412 | //const Byte_t *Char = reinterpret_cast<Byte_t* >(h.GetArray());
413 | const UInt_t *Int = reinterpret_cast<UInt_t* >(h.GetArray());
414 | //const Float_t *Float = reinterpret_cast<Float_t*>(h.GetArray());
415 |
416 | fDAQEvtNumber = Int[0];
417 | // Decode Time
418 | fNumTrigLvl1 = Int[3];
419 | fNumTrigLvl2 = Int[4];
420 | fTrigPattern[0] = Int[5];
421 | fTrigPattern[1] = Int[6];
422 | fTrigType = Int[7];
423 |
424 | // No LoGains for version 7 data
425 | fPixLoGainOn->Reset();
426 | fNumLoGainOn = 0;
427 |
428 | return DecodeTime(Int+1, ver) ? kTRUE : kCONTINUE;
429 | }
430 |
431 | void MRawEvtHeader::SkipEvt(istream &fin, UShort_t ver)
432 | {
433 | fin.seekg(GetNumBytes(), ios::cur);
434 | }
435 |
436 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
437 | //
438 | // Low level decoding of the trigger pattern.
439 | // The trigger pattern consists of 16 bits (8+8 bits) generated by the
440 | // trigger system.
441 | // The first 8 bits correspond to the trigger configuration before the
442 | // prescaling, the others after prescaling.
443 | // The meaning of the configuration depends on the chosen trigger table
444 | // (that is how the trigger has been programmed) and must be interpreted
445 | // at higher level by the analysis.
446 | // Bit structure:
447 | // not prscd | prscaled
448 | // xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx <-- pattern (x=0,1)
449 | // bit 7654 3210 7654 3210
450 | // H L
451 | //
452 | // e.g. 1000 0000 1000 1000 (hex: 8080) is the pattern when no
453 | // L2 trigger selection and no prescaling is applied.
454 | //
455 | // Up to now only fTrigPattern[0] is used.
456 | //
457 | UInt_t MRawEvtHeader::GetTriggerID() const
458 | {
459 | return fTrigPattern[0];
460 | }
461 |
462 | UInt_t MRawEvtHeader::GetCalibrationPattern() const
463 | {
464 | return fTrigPattern[1];
465 | }
466 |
467 | UInt_t MRawEvtHeader::GetPulserSlotPattern() const
468 | {
469 | return (fTrigPattern[1] >> 16) & 0x1ffff;
470 | }
471 |