1 | #ifndef MARS_MRawEvtHeader
2 | #define MARS_MRawEvtHeader
3 |
4 | #ifndef MARS_MParContainer
5 | #include "MParContainer.h"
6 | #endif
7 |
8 | // gcc 3.2
9 | //class ifstream;
10 | #include <iosfwd>
11 |
12 | class MTime;
13 | class MArrayB;
14 | class MRawRunHeader;
15 |
16 | class MRawEvtHeader : public MParContainer
17 | {
18 | public:
19 | //
20 | // Trigger Type (TT)
21 | //
22 | enum {
23 | kTTEvent = 0,
24 | kTTPedestal = 1,
25 | kTTCalibration = 2
26 | };
27 |
28 | private:
29 | MTime *fTime; //! object to store the time in (ReadEvt)
30 |
31 | UInt_t fDAQEvtNumber; // Number of Event
32 |
33 | UInt_t fNumTrigLvl1; // Number of 1st level tiggers between 2 events
34 | UInt_t fNumTrigLvl2; // Number of 2nd level tiggers between 2 events
35 | UInt_t fTrigPattern[2]; // Trigger configuration
36 |
37 | UShort_t fNumLoGainOn; // Indicating if no pixel has a neglegible
38 | // low gain signal (0), else it is the number
39 | // of pixels with lo gain on
40 |
41 | //
42 | // Informations only needed to read the raw file correctly
43 | //
44 | UShort_t fTrigType; //! Trigger Type of this event
45 | MArrayB *fPixLoGainOn; //! Array which tell you which pixels have lo gain on
46 |
47 | Bool_t DecodeTime(UInt_t abstime[2]) const;
48 |
49 | public:
50 | MRawEvtHeader(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL);
51 | ~MRawEvtHeader();
52 |
53 | void Init(MRawRunHeader *rh, MTime *t);
54 |
55 | void Clear(Option_t * = NULL);
56 | void Print(Option_t * = NULL) const;
57 |
58 | void FillHeader(UInt_t, Float_t=0);
59 |
60 | UShort_t GetTrigType() const { return fTrigType; }
61 | UInt_t GetNumTrigLvl1() const { return fNumTrigLvl1; }
62 | UInt_t GetNumTrigLvl2() const { return fNumTrigLvl2; }
63 | UInt_t GetDAQEvtNumber() const { return fDAQEvtNumber; }
64 |
65 | UInt_t GetTriggerID() const;
66 |
67 | int ReadEvt(istream& fin, UShort_t ver);
68 |
69 | ClassDef(MRawEvtHeader, 1) // Parameter Conatiner for raw EVENT HEADER
70 | };
71 |
72 | #endif