1 | /* ======================================================================== *\
2 | !
3 | ! *
4 | ! * This file is part of MARS, the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction
5 | ! * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful
6 | ! * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes.
7 | ! * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
8 | ! *
9 | ! * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
10 | ! * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
11 | ! * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
12 | ! * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
13 | ! * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express
14 | ! * or implied warranty.
15 | ! *
16 | !
17 | !
18 | ! Author(s): Thomas Bretz 12/2000 <mailto:tbretz@uni-sw.gwdg.de>
19 | !
20 | ! Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2001
21 | !
22 | !
23 | \* ======================================================================== */
24 |
25 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
26 | //
27 | // MRawFileWrite
28 | //
29 | // Here we write the root containers which contains the data from a
30 | // root binary file to a root file. See also MRawFileRead
31 | //
32 | // Input Containers:
33 | // MRawRunHeader, MRawEvtHeader, MRawEvtData, MRawCrateArray, MRawEvtTime
34 | //
35 | // Output Containers:
36 | // -/-
37 | //
38 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
39 |
40 | #include "MRawFileWrite.h"
41 |
42 | #include <TFile.h>
43 | #include <TTree.h>
44 | #include <TBranch.h>
45 |
46 | #include "MLog.h"
47 | #include "MLogManip.h"
48 |
49 | #include "MParList.h"
50 | #include "MRawRunHeader.h"
51 | #include "MRawEvtHeader.h"
52 | #include "MRawEvtData.h"
53 | #include "MRawCrateArray.h"
54 |
55 | ClassImp(MRawFileWrite);
56 |
57 | using namespace std;
58 |
59 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
60 | //
61 | // Default constructor. It opens the output file (root-file)
62 | //
63 | MRawFileWrite::MRawFileWrite(const char *fname,
64 | const Option_t *opt,
65 | const char *ftitle,
66 | const Int_t comp,
67 | const char *name, const char *title)
68 | {
69 | fName = name ? name : "MRawFileWrite";
70 | fTitle = title ? title : "Write task to write DAQ root files";
71 |
72 | //
73 | // Open a rootfile
74 | //
75 | fOut = new TFile(fname, opt, ftitle, comp);
76 | }
77 |
78 | MRawFileWrite::~MRawFileWrite()
79 | {
80 | //
81 | // delete instance, this also does a fOut->Close()
82 | //
83 | if (fOut->IsOpen())
84 | fOut->Write();
85 |
86 | delete fOut;
87 |
88 | //
89 | // Remark:
90 | // - Trees are automatically deleted by the the file
91 | // (unless file.SetDirectory(0) was called)
92 | // - Branches are automatically deleted by the tree destructor
93 | //
94 | }
95 |
96 |
97 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
98 | //
99 | // The PreProcess function checks for the following input containers:
100 | // - MRawEvtHeader
101 | // - MRawEvtData
102 | // - MRawCrateArray
103 | // - MRawEvtTime <MTime>
104 | // - MRawRunHeader
105 | // if a container isn't found the eventloop is stopped.
106 | //
107 | // The tree which should containe the run header is created. <RunHeaders>
108 | // The trees which contains the Events <Events>, <PedEvents>, <CalEvents>
109 | // are created.
110 | //
111 | Int_t MRawFileWrite::PreProcess (MParList *pList)
112 | {
113 | //
114 | // test whether file is now open or not
115 | //
116 | if (!fOut->IsOpen())
117 | {
118 | *fLog << dbginf << "Error: Cannot open file '" << fOut->GetName() << "'" << endl;
119 | return kFALSE;
120 | }
121 |
122 | //
123 | // remember the pointer to the parameter list fur further usage
124 | //
125 | pParList = pList;
126 |
127 | //
128 | // check if MEvtHeader exists in the Parameter list already.
129 | // if not create one and add them to the list
130 | //
131 | fRawEvtHeader = (MRawEvtHeader*)pList->FindObject("MRawEvtHeader");
132 | if (!fRawEvtHeader)
133 | {
134 | *fLog << err << dbginf << "MRawEvtHeader not found... aborting." << endl;
135 | return kFALSE;
136 | }
137 |
138 | fRawEvtData = (MRawEvtData*)pList->FindObject("MRawEvtData");
139 | if (!fRawEvtData)
140 | {
141 | *fLog << err << dbginf << "MRawEvtData not found... aborting." << endl;
142 | return kFALSE;
143 | }
144 |
145 | fRawCrateArray = (MRawCrateArray*)pList->FindObject("MRawCrateArray");
146 | if (!fRawCrateArray)
147 | {
148 | *fLog << err << dbginf << "MRawCrateArray not found... aborting." << endl;
149 | return kFALSE;
150 | }
151 |
152 | fRawEvtTime = (MTime*)pList->FindObject("MRawEvtTime");
153 | if (!fRawEvtTime)
154 | {
155 | *fLog << err << dbginf << "MRawEvtTime not found... aborting." << endl;
156 | return kFALSE;
157 | }
158 |
159 | fRawRunHeader = (MRawRunHeader*)pList->FindObject("MRawRunHeader");
160 | if (!fRawRunHeader)
161 | {
162 | *fLog << err << dbginf << "MRawRunHeader not found... aborting." << endl;
163 | return kFALSE;
164 | }
165 |
166 | //
167 | // Remark:
168 | // - Trees are automatically deleted by the the file
169 | // (unless file.SetDirectory(0) was called)
170 | // - Branches are automatically deleted by the tree destructor
171 | //
172 |
173 | //
174 | // Write the run header information to the file
175 | //
176 | TTree *rh = new TTree("RunHeaders", "Run headers of all runs in this file");
177 | rh->Branch("MRawRunHeader", "MRawRunHeader", &fRawRunHeader, 32000);
178 | rh->Fill();
179 | //rh->Write();
180 |
181 | //
182 | // create data trees for the three types of data
183 | //
184 | fTData = new TTree("Events", "Normal Triggered Events");
185 | fTPedestal = new TTree("PedEvents", "Pedestal Triggered Events");
186 | fTCalibration = new TTree("CalEvents", "Calibration Triggered Events");
187 |
188 | //
189 | // From the root dicumentation:
190 | //
191 | // Note that calling TTree::AutoSave too frequently (or similarly calling
192 | // TTree::SetAutoSave with a small value) is an expensive operation.
193 | // You should make tests for your own application to find a compromize
194 | // between speed and the quantity of information you may loose in case of
195 | // a job crash.
196 | //
197 | // In case your program crashes before closing the file holding this tree,
198 | // the file will be automatically recovered when you will connect the file
199 | // in UPDATE mode.
200 | // The Tree will be recovered at the status corresponding to the last AutoSave.
201 | //
202 | fTData ->SetAutoSave(2000000000); // 2GB
203 | fTPedestal ->SetAutoSave(2000000000); // 2GB
204 | fTCalibration->SetAutoSave(2000000000); // 2GB
205 |
206 | //
207 | // create all branches which are necessary
208 | //
209 | // FIXME: Can we calculate a good buffer size out of the event size?
210 | // using splitlevel=0 sppeds up writing by a factor of 5-10%
211 | fTData ->Branch("MTime.", "MTime", &fRawEvtTime, 32000);
212 | fTPedestal ->Branch("MTime.", "MTime", &fRawEvtTime, 32000);
213 | fTCalibration->Branch("MTime.", "MTime", &fRawEvtTime, 32000);
214 | fTData ->Branch("MRawEvtHeader.", "MRawEvtHeader", &fRawEvtHeader, 32000);
215 | fTPedestal ->Branch("MRawEvtHeader.", "MRawEvtHeader", &fRawEvtHeader, 32000);
216 | fTCalibration->Branch("MRawEvtHeader.", "MRawEvtHeader", &fRawEvtHeader, 32000);
217 | fTData ->Branch("MRawEvtData.", "MRawEvtData", &fRawEvtData, 320000);
218 | fTPedestal ->Branch("MRawEvtData.", "MRawEvtData", &fRawEvtData, 320000);
219 | fTCalibration->Branch("MRawEvtData.", "MRawEvtData", &fRawEvtData, 320000);
220 | //fTree->Branch("MRawCrateArray", fRawCrateArray->GetArray(), 32000, 1);
221 | fTData ->Branch("MRawCrateArray.", "MRawCrateArray", &fRawCrateArray, 32000);
222 | fTPedestal ->Branch("MRawCrateArray.", "MRawCrateArray", &fRawCrateArray, 32000);
223 | fTCalibration->Branch("MRawCrateArray.", "MRawCrateArray", &fRawCrateArray, 32000);
224 |
225 | return kTRUE;
226 | }
227 |
228 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
229 | //
230 | // Gets the trigger type from the run header to decide into which tree the
231 | // event should be filled in and fills it into this tree.
232 | //
233 | Int_t MRawFileWrite::Process()
234 | {
235 | //
236 | // get the trigger type of the actual event
237 | //
238 | const UShort_t type = fRawEvtHeader->GetTrigType();
239 |
240 | //
241 | // writa data to the tree. the tree is choosen by the type of the event
242 | //
243 | switch (type)
244 | {
245 | case kTTEvent:
246 | fTData->Fill();
247 | return kTRUE;
248 |
249 | case kTTPedestal:
250 | fTPedestal->Fill();
251 | return kTRUE;
252 |
253 | case kTTCalibration:
254 | fTCalibration->Fill();
255 | return kTRUE;
256 | }
257 |
258 | *fLog << warn << dbginf << "Got wrong number for the trigger type: " << type;
259 | *fLog << " - skipped" << endl;
260 |
261 | return kCONTINUE;
262 | }
263 |