1 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 | //
3 | // MRawRunHeader
4 | //
5 | // Root storage container for the RUN HEADER information
6 | //
7 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8 |
9 | #include "MRawRunHeader.h"
10 |
11 | #include <fstream.h>
12 | #include <iomanip.h>
13 |
14 | //#include <TClass.h>
15 |
16 | #include "MArrayS.h"
17 |
18 | ClassImp(MRawRunHeader)
19 |
20 | MRawRunHeader::MRawRunHeader(const char *name, const char *title) : fPixAssignment(NULL)
21 | {
22 | *fName = name ? name : "MRawRunHeader";
23 | *fTitle = title ? title : "Raw Run Header Information";
24 |
25 | fPixAssignment = new MArrayS(0);
26 |
27 | // This is only valid for root > 3.0
28 | // IsA()->CanIgnoreTObjectStreamer();
29 | }
30 |
31 | MRawRunHeader::~MRawRunHeader()
32 | {
33 | delete fPixAssignment;
34 | }
35 |
36 | void MRawRunHeader::ReadEvt(ifstream& fin)
37 | {
38 | //
39 | // read one RUN HEADER from the input stream
40 | //
41 | fin.read((Byte_t*)&fMagicNumber, 2);
42 |
43 | //
44 | // check whether the the file has the right file type or not
45 | //
46 | if (fMagicNumber != kMagicNumber)
47 | {
48 | cout << "Error: Wrong Magic Number: Not a Magic File!" << endl;
49 | return;
50 | }
51 |
52 | Byte_t dummy[16];
53 |
54 | fin.read((Byte_t*)&fFormatVersion, 2);
55 | fin.read((Byte_t*)&fSoftVersion, 2);
56 | fin.read((Byte_t*)&fRunType, 2);
57 | fin.read((Byte_t*)&fRunNumber, 4);
58 | fin.read((Byte_t*)&fProjectName, 22);
59 | fin.read((Byte_t*)&fSourceName, 12);
60 | fin.read((Byte_t*)dummy, 4); // was RA
61 | fin.read((Byte_t*)dummy, 4); // was DEC
62 | fin.read((Byte_t*)&fSourceEpochChar, 2);
63 | fin.read((Byte_t*)&fSourceEpochDate, 2);
64 | fin.read((Byte_t*)&fMJD, 4);
65 | fin.read((Byte_t*)&fDateYear, 2);
66 | fin.read((Byte_t*)&fDateMonth, 2);
67 | fin.read((Byte_t*)&fDateDay, 2);
68 | fin.read((Byte_t*)&fNumCrates, 2);
69 | fin.read((Byte_t*)&fNumPixInCrate, 2);
70 | fin.read((Byte_t*)&fNumSamplesLoGain, 2);
71 | fin.read((Byte_t*)&fNumSamplesHiGain, 2);
72 | fin.read((Byte_t*)&fNumEvents, 4);
73 |
74 |
75 | //
76 | // calculate size of array, create it and fill it
77 | //
78 | Int_t nPixel = fNumCrates*fNumPixInCrate;
79 | fPixAssignment->Set(nPixel);
80 |
81 | fin.read((Byte_t*)fPixAssignment->GetArray(), nPixel*2);
82 | fin.read((Byte_t*)&dummy, 16);
83 | }
84 |
85 | void MRawRunHeader::Print(Option_t *t)
86 | {
87 | //
88 | // print run header information on screen
89 | //
90 | cout << "MagicNumber: 0x" << hex << fMagicNumber << " - " << (fMagicNumber==0xc0c0?"OK":"Wrong!") << endl;
91 | cout << "Version: " << dec << "Format=" << fFormatVersion << " ";
92 | cout << "Software=" << fSoftVersion << endl;
93 | cout << "RunNumber: " << fRunNumber << " (Type=";
94 | switch (fRunType)
95 | {
96 | case 0:
97 | cout << "Data";
98 | break;
99 | case 1:
100 | cout << "Pedestal";
101 | break;
102 | case 2:
103 | cout << "Calibration";
104 | break;
105 | }
106 | cout << ")" << endl;
107 | cout << "ProjectName: '" << fProjectName << "'" << endl;
108 | cout << "Source: '" << fSourceName << "' " << " ";
109 | cout << fSourceEpochChar << dec << fSourceEpochDate << endl;
110 | cout << "Date: " << setprecision(1) << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << fMJD << " (MJD) " << fDateYear << "/" << fDateMonth << "/" << fDateDay << endl;
111 | cout << "Crates: " << fNumCrates << " x " << fNumPixInCrate << " Pixel/Crate = " << fNumCrates*fNumPixInCrate << " Pixel/Evt" << endl;
112 | cout << "Samples: " << fNumSamplesLoGain << "/" << fNumSamplesHiGain << " (lo/hi) = " << (fNumSamplesLoGain+fNumSamplesHiGain) * fNumCrates * fNumPixInCrate /1024 << "kB/Evt" << endl;
113 | cout << "Evt Counter: " << fNumEvents << endl;
114 |
115 | cout << hex;
116 | for (int i=0; i<GetNumPixel(); i++)
117 | cout << setfill('0') << setw(3) << (*fPixAssignment)[i] << " ";
118 | cout << hex << endl;
119 |
120 | cout << endl;
121 | }
122 |
123 | UShort_t MRawRunHeader::GetPixAssignment(UShort_t i) const
124 | {
125 | // FIXME: Do we need a range check here?
126 | return (*fPixAssignment)[i];
127 | }
128 |
129 | UShort_t MRawRunHeader::GetNumPixel() const
130 | {
131 | return fPixAssignment->GetSize();
132 | }