/* ======================================================================== *\ ! ! * ! * This file is part of MARS, the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction ! * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful ! * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes. ! * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. ! * ! * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its ! * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, ! * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and ! * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear ! * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express ! * or implied warranty. ! * ! ! ! Author(s): Thomas Bretz 12/2000 ! ! Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2001 ! ! \* ======================================================================== */ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // MRawRunHeader // // Root storage container for the RUN HEADER information // // Format Version 2: // ----------------- // - removed mjd from data // - added start time // - added stop time // // Class Version 2: // ---------------- // - removed fMJD, fYear, fMonth, fDay // - added fRunStart // - added fRunStop // // Class Version 1: // ---------------- // - first implementation // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "MRawRunHeader.h" #include #include #include "MLog.h" #include "MLogManip.h" #include "MArrayS.h" ClassImp(MRawRunHeader); using namespace std; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Default constructor. Creates array which stores the pixel assignment. // // MRawRunHeader::MRawRunHeader(const char *name, const char *title) : fPixAssignment(NULL) { fName = name ? name : "MRawRunHeader"; fTitle = title ? title : "Raw Run Header Information"; fPixAssignment = new MArrayS(0); fFormatVersion=0; fSoftVersion=0; fRunType=kRTNone; // use 0xffff for invalidation, 0 means: Data run fRunNumber=0; fProjectName[0]=0; fSourceName[0]=0; fSourceEpochChar[0]=0; fSourceEpochDate=0; fNumCrates=0; fNumPixInCrate=0; fNumSamplesLoGain=0; fNumSamplesHiGain=0; fNumEvents=0; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Destructor. Deletes the 'pixel-assignment-array' // MRawRunHeader::~MRawRunHeader() { delete fPixAssignment; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Read in one run header from the binary file // void MRawRunHeader::ReadEvt(istream& fin) { // // read one RUN HEADER from the input stream // fMagicNumber = 0; fin.read((char*)&fMagicNumber, 2); // Total=2 // // check whether the the file has the right file type or not // if (fMagicNumber != kMagicNumber && fMagicNumber != kMagicNumber+1) { *fLog << err << "Error: Wrong Magic Number (0x" << hex << fMagicNumber << "): Not a Magic File!" << endl; return; } if (fMagicNumber == kMagicNumber+1) *fLog << warn << "WARNING - This file maybe broken (0xc0c1) - DAQ didn't close it correctly!" << endl; Byte_t dummy[16]; fin.read((char*)&fFormatVersion, 2); // Total=4 if (fFormatVersion>2) *fLog << warn << "WARNING - Format version V" << fFormatVersion << " unknown!" << endl; fin.read((char*)&fSoftVersion, 2); // Total=6 fin.read((char*)&fRunType, 2); // Total=8 fin.read((char*)&fRunNumber, 4); // Total=12 fin.read((char*)&fProjectName, 22); // Total=34 fin.read((char*)&fSourceName, 12); // Total=46 fin.read((char*)dummy, 4); // was RA (moved to tracking system) fin.read((char*)dummy, 4); // was DEC (moved to tracking system) fin.read((char*)&fSourceEpochChar, 2); // Total=56 fin.read((char*)&fSourceEpochDate, 2); // Total=58 if (fFormatVersion<2) // Total += 10 { UShort_t y, m, d; fin.read((char*)dummy, 4); // Former fMJD[4], fin.read((char*)&y, 2); // Former fDateYear[2] fin.read((char*)&m, 2); // Former fDateMonth[2] fin.read((char*)&d, 2); // Former fDateDay[2] fRunStart.Set(y, m, d, 0, 0, 0, 0); } fin.read((char*)&fNumCrates, 2); // Total=60 fin.read((char*)&fNumPixInCrate, 2); // Total=62 fin.read((char*)&fNumSamplesLoGain, 2); // Total=64 fin.read((char*)&fNumSamplesHiGain, 2); // Total=66 fin.read((char*)&fNumEvents, 4); // Total=70 if (fFormatVersion>1) { fRunStart.ReadBinary(fin); // Total += 7 fRunStop.ReadBinary(fin); // Total += 7 } // // calculate size of array, create it and fill it // Int_t nPixel = fNumCrates*fNumPixInCrate; fPixAssignment->Set(nPixel); fin.read((char*)fPixAssignment->GetArray(), nPixel*2); fin.read((char*)&dummy, 16); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Return the run type as string ("Data", "Pedestal", ...), for example // to print it as readable text. // const char *MRawRunHeader::GetRunTypeStr() const { switch (fRunType) { case kRTData: return "Data"; case kRTPedestal: return "Pedestal"; case kRTCalibration: return "Calibration"; case kRTMonteCarlo: return "Monte Carlo"; case kRTNone: return ""; default: return ""; } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // print run header information on *fLog // void MRawRunHeader::Print(Option_t *t) const { *fLog << all << endl; *fLog << "MagicNumber: 0x" << hex << fMagicNumber << " - "; switch (fMagicNumber) { case kMagicNumber: *fLog << "OK"; break; case kMagicNumber+1: *fLog << "File not closed!"; break; default: *fLog << "Wrong!"; break; } *fLog << endl; *fLog << "Version: " << dec << "Format=" << fFormatVersion << " "; *fLog << "Software=" << fSoftVersion << endl; *fLog << "RunNumber: " << fRunNumber << " (Type=" << GetRunTypeStr() << ")" << endl; *fLog << "ProjectName: '" << fProjectName << "'" << endl; *fLog << "Source: '" << fSourceName << "' " << " "; *fLog << fSourceEpochChar << dec << fSourceEpochDate << endl; *fLog << "Run Start: " << fRunStart << endl; *fLog << "Run Stop: " << fRunStop << endl; *fLog << "Crates: " << fNumCrates << " x " << fNumPixInCrate << " Pixel/Crate = " << fNumCrates*fNumPixInCrate << " Pixel/Evt" << endl; *fLog << "Samples: " << fNumSamplesLoGain << "/" << fNumSamplesHiGain << " (lo/hi) = " << (fNumSamplesLoGain+fNumSamplesHiGain) * fNumCrates * fNumPixInCrate /1024 << "kB/Evt" << endl; *fLog << "Evt Counter: " << fNumEvents << endl; *fLog << inf << hex; for (int i=0; iGetSize(); UShort_t rc = 0; for (int i=0; i0) rc++; return rc; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Return the number of pixel in this event. // // WARNING: This is the number of pixels stored in this file which is // a multiple of the number of pixels per crate and in general // a number which is larger than the camera size! // // To know the range of the pixel indices please use the geometry // container! // UShort_t MRawRunHeader::GetNumPixel() const { return fPixAssignment->GetSize(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Returns absolute size in bytes of the run header as read from a raw file. // This must be done _after_ the header is read, because the header doesn't // have a fixed size (used in MRawSocketRead) // Int_t MRawRunHeader::GetNumTotalBytes() const { switch (fFormatVersion) { case 1: return 80+fNumCrates*fNumPixInCrate*2+16; case 2: return 84+fNumCrates*fNumPixInCrate*2+16; } return 0; }