#ifndef MARS_MReport #define MARS_MReport #ifndef MARS_MParContainer #include "MParContainer.h" #endif class MTime; class MParList; class MReport : public MParContainer { private: const TString fIdentifier; //! Identifier of the subsystem const Bool_t fHasReportTime; //! Intermediate solution for DC currents Byte_t fState; // Status of the subsystem MTime *fTime; //! pointer to the corresponding time stamp ULong_t Hash() const { return fIdentifier.Hash(); } Bool_t InterpreteHeader(TString &str); public: MReport(const char *id, Bool_t time=kTRUE) : fIdentifier(id), fHasReportTime(time), fState(0xff), fTime(0) { } virtual Bool_t SetupReading(MParList &plist); virtual Bool_t InterpreteBody(TString &str); Int_t Interprete(TString &str, const MTime &start, const MTime &stop); Bool_t CheckIdentifier(TString &str) const { if (!str.BeginsWith(fIdentifier)) return kFALSE; str.Remove(0, fIdentifier.Length()); str = str.Strip(TString::kBoth); return kTRUE; } const TString &GetIdentifier() const { return fIdentifier; } Byte_t GetState() const { return fState; } ClassDef(MReport, 1) // Base class for control reports }; #endif