/* ======================================================================== *\ ! ! * ! * This file is part of MARS, the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction ! * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful ! * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes. ! * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. ! * ! * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its ! * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, ! * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and ! * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear ! * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express ! * or implied warranty. ! * ! ! ! Author(s): Thomas Bretz, 11/2003 ! Author(s): Daniel Mazin, 04/2005 ! ! Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2008 ! ! \* ======================================================================== */ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // MReportCamera // // This is the class interpreting and storing the CAMERA-REPORT information. // // Most of the information is redirected to the classes MCamera* and stored // there. // // Version 2: // ---------- // - fStstusDC // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "MReportCamera.h" #include "MLogManip.h" #include "MAstro.h" #include "MParList.h" #include "MCameraCalibration.h" #include "MCameraCooling.h" #include "MCameraDC.h" #include "MCameraHV.h" #include "MCameraLV.h" #include "MCameraAUX.h" #include "MCameraActiveLoad.h" #include "MCameraCentralPix.h" #include "MCameraLids.h" ClassImp(MReportCamera); using namespace std; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Default construtor. Initialize identifier to "CAMERA-REPORT" // MReportCamera::MReportCamera() : MReport("CAMERA-REPORT") { fName = "MReportCamera"; fTitle = "Class for CAMERA-REPORT information"; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FindCreate the following objects: // - MCameraCooling // - MCameraLids // - MCameraAUX // - MCameraHV // - MCameraLV // - MCameraCalibration // Bool_t MReportCamera::SetupReading(MParList &plist) { fCooling = (MCameraCooling*)plist.FindCreateObj("MCameraCooling"); if (!fCooling) return kFALSE; fLids = (MCameraLids*)plist.FindCreateObj("MCameraLids"); if (!fLids) return kFALSE; fAUX = (MCameraAUX*)plist.FindCreateObj("MCameraAUX"); if (!fAUX) return kFALSE; fHV = (MCameraHV*)plist.FindCreateObj("MCameraHV"); if (!fHV) return kFALSE; fDC = (MCameraDC*)plist.FindCreateObj("MCameraDC"); if (!fDC) return kFALSE; fLV = (MCameraLV*)plist.FindCreateObj("MCameraLV"); if (!fLV) return kFALSE; fCalibration = (MCameraCalibration*)plist.FindCreateObj("MCameraCalibration"); if (!fCalibration) return kFALSE; fActiveLoad = (MCameraActiveLoad*)plist.FindCreateObj("MCameraActiveLoad"); if (!fActiveLoad) return kFALSE; fCentralPix = (MCameraCentralPix*)plist.FindCreateObj("MCameraCentralPix"); if (!fCentralPix) return kFALSE; return MReport::SetupReading(plist); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Interprete the DC* part of the report // Bool_t MReportCamera::InterpreteDC(TString &str) { if (!CheckTag(str, "DC ")) return kFALSE; return fDC->Interprete(str); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Interprete the HV* part of the report // Bool_t MReportCamera::InterpreteHV(TString &str) { if (!CheckTag(str, "HV ")) return kFALSE; const char *pos = str.Data(); const char *end = str.Data()+577*3; Int_t i=0; while (posfHV[i++]); if (n==1) continue; *fLog << warn << "WARNING - Reading hexadecimal HV information." << endl; return kFALSE; } str.Remove(0, end-str.Data()); // Remove DC currents str=str.Strip(TString::kLeading); return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Interprete the COOL* part of the report // Bool_t MReportCamera::InterpreteCOOL(TString &str) { if (!CheckTag(str, "COOL ")) return kFALSE; Int_t len; Int_t wall, opt, center, water; Short_t hwall, hcenter, hip, lop, pump, ref, valv, res, fans; const Int_t n=sscanf(str.Data(), "%d %d %d %d %hu %hu %hu %hu %hu %hu %hu %hu %hu %n", &wall, &opt, ¢er, &water, &hwall, &hcenter, &hip, &lop, &pump, &ref, &valv, &res, &fans, &len); if (n!=13) { *fLog << warn << "WARNING - Reading information of 'COOL' section." << endl; return kFALSE; } fCooling->fTempWall = 0.1*wall; fCooling->fTempOptLink = 0.1*opt; fCooling->fTempCenter = 0.1*center; fCooling->fTempWater = 0.1*water; fCooling->fHumWall = (Byte_t)hwall; fCooling->fHumCenter = (Byte_t)hcenter; fCooling->fStatusPressureHi = (Bool_t)hip; fCooling->fStatusPressureLo = (Bool_t)lop; fCooling->fStatusPump = (Bool_t)pump; fCooling->fStatusRefrigrerator = (Bool_t)ref; fCooling->fStatusValve = (Bool_t)valv; fCooling->fStatusResistor = (Bool_t)res; fCooling->fStatusFans = (Bool_t)fans; str.Remove(0, len); str=str.Strip(TString::kLeading); return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Interprete the LID* part of the report // Bool_t MReportCamera::InterpreteLID(TString &str) { if (!CheckTag(str, "LID ")) return kFALSE; Int_t len; Short_t limao, limac, limbo, limbc; Short_t slimao, slimac, slimbo, slimbc; Short_t slida, slidb, mlida, mlidb; const Int_t n=sscanf(str.Data(), "%hu %hu %hu %hu %hu %hu %hu %hu %hu %hu %hu %hu %n", &limao, &limac, &limbo, &limbc, &slimao, &slimac, &slimbo, &slimbc, &slida, &slidb, &mlida, &mlidb, &len); if (n!=12) { *fLog << warn << "WARNING - Reading information of 'LID' section." << endl; return kFALSE; } fLids->fLidA.fLimitOpen = (Bool_t)limao; fLids->fLidA.fLimitClose = (Bool_t)limac; fLids->fLidA.fSafetyLimitOpen = (Bool_t)slimao; fLids->fLidA.fSafetyLimitClose= (Bool_t)slimac; fLids->fLidA.fStatusLid = (Byte_t)slida; fLids->fLidA.fStatusMotor = (Byte_t)mlida; fLids->fLidB.fLimitOpen = (Bool_t)limbo; fLids->fLidB.fLimitClose = (Bool_t)limbc; fLids->fLidB.fSafetyLimitOpen = (Bool_t)slimbo; fLids->fLidB.fSafetyLimitClose= (Bool_t)slimbc; fLids->fLidB.fStatusLid = (Byte_t)slidb; fLids->fLidB.fStatusMotor = (Byte_t)mlidb; str.Remove(0, len); str=str.Strip(TString::kLeading); return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Interprete the HVPS* part of the report // Bool_t MReportCamera::InterpreteHVPS(TString &str) { if (!CheckTag(str, "HVPS ")) return kFALSE; Int_t len; Short_t c1, c2; const Int_t n=sscanf(str.Data(), "%hd %hd %hd %hd %n", &fHV->fVoltageA, &fHV->fVoltageB, &c1, &c2, &len); if (n!=4) { *fLog << warn << "WARNING - Reading information of 'HVPS' section." << endl; return kFALSE; } fHV->fCurrentA = (Byte_t)c1; fHV->fCurrentB = (Byte_t)c2; str.Remove(0, len); str=str.Strip(TString::kLeading); return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Interprete the LV* part of the report // Bool_t MReportCamera::InterpreteLV(TString &str) { if (!CheckTag(str, "LV ")) return kFALSE; Int_t len; Short_t vap5, vap12, van12, vbp5, vbp12, vbn12; Short_t valp12, vblp12, cap5, cap12, can12, cbp5, cbp12; Short_t cbn12, calp12, cblp12, lvps, temp, hum; const Int_t n=sscanf(str.Data(), "%hd %hd %hd %hd %hd %hd %hd %hd %hd %hd %hd %hd %hd %hd %hd %hd %hd %hd %hd %n", &vap5, &vap12, &van12, &vbp5, &vbp12, &vbn12, &valp12, &vblp12, &cap5, &cap12, &can12, &cbp5, &cbp12, &cbn12, &calp12, &cblp12, &lvps, &temp, &hum, &len); if (n!=19) { *fLog << warn << "WARNING - Reading information of 'LV' section." << endl; return kFALSE; } fLV->fRequestPowerSupply = (Bool_t)lvps; fLV->fTemp = 0.1*temp; fLV->fHumidity = (Byte_t)hum; fLV->fPowerSupplyA.fVoltagePos5V = 0.01*vap5; fLV->fPowerSupplyA.fVoltagePos12V = 0.01*vap12; fLV->fPowerSupplyA.fVoltageNeg12V = 0.01*van12; fLV->fPowerSupplyA.fVoltageOptLinkPos12V = 0.01*valp12; fLV->fPowerSupplyA.fCurrentPos5V = 0.001*cap5; fLV->fPowerSupplyA.fCurrentPos12V = 0.001*cap12; fLV->fPowerSupplyA.fCurrentNeg12V = 0.001*can12; fLV->fPowerSupplyA.fCurrentOptLinkPos12V = 0.001*calp12; fLV->fPowerSupplyB.fVoltagePos5V = 0.01*vbp5; fLV->fPowerSupplyB.fVoltagePos12V = 0.01*vbp12; fLV->fPowerSupplyB.fVoltageNeg12V = 0.01*vbn12; fLV->fPowerSupplyB.fVoltageOptLinkPos12V = 0.01*vblp12; fLV->fPowerSupplyB.fCurrentPos5V = 0.001*cbp5; fLV->fPowerSupplyB.fCurrentPos12V = 0.001*cbp12; fLV->fPowerSupplyB.fCurrentNeg12V = 0.001*cbn12; fLV->fPowerSupplyB.fCurrentOptLinkPos12V = 0.001*cblp12; str.Remove(0, len); str=str.Strip(TString::kLeading); return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Interprete the AUX* part of the report // Bool_t MReportCamera::InterpreteAUX(TString &str) { if (!CheckTag(str, "AUX ")) return kFALSE; Int_t len; Short_t led, fan; const Int_t n=sscanf(str.Data(), "%hd %hd %n", &led, &fan, &len); if (n!=2) { *fLog << warn << "WARNING - Reading information of 'AUX' section." << endl; return kFALSE; } fAUX->fRequestCaosLEDs=(Bool_t)led; fAUX->fRequestFansFADC=(Bool_t)fan; str.Remove(0, len); str=str.Strip(TString::kLeading); return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Interprete the CAL* part of the report // Bool_t MReportCamera::InterpreteCAL(TString &str) { if (!CheckTag(str, "CAL ")) return kFALSE; Int_t len; Short_t hv, lv, cont, pin; const Int_t n=sscanf(str.Data(), "%hd %hd %hd %hd %n", &hv, &lv, &cont, &pin, &len); if (n!=4) { *fLog << warn << "WARNING - Reading information of 'CAL' section." << endl; return kFALSE; } fCalibration->fRequestHiVoltage = (Bool_t)hv; fCalibration->fRequestLoVoltage = (Bool_t)lv; fCalibration->fRequestContLight = (Bool_t)cont; fCalibration->fRequestPinDiode = (Bool_t)pin; str.Remove(0, len); str=str.Strip(TString::kBoth); return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Interprete the HOT* part of the report // Bool_t MReportCamera::InterpreteHOT(TString &str) { if (!CheckTag(str, "HOT ")) return kFALSE; Int_t len; Int_t hot; const Int_t n=sscanf(str.Data(), "%d %n", &hot, &len); if (n!=1) { *fLog << warn << "WARNING - Reading information of 'HOT' section." << endl; return kFALSE; } str.Remove(0, len); str=str.Strip(TString::kBoth); return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Interprete the Active Load REPORT part // Bool_t MReportCamera::InterpreteActiveLoad(TString &str) { if (!CheckTag(str, "ACTLOAD ")) return kFALSE; Int_t len; Short_t v360a, i360a, v360b, i360b, v175a, i175a, v175b, i175b; Int_t n=sscanf(str.Data(), " %hd %hd %hd %hd %hd %hd %hd %hd %n", &v360a, &i360a, &v360b, &i360b, &v175a, &i175a, &v175b, &i175b, &len); if (n!=8) { *fLog << warn << "WARNING - Reading information of 'ACTLOAD' section." << endl; return kFALSE; } fActiveLoad->fVoltage360A = (float)v360a*0.1; fActiveLoad->fIntens360A = (float)i360a*0.01; fActiveLoad->fVoltage360B = (float)v360b*0.1; fActiveLoad->fIntens360B = (float)i360b*0.01; fActiveLoad->fVoltage175A = (float)v175a*0.1; fActiveLoad->fIntens175A = (float)i175a*0.01; fActiveLoad->fVoltage175B = (float)v175b*0.1; fActiveLoad->fIntens175B = (float)i175b*0.01; str.Remove(0, len); str=str.Strip(TString::kBoth); return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Interprete the Central Pixel part // Bool_t MReportCamera::InterpreteCentralPix(TString &str, Int_t ver) { if (!CheckTag(str, "CPIX ")) return kFALSE; Int_t len; Short_t status; Int_t n=sscanf(str.Data(), " %hd %n", &status, &len); if (n!=1) { *fLog << warn << "WARNING - Reading information of 'CPIX' section." << endl; return kFALSE; } if (ver>=200812140) { Int_t len2; Int_t dc; n=sscanf(str.Data()+len, " %d %n", &dc, &len2); if (n!=1) { *fLog << warn << "WARNING - Reading information of 'CPIX' section." << endl; return kFALSE; } fCentralPix->fDC = dc; len += len2; } fCentralPix->fStatus = (Bool_t)status; str.Remove(0, len); str=str.Strip(TString::kBoth); return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Interprete the CHTEMP part // Bool_t MReportCamera::InterpreteCHTEMP(TString &str) { if (!CheckTag(str, "CHTEMP ")) return kFALSE; Int_t len, temp1, temp2, temp3; Int_t n=sscanf(str.Data(), " %d %d %d %n", &temp1, &temp2, &temp3, &len); if (n!=3) { *fLog << warn << "WARNING - Reading information of 'CHTEMP' section." << endl; return kFALSE; } fAUX->fTempCountingHouse1 = temp1*0.01; fAUX->fTempCountingHouse2 = temp2*0.01; fAUX->fTempCountingHouse3 = temp3*0.01; str.Remove(0, len); str=str.Strip(TString::kBoth); return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Interprete the HVFIL part // Bool_t MReportCamera::InterpreteHVFIL(TString &str) { if (!CheckTag(str, "HVFIL ")) return kFALSE; str=str.Strip(TString::kBoth); const Ssiz_t pos = str.First(' '); /* if (pos<0) { *fLog << warn << "WARNING - Reading information of 'HVFIL' section." << endl; return kFALSE; } */ fHV->fFileName = pos<0 ? (TString)"" : str(0, pos); if (pos<0) return kTRUE; str.Remove(0, pos); str=str.Strip(TString::kBoth); return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // ps: Camera cabinet power supply // v1: PS sensor v1 // v2: PS sensor v2 // Bool_t MReportCamera::InterpretePSSEN(TString &str) { if (!CheckTag(str, "PSSEN ")) return kFALSE; Int_t len; Int_t ps, v1, v2; const Int_t n=sscanf(str.Data(), "%d %d %d %n", &ps, &v1, &v2, &len); if (n!=3) { *fLog << warn << "WARNING - Reading information of 'PSSEN' section." << endl; return kFALSE; } str.Remove(0, len); str=str.Strip(TString::kBoth); return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // liq: Liquid inside camera // Bool_t MReportCamera::InterpreteLIQ(TString &str) { if (!CheckTag(str, "LIQ ")) return kFALSE; Int_t len; Int_t liq; const Int_t n=sscanf(str.Data(), "%d %n", &liq, &len); if (n!=1) { *fLog << warn << "WARNING - Reading information of 'LIQ' section." << endl; return kFALSE; } str.Remove(0, len); str=str.Strip(TString::kBoth); return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Interprete the CAMERA-REPORT part // Bool_t MReportCamera::InterpreteCamera(TString &str, Int_t ver) { // // I have tried to do it with pure pointer arithmentics, but most of the time is spent // to do the sscanf. So we gain less than 5% not using TString like it is done here. Int_t len1=0; Short_t cal, stat, hvps, lid, lv, cool, hv, dc, led, fan, can, io, clv; Int_t n; n=sscanf(str.Data(), " %hd %hd %hd %hd %hd %hd %hd %hd %hd %hd %hd %hd %hd %n", &cal, &stat, &hvps, &lid, &lv, &cool, &hv, &dc, &led, &fan, &can, &io, &clv, &len1); if (n!=13) { *fLog << warn << "WARNING - Cannot interprete status' of subsystems." << endl; return kFALSE; } fHV->fStatus = (Byte_t)hvps; fLids->fStatus = (Byte_t)lid; fLV->fStatus = (Byte_t)lv; fCooling->fStatus = (Byte_t)cool; fHV->fStatusRamping = (Byte_t)hv; fAUX->fStatusCaosLEDs = (Bool_t)led; fAUX->fStatusFansFADC = (Bool_t)fan; fCalibration->fStatus = (Bool_t)cal; fCalibration->fStatusCANbus = (Bool_t)can; fCalibration->fStatusIO = (Bool_t)io; fCalibration->fStatusLoVoltage = (Bool_t)clv; fStatus = (Byte_t)stat; fDC->fStatus = (Byte_t)dc; fActiveLoad->fStatus = 0xff; Int_t len2=0; if (ver > 200504130) { Short_t actl; n=sscanf(str.Data()+len1, " %hd %n", &actl, &len2); if (n!=1) { *fLog << warn << "WARNING - Cannot interprete status of active load." << endl; return kFALSE; } fActiveLoad->fStatus = (Byte_t)actl; } str.Remove(0, len1+len2); str=str.Strip(TString::kLeading); return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Interprete the body of the CAMERA-REPORT string // Int_t MReportCamera::InterpreteBody(TString &str, Int_t ver) { if (!InterpreteCamera(str, ver)) return kCONTINUE; if (!InterpreteDC(str)) return kCONTINUE; if (!InterpreteHV(str)) return kCONTINUE; if (!InterpreteCOOL(str)) return kCONTINUE; if (!InterpreteLID(str)) return kCONTINUE; if (!InterpreteHVPS(str)) return kCONTINUE; if (!InterpreteLV(str)) return kCONTINUE; if (!InterpreteAUX(str)) return kCONTINUE; if (!InterpreteCAL(str)) return kCONTINUE; if (ver >= 200407070) { if (!InterpreteHOT(str)) return kCONTINUE; } if (ver > 200504130) { if (!InterpreteActiveLoad(str)) return kCONTINUE; if (!InterpreteCentralPix(str, ver)) return kCONTINUE; } if (ver >= 200507190) { if (!InterpreteCHTEMP(str)) return kCONTINUE; if (!InterpreteHVFIL(str)) return kCONTINUE; } if (ver >= 200812140) { if (!InterpretePSSEN(str)) return kCONTINUE; if (!InterpreteLIQ(str)) return kCONTINUE; } if (str!="OVER") { *fLog << warn << "WARNING - 'OVER' tag not found... remaining: " << str << endl; return kCONTINUE; } return kTRUE; }