1 | /* ======================================================================== *\
2 | !
3 | ! *
4 | ! * This file is part of MARS, the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction
5 | ! * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful
6 | ! * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes.
7 | ! * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
8 | ! *
9 | ! * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
10 | ! * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
11 | ! * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
12 | ! * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
13 | ! * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express
14 | ! * or implied warranty.
15 | ! *
16 | !
17 | !
18 | ! Author(s): Markus Gaug, 02/2004 <mailto:markus@ifae.es>
19 | !
20 | ! Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2004
21 | !
22 | !
23 | \* ======================================================================== */
24 |
25 | //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
26 | //
27 | // MExtractBlindPixel
28 | //
29 | // Extracts the signal from a fixed window in a given range.
30 | //
31 | // Call: SetRange(fHiGainFirst, fHiGainLast, fLoGainFirst, fLoGainLast)
32 | // to modify the ranges. The "low-gain" ranges are used for the NSB rejection
33 | // whereas the high-gain ranges for blind pixel signal extraction. "High-gain"
34 | // ranges can extend to the slices stored as "low-gain" in MRawEvtPixelIter
35 | //
36 | // Defaults are:
37 | //
38 | // fHiGainFirst = fgHiGainFirst = 10
39 | // fHiGainLast = fgHiGainLast = 29
40 | // fLoGainFirst = fgLoGainFirst = 0
41 | // fLoGainLast = fgLoGainLast = 7
42 | //
43 | // The switches:
44 | // - SetExtractionType ( kAmplitude ) and SetExtractionType ( kIntegral )
45 | // can be used to choose between amplitude extraction (using a spline) and
46 | // summed integral.
47 | // - SetExtractionType ( kFilter )
48 | // can be used to apply a filter discarding events passing over a threshold
49 | // defined in fNSBFilterLimit
50 | //
51 | //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
52 | #include "MExtractBlindPixel.h"
53 |
54 | #include "MLog.h"
55 | #include "MLogManip.h"
56 |
57 | #include "MParList.h"
58 |
59 | #include "MRawEvtData.h"
60 | #include "MRawRunHeader.h"
61 | #include "MRawEvtPixelIter.h"
62 |
63 | #include "MPedestalSubtractedEvt.h"
64 | #include "MExtractedSignalBlindPixel.h"
65 |
66 | #include "MPedestalCam.h"
67 | #include "MPedestalPix.h"
68 |
69 | #include "MCalibrationBlindCam.h"
70 | #include "MCalibrationBlindPix.h"
71 |
72 | #include "MExtralgoSpline.h"
73 |
74 | ClassImp(MExtractBlindPixel);
75 |
76 | using namespace std;
77 |
78 | const UInt_t MExtractBlindPixel::fgBlindPixelIdx = 559;
79 | const Byte_t MExtractBlindPixel::fgHiGainFirst = 10;
80 | const Byte_t MExtractBlindPixel::fgHiGainLast = 19;
81 | const Byte_t MExtractBlindPixel::fgLoGainFirst = 0;
82 | const Byte_t MExtractBlindPixel::fgLoGainLast = 7;
83 | const Int_t MExtractBlindPixel::fgNSBFilterLimit = 70;
84 | const Float_t MExtractBlindPixel::fgResolution = 0.003;
85 | const Float_t MExtractBlindPixel::gkOverflow = 300.;
86 |
87 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
88 | //
89 | // Default constructor.
90 | //
91 | // Initializes:
92 | // - fBlindPixelIdx to fgBlindPixelIdx
93 | // - fNSBFilterLimit to fgNSBFilterLimit
94 | // - fResolution to fgResolution
95 | // - fExtractionType to 0.
96 | //
97 | // Calls:
98 | // - SetRange(fgHiGainFirst, fgHiGainLast, fgLoGainFirst, fgLoGainLast);
99 | //
100 | MExtractBlindPixel::MExtractBlindPixel(const char *name, const char *title)
101 | : fBlindPixel(0), /*fHiLoLast(0),*/ fDataType(0)
102 | {
103 |
104 | fName = name ? name : "MExtractBlindPixel";
105 | fTitle = title ? title : "Task to extract the signal from the FADC slices";
106 |
107 | SetResolution();
108 | SetNSBFilterLimit();
109 | SetRange(fgHiGainFirst, fgHiGainLast, fgLoGainFirst, fgLoGainLast);
110 |
111 | // SetNumBlindPixels();
112 | fBlindPixelIdx.Set(1);
113 | fBlindPixelIdx[0] = fgBlindPixelIdx;
114 |
115 | Clear();
116 |
117 | }
118 |
119 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
120 | //
121 | // Clear
122 | //
123 | // Initializes:
124 | // - fBlindPixelIdx to 0
125 | // - fExtractionType to 0
126 | //
127 | // Calls:
128 | // - SetBlindPixelIdx()
129 | //
130 | // Deletes and sets to NULL (if exists):
131 | // - fHiGainSignal
132 | // - fHiGainFirstDeriv
133 | // - fHiGainSecondDeriv
134 | //
135 | void MExtractBlindPixel::Clear( const Option_t *o)
136 | {
137 | fExtractionType = 0;
138 |
139 | fBlindPixelIdx.Set(1);
140 | fBlindPixelIdx[0] = fgBlindPixelIdx;
141 | }
142 |
143 | void MExtractBlindPixel::SetBlindPixels(const MCalibrationBlindCam &cam)
144 | {
145 | const Int_t n = cam.GetSize();
146 |
147 | fBlindPixelIdx.Set(n);
148 | for (Int_t i=0; i<n; i++)
149 | fBlindPixelIdx[i] = cam[i].GetPixId();
150 | }
151 |
152 | void MExtractBlindPixel::SetRange(Byte_t hifirst, Byte_t hilast, Byte_t lofirst, Byte_t lolast)
153 | {
154 |
155 | MExtractor::SetRange(hifirst,hilast,lofirst,lolast);
156 |
157 | fNumHiGainSamples = (Float_t)(fHiGainLast-fHiGainFirst+1);
158 | // if (lolast)
159 | // fNumLoGainSamples = (Float_t)(fLoGainLast-fLoGainFirst+1);
160 | // else
161 | fNumLoGainSamples = 0.;
162 |
163 | fSqrtHiGainSamples = TMath::Sqrt(fNumHiGainSamples);
164 | fSqrtLoGainSamples = TMath::Sqrt(fNumLoGainSamples);
165 |
166 | //fHiLoFirst = 0;
167 | //fHiLoLast = 0;
168 | }
169 |
170 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
171 | //
172 | // Calls:
173 | // - MExtractor::PreProcess(pList)
174 | //
175 | // The following output containers are also searched and created if
176 | // they were not found:
177 | //
178 | // - MExtractedBlindPixel
179 | //
180 | Int_t MExtractBlindPixel::PreProcess(MParList *pList)
181 | {
182 |
183 | if (!MExtractor::PreProcess(pList))
184 | return kFALSE;
185 |
186 | fBlindPixel = (MExtractedSignalBlindPixel*)pList->FindCreateObj(AddSerialNumber("MExtractedSignalBlindPixel"));
187 | if (!fBlindPixel)
188 | return kFALSE;
189 |
190 | const TString raw = IsDataType(kRawEvt2) ? "MRawEvtData2" : "MRawEvtData";
191 | const TString sig = IsDataType(kRawEvt2) ? "MPedestalSubtractedEvt2" : "MPedestalSubtractedEvt";
192 |
193 | fRawEvt = (MRawEvtData*)pList->FindObject(AddSerialNumber(raw), "MRawEvtData");
194 | if (!fRawEvt)
195 | {
196 | *fLog << err << raw << " [MRawEvtData] not found... aborting." << endl;
197 | return kFALSE;
198 | }
199 |
200 | fSignal = (MPedestalSubtractedEvt*)pList->FindObject(AddSerialNumber(sig), "MPedestalSubtractedEvt");
201 | if (!fSignal)
202 | {
203 | *fLog << err << sig << " [MPedestalSubtractedEvt] not found... aborting." << endl;
204 | return kFALSE;
205 | }
206 |
207 | return kTRUE;
208 | }
209 |
210 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
211 | //
212 | // The ReInit searches for:
213 | // - MRawRunHeader::GetNumSamplesHiGain()
214 | // - MRawRunHeader::GetNumSamplesLoGain()
215 | //
216 | // In case that the variables fHiGainLast and fLoGainLast are smaller than
217 | // the even part of the number of samples obtained from the run header, a
218 | // warning is given an the range is set back accordingly. A call to:
219 | // - SetRange(fHiGainFirst, fHiGainLast-diff, fLoGainFirst, fLoGainLast) or
220 | // - SetRange(fHiGainFirst, fHiGainLast, fLoGainFirst, fLoGainLast-diff)
221 | // is performed in that case. The variable diff means here the difference
222 | // between the requested range (fHiGainLast) and the available one. Note that
223 | // the functions SetRange() are mostly overloaded and perform more checks,
224 | // modifying the ranges again, if necessary.
225 | //
226 | Bool_t MExtractBlindPixel::ReInit(MParList *pList)
227 | {
228 |
229 | for (UInt_t i=0;i<fBlindPixelIdx.GetSize();i++)
230 | fBlindPixel->SetBlindPixelIdx(fBlindPixelIdx[i], i);
231 |
232 | fBlindPixel->SetExtractionType(fExtractionType);
233 |
234 | for (UInt_t i=0;i<fBlindPixelIdx.GetSize();i++)
235 | {
236 |
237 | MPedestalPix &pedpix = (*fPedestals)[fBlindPixelIdx.At(i)];
238 |
239 | if (&pedpix)
240 | {
241 | fBlindPixel->SetPed ( pedpix.GetPedestal() * fNumLoGainSamples, i );
242 | fBlindPixel->SetPedErr ( pedpix.GetPedestalRms()* fNumLoGainSamples
243 | / TMath::Sqrt((Float_t)fPedestals->GetTotalEntries()), i );
244 | fBlindPixel->SetPedRms ( pedpix.GetPedestalRms()* TMath::Sqrt((Float_t)fNumLoGainSamples), i );
245 | fBlindPixel->SetPedRmsErr( fBlindPixel->GetPedErr()/2., i );
246 | }
247 | }
248 | /*
249 | const Int_t higainsamples = fRunHeader->GetNumSamplesHiGain();
250 | const Int_t logainsamples = fRunHeader->GetNumSamplesLoGain();
251 | Int_t lastavailable = higainsamples-1;
252 |
253 | if (logainsamples)
254 | {
255 | //
256 | // If the signal is searched entirely in the low-gain range, have
257 | // to skip the higain completely. This is steered by the variable fHiLoFirst
258 | //
259 | const Int_t firstdesired = (Int_t)fHiGainFirst;
260 |
261 | if (firstdesired > lastavailable)
262 | {
263 | const Int_t diff = firstdesired - lastavailable;
264 | *fLog << endl;
265 | *fLog << warn << "First Hi Gain slice " << (int)fHiGainFirst << " out of range [0,";
266 | *fLog << lastavailable << "]... start at slice " << diff << " of the Lo Gain " << endl;
267 |
268 | fHiLoFirst = diff;
269 | }
270 | }
271 |
272 | const Int_t lastdesired = (Int_t)fHiGainLast;
273 |
274 | if (lastdesired > lastavailable)
275 | {
276 | Int_t diff = lastdesired - lastavailable;
277 | lastavailable += logainsamples ? logainsamples-1 : 0;
278 |
279 | if (lastdesired > lastavailable)
280 | {
281 | *fLog << endl;
282 | *fLog << "Last Hi Gain slice " << (int)fHiGainLast << " out of range [0,";
283 | *fLog << lastavailable << "]... reduce upper limit by " << diff << endl;
284 | diff = logainsamples;
285 | }
286 |
287 | fHiGainLast = higainsamples - 1;
288 | fHiLoLast = logainsamples ? diff : 0;
289 | }
290 | */
291 | const Int_t range = fHiGainLast-fHiGainFirst+1; //fHiLoFirst ? fHiLoLast - fHiLoFirst + 1 : fHiGainLast - fHiGainFirst + fHiLoLast + 1;
292 |
293 | // fHiGainSignal.Set(range);
294 | // fHiGainSignal.Reset();
295 |
296 | fHiGainFirstDeriv.Set(range);
297 | fHiGainFirstDeriv.Reset();
298 |
299 | fHiGainSecondDeriv.Set(range);
300 | fHiGainSecondDeriv.Reset();
301 |
302 | *fLog << endl;
303 | *fLog << inf << "Extracting "
304 | << (IsExtractionType(kAmplitude) ? "Amplitude" : " Integral")
305 | << " using " << range << " FADC samples from slice "
306 | << (Int_t)fHiGainFirst << " to " << (Int_t)fHiGainLast << " (incl)" << endl;
307 |
308 | if (IsExtractionType(kFilter))
309 | *fLog << inf << "Will use Filter using "
310 | << (Int_t)(fLoGainLast-fLoGainFirst+1) << " FADC slices"
311 | << " from slice " << (Int_t)fLoGainFirst
312 | << " to " << (Int_t)fLoGainLast << endl;
313 |
314 | fBlindPixel->SetUsedFADCSlices(fHiGainFirst, range);
315 |
316 | return kTRUE;
317 |
318 | }
319 |
320 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
321 | //
322 | // FindSignalHiGain:
323 | //
324 | // - Loop from ptr to (ptr+fHiGainLast-fHiGainFirst)
325 | // - Sum up contents of *ptr
326 | // - If *ptr is greater than fSaturationLimit, raise sat by 1
327 | // - If fHiLoLast is set, loop from logain to (logain+fHiLoLast)
328 | // - Add contents of *logain to sum
329 | //
330 | /*
331 | void MExtractBlindPixel::FindIntegral(Byte_t *ptr, Byte_t *logain, Float_t &sum, Byte_t &sat)
332 | {
333 | const Byte_t *end = ptr + fHiGainLast - fHiGainFirst + 1;
334 |
335 | Int_t summ = 0;
336 | while (p<end)
337 | {
338 | summ += *ptr;
339 |
340 | if (*ptr++ >= fSaturationLimit)
341 | sat++;
342 | }
343 |
344 | sum = (Float_t)summ;
345 | }
346 | */
347 |
348 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
349 | //
350 | // FindSignalPhe:
351 | //
352 | // - Loop from ptr to (ptr+fHiGainLast-fHiGainFirst)
353 | // - Sum up contents of *ptr
354 | // - If *ptr is greater than fSaturationLimit, raise sat by 1
355 | // - If fHiLoLast is set, loop from logain to (logain+fHiLoLast)
356 | // - Add contents of *logain to sum
357 | //
358 | //void MExtractBlindPixel::FindAmplitude(Float_t *ptr, Byte_t *logain, Float_t &sum, Byte_t &sat)
359 | Float_t MExtractBlindPixel::FindAmplitude(Int_t idx, Int_t numsat) const
360 | {
361 | Int_t sat0 = fHiGainFirst; // First slice to extract and first saturating slice
362 | Int_t sat1 = fHiGainLast; // Last slice to extract and last saturating slice
363 |
364 | Int_t maxcont;
365 | Int_t maxpos = fSignal->GetMax(idx, sat0, sat1, maxcont);
366 |
367 | // numsat = fSignal->GetSaturation(idx, fSaturationLimit, sat0, sat1);
368 |
369 | const Float_t *ptr = fSignal->GetSamples(idx);
370 | const Int_t num = fHiGainLast-fHiGainFirst+1;
371 |
372 | MExtralgoSpline s(ptr, num, fHiGainFirstDeriv.GetArray(), fHiGainSecondDeriv.GetArray());
373 |
374 | s.SetExtractionType(MExtralgoSpline::kAmplitude);
375 |
376 | s.Extract(numsat, maxpos);
377 |
378 | return s.GetSignal();
379 | /*
380 | Int_t range = 0;
381 | Int_t count = 0;
382 | Float_t abmaxpos = 0.;
383 | Byte_t *p = ptr;
384 | Byte_t *end;
385 | Byte_t max = 0;
386 | Byte_t maxpos = 0;
387 | Int_t summ = 0;
388 |
389 | if (fHiLoFirst == 0)
390 | {
391 |
392 | range = fHiGainLast - fHiGainFirst + 1;
393 |
394 | end = ptr + range;
395 | //
396 | // Check for saturation in all other slices
397 | //
398 | while (p++<end)
399 | {
400 |
401 | fHiGainSignal[count] = (Float_t)*p;
402 | summ += *p;
403 |
404 | if (*p > max)
405 | {
406 | max = *p;
407 | maxpos = count;
408 | }
409 |
410 | count++;
411 |
412 | if (*p >= fSaturationLimit)
413 | sat++;
414 | }
415 | }
416 |
417 | if (fHiLoLast != 0)
418 | {
419 |
420 | p = logain + fHiLoFirst;
421 | end = logain + fHiLoLast;
422 |
423 | while (p<end)
424 | {
425 |
426 | fHiGainSignal[count] = (Float_t)*p;
427 | summ += *p;
428 |
429 | if (*p > max)
430 | {
431 | max = *p;
432 | maxpos = count;
433 | }
434 |
435 | range++;
436 | count++;
437 |
438 | if (*p++ >= fSaturationLimit)
439 | sat++;
440 | }
441 | }
442 |
443 | //
444 | // allow one saturated slice
445 | //
446 | if (sat > 1)
447 | {
448 | sum = gkOverflow;
449 | return;
450 | }
451 |
452 | //
453 | // Don't start if the maxpos is too close to the left limit.
454 | //
455 | if (maxpos < 2)
456 | {
457 | sum = (Float_t)max;
458 | return;
459 | }
460 |
461 | Float_t pp;
462 |
463 | for (Int_t i=1;i<range-1;i++)
464 | {
465 | pp = fHiGainSecondDeriv[i-1] + 4.;
466 | fHiGainSecondDeriv[i] = -1.0/pp;
467 | fHiGainFirstDeriv [i] = fHiGainSignal[i+1] - fHiGainSignal[i] - fHiGainSignal[i] + fHiGainSignal[i-1];
468 | fHiGainFirstDeriv [i] = (6.0*fHiGainFirstDeriv[i]-fHiGainFirstDeriv[i-1])/pp;
469 | p++;
470 | }
471 |
472 | fHiGainSecondDeriv[range-1] = 0.;
473 | for (Int_t k=range-2;k>=0;k--)
474 | fHiGainSecondDeriv[k] = (fHiGainSecondDeriv[k]*fHiGainSecondDeriv[k+1] + fHiGainFirstDeriv[k])/6.;
475 |
476 | //
477 | // Now find the maximum
478 | //
479 | Float_t step = 0.2; // start with step size of 1ns and loop again with the smaller one
480 | Float_t lower = (Float_t)maxpos-1.;
481 | Float_t upper = (Float_t)maxpos;
482 | Float_t x = lower;
483 | Float_t y = 0.;
484 | Float_t a = 1.;
485 | Float_t b = 0.;
486 | Int_t klo = maxpos-1;
487 | Int_t khi = maxpos;
488 | Float_t klocont = fHiGainSignal[klo];
489 | Float_t khicont = fHiGainSignal[khi];
490 | sum = (Float_t)khicont;
491 | abmaxpos = lower;
492 |
493 | //
494 | // Search for the maximum, starting in interval maxpos-1. If no maximum is found, go to
495 | // interval maxpos+1.
496 | //
497 | while (x<upper-0.3)
498 | {
499 |
500 | x += step;
501 | a -= step;
502 | b += step;
503 |
504 | y = a*klocont
505 | + b*khicont
506 | + (a*a*a-a)*fHiGainSecondDeriv[klo]
507 | + (b*b*b-b)*fHiGainSecondDeriv[khi];
508 |
509 | if (y > sum)
510 | {
511 | sum = y;
512 | abmaxpos = x;
513 | }
514 | }
515 |
516 | if (abmaxpos > upper-0.1)
517 | {
518 |
519 | upper = (Float_t)maxpos+1;
520 | lower = (Float_t)maxpos;
521 | x = lower;
522 | a = 1.;
523 | b = 0.;
524 | khi = maxpos+1;
525 | klo = maxpos;
526 | klocont = fHiGainSignal[klo];
527 | khicont = fHiGainSignal[khi];
528 |
529 | while (x<upper-0.3)
530 | {
531 |
532 | x += step;
533 | a -= step;
534 | b += step;
535 |
536 | y = a* klocont
537 | + b* khicont
538 | + (a*a*a-a)*fHiGainSecondDeriv[klo]
539 | + (b*b*b-b)*fHiGainSecondDeriv[khi];
540 |
541 | if (y > sum)
542 | {
543 | sum = y;
544 | abmaxpos = x;
545 | }
546 | }
547 | }
548 |
549 | const Float_t up = abmaxpos+step-0.055;
550 | const Float_t lo = abmaxpos-step+0.055;
551 | const Float_t maxpossave = abmaxpos;
552 |
553 | x = abmaxpos;
554 | a = upper - x;
555 | b = x - lower;
556 |
557 | step = 0.04; // step size of 83 ps
558 |
559 | while (x<up)
560 | {
561 |
562 | x += step;
563 | a -= step;
564 | b += step;
565 |
566 | y = a* klocont
567 | + b* khicont
568 | + (a*a*a-a)*fHiGainSecondDeriv[klo]
569 | + (b*b*b-b)*fHiGainSecondDeriv[khi];
570 |
571 | if (y > sum)
572 | {
573 | sum = y;
574 | abmaxpos = x;
575 | }
576 | }
577 |
578 | if (abmaxpos < klo + 0.02)
579 | {
580 | klo--;
581 | khi--;
582 | klocont = fHiGainSignal[klo];
583 | khicont = fHiGainSignal[khi];
584 | upper--;
585 | lower--;
586 | }
587 |
588 | x = maxpossave;
589 | a = upper - x;
590 | b = x - lower;
591 |
592 | while (x>lo)
593 | {
594 |
595 | x -= step;
596 | a += step;
597 | b -= step;
598 |
599 | y = a* klocont
600 | + b* khicont
601 | + (a*a*a-a)*fHiGainSecondDeriv[klo]
602 | + (b*b*b-b)*fHiGainSecondDeriv[khi];
603 |
604 | if (y > sum)
605 | {
606 | sum = y;
607 | abmaxpos = x;
608 | }
609 | }
610 | */
611 | }
612 |
613 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
614 | //
615 | // FindSignalFilter:
616 | //
617 | // - Loop from ptr to (ptr+fLoGainLast-fLoGainFirst)
618 | // - Sum up contents of *ptr
619 | // - If *ptr is greater than fSaturationLimit, raise sat by 1
620 | //
621 | /*
622 | void MExtractBlindPixel::FindSignalFilter(Byte_t *ptr, Int_t range, Int_t &sum, Byte_t &sat) const
623 | {
624 |
625 | Byte_t *end = ptr + range;
626 |
627 | while (ptr<end)
628 | {
629 | sum += *ptr;
630 |
631 | if (*ptr++ >= fSaturationLimit)
632 | sat++;
633 | }
634 | }
635 | */
636 |
637 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
638 | //
639 | // Calculate the integral of the FADC time slices and store them as a new
640 | // pixel in the MExtractedBlindPixel container.
641 | //
642 | Int_t MExtractBlindPixel::Process()
643 | {
644 |
645 | MRawEvtPixelIter pixel(fRawEvt);
646 |
647 | fBlindPixel->Clear();
648 |
649 | for (UInt_t id=0;id<fBlindPixelIdx.GetSize();id++)
650 | {
651 | // Be carefull: GetSaturation changed sat0 and sat1
652 | Int_t sat0 = fHiGainFirst; // First slice to extract and first saturating slice
653 | Int_t sat1 = fHiGainLast; // Last slice to extract and last saturating slice
654 |
655 | const Int_t sat = fSignal->GetSaturation(fBlindPixelIdx[id], fSaturationLimit, sat0, sat1);
656 |
657 | if (IsExtractionType(kFilter))
658 | {
659 | // FIXME: fLoGain* is used to determine the FILTER/CHECK range
660 | const Int_t numh = pixel.GetNumHiGainSamples();
661 |
662 | const Int_t sum = fSignal->GetIntegralRaw(fBlindPixelIdx[id], fLoGainFirst+numh, fLoGainLast+numh);
663 | if (sum > fNSBFilterLimit)
664 | {
665 | fBlindPixel->SetExtractedSignal(-1.,id);
666 | fBlindPixel->SetNumSaturated(sat,id);
667 | fBlindPixel->SetReadyToSave();
668 | continue;
669 | }
670 |
671 | /*
672 | sum = 0;
673 | if (pixel.HasLoGain())
674 | FindSignalFilter(sl+pixel.GetNumLoGainSamples()+fLoGainFirst, fLoGainLast - fLoGainFirst + 1, sum, sat);
675 |
676 | if (fModified)
677 | {
678 | if (sum > fNSBFilterLimit)
679 | {
680 | fBlindPixel->SetExtractedSignal(-1.,id);
681 | fBlindPixel->SetNumSaturated(sat,id);
682 | fBlindPixel->SetReadyToSave();
683 | continue;
684 | }
685 | }
686 | */
687 | }
688 |
689 |
690 | Float_t newsum = 0.;
691 | if (IsExtractionType(kAmplitude))
692 | newsum = FindAmplitude(fBlindPixelIdx[id], sat);
693 | else
694 | newsum = fSignal->GetIntegralRaw(fBlindPixelIdx[id], fHiGainFirst, fHiGainLast);
695 |
696 | fBlindPixel->SetExtractedSignal(newsum, id);
697 | fBlindPixel->SetNumSaturated(sat, id);
698 | }
699 |
700 | fBlindPixel->SetReadyToSave();
701 | return kTRUE;
702 | }
703 |
704 | // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
705 | //
706 | // Returns true if the Data type. Available are: kAmplitude, kIntegral and kFilter
707 | // The flags kIntegral and kFilter may be set both.
708 | //
709 | Bool_t MExtractBlindPixel::IsDataType( const DataType_t typ )
710 | {
711 | return TESTBIT( fDataType, typ );
712 | }
713 |
714 | // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
715 | //
716 | // Returns true if the extraction type. Available are: kAmplitude, kIntegral and kFilter
717 | // The flags kIntegral and kFilter may be set both.
718 | //
719 | Bool_t MExtractBlindPixel::IsExtractionType( const ExtractionType_t typ )
720 | {
721 | return TESTBIT( fExtractionType, typ );
722 | }
723 |
724 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
725 | //
726 | // Sets the Data type. Available are: kAmplitude and kIntegral
727 | //
728 | void MExtractBlindPixel::SetDataType( const DataType_t typ )
729 | {
730 | SETBIT( fDataType, typ );
731 | }
732 |
733 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
734 | //
735 | // Sets the extraction type. Available are: kAmplitude and kIntegral
736 | //
737 | void MExtractBlindPixel::SetExtractionType( const ExtractionType_t typ )
738 | {
739 | SETBIT( fExtractionType, typ );
740 | }