1 | #ifndef MARS_MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilterPeakSearch
2 | #define MARS_MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilterPeakSearch
3 |
4 | #ifndef MARS_MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter
5 | #include "MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter.h"
6 | #endif
7 |
8 | #ifndef MARS_MArrayF
9 | #include "MArrayF.h"
10 | #endif
11 |
12 | #ifndef MARS_MArrayI
13 | #include "MArrayI.h"
14 | #endif
15 |
16 | class TH1F;
17 | class TH2F;
18 | class MPedestalPix;
19 | class MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilterPeakSearch : public MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter
20 | {
21 | private:
22 |
23 | static const Byte_t fgHiGainFirst; //! Default for fHiGainFirst (now set to: 0)
24 | static const Byte_t fgHiGainLast; //! Default for fHiGainLast (now set to:18)
25 | static const Byte_t fgLoGainFirst; //! Default for fLoGainFirst (now set to: 2)
26 | static const Byte_t fgLoGainLast; //! Default for fLoGainLast (now set to:14)
27 | static const Byte_t fgOffsetLeftFromPeak; //! Default for fOffsetLeftFromPeak (now set to: 1)
28 | static const Byte_t fgOffsetRightFromPeak; //! Default for fOffsetRightFromPeak (now set to: 2)
29 | static const Byte_t fgPeakSearchWindowSize; //! Default for fPeakSearchWindowSize (now set to: 2)
30 | static const Int_t fgHiGainFailureLimit; //! Default for fHiGainMaxFailureLimit (now set to: 5)
31 | static const Int_t fgLoGainFailureLimit; //! Default for fHiGainMaxFailureLimit (now set to: 10)
32 |
33 | Byte_t fOffsetLeftFromPeak; // Number of slices to start extraction before peak slice
34 | Byte_t fOffsetRightFromPeak; // Number of slices to stop extraction after peak slice
35 | Byte_t fPeakSearchWindowSize; // Size of FADC window in the search for the highest peak of all pixels.
36 | Int_t fHiGainFailureLimit; // Limit for percentage of events ranging out of limits in high gain
37 | Int_t fLoGainFailureLimit; // Limit for percentage of events ranging out of limits in low gain
38 |
39 | ULong_t fHiGainOutOfRangeLeft; // Number of events out of range to the left side in high gain
40 | ULong_t fHiGainOutOfRangeRight; // Number of events out of range to the right side in high gain
41 | ULong_t fLoGainOutOfRangeLeft; // Number of events out of range to the left side in low gain
42 | ULong_t fLoGainOutOfRangeRight; // Number of events out of range to the right side in low gain
43 |
44 | void FindPeak(Byte_t *ptr, Byte_t *logain,
45 | Byte_t &startslice, Int_t &max, Int_t &sat, Byte_t &satpos) const;
46 |
47 | Int_t PreProcess(MParList *pList);
48 | Int_t Process();
49 | Int_t PostProcess();
50 |
51 | Int_t ReadEnv(const TEnv &env, TString prefix, Bool_t print);
52 |
53 | public:
54 |
55 | MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilterPeakSearch(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL);
56 | ~MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilterPeakSearch() { }
57 |
58 | void SetOffsetLeftFromPeak ( Byte_t offset=fgOffsetLeftFromPeak ) { fOffsetLeftFromPeak = offset; }
59 | void SetOffsetRightFromPeak ( Byte_t offset=fgOffsetRightFromPeak ) { fOffsetRightFromPeak = offset; }
60 | void SetPeakSearchWindowSize( Byte_t size =fgPeakSearchWindowSize ) { fPeakSearchWindowSize = size; }
61 | void SetHiGainFailureLimit ( Int_t lim =fgHiGainFailureLimit ) { fHiGainFailureLimit = lim; }
62 | void SetLoGainFailureLimit ( Int_t lim =fgLoGainFailureLimit ) { fLoGainFailureLimit = lim; }
63 |
64 | void Print(Option_t *o="") const;
65 |
66 | ClassDef(MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilterPeakSearch, 1) // Digital filter with global Peak Search
67 | };
68 |
69 | #endif