/* ======================================================================== *\ ! ! * ! * This file is part of MARS, the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction ! * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful ! * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes. ! * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. ! * ! * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its ! * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, ! * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and ! * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear ! * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express ! * or implied warranty. ! * ! ! ! Author(s): Thomas Bretz, 03/2005 ! ! Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2007 ! ! \* ======================================================================== */ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // MSignalCam // // Class Version 1: // ---------------- // - first version // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "MSignalCam.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "MLog.h" #include "MLogManip.h" #include "MGeomCam.h" #include "MGeom.h" ClassImp(MSignalCam); ClassImp(MSignalCamIter); using namespace std; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Creates a MSignalPix object for each pixel in the event // MSignalCam::MSignalCam(const char *name, const char *title) /*: fNumPixels(0)*/ { fName = name ? name : "MSignalCam"; fTitle = title ? title : "(Number of Photon)-Event Information"; fPixels = new TClonesArray("MSignalPix", 0); Reset(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copy contants of obj into this instance. // void MSignalCam::Copy(TObject &obj) const { MSignalCam &cam = static_cast(obj); cam.fNumIslands = fNumIslands; cam.fNumSinglePixels = fNumSinglePixels; cam.fSizeSinglePixels = fSizeSinglePixels; cam.fSizeSubIslands = fSizeSubIslands; cam.fSizeMainIsland = fSizeMainIsland; cam.fNumPixelsSaturatedHiGain = fNumPixelsSaturatedHiGain; cam.fNumPixelsSaturatedLoGain = fNumPixelsSaturatedLoGain; cam.fPixels->Delete(); const UInt_t n = GetNumPixels(); cam.InitSize(n); for (UInt_t i=0; iR__FOR_EACH(TObject, Clear)(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Dump the cerenkov photon event to *fLog // void MSignalCam::Print(Option_t *) const { const Int_t entries = fPixels->GetEntries(); *fLog << GetDescriptor() << dec << endl; *fLog << " Number of Pixels: " << GetNumPixels() << "(" << entries << ")" << endl; for (Int_t i=0; iGetPixRatio(i); if (testval < minval) minval = testval; } return minval; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // get the maximum number of photons of all valid pixels in the list // If you specify a geometry the number of photons is weighted with the // area of the pixel // Float_t MSignalCam::GetNumPhotonsMax(const MGeomCam *geom) const { const UInt_t n = GetNumPixels(); if (n <= 0) return 50.; Float_t maxval = -FLT_MAX; for (UInt_t i=0; iGetPixRatio(i); if (testval > maxval) maxval = testval; } return maxval; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // get the minimum ratio of photons/error // Float_t MSignalCam::GetRatioMin(const MGeomCam *geom) const { const UInt_t n = GetNumPixels(); if (n <= 0) return -5.; Float_t minval = FLT_MAX; for (UInt_t i=0; iGetPixRatioSqrt(i); if (testval < minval) minval = testval; } return minval; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // get the maximum ratio of photons/error // Float_t MSignalCam::GetRatioMax(const MGeomCam *geom) const { const UInt_t n = GetNumPixels(); if (n <= 0) return -5.; Float_t maxval = -FLT_MAX; for (UInt_t i=0; iGetPixRatioSqrt(i); if (testval > maxval) maxval = testval; } return maxval; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // get the minimum of error // If you specify a geometry the number of photons is weighted with the // area of the pixel // Float_t MSignalCam::GetErrorPhotMin(const MGeomCam *geom) const { const UInt_t n = GetNumPixels(); if (n <= 0) return 50.; Float_t minval = FLT_MAX; for (UInt_t i=0; iGetPixRatio(i); if (testval < minval) minval = testval; } return minval; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // get the maximum ratio of photons/error // If you specify a geometry the number of photons is weighted with the // area of the pixel // Float_t MSignalCam::GetErrorPhotMax(const MGeomCam *geom) const { const UInt_t n = GetNumPixels(); if (n <= 0) return 50.; Float_t maxval = -FLT_MAX; for (UInt_t i=0; iGetPixRatio(i); if (testval > maxval) maxval = testval; } return maxval; } MSignalPix *MSignalCam::AddPixel(Int_t idx, Float_t nph, Float_t er) { MSignalPix *pix = static_cast((*fPixels)[idx]); pix->Set(nph, er); return pix; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // This function recursively finds all pixels of one island and assigns // the number num as island number to the pixel. // // 1) Check whether a pixel with the index idx exists, is unused // and has not yet a island number assigned. // 2) Assign the island number num to the pixel // 3) Loop over all its neighbors taken from the geometry geom. For all // neighbors recursively call this function (CalcIsland) // 4) Sum the size of the pixel and all neighbors newly assigned // (by CalcIsland) to this island // // Returns the sum of the pixel size. // Double_t MSignalCam::CalcIsland(const MGeomCam &geom, Int_t idx, Int_t num) { // Get the pixel information of a pixel with this index MSignalPix &pix = (*this)[idx]; // If an island number was already assigned to this pixel... do nothing. if (pix.GetIdxIsland()>=0) return 0; // If the pixel is an unused pixel... do nothing. if (!pix.IsPixelUsed()) return 0; // Assign the new island number num to this used pixel pix.SetIdxIsland(num); // Get the geometry information (neighbors) of this pixel const MGeom &gpix = geom[idx]; // Get the size of this pixel Double_t size = pix.GetNumPhotons(); // Now do the same with all its neighbors and sum the // sizes which they correspond to const Int_t n = gpix.GetNumNeighbors(); for (int i=0; iGetIdxIsland. The total number of islands available // can be accessed with MSignalCam->GetNumIslands. // // CalcIslands returns the number of islands found. If an error occurs, // eg the geometry has less pixels than the highest index stored, -1 is // returned. // Int_t MSignalCam::CalcIslands(const MGeomCam &geom) { const UInt_t numpix = GetNumPixels(); if (/*fMaxIndex<0 ||*/ numpix==0) { *fLog << err << "ERROR - MSignalCam doesn't contain pixels!" << endl; fNumIslands = 0; return -1; } /* if ((UInt_t)fMaxIndex>=geom.GetNumPixels()) { *fLog << err << "ERROR - MSignalCam::CalcIslands: Size mismatch - geometry too small!" << endl; return -1; } */ // Create a list to hold the sizes of the islands (The maximum // number of islands possible is roughly fNumPixels/4) TArrayD size(numpix/3); // Calculate Islands Int_t n=0; Float_t totsize = 0; for (UInt_t idx=0; idxGetPixId()*/, n); size[n++] = sz; totsize += sz; } } // Create an array holding the indices TArrayI idxarr(n); // Sort the sizes descending TMath::Sort(n, size.GetArray(), idxarr.GetArray(), kTRUE); // Replace island numbers by size indices -- After this // islands indices are sorted by the island size for (UInt_t idx=0; idx0 ? totsize-size[idxarr[0]] : 0; fSizeMainIsland = n>0 ? size[idxarr[0]] : 0; // return number of island return fNumIslands; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Compares the cleaning (fRing and fIsCore) of this object and the // argument. Return the result (kFALSE if different). // // If differences are found the pixels (the pixel from this object first) // is printed. // Bool_t MSignalCam::CompareCleaning(const MSignalCam &cam) const { const UInt_t n = GetNumPixels(); if (n != cam.GetNumPixels()) { *fLog << warn << "MSignalCam::CompareCleaning - Number of pixels mismatch." << endl; return kFALSE; } for (UInt_t i=0; i // 1: Error*sqrt(PixRatio) // 2: Cleaning level = Num Photons*sqrt(PixRatio)/Error // 3: Number of Photons // 4: Error // 5: Island index // 6: arrival time of mapped pixels // 7: arrival time if signa avove 20phe // 8: arrival time // 10: as 0, but returns kFALSE if signal <=0 // 11: as 8, but returns kFALSE if signal <=0 // Bool_t MSignalCam::GetPixelContent(Double_t &val, Int_t idx, const MGeomCam &cam, Int_t type) const { if (idx<0 || (UInt_t)idx>GetNumPixels()) return kFALSE; const MSignalPix &pix = (*this)[idx]; // Used inlcudes status unampped if (!pix.IsPixelUsed() && (type<6 || type==8)) return kFALSE; const Double_t ratio = cam.GetPixRatio(idx); switch (type) { case 1: // scaled error of phtoons val = pix.GetErrorPhot()*TMath::Sqrt(ratio); return kTRUE; case 2: // significance of number of photons if (pix.GetErrorPhot()<=0) return kFALSE; val = pix.GetNumPhotons()*TMath::Sqrt(ratio)/pix.GetErrorPhot(); return kTRUE; case 3: // number of photo electrons val = pix.GetNumPhotons(); break; case 4: // error of signal val = pix.GetErrorPhot(); break; case 5: // index of island val = pix.GetIdxIsland(); break; case 6: // arrival time of mapped pixels only if (pix.IsPixelUnmapped()) return kFALSE; val = pix.GetArrivalTime(); break; case 7: // pulse position above 50phe // The number of photons is not scaled with the ratio because // otherwise to many large pixels survive (maybe because the // fluctuations scale different than expected) if (pix.IsPixelUnmapped() || pix.GetNumPhotons()<50) return kFALSE; val = pix.GetArrivalTime(); break; case 8: // arrival time val = pix.GetArrivalTime(); break; /* case 10: // lo gain time if (pix.IsPixelUnmapped() || !pix.IsLoGainUsed() || pix.GetNumPhotons()<320) return kFALSE; val = pix.GetArrivalTime(); return kTRUE; case 11: // hi gain time // The number of photons is not scaled with the ratio because // otherwise to many large pixels survive (maybe because the // fluctuations scale different than expected) if (pix.IsPixelUnmapped() || pix.IsLoGainUsed() || pix.GetNumPhotons()<50) return kFALSE; val = pix.GetArrivalTime(); return kTRUE; */ case 10: val = pix.GetNumPhotons()*ratio; return val>0; case 11: val = pix.GetArrivalTime(); return pix.GetNumPhotons()>0; case 9: default: val = pix.GetNumPhotons()*ratio; return kTRUE; } return kTRUE; } void MSignalCam::DrawPixelContent(Int_t num) const { *fLog << warn << "MSignalCam::DrawPixelContent - not available." << endl; } TObject *MSignalCamIter::Next() { if (!fUsedOnly) { fIdx++; return TObjArrayIter::Next(); } MSignalPix *pix; while ((pix = (MSignalPix*)TObjArrayIter::Next())) { fIdx++; if (pix->IsPixelUsed()) return pix; } return pix; }