1 | /* ======================================================================== *\
2 | !
3 | ! *
4 | ! * This file is part of CheObs, the Modular Analysis and Reconstruction
5 | ! * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful
6 | ! * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes.
7 | ! * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
8 | ! *
9 | ! * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
10 | ! * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
11 | ! * provided that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and
12 | ! * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
13 | ! * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express
14 | ! * or implied warranty.
15 | ! *
16 | !
17 | !
18 | ! Author(s): Thomas Bretz, 1/2009 <mailto:tbretz@astro.uni-wuerzburg.de>
19 | !
20 | ! Copyright: CheObs Software Development, 2000-2009
21 | !
22 | !
23 | \* ======================================================================== */
24 |
25 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
26 | //
27 | // MHPhotonEvent
28 | //
29 | // This is a histogram class to visualize the contents of a MPhotonEvent.
30 | //
31 | // Histograms for the distribution in x/y (z is just ignored), the
32 | // arrival direction, a profile of the arrival time vs position and
33 | // a spectrum is filles and displayed.
34 | //
35 | // There are several types of histograms (in the sense of binnings)
36 | // for several purposes:
37 | //
38 | // Type 1:
39 | // The maximum in x and y is determined from MCorsikaRunHeader
40 | // (not yet implemented. Fixed to 25000)
41 | //
42 | // Type 2:
43 | // The maximum in x and y is determined from MReflector->GetMaxR();
44 | //
45 | // Type 3:
46 | // The maximum in x and y is determined from MGeomCam->GetMaxR();
47 | //
48 | // Type 4:
49 | // As type 3 but divided by 10.
50 | //
51 | // The binning is optimized using MH::FindGoodLimits. The number of bins
52 | // in 100 in the default case and 50 for type 3-4.
53 | //
54 | // Fill expects a MPhotonEvent (the second argumnet in MFillH).
55 | //
56 | //
57 | // Class Version 2:
58 | // ----------------
59 | // + TH1D fHistH;
60 | //
61 | //
62 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
63 | #include "MHPhotonEvent.h"
64 |
65 | #include <TCanvas.h>
66 |
67 | #include "MLog.h"
68 | #include "MLogManip.h"
69 |
70 | #include "MBinning.h"
71 | #include "MParList.h"
72 |
73 | #include "MGeomCam.h"
74 | #include "MGeomPix.h"
75 |
76 | #include "MPhotonEvent.h"
77 | #include "MPhotonData.h"
78 |
79 | #include "MCorsikaRunHeader.h"
80 |
81 | #include "MReflector.h"
82 |
83 | ClassImp(MHPhotonEvent);
84 |
85 | using namespace std;
86 |
87 | void MHPhotonEvent::Init(const char *name, const char *title)
88 | {
89 | fName = name ? name : "MHPhotonEvent";
90 | fTitle = title ? title : "Histogram to display the information of MPhotonEvents";
91 |
92 | fHistXY.SetName("Position");
93 | fHistXY.SetTitle("Histogram of position x/y");
94 | fHistXY.SetXTitle("X [cm]");
95 | fHistXY.SetYTitle("Y [cm]");
96 | fHistXY.SetZTitle("Counts");
97 | fHistXY.SetDirectory(NULL);
98 | fHistXY.Sumw2();
99 |
100 | fHistUV.SetName("Direction");
101 | fHistUV.SetTitle("Histogram of arrival direction CosU/CosV");
102 | fHistUV.SetXTitle("CosU");
103 | fHistUV.SetYTitle("CosV");
104 | fHistUV.SetZTitle("Counts");
105 | fHistUV.SetDirectory(NULL);
106 | fHistUV.Sumw2();
107 |
108 | fHistT.SetName("Time");
109 | fHistT.SetTitle("Time profile in x/y");
110 | fHistT.SetXTitle("X [cm]");
111 | fHistT.SetYTitle("Y [cm]");
112 | fHistT.SetZTitle("T [ns]");
113 | fHistT.SetDirectory(NULL);
114 |
115 | fHistWL.SetName("Spectrum");
116 | fHistWL.SetTitle("Wavelength distribution");
117 | fHistWL.SetXTitle("\\lamba [nm]");
118 | fHistWL.SetYTitle("Counts");
119 | fHistWL.SetDirectory(NULL);
120 |
121 | fHistH.SetName("Height");
122 | fHistH.SetTitle("Production Height");
123 | fHistH.SetXTitle("h [km]");
124 | fHistH.SetYTitle("Counts");
125 | fHistH.SetDirectory(NULL);
126 |
127 | // FIXME: Get this information from the corsika run-header
128 | MBinning(70, 275, 625).Apply(fHistWL);
129 | MBinning(100, 0, 25).Apply(fHistH);
130 | }
131 |
132 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
133 | //
134 | // Default constructor. Creates and initializes the histograms.
135 | //
136 | MHPhotonEvent::MHPhotonEvent(Double_t max, const char *name, const char *title)
137 | : fHistT("", "", 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1), fType(-1), fPermanentReset(kFALSE)
138 | {
139 | // pre-initialization of the profile is necessary to get fZmin and fZmax set
140 |
141 | Init(name, title);
142 |
143 | MBinning binsd, binsa;
144 | binsd.SetEdges(50, -max, max);
145 | binsa.SetEdges(50, -1, 1);
146 |
147 | SetBinning(&fHistXY, &binsd, &binsd);
148 | SetBinning(&fHistUV, &binsa, &binsa);
149 | SetBinning(&fHistT, &binsd, &binsd);
150 | }
151 |
152 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
153 | //
154 | // Creates and initializes the histograms.
155 | //
156 | MHPhotonEvent::MHPhotonEvent(Int_t type, const char *name, const char *title)
157 | : fHistT("", "", 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1), fType(type), fPermanentReset(kFALSE)
158 | {
159 | // pre-initialization of the profile is necessary to get fZmin and fZmax set
160 |
161 | Init(name, title);
162 |
163 | MBinning binsd, bins;
164 | bins.SetEdges(50, -1, 1);
165 |
166 | SetBinning(&fHistUV, &bins, &bins);
167 | }
168 |
169 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
170 | //
171 | // Search for MRflEvtData, MRflEvtHeader and MGeomCam
172 | //
173 | Bool_t MHPhotonEvent::SetupFill(const MParList *pList)
174 | {
175 | Double_t xmax = -1;
176 | Int_t num = 100;
177 |
178 | switch (fType)
179 | {
180 | case -1:
181 | return kTRUE;
182 | // case0: Take a value defined by the user
183 | case 1:
184 | {
185 | MCorsikaRunHeader *h = (MCorsikaRunHeader*)pList->FindObject("MCorsikaRunHeader");
186 | if (!h)
187 | {
188 | *fLog << err << "MCorsikaRunHeader not found... aborting." << endl;
189 | return kFALSE;
190 | }
191 | xmax = 25000;//h->GetImpactMax()*1.25; // Estimate scattering in the atmosphere
192 | break;
193 | }
194 | case 2:
195 | {
196 | MReflector *r = (MReflector*)pList->FindObject("MReflector");
197 | if (!r)
198 | {
199 | *fLog << err << "MReflector not found... aborting." << endl;
200 | return kFALSE;
201 | }
202 | xmax = r->GetMaxR();
203 | break;
204 | }
205 | case 3: // The maximum radius
206 | case 4: // Two times the pixel-0 traversal size
207 | {
208 | MGeomCam *c = (MGeomCam*)pList->FindObject("MGeomCam");
209 | if (!c)
210 | {
211 | *fLog << err << "MGeomCam not found... aborting." << endl;
212 | return kFALSE;
213 | }
214 | xmax = fType==3 ? c->GetMaxRadius()/10 : 2*(*c)[0].GetT()/10;
215 | num = 50;
216 |
217 | break;
218 | }
219 | default:
220 | *fLog << err << "No valid binning (Type=" << fType << ") given... aborting." << endl;
221 | return kFALSE;
222 | }
223 |
224 | Double_t xmin = -xmax;
225 |
226 | MH::FindGoodLimits(num, num, xmin, xmax, kFALSE);
227 |
228 | MBinning binsd, binsa, binsz;
229 | binsd.SetEdges(num, xmin, xmax);
230 |
231 | SetBinning(&fHistXY, &binsd, &binsd);
232 | SetBinning(&fHistT, &binsd, &binsd);
233 |
234 | return kTRUE;
235 | }
236 |
237 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
238 | //
239 | // Fill contents of MPhotonEvent into histograms
240 | //
241 | Int_t MHPhotonEvent::Fill(const MParContainer *par, const Stat_t weight)
242 | {
243 | const MPhotonEvent *evt = dynamic_cast<const MPhotonEvent*>(par);
244 | if (!evt)
245 | {
246 | *fLog << err << dbginf << "No MPhotonEvent found..." << endl;
247 | return kERROR;
248 | }
249 |
250 | // Check if we want to use this class as a single event display
251 | if (fPermanentReset && evt->GetNumPhotons()>0)
252 | {
253 | fHistXY.Reset();
254 | fHistUV.Reset();
255 | fHistT.Reset();
256 | }
257 |
258 | // Get number of photons
259 | const Int_t num = evt->GetNumPhotons();
260 |
261 | // Set minimum to maximum possible value
262 | Double_t min = FLT_MAX;
263 |
264 | // Loop over all photons and determine the time of the first photon
265 | // FIXME: Should we get it from some statistics container?
266 | for (Int_t idx=0; idx<num; idx++)
267 | min = TMath::Min(min, (*evt)[idx].GetTime());
268 |
269 | // Now fill all histograms
270 | for (Int_t idx=0; idx<num; idx++)
271 | {
272 | const MPhotonData &ph = (*evt)[idx];
273 |
274 | if (ph.GetPrimary()==MMcEvtBasic::kNightSky)
275 | continue;
276 |
277 | const Double_t x = ph.GetPosX();
278 | const Double_t y = ph.GetPosY();
279 | const Double_t u = ph.GetCosU();
280 | const Double_t v = ph.GetCosV();
281 | const Double_t t = ph.GetTime()-min;
282 | const Double_t w = ph.GetWavelength();
283 | const Double_t h = ph.GetProductionHeight()/100000;
284 |
285 | //TVector3 dir = dat->GetDir3();
286 | //dir *= -1./dir.Z();
287 |
288 | fHistXY.Fill(x, y);
289 | fHistUV.Fill(u, v);
290 | fHistT.Fill(x, y, t);
291 | fHistWL.Fill(w);
292 | fHistH.Fill(h);
293 | }
294 |
295 | return kTRUE;
296 | }
297 |
298 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
299 | //
300 | /*
301 | Bool_t MHPhotonEvent::Finalize()
302 | {
303 | const TAxis &axey = *fHistRad.GetYaxis();
304 | for (int y=1; y<=fHistRad.GetNbinsY(); y++)
305 | {
306 | const Double_t lo = axey.GetBinLowEdge(y);
307 | const Double_t hi = axey.GetBinLowEdge(y+1);
308 |
309 | const Double_t A = (hi*hi-lo*lo)*TMath::Pi()*TMath::Pi();
310 |
311 | for (int x=1; x<=fHistRad.GetNbinsX(); x++)
312 | fHistRad.SetBinContent(x, y, fHistRad.GetBinContent(x, y)/A);
313 | }
314 | return kTRUE;
315 | }
316 | */
317 |
318 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
319 | //
320 | // Make sure that the TProfile2D doesn't fix it's displayed minimum at 0.
321 | // Set the pretty-palette.
322 | //
323 | void MHPhotonEvent::Paint(Option_t *opt)
324 | {
325 | SetPalette("pretty");
326 |
327 | fHistT.SetMinimum();
328 | fHistT.SetMinimum(fHistT.GetMinimum(0));
329 | }
330 |
331 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
332 | //
333 | void MHPhotonEvent::Draw(Option_t *o)
334 | {
335 | TVirtualPad *pad = gPad ? gPad : MakeDefCanvas(this);
336 | pad->SetBorderMode(0);
337 |
338 | AppendPad();
339 |
340 | pad->Divide(3,2);
341 |
342 | pad->cd(1);
343 | gPad->SetBorderMode(0);
344 | gPad->SetGrid();
345 | fHistXY.Draw("colz");
346 |
347 | pad->cd(2);
348 | gPad->SetBorderMode(0);
349 | gPad->SetGrid();
350 | fHistT.Draw("colz");
351 |
352 | pad->cd(4);
353 | gPad->SetBorderMode(0);
354 | gPad->SetGrid();
355 | fHistUV.Draw("colz");
356 |
357 | pad->cd(5);
358 | gPad->SetBorderMode(0);
359 | gPad->SetGrid();
360 | fHistWL.Draw();
361 |
362 | pad->cd(6);
363 | gPad->SetBorderMode(0);
364 | gPad->SetGrid();
365 | fHistH.Draw();
366 | }