1 | /* ======================================================================== *\
2 | !
3 | ! *
4 | ! * This file is part of CheObs, the Modular Analysis and Reconstruction
5 | ! * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful
6 | ! * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes.
7 | ! * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
8 | ! *
9 | ! * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
10 | ! * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
11 | ! * provided that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and
12 | ! * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
13 | ! * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express
14 | ! * or implied warranty.
15 | ! *
16 | !
17 | !
18 | ! Author(s): Thomas Bretz, 12/2000 <mailto:tbretz@astro.uni-wuerzburg.de>
19 | ! Author(s): Qi Zhe, 06/2007 <mailto:qizhe@astro.uni-wuerzburg.de>
20 | !
21 | ! Copyright: CheObs Software Development, 2000-2009
22 | !
23 | !
24 | \* ======================================================================== */
25 |
26 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
27 | //
28 | // MPhotonData
29 | //
30 | // Storage container to store Corsika events
31 | //
32 | // For details on the coordinate systems see our Wiki.
33 | //
34 | // Version 1:
35 | // ----------
36 | // - First implementation
37 | //
38 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
39 | #include "MPhotonData.h"
40 |
41 | #include <fstream>
42 | #include <iostream>
43 |
44 | #include <TMath.h>
45 |
46 | #include "MLog.h"
47 | #include "MLogManip.h"
48 |
49 | ClassImp(MPhotonData);
50 |
51 | using namespace std;
52 |
53 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
54 | //
55 | // Default constructor.
56 | //
57 | MPhotonData::MPhotonData(/*const char *name, const char *title*/)
58 | : fPosX(0), fPosY(0), fCosU(0), fCosV(0), fTime(0), fWavelength(0),
59 | fNumPhotons(1), fProductionHeight(0), fPrimary(MMcEvtBasic::kUNDEFINED),
60 | fTag(-1), fWeight(1)
61 | {
62 | // fName = name ? name : "MPhotonData";
63 | // fTitle = title ? title : "Corsika Event Data Information";
64 | }
65 |
66 | /*
67 | MPhotonData::MPhotonData(const MPhotonData &ph)
68 | : fPosX(ph.fPosX), fPosY(ph.fPosY), fCosU(ph.fCosU), fCosV(ph.fCosV),
69 | fTime(ph.fTime), fWavelength(ph.fWavelength), fNumPhotons(ph.fNumPhotons),
70 | fProductionHeight(ph.fProductionHeight), fPrimary(ph.fPrimary),
71 | fTag(ph.fTag), fWeight(ph.fWeight)
72 | {
73 | }
74 | */
75 |
76 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
77 | //
78 | // Copy function. Copy all data members into obj.
79 | //
80 | void MPhotonData::Copy(TObject &obj) const
81 | {
82 | MPhotonData &d = static_cast<MPhotonData&>(obj);
83 |
84 | d.fNumPhotons = fNumPhotons;
85 | d.fPosX = fPosX;
86 | d.fPosY = fPosY;
87 | d.fCosU = fCosU;
88 | d.fCosV = fCosV;
89 | d.fWavelength = fWavelength;
90 | d.fPrimary = fPrimary;
91 | d.fTime = fTime;
92 | d.fTag = fTag;
93 | d.fWeight = fWeight;
94 | d.fProductionHeight = fProductionHeight;
95 |
96 | TObject::Copy(obj);
97 | }
98 |
99 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
100 | //
101 | // Return the square cosine of the Theta-angle == 1-CosU^2-CosV^2
102 | //
103 | Double_t MPhotonData::GetCosW2() const
104 | {
105 | return 1 - GetSinW2();
106 | }
107 |
108 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
109 | //
110 | // Return the square sine of the Theta-angle == CosU^2+CosV^2
111 | //
112 | Double_t MPhotonData::GetSinW2() const
113 | {
114 | return fCosU*fCosU + fCosV*fCosV;
115 | }
116 |
117 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
118 | //
119 | // return the cosine of the Theta-angle == sqrt(1-CosU^2-CosV^2)
120 | //
121 | Double_t MPhotonData::GetCosW() const
122 | {
123 | return TMath::Sqrt(GetCosW2());
124 | }
125 |
126 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
127 | //
128 | // return the sine of the Theta-angle == sqrt(CosU^2+CosV^2)
129 | //
130 | Double_t MPhotonData::GetSinW() const
131 | {
132 | return TMath::Sqrt(GetSinW2());
133 | }
134 |
135 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
136 | //
137 | // Return the theta angle in radians
138 | //
139 | Double_t MPhotonData::GetTheta() const
140 | {
141 | return TMath::ASin(GetSinW());
142 | }
143 |
144 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
145 | //
146 | // Return a TQuaternion with the first three components x, y, and z
147 | // and the fourth component the time.
148 | //
149 | TQuaternion MPhotonData::GetPosQ() const
150 | {
151 | return TQuaternion(GetPos3(), fTime);
152 | }
153 |
154 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
155 | //
156 | // return a TQuaternion with the first three components the direction
157 | // moving in space (GetDir3()) and the fourth component is the
158 | // one devided by the speed of light (converted to cm/ns)
159 | //
160 | // FIXME: v in air!
161 | //
162 | TQuaternion MPhotonData::GetDirQ() const
163 | {
164 | return TQuaternion(GetDir3(), 1./(TMath::C()*100/1e9));
165 | }
166 |
167 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
168 | //
169 | // Set the data member according to the 8 floats read from a reflector-file.
170 | // This function MUST reset all data-members, no matter whether these are
171 | // contained in the input stream.
172 | //
173 | Int_t MPhotonData::FillRfl(Float_t f[8])
174 | {
175 | // Check coordinate system!!!!
176 | fWavelength = TMath::Nint(f[0]);
177 | fPosX = f[1]; // [cm]
178 | fPosY = f[2]; // [cm]
179 | fCosU = f[3]; // cos to x
180 | fCosV = f[4]; // cos to y
181 | fTime = f[5]; // [ns]
182 | fProductionHeight = f[6];
183 |
184 | // f[7]: Camera inclination angle
185 |
186 | fPrimary = MMcEvtBasic::kUNDEFINED;
187 | fNumPhotons = 1;
188 | fTag = -1;
189 | fWeight = 1;
190 |
191 | return kTRUE;
192 | }
193 |
194 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
195 | //
196 | // Set the data member according to the 7 floats read from a corsika-file.
197 | // This function MUST reset all data-members, no matter whether these are
198 | // contained in the input stream.
199 | //
200 | // Currently we exchange x and y and set y=-y to convert Corsikas coordinate
201 | // system intpo our own.
202 | //
203 | Int_t MPhotonData::FillCorsika(Float_t f[7])
204 | {
205 | const UInt_t n = TMath::Nint(f[0]);
206 | if (n==0)
207 | return kCONTINUE;
208 |
209 | // This seems to be special to mmcs
210 | fWavelength = n%1000;
211 | fPrimary = MMcEvtBasic::ParticleId_t(n/100000);
212 | fNumPhotons = (n/1000)%100; // Force this to be 1!
213 |
214 | if (fNumPhotons!=1)
215 | {
216 | // FIXME: Could be done in MPhotonEvent::ReadCorsikaEvent
217 | gLog << err << "ERROR - MPhotonData::FillCorsika: fNumPhotons not 1, but " << fNumPhotons << endl;
218 | gLog << " This is not yet supported." << endl;
219 | return kERROR;
220 | }
221 |
222 | // x=north, y=west
223 | //fPosX = f[1]; // [cm]
224 | //fPosY = f[2]; // [cm]
225 | //fCosU = f[3]; // cos to x
226 | //fCosV = f[4]; // cos to y
227 | // x=west, y=south
228 | fPosX = f[2]; // [cm]
229 | fPosY = -f[1]; // [cm]
230 |
231 | fCosU = f[4]; // cos to x
232 | fCosV = -f[3]; // cos to y
233 |
234 | fTime = f[5]; // [ns]
235 |
236 | fProductionHeight = f[6]; // [cm]
237 |
238 | // Now reset all data members which are not in the stream
239 | fTag = -1;
240 | fWeight = 1;
241 |
242 | return kTRUE;
243 | }
244 |
245 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
246 | //
247 | // Set the data member according to the 8 floats read from a eventio-file.
248 | // This function MUST reset all data-members, no matter whether these are
249 | // contained in the input stream.
250 | //
251 | // Currently we exchange x and y and set y=-y to convert Corsikas coordinate
252 | // system into our own.
253 | //
254 | Int_t MPhotonData::FillEventIO(Float_t f[8])
255 | {
256 | fPosX = f[1]; // xpos relative to telescope [cm]
257 | fPosY = -f[0]; // ypos relative to telescope [cm]
258 | fCosU = f[3]; // cos to x
259 | fCosV = -f[2]; // cos to y
260 | fTime = f[4]; // a relative arival time [ns]
261 | fProductionHeight = f[5]; // altitude of emission [cm]
262 | fNumPhotons = f[6]; // photons in this bunch
263 | fWavelength = f[7]; // so far always zeor = unspec. [nm]
264 |
265 |
266 | // Now reset all data members which are not in the stream
267 | fPrimary = MMcEvtBasic::kUNDEFINED;
268 | fTag = -1;
269 | fWeight = 1;
270 |
271 | return kTRUE;
272 | }
273 |
274 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
275 | //
276 | // Read seven floats from the stream and call FillCorsika for them.
277 | //
278 | Int_t MPhotonData::ReadCorsikaEvt(istream &fin)
279 | {
280 | Float_t f[7];
281 | fin.read((char*)&f, 7*4);
282 |
283 | const Int_t rc = FillCorsika(f);
284 |
285 | return rc==kTRUE ? !fin.eof() : rc;
286 | }
287 |
288 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
289 | //
290 | // Read eight floats from the stream and call FillRfl for them.
291 | //
292 | Int_t MPhotonData::ReadRflEvt(istream &fin)
293 | {
294 | Float_t f[8];
295 | fin.read((char*)&f, 8*4);
296 |
297 | const Int_t rc = FillRfl(f);
298 |
299 | return rc==kTRUE ? !fin.eof() : rc;
300 | }
301 |
302 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
303 | //
304 | // Print contents. The tag and Weight are only printed if they are different
305 | // from the default.
306 | //
307 | void MPhotonData::Print(Option_t *) const
308 | {
309 | gLog << inf << endl;
310 | gLog << "Num Photons: " << fNumPhotons << " from " << MMcEvtBasic::GetParticleName(fPrimary) << endl;
311 | gLog << "Wavelength: " << fWavelength << "nm" << endl;
312 | gLog << "Pos X/Y Cos U/V: " << fPosX << "/" << fPosY << " " << fCosU << "/" << fCosV << endl;
313 | gLog << "Time/Prod.Height: " << fTime << "ns/" << fProductionHeight << "cm" << endl;
314 | if (fTag>=0)
315 | gLog << "Tag: " << fTag << endl;
316 | if (fWeight!=1)
317 | gLog << "Weight: " << fWeight << endl;
318 | }