#ifndef MARS_MSimCalibrationSignal #define MARS_MSimCalibrationSignal #ifndef MARS_MRead #include "MRead.h" #endif class MGeomCam; class MParList; class MParSpline; class MPhotonEvent; class MPhotonStatistics; class MParameterD; class MRawRunHeader; class MRawEvtHeader; class MSimCalibrationSignal : public MRead { private: MParList *fParList; //! Store pointer to MParList for initializing ReInit MGeomCam *fGeom; //! Camera geometry to know the number of expected pixels MParSpline *fPulse; //! Pulse Shape to get pulse width from MParameterD *fPulsePos; //! Expected position at which the pulse should be MParameterD *fTrigger; //! Position in analog channels at which the triggersignal is raised MRawRunHeader *fRunHeader; //! Digitization window and frequency MRawEvtHeader *fEvtHeader; //! Event header which is filled by the trigger pattern MPhotonEvent *fEvt; //! Photon event into which the new photons are stored MPhotonStatistics *fStat; //! Photon statistic which is filled TString fNameGeomCam; // Name of the camera geometry UInt_t fNumEvents; // Number of events to produce UInt_t fNumPhotons; // Average number of photons to produce Float_t fTimeJitter; // Time jitter (sigma) // MParContainer Int_t ReadEnv(const TEnv &env, TString prefix, Bool_t print=kFALSE); // MTask Int_t PreProcess(MParList *pList); Int_t Process(); // MSimCalibrationSignal Bool_t CallReInit(); //Int_t ReadRouting(const char *fname, TObjArray &arr); public: MSimCalibrationSignal(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL); void SetNameGeomCam(const char *name="MGeomCam") { fNameGeomCam = name; } UInt_t GetEntries() { return fNumEvents; } TString GetFullFileName() const { return "cer000000"; } //virtual Bool_t Rewind(); ClassDef(MSimCalibrationSignal, 0) // Task to create a fake signal (derives from MRead) }; #endif