#ifndef MARS_MSimRandomPhotons #define MARS_MSimRandomPhotons #ifndef MARS_MTask #include "MTask.h" #endif class MGeomCam; class MParList; class MPhotonEvent; class MPhotonStatistics; //class MCorsikaEvtHeader; class MCorsikaRunHeader; class MPedestalCam; class MSimRandomPhotons : public MTask { private: MGeomCam *fGeom; //! container with the geometry MPhotonEvent *fEvt; //! Event storing the photons MPhotonStatistics *fStat; //! Container storing evenet statistics // MCorsikaEvtHeader *fEvtHeader; //! Header storing event information MCorsikaRunHeader *fRunHeader; //! Header storing run information MPedestalCam *fRates; // Random count rate per pixel // FIXME: Make this a single number per Pixel/APD Double_t fFreqFixed; // [1/ns] A fixed frequency per pixel Double_t fFreqNSB; // [1/ns/cm^2] A frequency depending on area Double_t fScale; Bool_t fSimulateWavelength; TString fNameGeomCam; // MTask Int_t PreProcess(MParList *pList); Bool_t ReInit(MParList *pList); Int_t Process(); // MParContainer Int_t ReadEnv(const TEnv &env, TString prefix, Bool_t print=kFALSE); public: MSimRandomPhotons(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL); void SetFreq(Float_t fnsb, Float_t fdc) { fFreqNSB=fnsb; fFreqFixed=fdc; } void SetNameGeomCam(const char *name="MGeomCam") { fNameGeomCam = name; } ClassDef(MSimRandomPhotons, 0) // Simulate possonian photons (like NSB or dark current) }; #endif