1 | #ifndef MARS_MSimTrigger
2 | #define MARS_MSimTrigger
3 |
4 | #ifndef MARS_MTask
5 | #include "MTask.h"
6 | #endif
7 |
8 | #ifndef MARS_MLut
9 | #include "MLut.h"
10 | #endif
11 |
12 | class MParList;
13 | class MParameterD;
14 | class MAnalogChannels;
15 | class MRawEvtHeader;
16 | class MRawRunHeader;
17 | class MPedestalCam;
18 |
19 | class MSimTrigger : public MTask
20 | {
21 | private:
22 | MAnalogChannels *fCamera; //! The analog input channels
23 | MParameterD *fPulsePos; //! The intended pulse positon
24 | MParameterD *fTrigger; //! The trigger position w.r.t. the analog channels
25 | MRawRunHeader *fRunHeader; //! The run header storing infos about the digitization
26 | MRawEvtHeader *fEvtHeader; //! The event header storing the trigger information
27 | MPedestalCam *fElectronicNoise; //! Electronic noise (for baseline correction)
28 | MPedestalCam *fGain; //! Gain of the pulses
29 |
30 | MLut fRouteAC; // Combinination map for the AC channels
31 | MLut fCoincidenceMap; // channels for which digital coincidence is checked
32 |
33 | TString fNameRouteAC; // Name for the AC routing
34 | TString fNameCoincidenceMap; // Name for the coincidence mape
35 |
36 | Float_t fDiscriminatorThreshold; // Discriminator threshold
37 | Float_t fDigitalSignalLength; // Length of the output of the discriminator
38 | Float_t fCoincidenceTime; // Minimum coincidence time (gate)
39 |
40 | Bool_t fShiftBaseline; // Shift the baseline back to 0 for the threshold (needs ElectronicNoise [MPedestalCam])
41 | Bool_t fUngainSignal; // "Remove" the gain from the signal (needs Gain [MPedestalCam])
42 | Bool_t fSimulateElectronics; // If the electronics is not simulated the trigger is set artificially to the first photon arrived
43 |
44 | Int_t fMinMultiplicity; // N out of M
45 |
46 | // MSimTrigger
47 | TObjArray *CalcCoincidence(const TObjArray &arr1, const TObjArray &arr2/*, Float_t gate=0*/) const;
48 | TObjArray *CalcMinMultiplicity(const MArrayI &idx, const TObjArray &ttls, Int_t threshold) const;
49 | TObjArray *CalcCoincidences(const MArrayI &idx, const TObjArray &ttls) const;
50 | void SetTrigger(Double_t pos);
51 |
52 | // MTask
53 | Int_t PreProcess(MParList *pList);
54 | Int_t Process();
55 |
56 | // MParContainer
57 | Int_t ReadEnv(const TEnv &env, TString prefix, Bool_t print);
58 |
59 | public:
60 | MSimTrigger(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL);
61 |
62 | void SetNameRouteAC(const char *name) { fNameRouteAC=name; }
63 | void SetNameCoincidenceMap(const char *name) { fNameCoincidenceMap=name; }
64 |
65 | void SetDiscriminatorThreshold(Float_t th) { fDiscriminatorThreshold=th; }
66 | void SetDigitalSignalLength(Float_t ln) { fDigitalSignalLength=ln; }
67 | void SetCoincidenceTime(Float_t tm) { fCoincidenceTime=tm; }
68 |
69 | ClassDef(MSimTrigger, 0) // Task to simulate trigger electronics
70 | };
71 |
72 | #endif