1 | Please do not write behind the end of line tag so that it is possible
2 | to send a Changelog file to a line printer directly. Thanks.
3 |
4 | For your entries please follow this style:
5 |
6 | _yyyy/mm/dd:_[Your Name]
7 | _
8 | ___*_filename:
9 | _____-_description
10 | _
11 | ___*_filename2, filename3:
12 | _____-_description
13 | _
14 | _
15 | _
16 |
17 | While an underscore is a placeholder for a white-space or an empty line.
18 |
19 | -*-*- END OF LINE -*-*-
20 |
21 | 2004/08/17: Robert Wagner
22 | * mtemp/mmpi/MAstroCamera.[h,cc]
23 | - removed (merged with mastro/MAstroCamera.[h,cc])
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 | 2004/08/16: Robert Wagner
28 | * mtemp/MStarLocalPos.[h,cc]
29 | - added member variables, setters and getters for ideal position,
30 | i.e. position without aberration effects
31 |
32 | * mtemp/mmpi/MAstroCamera.cc
33 | - Ideal position of star is filled in MLocalStarPos container
34 |
35 |
36 |
37 | 2004/08/09: Robert Wagner
38 | * mtemp/MSourceDirections.[h,cc]
39 | - move from mtemp/mmpi to mtemp
40 |
41 |
42 |
43 | 2004/08/05: Robert Wagner
44 |
45 | * mtemp/mmpi/MSourceDirections.[h,cc]
46 | - Converts objects given by their sky coordinates into
47 | camera coordinates by using MAstroCamera the same way
48 | as MFindStars does.
49 |
50 |
51 |
52 | 2004/08/02: Robert Wagner
53 |
54 | * mtemp/mmpi/MFindStars.[h,cc]
55 | - Functionality for finding stars by using stars from star catalog
56 |
57 | * mtemp/mmpi/MAstroCamera.[h,cc]
58 | - Filling stars into a MStarLocalCam instead of painting them
59 | (Functionality also in mastro/MAsstroCamera.[h,cc], but
60 | commented out there since MStarLocalCam not part of standard
61 | MARS)
62 |
63 | * mtemp/mmpi/macros/findstars.C
64 | - sample macro for determining star positions (both with and
65 | without using a star catalog)
66 |
67 | * mtemp/mmpi/macros/bsc5.dat
68 | - Bright star catalog as used by findstars.C
69 |
70 |
71 |
72 | 2004/07/30: Nicola Galante
73 |
74 | * mtemp/mpisa/macros/AnalCurrents.C
75 | - Added new macros AnalCurrents.C which reads DC files
76 | and looks for DC clusters. Still preliminary!
77 | It currently just looks for starting pixels of clusters.
78 |
79 |
80 |
81 | 2004/07/22: Sabrina Stark
82 |
83 | * /mtemp/meth/MFindStars.[h,cc]
84 | - new fit function, incl. constant background and rotation of
85 | 2d gauss
86 | - initialization of MAstroCamera
87 | - new functions:
88 | - CorrSourcePos -> calculates a corrected
89 | source position using the images of two stars
90 | - DistBetweenStars -> calculates the distances between
91 | two stars and the source
92 |
93 | * /mtemp/meth/MAstroCamera.[h,cc]
94 | - TList *fCatList: list with star positions from catalog
95 | - new functions:
96 | - StarPosInCamera (similar to FillStarList, but
97 | incl. aberration)
98 | - GetCatList -> Access function to fCatList
99 |
100 | * /mtemp/meth/MStarLocalPos.[h,cc]
101 | - in function SetFitValue -> background included
102 |
103 |
104 | * /mtemp/meth/macros/CorrectSrcPos.C
105 | - macro to calculate a corrected source position using
106 | the images of two stars, these positions are written
107 | to an output file
108 |
109 |
110 |
111 | 2004/07/20: David Paneque
112 |
113 | * /mtemp/mmpi/SupercutsONOFFClasses directory containing the
114 | classes needed to optimize supercuts (and extract gamma signal)
115 | using the ON and OFF data. These classes are listed below:
116 |
117 | MFRandomSplit.cc
118 | MSupercutsCalcONOFF.cc
119 | MTSupercutsApplied.cc
120 | MHFindSignificanceONOFF.cc
121 | MFindSupercutsONOFFThetaLoop.cc
122 | MFindSupercutsONOFF.cc
123 |
124 | In order to add (to the compiled mars version) these classes you must add the
125 | following line to the SUBDIRS field of the general Makefile
126 |
127 | mtemp/mmpi/SupercutsONOFFClasses
128 |
129 |
130 | And that's it. It should compile without problems... there is no interference
131 | with the other classes.
132 |
133 | I also add few macros (in the directory /mtemp/mmpi/macros/) which should help
134 | the user to use (correctly) the mentioned classes.
135 |
136 | SuperCutsONOFFMacro.C
137 | SCDynamicalSupercutsApplied.C
138 | SCNexSignificanceVSAlphaCut.C
139 |
140 |
141 | The whole analysis is set and executed by running the macro SuperCutsONOFFMacro.C.
142 | I wrote quite some comments on it; it should be self-explanatory.
143 | The macro SCDynamicalSupercutsApplied.C can be used to make a quick
144 | inspection to the cuts applied to the events that survived the cuts, and the
145 | macro SCNexSignificanceVSAlphaCut.C plots the significance and the excess events
146 | vs the cut in the ALPHA parameter.
147 |
148 | I also included the directory mtemp/mmpi/asciifiles containing ascii files with
149 | some initial supercuts values and the optimized supercuts for Mkn421 Feb 15,
150 | that are used as input for the supercuts ON-OFF analysis.
151 |
152 |
153 | 2004/06/29: Javier Rico
154 |
155 | * MIslands.[h,cc], MIslandCalc.[h,cc]
156 | - Remove obsolete versions of these classes whose up-to-date ver-
157 | sions are available at mifae/library
158 |
159 |
160 | 2004/06/26: Eva Domingo - Pepe Flix
161 |
162 | * mifae/library/MDisp.[h,cc]
163 | * mifae/library/MDispCalc.[h,cc]
164 | - Added classes for evaluation of DISP method.
165 |
166 | 2004/06/25: Sebastian Commichau
167 |
168 | * meth/macros/analysis.C
169 | -Added macro to analyze data
170 |
171 | * meth/macros/analysis_read.C
172 | -Added macro that reads the output of analysis.C
173 |
174 | 2004/06/24: Nicola Galante
175 |
176 | * mpisa/macros/AlphaPlot.C
177 | -Added a new macro to plot eccess in alpha
178 |
179 | 2004/05/26: Nicola Galante
180 |
181 | * mpisa/macros/timedist3.C
182 | - Added a new macro to plot signal time distributions
183 |
184 | 2004/05/26: Nicola Galante
185 |
186 | * mpisa/macros/production3.C
187 | - Added a new production macro. It is based on
188 | bootcampstandardanalisys.C
189 |
190 | 2004/05/23: Thomas Hengstebeck
191 | * mberlin/macros/ScaleHillas.C , SrcCorrect.C , Convert2Matrix.C ,
192 | CutOptim.C , AlphaPlot.C , IOMkn421.h
193 | - Added analysis macros
194 |
195 |
196 | 2004/05/18: Daniel Mazin
197 | * mmpi/macros/hillasread.C
198 | - Removed a small bug
199 |
200 | * mmpi/macros/callalphaplot.C
201 | - Added. macro to produce an alpha plot for a chosen position in the sky map
202 | - Derotation is possible if theta and phi for each event are available
203 | - Using OFF data to estimate significance is optional
204 |
205 | 2004/05/18: Sebastian Commichau
206 | * meth/MHillasSrc.cc/h
207 | - Added. This is a modified version, containing now
208 | the DCA parameter.
209 |
210 | * meth/MDCACalc.cc/h, MDCA.cc/h
211 | - Added. Based on MHillasCalc/MHillas, it calculates
212 | the DCA parameter and provides a nice draw function
213 |
214 | 2004/05/17: Daniel Mazin
215 | * mmpi/macros
216 | - Added to put analysis macros there
217 |
218 | * mmpi/macros/callcleaning.C , cleaninghillas.C
219 | - Added. macros to make cleaning and calculate Hillas parameters
220 |
221 | * mmpi/macros/mtools.C
222 | -Added. some simple mathematical functions
223 |
224 | * mmpi/macros/falsesourcemethod.C, skyplot.h, hillasread.C, gridloop.C
225 | -Added. macros to produce 2D plots of False Source Method
226 |
227 | 2004/04/28: Javier Rico
228 | * mifae/Changelog
229 | - Added. Next changes in directory mifae will be reported
230 | exclusively in there
231 |
232 |
233 | 2004/04/27: Javier Rico
234 | * mifae
235 | - Add new directory for IFAE temporal stuff
236 |
237 | * mifae/Makefile,IFAEIncl.h,IFAELinkDef.h
238 | - Add basic stuff to run the directory
239 |
240 | * mifae/MDCA.[h,cc]
241 | - Add Commichau & Starks's MDCA (provisional)
242 |
243 | * mifae/makeHillas.cc,makehillas.datacard
244 | - Add program to generate hillas parameters' file