Please do not write behind the end of line tag so that it is possible to send a Changelog file to a line printer directly. Thanks. For your entries please follow this style: _yyyy/mm/dd:_[Your Name] _ ___*_filename: _____-_description _ ___*_filename2, filename3: _____-_description _ _ _ While an underscore is a placeholder for a white-space or an empty line. -*-*- END OF LINE -*-*- 2004/10/03: Hendrik Bartko * mtemp/mmpi/macros/calculate_of_weights.C - fixed a bug in the histogram naming 2004/09/24: Hendrik Bartko * mtemp/mmpi/macros/calibration_shape.C - fine tuning of the plots * mtemp/mmpi/macros/data_shape.C - added new macro to compute the signal shape for cosmics runs * mtemp/mmpi/macros/calculate_of_weights.C - added new macro to compute the weights for the optimal filter 2004/09/19: Hendrik Bartko * mtemp/mmpi/macros/noise_autocorrelation_AB.C - added new macro to compute the noise auto correlation matrix from a pedestal run * mtemp/mmpi/macros/calibration_shape.C - added new macro to compute the signal shape for calibration runs 2004/09/14: Hendrik Bartko * mtemp/mmpi/macros/calibrate_data_ped_standard.C - added new macro to calibrate the data. The pedestals are deter- mined from the cosmics events and the source position is deter- mined from the an analysis of the DC current information. 2004/09/10: Nicola Galante * mtemp/mpisa/triggerdisplay/MagicTriggerDisplay.[h,cc] - added the trigger display * mtemp/mpisa/triggerdisplay/MagicTriggerButton.[h,cc] - added custom buttons * mtemp/mpisa/triggerdisplay/MMcTriggerLvl2.[h,cc] - added the last modified MMcTriggerLvl2 with the new changes for the trigger display 2004/08/23: Robert Wagner * mtemp/MLocalStarPos.[h,cc], mtemp/MLocalStarCam.[h,cc], - removed (have been moved to /mstarcam) * mtemp/Makefile, mtemp/TempLinkDef.h - removed entries for mtemp/ mtemp/ * mtemp/MSourceDirections.[h,cc] - report names of directions already before first Process() call, containers are empty apart from that, though 2004/08/19: Marcos Lopez * mtemp/Makefile - added the mstarcam directory in the includes list. 2004/08/18: Marcos Lopez * mtemp/mucm - new directory for containing classes of the Madrid group. 2004/08/17: Robert Wagner * mtemp/mmpi/MAstroCamera.[h,cc] - removed (merged with mastro/MAstroCamera.[h,cc]) 2004/08/16: Robert Wagner * mtemp/MStarLocalPos.[h,cc] - added member variables, setters and getters for ideal position, i.e. position without aberration effects * mtemp/mmpi/ - Ideal position of star is filled in MLocalStarPos container 2004/08/09: Robert Wagner * mtemp/MSourceDirections.[h,cc] - move from mtemp/mmpi to mtemp 2004/08/05: Robert Wagner * mtemp/mmpi/MSourceDirections.[h,cc] - Converts objects given by their sky coordinates into camera coordinates by using MAstroCamera the same way as MFindStars does. 2004/08/02: Robert Wagner * mtemp/mmpi/MFindStars.[h,cc] - Functionality for finding stars by using stars from star catalog * mtemp/mmpi/MAstroCamera.[h,cc] - Filling stars into a MStarLocalCam instead of painting them (Functionality also in mastro/MAsstroCamera.[h,cc], but commented out there since MStarLocalCam not part of standard MARS) * mtemp/mmpi/macros/findstars.C - sample macro for determining star positions (both with and without using a star catalog) * mtemp/mmpi/macros/bsc5.dat - Bright star catalog as used by findstars.C 2004/07/30: Nicola Galante * mtemp/mpisa/macros/AnalCurrents.C - Added new macros AnalCurrents.C which reads DC files and looks for DC clusters. Still preliminary! It currently just looks for starting pixels of clusters. 2004/07/22: Sabrina Stark * /mtemp/meth/MFindStars.[h,cc] - new fit function, incl. constant background and rotation of 2d gauss - initialization of MAstroCamera - new functions: - CorrSourcePos -> calculates a corrected source position using the images of two stars - DistBetweenStars -> calculates the distances between two stars and the source * /mtemp/meth/MAstroCamera.[h,cc] - TList *fCatList: list with star positions from catalog - new functions: - StarPosInCamera (similar to FillStarList, but incl. aberration) - GetCatList -> Access function to fCatList * /mtemp/meth/MStarLocalPos.[h,cc] - in function SetFitValue -> background included * /mtemp/meth/macros/CorrectSrcPos.C - macro to calculate a corrected source position using the images of two stars, these positions are written to an output file 2004/07/20: David Paneque * /mtemp/mmpi/SupercutsONOFFClasses directory containing the classes needed to optimize supercuts (and extract gamma signal) using the ON and OFF data. These classes are listed below: In order to add (to the compiled mars version) these classes you must add the following line to the SUBDIRS field of the general Makefile mtemp/mmpi/SupercutsONOFFClasses And that's it. It should compile without problems... there is no interference with the other classes. I also add few macros (in the directory /mtemp/mmpi/macros/) which should help the user to use (correctly) the mentioned classes. SuperCutsONOFFMacro.C SCDynamicalSupercutsApplied.C SCNexSignificanceVSAlphaCut.C The whole analysis is set and executed by running the macro SuperCutsONOFFMacro.C. I wrote quite some comments on it; it should be self-explanatory. The macro SCDynamicalSupercutsApplied.C can be used to make a quick inspection to the cuts applied to the events that survived the cuts, and the macro SCNexSignificanceVSAlphaCut.C plots the significance and the excess events vs the cut in the ALPHA parameter. I also included the directory mtemp/mmpi/asciifiles containing ascii files with some initial supercuts values and the optimized supercuts for Mkn421 Feb 15, that are used as input for the supercuts ON-OFF analysis. 2004/06/29: Javier Rico * MIslands.[h,cc], MIslandCalc.[h,cc] - Remove obsolete versions of these classes whose up-to-date ver- sions are available at mifae/library 2004/06/26: Eva Domingo - Pepe Flix * mifae/library/MDisp.[h,cc] * mifae/library/MDispCalc.[h,cc] - Added classes for evaluation of DISP method. 2004/06/25: Sebastian Commichau * meth/macros/analysis.C -Added macro to analyze data * meth/macros/analysis_read.C -Added macro that reads the output of analysis.C 2004/06/24: Nicola Galante * mpisa/macros/AlphaPlot.C -Added a new macro to plot eccess in alpha 2004/05/26: Nicola Galante * mpisa/macros/timedist3.C - Added a new macro to plot signal time distributions 2004/05/26: Nicola Galante * mpisa/macros/production3.C - Added a new production macro. It is based on bootcampstandardanalisys.C 2004/05/23: Thomas Hengstebeck * mberlin/macros/ScaleHillas.C , SrcCorrect.C , Convert2Matrix.C , CutOptim.C , AlphaPlot.C , IOMkn421.h - Added analysis macros 2004/05/18: Daniel Mazin * mmpi/macros/hillasread.C - Removed a small bug * mmpi/macros/callalphaplot.C - Added. macro to produce an alpha plot for a chosen position in the sky map - Derotation is possible if theta and phi for each event are available - Using OFF data to estimate significance is optional 2004/05/18: Sebastian Commichau * meth/ - Added. This is a modified version, containing now the DCA parameter. * meth/, - Added. Based on MHillasCalc/MHillas, it calculates the DCA parameter and provides a nice draw function 2004/05/17: Daniel Mazin * mmpi/macros - Added to put analysis macros there * mmpi/macros/callcleaning.C , cleaninghillas.C - Added. macros to make cleaning and calculate Hillas parameters * mmpi/macros/mtools.C -Added. some simple mathematical functions * mmpi/macros/falsesourcemethod.C, skyplot.h, hillasread.C, gridloop.C -Added. macros to produce 2D plots of False Source Method 2004/04/28: Javier Rico * mifae/Changelog - Added. Next changes in directory mifae will be reported exclusively in there 2004/04/27: Javier Rico * mifae - Add new directory for IFAE temporal stuff * mifae/Makefile,IFAEIncl.h,IFAELinkDef.h - Add basic stuff to run the directory * mifae/MDCA.[h,cc] - Add Commichau & Starks's MDCA (provisional) * mifae/,makehillas.datacard - Add program to generate hillas parameters' file