1 | #ifndef MARS_MHTelAxisFromStars
2 | #define MARS_MHTelAxisFromStars
3 |
4 | #ifndef MARS_MH
5 | #include "MH.h"
6 | #endif
7 |
8 | class TH1D;
9 | class TH2D;
10 | class MTelAxisFromStars;
11 | class MSrcPosCam;
12 | class MSkyCamTrans;
13 | class MStarCam;
14 |
15 | class MHTelAxisFromStars : public MH
16 | {
17 | private:
18 |
19 | TH1D *fNStars; //-> Number of stars
20 | TH1D *fNdoF; //-> Number of degrees of freedom
21 | TH1D *fLog10Chi2; //-> log10(Chi2)
22 | TH1D *fChi2Prob; //-> Chi2 probability
23 | TH1D *fNumIter; //-> Number of iterations
24 | TH1D *fLambda; //-> Scale factor lambda
25 | TH1D *fAlfa; //-> Rotation angle alfa
26 |
27 | TH2D *fShift; //-> Shift between Sky and Camera system
28 | TH2D *fEstPos1; //-> Estimated position 1
29 | TH2D *fEstPos2; //-> Estimated position 2
30 | TH2D *fEstPos3; //-> Estimated position 3
31 |
32 | MStarCam *fStarCam; //!
33 | MStarCam *fSourceCam;
34 | MSrcPosCam *fSrcPos; //!
35 | MSkyCamTrans *fSkyCamTrans; //!
36 |
37 | Float_t fMm2Deg; //!
38 | Bool_t fUseMmScale; //!
39 | Int_t fInputType; //!
40 |
41 | const static Int_t fNstarnames = 3; //!
42 | TString fStarnames[fNstarnames]; //!
43 |
44 | void SetColors() const;
45 | void Paint(Option_t *opt="");
46 |
47 | public:
48 | MHTelAxisFromStars(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL);
49 | ~MHTelAxisFromStars();
50 |
51 | void SetInputType(Int_t type=1);
52 | void SetMmScale(Bool_t mmscale=kTRUE);
53 | virtual void SetMm2Deg(Float_t mmdeg);
54 |
55 | Bool_t SetupFill(const MParList *pList);
56 | Bool_t Fill(const MParContainer *par, const Stat_t w=1);
57 | Bool_t Finalize();
58 |
59 | TH1 *GetHistByName(const TString name);
60 |
61 | TH1D *GetHistNStars() { return fNStars; }
62 | TH1D *GetHistNdoF() { return fNdoF; }
63 | TH1D *GetHistLog10Chi2() { return fLog10Chi2; }
64 | TH1D *GetHistChi2Prob() { return fChi2Prob; }
65 |
66 | TH1D *GetHistNumIter() { return fNumIter; }
67 | TH1D *GetHistLambda() { return fLambda; }
68 |
69 | TH1D *GetHistAlfa() { return fAlfa; }
70 |
71 | TH2D *GetHistShift() { return fShift; }
72 | TH2D *GetHistEstPos1() { return fEstPos1; }
73 | TH2D *GetHistEstPos2() { return fEstPos2; }
74 | TH2D *GetHistEstPos3() { return fEstPos3; }
75 |
76 | void Draw(Option_t *opt=NULL);
77 |
78 | ClassDef(MHTelAxisFromStars, 1) // Container which holds histograms for MTelAxisFromStars
79 | };
80 |
81 | #endif
82 |
83 |
84 |
85 |
86 |