1 | #include "TString.h"
2 | #include "TChain.h"
3 | #include "TFile.h"
4 | #include "TH1F.h"
5 | #include "TMatrix.h"
6 |
7 | #include "MParList.h"
8 | #include "MTaskList.h"
9 | #include "MReadTree.h"
10 | #include "MHMatrix.h"
11 | #include "MFillH.h"
12 | #include "MEvtLoop.h"
13 |
14 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
16 |
17 | #include "IOMkn421.h"
18 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
19 |
20 | void Convert2Matrix()
21 | {
22 | //------------------------------------------------------
23 | // ON + OFF data to be filled into matrix
24 |
25 | MReadTree readOn("Events", fileOptOn);
26 | MReadTree readOff("Events", fileOptOff);
27 |
28 | const Int_t nent=readOn.GetEntries();
29 |
30 | //------------------------------------------------------
31 |
32 | // process On data
33 | MParList plistOn;
34 | MTaskList tlistOn;
35 | plistOn.AddToList(&tlistOn);
36 |
37 | readOn.DisableAutoScheme();
38 |
39 | TString sdist = Form("MHillasSrc.fDist*%f",mm2deg);
40 |
41 | MHMatrix matOn("Matrix");
42 | matOn.AddColumn("MHillas.fSize"); // 0
43 | matOn.AddColumn(sdist.Data()); // 1
44 | matOn.AddColumn("MHillas.fWidth"); // 2
45 | matOn.AddColumn("MHillas.fLength");// 3
46 | matOn.AddColumn("MHillasSrc.fAlpha");
47 | plistOn.AddToList(&matOn);
48 | MFillH fillOn("Matrix");
49 |
50 | tlistOn.AddToList(&readOn);
51 | tlistOn.AddToList(&fillOn);
52 |
53 | MEvtLoop evtloopOn;
54 | evtloopOn.SetParList(&plistOn);
55 |
56 | if (!evtloopOn.Eventloop(0.5*nent))
57 | return;
58 |
59 | tlistOn.PrintStatistics();
60 |
61 | TFile fileOn2(fileMatOn.Data(),"recreate","");
62 | matOn.Write();
63 | fileOn2.Close();
64 |
65 |
66 | // process Off data
67 |
68 | MParList plistOff;
69 | MTaskList tlistOff;
70 | plistOff.AddToList(&tlistOff);
71 |
72 | readOff.DisableAutoScheme();
73 |
74 | MHMatrix matOff("Matrix");
75 | matOff.AddColumns(matOn.GetColumns());
76 | plistOff.AddToList(&matOff);
77 | MFillH fillOff("Matrix");
78 |
79 | tlistOff.AddToList(&readOff);
80 | tlistOff.AddToList(&fillOff);
81 |
82 | MEvtLoop evtloopOff;
83 | evtloopOff.SetParList(&plistOff);
84 |
85 | if (!evtloopOff.Eventloop())
86 | return;
87 |
88 | tlistOff.PrintStatistics();
89 |
90 | TFile fileOff2(fileMatOff.Data(),"recreate","");
91 | matOff.Write();
92 | fileOff2.Close();
93 | } |