1 | #include "TMinuit.h"
2 | #include "TMatrix.h"
3 | #include "TString.h"
4 | #include "TCanvas.h"
5 | #include "TH1F.h"
6 | #include "TF1.h"
7 | #include "TLegend.h"
8 | #include "TFile.h"
9 | #include "TArrayF.h"
10 | #include "TGraphErrors.h"
11 | #include "MRawRunHeader.h"
12 | #include "TPad.h"
13 | #include "TPaveText.h"
14 | #include "iostream.h"
15 | #include "TObjArray.h"
16 |
17 | #include "MHMatrix.h"
18 |
19 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
21 |
22 | #include "IOMkn421.h"
23 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
24 |
25 | Double_t acut = 10; // alpha region of excess
26 | Bool_t aplot = 1; // make only alpha plot (1) , do sig. optimization and alpha plot (0)
27 |
28 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
29 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
30 |
31 | const TMatrix *matOn;
32 | const TMatrix *matOff;
33 |
34 | Int_t isize = 0;
35 | Int_t idist = 1;
36 | Int_t iwidth = 2;
37 | Int_t ilength = 3;
38 | Int_t ialpha = 4;
39 |
40 | //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
41 | //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
42 |
43 | Double_t signal(Double_t *x, Double_t *par){
44 | return par[0]/(TMath::Sqrt(2.*TMath::Pi())*par[1])*TMath::Exp(-(x[0]-par[2])*(x[0]-par[2])/2./par[1]/par[1]);
45 | }
46 |
47 | Double_t background(Double_t *x, Double_t *par){
48 | return par[0]+par[1]*x[0]+par[2]*pow(x[0],2.)+par[3]*x[0]*x[0]*x[0];
49 | //return par[0]+par[1]*x[0]+par[2]*x[0]*x[0]+par[3]*x[0]*x[0]*x[0];
50 | }
51 |
52 | Double_t fitFunction(Double_t *x, Double_t *par){
53 | return signal(x,par) + background(x,&par[3]);
54 | }
55 |
56 | //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
57 | //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
58 | void fcn(Int_t &npar, Double_t *gin, Double_t &f, Double_t *par, Int_t iflag)
59 | {
60 | Double_t w1=par[0];
61 | Double_t w2=par[1];
62 | Double_t l1=par[2];
63 | Double_t l2=par[3];
64 | Double_t d1=par[4];
65 | Double_t d2=par[5];
66 |
67 | Double_t non=0;
68 | Double_t noff=0;
69 |
70 | TH1F hon("hon","",18,0.,90.);//5 deg bins
71 | for(Int_t i=0;i<matOn->GetNrows();i++)
72 | {
73 | if( (*matOn)(i,isize)<SizeLo) continue;
74 | if(((*matOn)(i,idist)>d1) ||((*matOn)(i,idist)<d2 )) continue;
75 |
76 | if(((*matOn)(i,iwidth)>w1) ||((*matOn)(i,iwidth)<w2)) continue;
77 | if(((*matOn)(i,ilength)>l1)||((*matOn)(i,ilength)<l2)) continue;
78 |
79 | Float_t alpha=(*matOn)(i,ialpha);
80 | hon.Fill(TMath::Abs(alpha));
81 | }
82 |
83 | for(Int_t i=1;i<=4;i++)
84 | non+=hon.GetBinContent(i);
85 |
86 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------
87 | /*TH1F hoff("hoff","",18,0.,90.);//5 deg bins
88 | for(Int_t i=0;i<matOff->GetNrows();i++)
89 | {
90 | if( (*matOff)(i,isize)<SizeLo) continue;
91 | if(((*matOff)(i,idist)>d1) ||((*matOff)(i,idist)<d2 )) continue;
92 |
93 | if(((*matOff)(i,iwidth)>w1) ||((*matOff)(i,iwidth)<w2)) continue;
94 | if(((*matOff)(i,ilength)>l1)||((*matOff)(i,ilength)<l2)) continue;
95 |
96 | Float_t alpha=(*matOff)(i,ialpha);
97 | hoff.Fill(TMath::Abs(alpha));
98 | }
99 |
100 | for(Int_t i=1;i<=4;i++)
101 | noff+=hoff.GetBinContent(i);*/
102 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------
103 |
104 | // flat background region
105 | for(Int_t i=7;i<=15;i++)
106 | noff+=hon.GetBinContent(i);
107 |
108 | Float_t offscale=4./9.;
109 | noff*=offscale;
110 |
111 | if(non+noff<0.001)
112 | f=0.;
113 | else
114 | f = -(non-noff)/(TMath::Sqrt(non+noff));
115 |
116 | cout<<"Non="<<non<<" Noff="<<noff*offscale<<" Sig="<<-f<<endl;
117 | }
118 | //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
119 | //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
120 | void CutOptim()
121 | {
122 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
123 | // read matrices
124 |
125 | MHMatrix hmatOn;
126 | TFile *fileOn=new TFile(fileMatOn.Data());
127 | hmatOn.Read("Matrix");
128 | delete fileOn;
129 | const TMatrix &mOn=hmatOn.GetM();
130 | matOn=(const TMatrix*)&mOn;
131 |
132 | MHMatrix hmatOff;
133 | TFile *fileOff=new TFile(fileMatOff.Data());
134 | hmatOff.Read("Matrix");
135 | delete fileOff;
136 | const TMatrix &mOff=hmatOff.GetM();
137 | matOff=(const TMatrix*)&mOff;
138 |
139 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
140 |
141 | Int_t nrowOn = matOn->GetNrows();
142 | Int_t nrowOff = matOff->GetNrows();
143 |
144 | Int_t ncolOn = matOn->GetNcols();
145 | Int_t ncolOff = matOff->GetNcols();
146 |
147 | cout<<"matrix On: ncol="<<ncolOn<<" nrow="<<nrowOn<<endl;
148 | cout<<"matrix Off: ncol="<<ncolOff<<" nrow="<<nrowOff<<endl;
149 |
150 | TCanvas *c = new TCanvas("c1","Alpha distribution after g/h separation",200,10,800,500);
151 | c->SetFillColor(0);
152 |
153 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
154 | // optimize cuts
155 |
156 | Int_t iflag;
157 | Double_t val;
158 | Double_t vstart[6];
159 |
160 | Double_t *gin=NULL;
161 |
162 | Double_t arglist[10];
163 | Int_t ierflg = 0;
164 |
165 | TMinuit *gMinuit = new TMinuit(10);
166 | TGraph* gr=NULL;
167 |
168 | if(!aplot)
169 | c->Divide(2,1);
170 | else
171 | goto APlot;
172 |
173 | // start values
174 | vstart[0]=WidthUp;
175 | vstart[1]=WidthLo;
176 | vstart[2]=LengthUp;
177 | vstart[3]=LengthLo;
178 | vstart[4]=DistUp;
179 | vstart[5]=DistLo;
180 |
181 | gMinuit->SetFCN(fcn);
182 |
183 | arglist[0] = 1;
184 | gMinuit->mnexcm("SET ERR", arglist ,1,ierflg);
185 |
186 | // Set starting values and step sizes for parameters
187 | static Double_t step[6];
188 | const Double_t def_step=0.2;
189 | step[0]=def_step;
190 | step[1]=def_step;
191 | step[2]=def_step;
192 | step[3]=def_step;
193 | step[4]=def_step;
194 | step[5]=def_step;
195 |
196 | gMinuit->mnparm(0,"w1", vstart[0], step[0], 0.,0.,ierflg);
197 | gMinuit->mnparm(1,"w2", vstart[1], step[1], 0.,0.,ierflg);
198 | gMinuit->mnparm(2,"l1", vstart[2], step[2], 0.,0.,ierflg);
199 | gMinuit->mnparm(3,"l2", vstart[3], step[3], 0.,0.,ierflg);
200 | gMinuit->mnparm(4,"d1", vstart[4], step[4], 0.2,1.,ierflg);
201 | gMinuit->mnparm(5,"d2", vstart[5], step[5], 0.5,1.5,ierflg);
202 |
203 | //gMinuit->FixParameter(0); // WidthUp
204 | gMinuit->FixParameter(1); // WidthLo
205 | //gMinuit->FixParameter(2); // LengthUp
206 | gMinuit->FixParameter(3); // LengthLo
207 | gMinuit->FixParameter(4); // DistUp
208 | gMinuit->FixParameter(5); // DistLo
209 |
210 | gMinuit->Eval(6,gin,val,vstart,iflag);
211 |
212 | arglist[0] = 5000;
213 | arglist[1] = 1.;
214 |
215 | //gMinuit->mnexcm("MIGRAD", arglist ,2,ierflg);
216 | gMinuit->mnexcm("SIM", arglist ,2,ierflg);
217 |
218 | // Print results
219 | Double_t amin,edm,errdef;
220 | Int_t nvpar,nparx,icstat;
221 | gMinuit->mnstat(amin,edm,errdef,nvpar,nparx,icstat);
222 | gMinuit->mnprin(3,amin);
223 |
224 | Double_t fpar[6];
225 | Double_t fparerr[6];
226 | for(Int_t i=0;i<6;i++)
227 | gMinuit->GetParameter(i,fpar[i],fparerr[i]);
228 |
229 | WidthUp = fpar[0];
230 | WidthLo = fpar[1];
231 | LengthUp = fpar[2];
232 | LengthLo = fpar[3];
233 | DistUp = fpar[4];
234 | DistLo = fpar[5];
235 |
236 |
237 | // parameter's sigma plots
238 | c->cd(2);
239 | // 2 sigma contour
240 | /*
241 | gMinuit->SetErrorDef(4);
242 | gr = (TGraph*) gMinuit->Contour(100,0,2);
243 | gr->DrawClone("AL");*/
244 |
245 | // 1 sigma contour
246 | gMinuit->SetErrorDef(1);
247 | gr = (TGraph*) gMinuit->Contour(100,0,2);
248 | gr->DrawClone("AL");
249 | /*
250 | // contour of min. function
251 | c->cd(2);
252 | arglist[0] = 1; // WidthUp
253 | gMinuit->mnexcm("SCA", arglist ,1,ierflg);
254 | TGraph* gr = (TGraph*)gMinuit->GetPlot();
255 | gr->DrawClone("al");
256 |
257 | c->cd(4);
258 | arglist[0] = 4; // LengthLo
259 | gMinuit->mnexcm("SCA", arglist ,1,ierflg);
260 | gr = (TGraph*)gMinuit->GetPlot();
261 | gr->DrawClone("al");//*/
262 |
263 | c->cd(1);
264 |
265 | APlot:
266 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
267 | // plot alpha histogram with current cuts and calc significance
268 |
269 | // alpha histogram
270 | TH1F *halpha=new TH1F("halpha","",18,0.,90.);
271 | TH1F *halphaOff=new TH1F("halphaOff","",18,0.,90.);
272 |
273 | halpha->SetStats(kFALSE);
274 | halphaOff->SetStats(kFALSE);
275 |
276 | for(Int_t i=0;i<nrowOn;i++)
277 | {
278 | if (mOn(i,isize)<SizeLo) continue;
279 | if((mOn(i,idist)<DistLo)||(mOn(i,idist)>DistUp)) continue;
280 |
281 | if((mOn(i,iwidth) < WidthLo) ||(mOn(i,iwidth) > WidthUp)) continue;
282 | if((mOn(i,ilength)< LengthLo)||(mOn(i,ilength)> LengthUp)) continue;
283 |
284 | halpha->Fill(TMath::Abs(mOn(i,ialpha)));
285 | }
286 | halpha->SetLineWidth(2);
287 | halpha->DrawClone();
288 |
289 | for(Int_t i=0;i<nrowOff;i++)
290 | {
291 | if (mOff(i,isize)<SizeLo) continue;
292 | if((mOff(i,idist)<DistLo)||(mOff(i,idist)>DistUp)) continue;
293 |
294 | if((mOff(i,iwidth) < WidthLo) ||(mOff(i,iwidth) > WidthUp)) continue;
295 | if((mOff(i,ilength)< LengthLo)||(mOff(i,ilength)> LengthUp)) continue;
296 |
297 | halphaOff->Fill(TMath::Abs(mOff(i,ialpha)));
298 |
299 | }
300 |
301 | // scale Off histogram to On data using bins 6-18
302 | Double_t nsample_on=0;
303 | Double_t nsample_off=0;
304 | for(Int_t i=6;i<18;i++)
305 | nsample_on+=halpha->GetBinContent(i);
306 | for(Int_t i=6;i<18;i++)
307 | nsample_off+=halphaOff->GetBinContent(i);
308 |
309 | Double_t scal=nsample_on/nsample_off;
310 |
311 | halphaOff->SetLineColor(2);
312 | halphaOff->Scale(scal);
313 | halphaOff->Draw("same");
314 |
315 | gPad->SetGridx();
316 | gPad->SetGridy();
317 |
318 | // define functions
319 | TF1 *backFcn = new TF1("backFcn",background,20.,89.5,4);
320 | backFcn->SetLineWidth(2);
321 | backFcn->SetLineColor(kRed);
322 |
323 | TF1 *signalFcn = new TF1("signalFcn",signal,0.,89.5,3);
324 | signalFcn->SetLineWidth(2);
325 | signalFcn->SetLineColor(kBlue);
326 | signalFcn->SetNpx(500);
327 |
328 | TF1 *fitFcn = new TF1("fitFcn",fitFunction,0.,89.5,7);
329 | fitFcn->SetNpx(500);
330 | fitFcn->SetLineWidth(2);
331 | fitFcn->SetLineColor(kMagenta);
332 |
333 | // start-parameters
334 | Double_t p3start=halpha->GetBinContent(halpha->GetNbinsX()-1);
335 | Double_t p4start=0.;
336 | Double_t p5start=0.;
337 | Double_t p6start=0.;
338 |
339 | Double_t p0start=(halpha->GetEntries()*halpha->GetBinWidth(1)-p3start)*0.05;
340 | Double_t p1start=5.;
341 | Double_t p2start=0.;
342 |
343 | cout<<"start values:"<<endl;
344 |
345 | cout<<" gaussian:"<<endl;
346 | cout<<" p0 = "<<p0start<<endl;
347 | cout<<" p1 = "<<p1start<<endl;
348 | cout<<" p2 = "<<p2start<<endl;
349 |
350 | cout<<" pol3:"<<endl;
351 | cout<<" p0 = "<<p3start<<endl;
352 | cout<<" p1 = "<<p4start<<endl;
353 | cout<<" p2 = "<<p5start<<endl;
354 | cout<<" p3 = "<<p6start<<endl<<endl;
355 |
356 |
357 | // background fit
358 | Double_t parb[4];
359 | backFcn->SetParameters(p3start,p4start,p5start,p6start);
360 | backFcn->FixParameter(1,0); // deriv. at zero equal zero
361 | //backFcn->FixParameter(2,0); // no 2nd order term
362 | backFcn->FixParameter(3,0); // no 3rd order term
363 | //halphaOff->Fit ("backFcn","RN");
364 | halpha->Fit ("backFcn","RN");
365 | backFcn->GetParameters(parb);
366 |
367 | // total fit
368 | Double_t par[7];
369 | fitFcn->SetParameters(p0start,p1start,p2start,
370 | parb[0],parb[1],parb[2],parb[3]);
371 |
372 | fitFcn->FixParameter(2,0.);
373 | fitFcn->FixParameter(3,parb[0]);
374 | fitFcn->FixParameter(4,parb[1]);
375 | fitFcn->FixParameter(5,parb[2]);
376 | fitFcn->FixParameter(6,parb[3]);
377 | halpha->Fit ("fitFcn","RN");
378 |
379 | // draw the legend
380 | TLegend *legend=new TLegend(0.4,0.5,0.93,0.65);
381 | legend->SetTextFont(40);
382 | legend->SetTextSize(0.04);
383 | legend->SetFillColor(19);
384 | legend->AddEntry(halpha,"Data","lp");
385 | TString strpol("");
386 | strpol=Form("Polynom");
387 | legend->AddEntry(backFcn,strpol.Data(),"l");
388 | legend->AddEntry(fitFcn,"Global Fit","l");
389 | //legend->Draw();
390 |
391 | // drawing the functions
392 | fitFcn->GetParameters(par);
393 | fitFcn->SetRange(-90.,90.);
394 | fitFcn->SetLineWidth(2);
395 | fitFcn->Draw("same");
396 |
397 | signalFcn->SetParameters(par);
398 | signalFcn->SetLineWidth(2);
399 | //signalFcn->Draw("same");
400 |
401 | backFcn->SetParameters(&par[3]);
402 | backFcn->SetRange(-90,90);
403 | backFcn->SetLineWidth(2);
404 | backFcn->Draw("same");
405 |
406 |
407 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
408 | // calculate significance
409 |
410 | // analytical method
411 | Double_t nSig=signalFcn->Integral(0.,acut)/halpha->GetBinWidth(1);
412 | Double_t nOffScaled=backFcn->Integral(0.,acut)/halpha->GetBinWidth(1);
413 |
414 | Double_t nOn=nSig+nOffScaled;
415 |
416 | // significance after Li/Ma
417 | Double_t theta=1.; // should be = Ton/Toff ???
418 | nSig=nOn-nOffScaled;
419 | Double_t nOff=nOffScaled/theta;
420 |
421 | Double_t siglima = sqrt(2*(nOn*TMath::Log((1+theta)*nOn/(theta*(nOn+nOff)))
422 | +nOff*TMath::Log((1+theta)*(nOff/(nOn+nOff)))));
423 |
424 | // "standard" significance
425 | Double_t sigstd = nSig/sqrt(nOn+nOffScaled);
426 |
427 |
428 | TPaveText *pt = new TPaveText(0.25,0.75,0.56,0.98,"brNDC");
429 |
430 | pt->SetTextFont(60);
431 | pt->SetTextSize(0.03);
432 | pt->SetTextAlign(12);
433 |
434 | TString strcut1(Form("cuts:"));
435 | TString strcut3(Form(" |alpha| < %4.2f ",acut));
436 | pt->AddText(strcut3.Data());
437 | TString str("");
438 | pt->AddText(str);
439 |
440 | TString strsig(Form("NExcess = %d",Int_t(nSig)));
441 | pt->AddText(strsig.Data());
442 | TString strbak(Form("NOff = %d",Int_t(nOffScaled)));
443 | pt->AddText(strbak.Data());
444 | pt->AddText(str);
445 |
446 | TString strsg(Form("Significance (Li/Ma) = %4.2f",siglima));
447 | pt->AddText(strsg.Data());
448 |
449 | cout<<"results for events with alpha < "<<acut<<" degrees :"<<endl;
450 | cout<<" nbackground = "<<nOffScaled<<endl;
451 | cout<<" theta = "<<theta<<endl;
452 | cout<<" nsignal = "<<nSig<<endl;
453 | cout<<" sig. (Li/Ma) = "<<siglima<<endl;
454 | cout<<" sig.-std = "<<sigstd<<endl;
455 | pt->Draw();
456 | gPad->SetGridx();
457 | gPad->SetGridy();
458 |
459 | c->Update();
460 |
461 | cout<<endl<<"Optimized Cuts:"<<endl;
462 | cout<<" "<<DistLo<<" < dist <"<<DistUp<<endl;
463 | cout<<" "<<WidthLo<<" < width <"<<WidthUp<<endl;
464 | cout<<" "<<LengthLo<<" < length <"<<LengthUp<<endl;
465 |
466 | return;
467 | }
468 |