1 | /* ======================================================================== *\
2 | !
3 | ! *
4 | ! * This file is part of MARS, the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction
5 | ! * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful
6 | ! * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes.
7 | ! * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
8 | ! *
9 | ! * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
10 | ! * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
11 | ! * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
12 | ! * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
13 | ! * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express
14 | ! * or implied warranty.
15 | ! *
16 | !
17 | !
18 | ! Author(s): Luisa Sabrina Stark Schneebeli, 07/2004 <stark@particle.phys.ethz.ch>
19 | !
20 | ! Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2004
21 | !
22 | ! This macro is partially derived from findstars.C
23 | \* ======================================================================== */
24 |
25 |
26 | Bool_t HandleInput()
27 | {
28 | TTimer timer("gSystem->ProcessEvents();", 50, kFALSE);
29 | while (1)
30 | {
31 | //
32 | // While reading the input process gui events asynchronously
33 | //
34 | timer.TurnOn();
35 | TString input = Getline("Type 'q' to exit, <return> to go on: ");
36 | timer.TurnOff();
37 |
38 | if (input=="q\n")
39 | return kFALSE;
40 |
41 | if (input=="\n")
42 | return kTRUE;
43 | };
44 |
45 | return kFALSE;
46 | }
47 |
48 |
49 | void CorrectSrcPos(const TString filename="dc_2004_04_21_22_*_Mrk421.root", const TString directory="/scratch/Period016/cacodata/2004_04_22/", const UInt_t numEvents = 0)
50 | {
51 |
52 | //
53 | // Create a empty Parameter List and an empty Task List
54 | // The tasklist is identified in the eventloop by its name
55 | //
56 | MParList plist;
57 |
58 | MTaskList tlist;
59 | plist.AddToList(&tlist);
60 |
61 |
62 | MGeomCamMagic geomcam;
63 | MCameraDC dccam;
64 | MStarLocalCam starcam;
65 |
66 | plist.AddToList(&geomcam);
67 | plist.AddToList(&dccam);
68 | plist.AddToList(&starcam);
69 |
70 | //
71 | // Now setup the tasks and tasklist:
72 | // ---------------------------------
73 | //
74 |
75 | // Reads the trees of the root file and the analysed branches
76 | MReadReports read;
77 | read.AddTree("Currents");
78 | read.AddFile(directory+filename); // after the reading of the trees!!!
79 | read.AddToBranchList("MReportCurrents.*");
80 |
81 | MGeomApply geomapl;
82 | TString continuoslightfile =
83 | "/scratch/Period016/cacodata/2004_04_16/dc_2004_04_16_04_46_18_22368_Off3c279-2CL100.root";
84 | MCalibrateDC dccal;
85 | dccal.SetFileName(continuoslightfile);
86 |
87 |
88 | const Int_t numblind = 12;
89 | const Short_t x[numblind] = { 8, 27,
90 | 507, 508, 509, 510, 511,
91 | 543, 559, 560, 561, 567};
92 | const TArrayS blindpixels(numblind,(Short_t*)x);
93 | Float_t ringinterest = 100; //[mm]
94 | Float_t tailcut = 3.5;
95 | UInt_t integratedevents = 5;
96 |
97 | MFindStars findstars;
98 | // findstars.SetBlindPixels(blindpixels);
99 | findstars.SetRingInterest(ringinterest);
100 | findstars.SetDCTailCut(tailcut);
101 | findstars.SetNumIntegratedEvents(integratedevents);
102 | findstars.SetMinuitPrintOutLevel(0);
103 |
104 | findstars.SetSourceRaH(11); // Mrk421
105 | findstars.SetSourceRaM(4);
106 | findstars.SetSourceRaS(26.0);
107 | findstars.SetSourceDecD(38);
108 | findstars.SetSourceDecM(12);
109 | findstars.SetSourceDecS(36.0);
110 |
111 |
112 | // prints
113 | MPrint pdc("MCameraDC");
114 | MPrint pstar("MStarLocalCam");
115 |
116 | tlist.AddToList(&geomapl);
117 | tlist.AddToList(&read);
118 | tlist.AddToList(&dccal);
119 | // tlist.AddToList(&pdc, "Currents");
120 | tlist.AddToList(&findstars, "Currents");
121 | // tlist.AddToList(&pstar, "Currents");
122 |
123 | //
124 | // Create and setup the eventloop
125 | //
126 | MEvtLoop evtloop;
127 | evtloop.SetParList(&plist);
128 |
129 | const Int_t numpar = 3;
130 | Float_t starpos[10*numpar];
131 | Float_t starposcat[10*numpar];
132 |
133 | if (numEvents > 0)
134 | {
135 | if (!evtloop.Eventloop(numEvents))
136 | return;
137 | }
138 | else
139 | {
140 | if (!evtloop.PreProcess())
141 | return;
142 |
143 | MHCamera display(geomcam);
144 | display.SetPrettyPalette();
145 |
146 | TCanvas *c = new TCanvas("c", "FindStars", 100, 100,600,600);
147 |
148 | TH2D *h0 = new TH2D("h0","",1,-2,2,1,-2,2);
149 | h0->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("(deg)");
150 | h0->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("(deg)");
151 | h0->Draw();
152 |
153 | display.Draw();
154 | gPad->cd(1);
155 | //display.Draw("same");
156 | starcam.Draw();
157 |
158 | UShort_t year;
159 | Byte_t month, day;
160 |
161 | MTime *evttime = (MTime*)plist->FindObject("MTimeCurrents");
162 |
163 | TList *starcatalog = new TList;
164 | TList *stardc = new TList;
165 | TVector3 *res = new TVector3;
166 |
167 | Int_t maxdist = 100;
168 | UInt_t numevents=0;
169 | Int_t numEvt=0;
170 | const Int_t maxnumEvt = 10000;
171 | Int_t col = 2;
172 | const Double_t kDeg2mm = 189/0.6;
173 |
174 | Double_t resx[maxnumEvt];
175 | Double_t resy[maxnumEvt];
176 | Double_t time[maxnumEvt];
177 |
178 |
179 | //
180 | // Find in the file name the date, run and project name
181 |
182 | Size_t pos = filename.Last('/');
183 | TString iRun = TString(filename(pos+24,5));
184 | TString iYear = TString(filename(pos+4,4));
185 | TString iMonth = TString(filename(pos+9,2));
186 | TString iDay = TString(filename(pos+12,2));
187 |
188 | TString iHour = TString(filename(pos+15,2));
189 | TString iMin = TString(filename(pos+18,2));
190 | TString iSec = TString(filename(pos+21,2));
191 |
192 | Size_t poslast = filename.Last('.');
193 | Size_t posfirst = poslast-1;
194 | while (filename[posfirst] != '_')
195 | posfirst--;
196 |
197 | TString iSource = TString(filename(posfirst+1,poslast-posfirst-1));
198 | char str[100];
199 | char str2[100];
200 | sprintf(str,"Date %s %s %s Run %s Source %s",iYear.Data(),iMonth.Data(),iDay.Data(),iRun.Data(),iSource.Data());
201 | sprintf(str2,"CorrectSrcPos_%s%s%s_%s_%s.txt",iYear.Data(),iMonth.Data(),iDay.Data(),iRun.Data(),iSource.Data());
202 |
203 | UInt_t evtyear, evtmonth, evtday, evthour, evtmin, evtsec;
204 | UShort_t evtmsec;
205 |
206 | ofstream fposout1;
207 | // fposout1.open (str2, ofstream::app);
208 | fposout1.open (str2, ofstream::trunc);
209 |
210 | while (tlist.Process())
211 | {
212 | if (numevents >= integratedevents)
213 | {
214 | evttime->GetTime(evthour, evtmin, evtsec,evtmsec);
215 | evttime->Print();
216 | evthour = evttime->Hour();
217 | evtmin = evttime->Min();
218 | evtsec = evttime->Sec();
219 |
220 | // display.SetCamContent(dccam);
221 | display.SetCamContent(findstars.GetDisplay());
222 | gPad->Modified();
223 | gPad->Update();
224 | Int_t numStars = starcam.GetNumStars();
225 | starcam.Print("bkmaxposrotsizechi");
226 |
227 | res = findstars.GetCorrSrcPos();
228 | cout<<"Corrected source position = "<<res->X()<<" , "<<res->Y()<<endl;
229 | resx[numEvt] = res->X();
230 | resy[numEvt] = res->Y();
231 | time[numEvt] = numEvt;
232 | numEvt ++;
233 |
234 | // write the corrected source position and the star positions to file
235 | if (!fposout1)
236 | cout << "Could not open output file to write the center of the fit." << endl;
237 | else{
238 | for ( Int_t i = 0; i < numStars; i++)
239 | {
240 | if (i == 0){
241 | fposout1 << str<<" "<<evthour<< " "<<evtmin<<" "<<evtsec<<" "<<evtmsec;
242 | fposout1 <<" "<< res->X()<< " " << res->Y();
243 | }
244 | fposout1 <<" "<< starcam[i].GetMeanX()<< " " << starcam[i].GetMeanY();
245 | }
246 | }
247 | fposout1 << endl;
248 | numevents = 0;
249 |
250 | // Remove the comments if you want to go through the file
251 | // event-by-event:
252 | //if (!HandleInput())
253 | // break;
254 | }
255 | numevents++;
256 | }
257 | fposout1.close();
258 |
259 | // Print source position
260 | gROOT->Reset();
261 | gStyle->SetCanvasColor(0);
262 | gStyle->SetCanvasBorderMode(0);
263 | gStyle->SetPadBorderMode(0);
264 | gStyle->SetFrameBorderMode(0);
265 | gStyle->SetOptStat(00000000);
266 |
267 | TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1", "SourcePosition", 200, 200,600,1200);
268 | c1->Divide(1,3);
269 |
270 | TMath math;
271 |
272 | Double_t minresx, maxresx;
273 | minresx = resx[math.LocMin(numEvt,resx)];
274 | maxresx = resx[math.LocMax(numEvt,resx)];
275 |
276 | Double_t minresy, maxresy;
277 | minresy = resy[math.LocMin(numEvt,resy)];
278 | maxresy = resy[math.LocMax(numEvt,resy)];
279 |
280 | Double_t minres, maxres;
281 | minres = math.Min(minresx,minresy);
282 | maxres = math.Max(maxresx,maxresy);
283 |
284 | Double_t diff;
285 | diff = maxres - minres;
286 | diff = 0.1*diff;
287 | minres = minres - diff;
288 | maxres = maxres + diff;
289 |
290 | Double_t mintime, maxtime;
291 | mintime = time[math.LocMin(numEvt,time)];
292 | maxtime = time[math.LocMax(numEvt,time)];
293 |
294 | c1->cd(1);
295 | TH2D *h1 = new TH2D("h1","",1,mintime-1,maxtime+1,1,minres,maxres);
296 | h1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("(evt.nr)");
297 | h1->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("(mm)");
298 | h1->Draw();
299 |
300 | TGraph *grtimeevolx = new TGraph(numEvt,time,resx);
301 | grtimeevolx->SetMarkerColor(215);
302 | grtimeevolx->SetMarkerStyle(20);
303 | grtimeevolx->SetMarkerSize (0.4);
304 | grtimeevolx->Draw("P");
305 |
306 | TGraph *grtimeevoly = new TGraph(numEvt,time,resy);
307 | grtimeevoly->SetMarkerColor(6);
308 | grtimeevoly->SetMarkerStyle(24);
309 | grtimeevoly->SetMarkerSize (0.4);
310 | grtimeevoly->Draw("P");
311 |
312 | legxy = new TLegend(0.8,0.85,0.95,0.95);
313 | legxy.SetTextSize(0.03);
314 | legxy.AddEntry(grtimeevolx,"src pos x","P");
315 | legxy.AddEntry(grtimeevoly,"src pos y","P");
316 | legxy.Draw();
317 |
318 | c1->cd(2);
319 | TH2D *h2 = new TH2D("h2","",1,mintime-1,maxtime+1,1,minresx,maxresx);
320 | h2->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("(evt.nr)");
321 | h2->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("(mm)");
322 | h2->Draw();
323 |
324 | TGraph *grtimeevolx = new TGraph(numEvt,time,resx);
325 | grtimeevolx->SetMarkerColor(215);
326 | grtimeevolx->SetMarkerStyle(20);
327 | grtimeevolx->SetMarkerSize (0.4);
328 | grtimeevolx->Draw("P");
329 |
330 | legxy = new TLegend(0.8,0.85,0.95,0.95);
331 | legxy.SetTextSize(0.03);
332 | legxy.AddEntry(grtimeevolx,"src pos x","P");
333 | legxy.Draw();
334 |
335 | c1->cd(3);
336 | TH2D *h3 = new TH2D("h3","",1,mintime-1,maxtime+1,1,minresy,maxresy);
337 | h3->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("(evt.nr)");
338 | h3->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("(mm)");
339 | h3->Draw();
340 |
341 | TGraph *grtimeevoly = new TGraph(numEvt,time,resy);
342 | grtimeevoly->SetMarkerColor(6);
343 | grtimeevoly->SetMarkerStyle(24);
344 | grtimeevoly->SetMarkerSize (0.4);
345 | grtimeevoly->Draw("P");
346 |
347 | legxy = new TLegend(0.8,0.85,0.95,0.95);
348 | legxy.SetTextSize(0.03);
349 | legxy.AddEntry(grtimeevoly,"src pos y","P");
350 | legxy.Draw();
351 |
352 | evtloop.PostProcess();
353 | }
354 |
355 | tlist.PrintStatistics();
356 |
357 | }
358 |
359 |