1 | Please do not write behind the end of line tag so that it is possible
2 | to send a Changelog file to a line printer directly. Thanks.
3 |
4 | For your entries please follow this style:
5 |
6 | _yyyy/mm/dd:_[Your Name]
7 | _
8 | ___*_filename:
9 | _____-_description
10 | _
11 | ___*_filename2, filename3:
12 | _____-_description
13 | _
14 | _
15 | _
16 |
17 | While an underscore is a placeholder for a white-space or an empty line.
18 |
19 | -*-*- END OF LINE -*-*-
20 |
21 | 2004/08/27 Javier Rico
22 | * library/MDisplay.[cc,h]
23 | - Dump run and event numbers
24 | - Add possibility to produce ps file of the image
25 |
26 | 2004/08/10 Javier Rico
27 | * programs/makeHillas.cc
28 | - include recomendations of Nadia to interpolate bad pixels
29 |
30 | 2004/08/10 Ester Aliu
31 | * library/MIslands.[h,cc], MIslandCalc.[h,cc]
32 | - remove som bugs
33 | * programs/makeHillas.[cc]
34 | - fixed window(14 slices) by default
35 |
36 | 2004/08/04 Javier Rico
37 | * programs/makeHillas.cc
38 | - remove "#include" of obsolete MBlindPixel.h
39 | - do not interpolate "unreliable" pixels
40 |
41 | * library/MIslands.[cc]
42 | - Correct tiny compilation error
43 |
44 | * library/MDisplay.cc, library/MHillasDisplay.[h,cc]
45 | - Print hillas source position dependent stuff
46 |
47 | 2004/08/03 Ester Aliu Fusté
48 | * library/MIslands.[h, cc], MIslandCalc.[h,cc]
49 | - Add the delete for the pointers
50 |
51 | 2004/08/02 Ester Aliu Fusté
52 | * library/MIslands.[h, cc], MIslandCalc.[h,cc]
53 | - Added the variables: distance (Dist) between the larger island and
54 | the other ones, width and lenght of the larger island.
55 |
56 | - Written pointers instead of vectors
57 |
58 | 2004/07/28 Javi Lopez
59 | * script/
60 | - Created directory call scripts
61 | - Added srcPosRun.sh script to create the *.pos file for the MSrcPosFromFile
62 | task.
63 | - Added makeHillas.sh script that run several makeHillas making groups of
64 | data runs with preavius pedestal run.
65 |
66 | 2004/07/28 Ester Aliu Fuste
67 | * programa/makeHillas.cc
68 | - Add a flag for the time calibration
69 |
70 | 2004/07/26 Ester Aliu Fuste
71 | * library/MIslandCalc.cc
72 | - Add the initialization of Dist(to -1) and MeanX/MeanY (to -10000) vectors
73 |
74 | 2004/07/22 Oscar Blanch Bigas
75 | * programs/makeHillas.cc
76 | - Solved backwards compatibility on the CLEANLEVEL
77 | options.
78 |
79 | 2004/07/22 Ester Aliu
80 | * library/MIslands.[h,cc],MIslandCalc.cc
81 | - Add meanX, meanY and dist of each of the islands
82 | - Now the island with id 0 is the larger one
83 |
84 | 2004/07/21 Javier Rico
85 | * programs/makeHillas.cc, srcPos.cc
86 | - Add time information
87 |
88 | * programs/makehillas.datacard
89 | - Add comment
90 |
91 | 2004/07/20 Javier Lopez
92 | * library/MLiveTime.[h,cc]
93 | - Containers to hold the live time. It has the option to
94 | have several time bins.
95 | * library/MLiveTimeCalc.[h,cc]
96 | - Task to compute the live time from the data.
97 | * macros/runlivetime.C
98 | - Macro to use the MLiveTime+ stuff.
99 |
100 | 2004/07/15 Javier Lopez
101 | * macros/ligthcurve.C
102 | - Macro to compute a light curve from hillas files.
103 |
104 | 2004/07/04 Oscar Blanch Bigas
105 | * library/MControlPlots.cc
106 | - Off MHCamera normalised to On
107 |
108 | * programs/makeHillas.cc
109 | - Added clean flags to chose: number of rings and kDemocratic.
110 | - Using different Pedestal run for the calibration.
111 |
112 | * programs/optimizeCuts.cc
113 | - Added alias for MNewImageParameters.fInnerLeakage
114 |
115 | * calib.[cc,datacard]
116 | - Added : produces ascci file with relevant factors of
117 | Calibration
118 |
119 | * controlPlot.cc, controlplot.datacard
120 | - Added : It makes Number of hits plot.
121 |
122 | 2004/06/30: Javier Rico
123 |
124 | * mifae/library/MDisp.cc
125 | - Remove include of deprecated library
126 | - Define namespace
127 |
128 | * mifae/library/MControlPlots.cc
129 | - Define style
130 | - Add projection
131 | - Plot 3rd plot correctly
132 | - Search for "MIsland" instead of "MIsland1" container
133 |
134 | 2004/06/26: Eva Domingo - Pepe Flix
135 |
136 | * mifae/library/MDisp.[h,cc]
137 | * mifae/library/MDispCalc.[h,cc]
138 | - Added classes for evaluation of DISP method.
139 |
140 | 2004/06/22 Javier Rico
141 | * library/MControlPlots.[h,cc]
142 | - Added
143 |
144 | * library/Makefile, IFAELinkDef.h
145 | - Add MControlPlots. So far, it produces plots with the number
146 | of times each pixel survives the cleaning. It needs a MIsland
147 | object to be included on the parameter list
148 |
149 | * programs/makeHillas.cc
150 | - Change pointer to MWriteRootFile object for MWriteRootFile
151 | object (otherwise the tree "Parameters" is not saved)
152 | - Islands are always computed since are needed for some control
153 | plots
154 |
155 | * programs/srcPos.cc
156 | - Add MControlPlots to the task list
157 |
158 | * library/MSrcPosFromFile.cc
159 | - Cope with case where first analyzed run is not in input file
160 |
161 | 2004/06/15 Javier Lopez
162 | * library/MSrcPosFromStars.[h,cc]
163 | - Task to compute the position of a source from
164 | the positions of several stars.
165 |
166 | * library/MHPSFFromStars.[h,cc]
167 | - Histogram task that holds and fills the histograms of
168 | positioning and point spread function of an star.
169 |
170 | * macros/distancebetweenstars.C
171 | - Add macros that show in an histogram the distance between
172 | the stars in a field of view.
173 |
174 | * macros/psffromstars.C
175 | - Add task that show the point spread funtion and positon of
176 | the most central star in the field of view. This information
177 | is compute using the MFindStars tool.
178 |
179 | 2004/06/11 Ester Aliu
180 | * programs/makeHillas.cc
181 | - add the possibility of using more than one algorithm to
182 | calculate the islands and use different algorithms for counting
183 | islands
184 |
185 | * library/MIslands.[h,cc],MIslandCalc.[h,cc], MIslandCleaning.[h,cc]
186 | - add a new island cleaning which consists in removing all the
187 | islands except the larger one
188 | - add a new algorithm of counting islands consisting in consider
189 | as the same islands those islands separated by 2 or less pixels
190 |
191 | 2004/06/02 Javier Rico
192 | * srcpositions, srcpositions/Mrk421_220404_pos.txt
193 | - add directory to store files with source positions and a first
194 | sample file (with real data)
195 |
196 | 2004/06/01 Javier Rico
197 | * macros/observationTime.C
198 | - add macro to compute observation time
199 |
200 | 2004/05/28 Javier Rico
201 | * programs/optimizeCuts.cc programs/optimizecuts.datacard
202 | - Include loop on size
203 |
204 | 2004/05/27 Ester Aliu
205 | * programs/makeHillas.cc
206 | - Add the name of the MIslands container
207 |
208 | * library/MHillasDisplay.[h,cc]
209 | - Add a function which retuns the name of the MIslands container
210 |
211 | * library/MIslands.[h,cc],MIslandCalc.cc
212 | - Add MIslands::Print() function wich prints the island parameters
213 | - Change some part of the code to take into account that some
214 | times there are bad pixels
215 |
216 | 2004/05/27 Javier Rico
217 | * programs/makeHillas.cc, programs/makehillas.datacard
218 | - Remove unneeded MCalibrationQECam and MBadPixelsCam objects,
219 | trying to trace back a bug in the calibration
220 | - Add possibility to interpolate bad pixels
221 |
222 | * library/MHillasDisplay.cc
223 | - Initialize MIslands object in constructor
224 |
225 | 2004/05/26 Javier Rico
226 | * library/MHillasDisplay.[h,cc]
227 | - Call for MIslands::Print() in the process if any MIslands is
228 | found
229 |
230 | 2004/05/24 Javier Rico
231 | * library/MDisplay.[h,cc], programs/makeHillas.cc,
232 | programs/makehillas.datacard
233 | - Add possibility to save a ps file
234 | - Update documentation
235 | - Cope with the case when no cut is provided
236 |
237 | * library/MHillasDisplay[h.cc]
238 | - correct minor axis paint
239 | - include MNewImagePar dumping
240 | - update documentation
241 |
242 | 2004/05/21 Oscar Blanch
243 | * makeHillas.cc
244 | - Adde a couple of conditionals to allow makeHillas in
245 | NON calibration mode without giving a Cailbration file,
246 |
247 | 2004/05/21 Javier Rico
248 | * library/MDCA.[cc.h]
249 | - removed
250 |
251 | * library/MDisplay.[h,cc], library/MHillasDisplay.[h,cc]
252 | - added
253 |
254 | * library/Makefile, library/IFAELinkDef.h
255 | - remove MDCA
256 | - add MDisplay and MHillasDisplay
257 |
258 | * library/MSrcPlace.[h,cc], library/MSrcRotate.[h,cc],
259 | library/MSrcTranslate.[h,cc], library/MSrcPosFromFile.cc
260 | - remove MDCA dependences
261 |
262 | * programs/makeHillas.cc, programs/makehillas.datacard
263 | - include display and selection cuts options
264 |
265 | * programs/Makefile
266 | - include mfbase in the list of includes directory
267 |
268 | 2004/05/18 Javier Rico
269 | * macros/plotOptimal.C
270 | - dump value of maximal significance and cuts
271 |
272 | 2004/05/18 Javier Rico
273 | * library/MSrcPlace.[cc,h], library/MSrcRotate.[cc,h],
274 | library/MSrcTranslate.[cc,h], library/MSrcPosFromFile.[cc,h]
275 | - Add the possibility of having different input and output
276 | MSrcPosCam containers (CONSTRUCTORS HAVE CHANGED!)
277 | - Move the creation of internal histogram to PreProcess, so that
278 | it can be configured before creation. Now configurable: whether
279 | histo must be created or not (fCreateHisto), histo bin size
280 | (fHistoBinPrec), histogram name (fHistoName), with corresponding
281 | getters and setters
282 | - Update documentation
283 |
284 | * library/MSrcPosFromFile.cc
285 | - If no position has been measured for the first analyzed run, use
286 | the one of the first run in file instead.
287 |
288 | * programs/falseSource.cc
289 | - Change obsolete MSrcPosCam predefinitions for modern
290 | MSrcTranslate objects, which allow relative displacement of the
291 | source position from a previously assigned one.
292 | - Add flag for relative translation
293 | - Include control histograms (hOn[Off]SrcPos) for the source
294 | position
295 |
296 | * programs/falsesource.datacard
297 | - Add datacard SRCABS for relative/absolute source translation
298 |
299 | * programs/srcPos.cc
300 | - Avoid creation of internal histograms for the translation
301 |
302 | * programs/optimizeCuts.cc
303 | - Correct bug on width initial value
304 |
305 | * programs/makeHillas.cc
306 | - Pass MCalibrationQECam from the MJCalibration to the following
307 | loops (to be able to perform calibration of data)
308 |
309 |
310 | 2004/05/17 Javier Rico
311 | * library/MSrcPlace.[cc,h], library/MSrcRotate.cc,
312 | library/MSrcTranslate.cc
313 | - Assign the internal histogram a class-dependent name
314 | - Add some log lines to trace the classes behaviour
315 | - Remove function SearchForSrcPos
316 |
317 | * library/MSrcPosFromFile.[cc,h]
318 | - Correct behaviour for not found runs
319 | - Keep latest good MSrcPosCam to fill for next events
320 | - Initialize pointers to NULL
321 | - Fill also MDCA
322 |
323 |
324 | 2004/05/14 Javier Rico
325 | * library/MSrcPlace.[cc,h]
326 | - added
327 |
328 | * library/MSrcPosFromFile.[cc,h], library/MSrcRotate.[cc,h],
329 | library/MSrcTranslate.[cc,h]
330 | - inherit from MSrcPlace
331 |
332 | * programs/srcPos.cc programs/srcpos.datacard
333 | - adapt to new MSrcPlace class
334 |
335 | * library/Makefile, library/IFAELinkDef.h
336 | - include MSrcPlace
337 |
338 | 2004/05/13 Javier Rico
339 | * macros/rotation.C
340 | - added
341 |
342 |
343 | 2004/05/13 Javier Lopez
344 | * library/MCalibrateDC.[h,cc]
345 | - Task to intercalibrate the dc response of the dc
346 | current for all the pmts from a continuos light
347 | run.
348 |
349 | 2004/05/12: Javier Rico
350 | * macros/alpha.C, macros/plotOptimal.C
351 | - added
352 |
353 | * library/MSrcRotate.[cc.h]
354 | - correct bug in computation of run time for rotation
355 |
356 | * programs/srcPos.cc
357 | - change mjdpos type to Double_t
358 |
359 |
360 |
361 | 2004/05/11: Javier Rico
362 | * programs/optimizeCuts.cc, programs/optimizecuts.datacard
363 | - added
364 |
365 | * programs/Makefile
366 | - include optimizeCuts
367 |
368 | * programs/srcPos.cc, programs/srcpos.datacard
369 | - add reference rotation angle
370 |
371 |
372 | 2004/05/11: Ester Aliu
373 | * macros/signal.cc
374 | - change some things
375 | * programs/falseSource.cc
376 | - change some mathematical functions to root equivalents
377 | * programs/psffit.cc
378 | - add <stdlib.h> library
379 |
380 | 2004/05/11: Ester Aliu
381 | * programs/makeHillas.cc, programs/makehillas.datacard
382 | - add island calculations
383 |
384 | 2004/05/11: Javier Rico
385 | * programs/makeHillas.cc
386 | - prevent it from bombing because of the mjobs
387 |
388 |
389 | 2004/05/10: Javier Rico
390 | * programs/Makefile
391 | - specify libmars.so with absolute path
392 |
393 |
394 | 2004/05/07: Javier Rico
395 | * programs/pedvsslices.cc
396 | - added
397 |
398 |
399 | 2004/05/05: Ester Aliu
400 | * library/MPSFFitCalc.cc library/MSrcRotate.cc
401 | - change some mathematical functions to root equivalents
402 |
403 | * library/MIslands.[h,cc], library/MIslandCalc.[h,cc],
404 | library/MIslandClean.[h,cc]
405 | - added
406 |
407 | * library/Makefile, library/IFAELinkDef.h
408 | - add MIslands, MIslandCalc, MIslandClean
409 |
410 | 2004/05/05: Javier Lopez
411 | * library/MFHVNotNominal.[h,cc]
412 | - filter to flag events(pixels) with non nominal hv
413 |
414 | * macros/hvnotnominal.C
415 | - macro to test MFHVNotNominal filter
416 |
417 | 2004/05/05: Javier Rico
418 | * library/MSrcTranslate.[h,cc]
419 | - added
420 |
421 | * library/Makefile, library/IFAELinkDef.h
422 | - add MSrcTranslate
423 |
424 | * library/MSrcRotate.[h.cc]
425 | - adapted to changes in MObservatory and MAstro
426 |
427 | * programs/falseSource.cc programs/falsesource.datacard
428 | programs/srcPos.cc programs/srcpos.datacard
429 | - added
430 |
431 | * programs/Makefile
432 | - add falseSource and srcPos
433 |
434 | * macros/signal.C macros/signalPoint.C
435 | - added
436 |
437 | 2004/05/03: Javier Rico
438 | * makeHillas.cc
439 | - put back Jobs for pedestal and calibration parts
440 |
441 | * .rootrc
442 | - added
443 |
444 | 2004/05/03: Javier Rico
445 | * library,programs,macros,*:
446 | - new directories added
447 | - directory macros contains macros (.C) and scripts (.sh)
448 | - directory programs contains root compilables and associated
449 | [input] files
450 | - directory library contains routines to be linked with libmars.so
451 |
452 | 2004/04/30: Javier López
453 | * alpha_plot.C
454 | - macro to display hillas disttributions with corrected
455 | miss pointing
456 |
457 | * srcPosRun.sh
458 | - Script to produce the file with the positions of UMa51 using
459 | psffit executable
460 |
461 | * MSrcPosFromFile.[h,cc]
462 | - Tool to correct the position of the source for on and off data
463 | from a file
464 |
465 | * psffit.C & psffit.cc
466 | - Macro and executable to calculate the mean position of a star.
467 |
468 | * MPSFFit.[h,cc] & MPSFFitCalc.[h,cc]
469 | - Container and taks to do calculation of the psf and position of
470 | stars.
471 |
472 | 2004/04/28: Javier Rico
473 | * makeHillas.cc, makehillas.datacard
474 | - Use MJPedestal and MJCalibration and simplified datacard
475 |
476 | * Makefile
477 | - include mjobs
478 |
479 |
480 | 2004/04/28: Javier Rico
481 | * mifae/Changelog
482 | - Added. Next changes in directory mifae will be reported
483 | exclusively in here
484 |
485 |
486 | 2004/04/27: Javier Rico
487 | * mifae
488 | - Add new directory for IFAE temporal stuff
489 |
490 | * mifae/Makefile,IFAEIncl.h,IFAELinkDef.h
491 | - Add basic stuff to run the directory
492 |
493 | * mifae/MDCA.[h,cc]
494 | - Add Commichau & Starks's MDCA (provisional)
495 |
496 | * mifae/makeHillas.cc,makehillas.datacard
497 | - Add program to generate hillas parameters' file