1 | #ifndef MARS_MHDisp
2 | #define MARS_MHDisp
3 |
4 | #ifndef MARS_MH
5 | #include "MH.h"
6 | #endif
7 |
8 | #ifndef ROOT_TArrayI
9 | #include <TArrayI.h>
10 | #endif
11 |
12 | class TH1F;
13 | class TH2F;
14 | class TProfile;
15 | class MImageParDisp;
16 | class MSrcPosCam;
17 | class MHillas;
18 | class MHillasExt;
19 | class MNewImagePar;
20 | class MMcEvt;
21 | class MPointingPos;
22 | class MHMatrix;
23 | class MParameterD;
24 |
25 | class MHDisp : public MH
26 | {
27 | private:
28 |
29 | MImageParDisp *fImageParDisp; // container with the estimated Disp
30 | MSrcPosCam *fSrcPos;
31 | MHillas *fHil;
32 | MHillasExt *fHilExt;
33 | MNewImagePar *fNewPar;
34 | MMcEvt *fMcEvt;
35 | MPointingPos *fPointing;
36 |
37 | TString fImageParDispName;
38 |
39 | Int_t fSelectedPos; // flag to select which of the two Disp source position
40 | // solutions we want to fill the histograms (see Set function)
41 |
42 | TH1F *fHistEnergy; // Energy distribution of events
43 | TH1F *fHistSize; // Size distribution of events
44 | TH1F *fHistcosZA; // cosinus Zenith angle distribution of events
45 | TH2F *fSkymapXY; // 2D histogram for Disp estimated source positions
46 | TH1F *fHistMinPar; // Histogram of the event Minimization Parameter (= d^2 =
47 | // = distance^2 between Disp estimated and true source position)
48 | TH2F *fHistDuDv; // Distribution of longitudinal (Du) and transversal
49 | // (Dv) distances between Disp and true source position
50 | TH2F *fHistMinParEnergy; // Minimization Parameter (= d^2) vs. Energy
51 | TH2F *fHistMinParSize; // Minimization Parameter (= d^2) vs. Size
52 | TH2F *fHistDuEnergy; // Du vs. Energy
53 | TH2F *fHistDuSize; // Du vs. Size
54 | TH2F *fHistDvEnergy; // Dv vs. Energy
55 | TH2F *fHistDvSize; // Dv vs. Size
56 | TProfile *fEvCorrAssign; // % events with source position well assign vs. Size
57 |
58 |
59 | Double_t fMm2Deg; // conversion factor from mm to deg
60 |
61 | MHMatrix *fMatrix; // matrix storing variables needed for the Disp optimization
62 | TArrayI fMap; // array storing the matrix mapping column numbers corresponding
63 | // to each variable added to fMatrix
64 |
65 | Double_t GetVal(Int_t i) const;
66 |
67 | Int_t fNumEv; // total number of events
68 | Double_t fSumMinPar; // current sum of the minimization parameter
69 | MParameterD *fMinPar; // final minimization parameters of the Disp optimization
70 |
71 | public:
72 |
73 | MHDisp(const char *imagepardispname = "MImageParDisp",
74 | const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL);
75 | ~MHDisp();
76 |
77 | Bool_t SetupFill(const MParList *plist);
78 | Bool_t Fill(const MParContainer *par, const Stat_t w=1);
79 | Bool_t Finalize();
80 |
81 | void SetSelectedPos(Int_t iflag);
82 |
83 | void SetMatrixMap(MHMatrix *matrix, TArrayI &map);
84 | void GetMatrixMap(MHMatrix* &matrix, TArrayI &map); // get matrix and its mapping array
85 |
86 | void InitMapping(MHMatrix *mat); // define the matrix of variables
87 | // needed for the Disp optimization
88 |
89 | TH1F *GetHistEnergy() { return fHistEnergy; }
90 | TH1F *GetHistSize() { return fHistSize; }
91 | TH1F *GetHistcosZA() { return fHistcosZA; }
92 | TH2F *GetSkymapXY() { return fSkymapXY; }
93 | TH1F *GetHistMinPar() { return fHistMinPar; }
94 | TH2F *GetHistDuDv() { return fHistDuDv; }
95 | TH2F *GetHistMinParEnergy() { return fHistMinParEnergy; }
96 | TH2F *GetHistMinParSize() { return fHistMinParSize; }
97 | TH2F *GetHistDuEnergy() { return fHistDuEnergy; }
98 | TH2F *GetHistDuSize() { return fHistDuSize; }
99 | TH2F *GetHistDvEnergy() { return fHistDvEnergy; }
100 | TH2F *GetHistDvSize() { return fHistDvSize; }
101 | TProfile *GetEvCorrAssign() { return fEvCorrAssign; }
102 |
103 | void Draw(Option_t *opt="");
104 |
105 | ClassDef(MHDisp, 1) // Container holding the Histograms for Disp and
106 | // the parameter to minimize in the Disp optimization
107 | };
108 |
109 | #endif
110 |
111 |