#ifndef MARS_MHillasDisplay #define MARS_MHillasDisplay #ifndef MARS_MDisplay #include "MDisplay.h" #endif class MCerPhotEvt; class MSrcPosCam; class MGeomCam; class MHillas; class MHillasSrc; class MIslands; class MNewImagePar; class MHillasDisplay : public MDisplay { private: MHillas* fHillas; // pointer to container with the hillas parameters MHillasSrc* fHillasSrc; // pointer to container with source dependent hillas parameters MNewImagePar* fNewImage; // pointer to container with the new image parameters MSrcPosCam* fSrcPos; // pointer to the source position in camera MIslands* fIslands; // pointer to the islands TString fIslName; virtual Int_t PreProcess(MParList *plist); virtual Int_t Process(); public: MHillasDisplay(MCerPhotEvt* event, MGeomCam* geom, Int_t type=0, const char* name=NULL, const char* title=NULL); virtual ~MHillasDisplay(){}; void SetHillas(MHillas* hillas) {fHillas=hillas;} void SetSrcPos(MSrcPosCam* srcpos) {fSrcPos=srcpos;} void SetIslands(MIslands* islands) {fIslands=islands;} void SetIslandsName(TString inname) {fIslName = inname;} virtual void Paint(Option_t* option); ClassDef(MHillasDisplay, 0) // task to display cleaned events with hillas parameters }; #endif