1 | //************************************************************************
2 | //
3 | // Authors : Eva Domingo, 12/2004 <mailto:domingo@ifae.es>
4 | // Wolfgang Wittek, 12/2004 <mailto:wittek@mpppmu.mpg.de>
5 | //
6 | //
7 | // Macro for estimating the DISP parameter
8 | // ---------------------------------------
9 | //
10 | // DISP is the distance between the center of gravity of the shower image
11 | // and the estimated source position, assumed to lie on the major
12 | // axis of the shower
13 | //
14 | // In order to get an estimate of DISP
15 | // - one assumes a parametrization DISP = f(p[0],p[1],p[2],... ; s1,s2,s3,...)
16 | // where s1,s2,s3,... are measurable quantities like
17 | // image parameters, (theta, phi), etc.
18 | // and p[0],p[1],p[2], ... are free parameters
19 | //
20 | // - and determines the free parameters p[0],p[1],p[2]... from MC gamma data
21 | // by minimizing a chi2 which measures the deviation of the estimated
22 | // source position (using DISP) and the true source position
23 | //
24 | // The following classes are used :
25 | //
26 | // MDisp container holding the parameters p[0],p[1],p[2],...
27 | //
28 | // ::Calc member function calculating DISP for a given event;
29 | // it is called by MDispCalc::Process()
30 | //
31 | // MDispCalc task calculating DISP with the parameters stored in MDisp
32 | //
33 | // MFindDisp class with several functions :
34 | //
35 | // ::DefineTrainMatrix \ member functions which generate the training
36 | // ::DefineTestMatrix | and test samples (in the form of matrices)
37 | // ::DefineTrainTestMatrix / from the MC gamma data
38 | //
39 | // ::FindParams member function steering the minimization
40 | // (definition of the fcn function for Minuit, setting up the
41 | // event loop to be executed in each minimization step,
42 | // call to Minuit);
43 | // for the minimization the training matrix is used
44 | //
45 | // ::TestParams member function testing the quality of the DISP estimate;
46 | // for the test the test matrix is used
47 | //
48 | // MHDisp container for histograms which are useful for judging
49 | // the quality of the DISP estimate
50 | // Also task calculating the chi2 contribution of an event
51 | // (in Fill())
52 | // and computing the final chi2 of the whole event sample
53 | // (in Finalize())
54 | //
55 | // MFDisp filter to select sample for the optimization
56 | //
57 | //
58 | // The classes are stored in the CVS directory Mars/mtemp/mifae/library
59 | // and Mars/mtemp/mifae/macros
60 | //
61 | //
62 | //************************************************************************
63 |
64 | void OptimizeDisp()
65 | {
66 | //************************************************************************
67 |
68 | Bool_t CMatrix = kFALSE; // Create training and test matrices
69 | Bool_t WOptimize = kFALSE; // Do optimization using the training sample
70 | // and write Disp parameter values
71 | // onto the file parDispfile
72 | // Optimize Disp with :
73 | //TString typeOpt = "Data";
74 | TString typeOpt = "MC";
75 | Bool_t RTest = kFALSE; // Test the quality of the Disp estimate
76 | // using the test matrix
77 | Bool_t WDisp = kTRUE; // Make Disp plots for the data of type :
78 | //TString typeInput = "ON";
79 | //TString typeInput = "OFF";
80 | TString typeInput = "MC";
81 |
82 | //************************************************************************
83 |
84 | gLog.SetNoColors();
85 |
86 | if (gRandom)
87 | delete gRandom;
88 | gRandom = new TRandom3(0);
89 |
90 | //-----------------------------------------------
91 | //names of files to be read for generating the training and test matrices
92 | const char *filetrain = "...";
93 | const char *filetest = "...";
94 |
95 | //-----------------------------------------------
96 | // path for input for Mars
97 | TString inPathON =
98 | "/home/pcmagic14/wittek/CalibData/CrabLow42/2004_10_16/";
99 | TString inPathOFF =
100 | "/home/pcmagic14/wittek/CalibData/CrabLow42/2004_10_17/";
101 | TString inPathMC =
102 | "~domingo/MC/";
103 |
104 | // path for output from Mars
105 | TString outPath = "/mnt/home/pcmagic04/domingo/DispOptimization/";
106 |
107 | //-----------------------------------------------
108 | // names of files for which Disp plots should be made
109 | const char *offfile = "*OffCrabLow42*";
110 | const char *onfile = "*CrabLowEn42*";
111 | const char *mcfile = "starmc_Gammas_30-20_Period21.27ReducedMC.Zbins0-12";
112 | //-----------------------------------------------
113 |
114 |
115 | //---------------------------------------------------------------------
116 | gLog << "=====================================================" << endl;
117 | gLog << "Macro OptimizeDisp : Start " << endl;
118 |
119 | gLog << "" << endl;
120 | gLog << "Macro OptimizeDisp : CMatrix, WOptimize, RTest, WDisp = "
121 | << (CMatrix ? "kTRUE" : "kFALSE") << ", "
122 | << (WOptimize ? "kTRUE" : "kFALSE") << ", "
123 | << (RTest ? "kTRUE" : "kFALSE") << ", "
124 | << (WDisp ? "kTRUE" : "kFALSE") << endl;
125 |
126 |
127 | //--------------------------------------------
128 | // files to contain the matrices (generated from filenameTrain and
129 | // filenameTest)
130 | //
131 | // for the training
132 | TString fileMatrixTrain = outPath;
133 | fileMatrixTrain += "MatrixTrainDisp";
134 | fileMatrixTrain += ".root";
135 | gLog << "" << endl;
136 | gLog << "Files containing the Training and Test matrices :" << endl;
137 | gLog << " fileMatrixTrain = " << fileMatrixTrain << endl;
138 |
139 | // for testing
140 | TString fileMatrixTest = outPath;
141 | fileMatrixTest += "MatrixTestDisp";
142 | fileMatrixTest += ".root";
143 | gLog << " fileMatrixTest = " << fileMatrixTest << endl;
144 | gLog << "" << endl;
145 |
146 |
147 | //---------------
148 | // file to contain the optimum Disp parameter values
149 | TString parDispFile = outPath;
150 | // parDispFile += "parDispMC.root";
151 | parDispFile += "parDispMC_withcuts.root";
152 |
153 | gLog << "" << endl;
154 | gLog << "File containing the optimum Disp parameter values : parDispFile = "
155 | << parDispFile << endl;
156 |
157 |
158 | // Set the filter cuts to select a sample of events for the Disp optimization
159 | // (islandsmin,islandsmax,usedpixelsmin,usedpixelsmax,corepixelsmin,
160 | // corepixelsmax,sizemin,sizemax,leakage1min,leakage1max,leakage2min,
161 | // leakage2max,lengthmin,widthmin);
162 | MFDisp *fdisp = NULL;
163 | fdisp = new MFDisp;
164 | fdisp->SetCuts(0,2,7,600,0,600,0.,3000.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.);
165 | fdisp->SetName("FilterSelector2");
166 |
167 |
168 | // Create the MFindDisp object and set the file to store optimium Disp parameters
169 | MFindDisp finddisp(fdisp);
170 | finddisp.SetFilenameParam(parDispFile);
171 |
172 |
173 |
174 | //======================================================================
175 | // Create matrices and write them onto files
176 | //======================================================================
177 |
178 | if (CMatrix)
179 | {
180 | gLog << "-----------------------------------------------------" << endl;
181 | gLog << "Generate the training and test samples" << endl;
182 |
183 | //--------------------------------------------
184 | // files to be read for optimizing the Disp parameters
185 | //
186 | // for the training
187 | TString filenameTrain = inPathMC;
188 | filenameTrain += mcfile;
189 | filenameTrain += ".root";
190 | Int_t howManyTrain = 30000;
191 | gLog << "filenameTrain = " << filenameTrain << ", howManyTrain = "
192 | << howManyTrain << endl;
193 |
194 | // for testing
195 | TString filenameTest = inPathMC;
196 | filenameTest += mcfile;
197 | filenameTest += ".root";
198 | Int_t howManyTest = 30000;
199 | gLog << "filenameTest = " << filenameTest << ", howManyTest = "
200 | << howManyTest << endl;
201 |
202 |
203 | //--------------------------------------------
204 | // For the events in the matrices define requested distribution
205 | // in some quantities; this may be a 1-dim, 2-dim or 3-dim distribution
206 |
207 | /*
208 | // Define the cos(theta) distribution
209 | TString mname("costheta");
210 | MBinning bincost("Binning"+mname);
211 | bincost.SetEdges(10, 0., 1.0);
212 |
213 | //MH3 mh3("cos((MPointingPos.fZd)/kRad2Deg)");
214 | MH3 mh3("cos(MMcEvt.fTelescopeTheta)");
215 | mh3.SetName(mname);
216 | MH::SetBinning(&mh3.GetHist(), &bincost);
217 |
218 | for (Int_t i=1; i<=mh3.GetNbins(); i++)
219 | mh3.GetHist().SetBinContent(i, 1.0);
220 | */
221 |
222 | // Define the log10(Etrue) distribution
223 | TString mh3name("log10Etrue");
224 | MBinning binslogE("Binning"+mh3name);
225 | binslogE.SetEdges(50, 1., 3.);
226 |
227 | MH3 mh3("log10(MMcEvt.fEnergy)");
228 | mh3.SetName(mh3name);
229 | MH::SetBinning(&mh3.GetHist(), &binslogE);
230 |
231 | // Flat energy distribution
232 | // for (Int_t i=1; i<=mh3.GetNbins(); i++)
233 | // mh3.GetHist().SetBinContent(i, 1.0);
234 |
235 | // Power law energy distribution
236 | // for (Int_t i=1; i<=mh3.GetNbins(); i++)
237 | // {
238 | // Double_t weight = pow((Double_t)i, -1.7);
239 | // mh3.GetHist().SetBinContent(i, weight);
240 | // }
241 |
242 | /*
243 | // define the 'cos(Theta) vs. log10(Etrue)' distribution
244 | TString mh3name("cosThetaVslog10Etrue");
245 | MBinning binslogE("Binning"+mh3name+"X");
246 | binslogE.SetEdges(18, 1.5, 2.2);
247 | MBinning binscost("Binning"+mh3name+"Y");
248 | binscost.SetEdges(10, 0., 1.0);
249 |
250 | // MH3 mh3("log10(MMcEvt.fEnergy)", "cos((MPointingPos.fZd)/kRad2Deg)");
251 | MH3 mh3("log10(MMcEvt.fEnergy)", "cos(MMcEvt.fTelescopeTheta)");
252 | mh3.SetName(mh3name);
253 | MH::SetBinning((TH2*)&mh3.GetHist(), &binslogE, &binscost);
254 |
255 | for (Int_t i=1; i<=((TH2*)mh3.GetHist()).GetNbinsX(); i++)
256 | {
257 | // Double_t weight = pow((Double_t)i, -1.7);
258 | for (Int_t j=1; j<=((TH2*)mh3.GetHist()).GetNbinsY(); j++)
259 | {
260 | // mh3.GetHist().SetBinContent(i, j, weight);
261 | mh3.GetHist().SetBinContent(i, j, 1.);
262 | }
263 | }
264 | */
265 |
266 | //--------------------------
267 | // Training and test samples are generated from the same input files
268 | if (filenameTrain == filenameTest)
269 | {
270 | if ( !finddisp.DefineTrainTestMatrix(
271 | filenameTrain, mh3,
272 | howManyTrain, howManyTest,
273 | fileMatrixTrain, fileMatrixTest, 0) )
274 | {
275 | *fLog << "OptimizeDisp.C : DefineTrainTestMatrix failed" << endl;
276 | return;
277 | }
278 | }
279 |
280 | //--------------------------
281 | // Training and test samples are generated from different input files
282 | else
283 | {
284 | if ( !finddisp.DefineTrainMatrix(filenameTrain, mh3,
285 | howManyTrain, fileMatrixTrain, 0) )
286 | {
287 | *fLog << "OptimizeDisp.C : DefineTrainMatrix failed" << endl;
288 | return;
289 | }
290 |
291 | if ( !finddisp.DefineTestMatrix( filenameTest, mh3,
292 | howManyTest, fileMatrixTest, 0) )
293 | {
294 | *fLog << "OptimizeDisp.C : DefineTestMatrix failed" << endl;
295 | return;
296 | }
297 | }
298 |
299 | gLog << "Generation of training and test samples finished" << endl;
300 | gLog << "-----------------------------------------------------" << endl;
301 | }
302 |
303 |
304 |
305 | //======================================================================
306 | // Optimize Disp parameters using the training sample
307 | //
308 | // the initial values of the parameters are taken
309 | // - from the file parDispInit (if != "")
310 | // - or from the arrays params and steps (if their sizes are != 0)
311 | // - or from the MDisp constructor
312 | //======================================================================
313 |
314 | if (WOptimize)
315 | {
316 | gLog << "-----------------------------------------------------" << endl;
317 | gLog << "Optimize the Disp parameters over a "
318 | << typeOpt << " sample, using the training matrix" << endl;
319 |
320 | // Read training matrix from file
321 | finddisp.ReadMatrix(fileMatrixTrain, fileMatrixTest);
322 |
323 | //--------------------------------------------
324 | // file which contains the initial values for the Disp parameters;
325 | // if parDispInit =""
326 | // - the initial values are taken from the arrays params and steps
327 | // if their sizes are different from 0
328 | // - otherwise they are taken from the MDisp constructor
329 |
330 | TString parDispInit = outPath;
331 | //parDispInit += "parDispInit.root";
332 | parDispInit = "";
333 |
334 | //--------------------------------------------
335 |
336 | TArrayD params(0);
337 | TArrayD steps(0);
338 |
339 | if (parDispInit == "")
340 | {
341 | Double_t vparams[5] = {
342 | // p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5]
343 | 1.0, 0.6, -0.8, -0.8, -1.2/*, 0.5*/};
344 | // 0.5, 0., 0.03, 0., 0./*, 0.5*/};
345 | // 0.8, 0., 0., 0., 0./*, 0.5*/};
346 |
347 | Double_t vsteps[5] = {
348 | // dp[0], dp[1], dp[2], dp[3], dp[4], dp[5]
349 | 0.01, 0.005, 0.005, 0.005, 0.01/*, 0.001*/};
350 | // 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01/*, 0.001*/};
351 | // 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01/*, 0.001*/};
352 |
353 | params.Set(5, vparams);
354 | steps.Set (5, vsteps );
355 | }
356 |
357 |
358 | Bool_t rf;
359 | rf = finddisp.FindParams(parDispInit, params, steps);
360 |
361 | if (!rf)
362 | {
363 | gLog << "OptimizeDisp.C : optimization of the Disp parameters failed" << endl;
364 | return;
365 | }
366 |
367 | gLog << "Optimization of Disp parameters finished" << endl;
368 | gLog << "-----------------------------------------------------" << endl;
369 | }
370 |
371 |
372 |
373 | //======================================================================
374 | // Test the Disp parameters on the test sample
375 | //======================================================================
376 |
377 | if (RTest)
378 | {
379 | // Read test matrix from file
380 | finddisp.ReadMatrix(fileMatrixTrain, fileMatrixTest);
381 |
382 | gLog << "-----------------------------------------------------" << endl;
383 | gLog << "Test the Disp parameters using on the test matrix" << endl;
384 | Bool_t rt = finddisp.TestParams();
385 | if (!rt)
386 | {
387 | gLog << "Test of the Disp parameters on the test matrix failed"
388 | << endl;
389 | }
390 | gLog << "Test of the Disp parameters finished" << endl;
391 | gLog << "-----------------------------------------------------" << endl;
392 | }
393 |
394 |
395 |
396 |
397 | //======================================================================
398 | // Make Disp plots
399 | //======================================================================
400 |
401 | if (WDisp)
402 | {
403 | gLog << "" << endl;
404 | gLog << "-----------------------------------------------------" << endl;
405 | gLog << "Make plots for Disp for data of the type " << typeInput << endl;
406 |
407 | //--------------------------------------------
408 | // type of data to be read (ON, OFF or MC)
409 | if (typeInput == "ON")
410 | TString file(onfile);
411 | else if (typeInput == "OFF")
412 | TString file(offfile);
413 | else if (typeInput == "MC")
414 | TString file(mcfile);
415 |
416 | // name of input root file
417 | TString filenameData = inPathMC;
418 | filenameData += mcfile;
419 | filenameData += ".root";
420 | gLog << "Input file '" << filenameData << endl;
421 |
422 | //----------------------------------------------------
423 | // read in optimum Disp parameter values
424 |
425 | TFile inparam(parDispFile);
426 | MDisp dispin;
427 | dispin.Read("MDisp");
428 | inparam.Close();
429 |
430 | gLog << "Disp parameter values were read in from file '"
431 | << parDispFile << "'" << endl;
432 |
433 | TArrayD dispPar;
434 | dispPar = dispin.GetParameters();
435 |
436 | TArrayD dispStep;
437 | dispStep = dispin.GetStepsizes();
438 |
439 | gLog << "optimum parameter values for calculating Disp : " << endl;
440 | for (Int_t i=0; i<dispPar.GetSize(); i++)
441 | {
442 | gLog << dispPar[i] << ", ";
443 | }
444 | gLog << endl;
445 |
446 |
447 | //----------------------------------------------------
448 | MTaskList tliston;
449 | MParList pliston;
450 |
451 | MReadMarsFile read("Events", filenameData);
452 | read.DisableAutoScheme();
453 |
454 | // set cuts to select an event sample to apply Disp
455 | MContinue contdisp(fdisp);
456 |
457 | // calculate Disp
458 | MDispCalc dispcalc;
459 |
460 | // make Disp plots
461 | // SelectedPos = 1 means choose the right source position
462 | // 2 wrong
463 | // 3 the position according to M3Long
464 | // 4 the position according to Asym
465 | MHDisp hdisp;
466 | hdisp.SetSelectedPos(1);
467 | MFillH filldisp("MHDisp", "");
468 | filldisp.SetName("FillDispPlots");
469 |
470 | MHDisp hdisp1;
471 | hdisp1.SetName("MHDispCorr");
472 | hdisp1.SetSelectedPos(1);
473 | MFillH filldisp1("MHDispCorr[MHDisp]", "");
474 |
475 | MHDisp hdisp2;
476 | hdisp2.SetName("MHDispWrong");
477 | hdisp2.SetSelectedPos(2);
478 | MFillH filldisp2("MHDispWrong[MHDisp]", "");
479 |
480 | MHDisp hdisp3;
481 | hdisp3.SetName("MHDispM3Long");
482 | hdisp3.SetSelectedPos(3);
483 | MFillH filldisp3("MHDispM3Long[MHDisp]", "");
484 |
485 | MHDisp hdisp4;
486 | hdisp4.SetName("MHDispAsym");
487 | hdisp4.SetSelectedPos(4);
488 | MFillH filldisp4("MHDispAsym[MHDisp]", "");
489 |
490 |
491 | //*****************************
492 | // entries in MParList
493 |
494 | pliston.AddToList(&tliston);
495 | pliston.AddToList(&dispin);
496 | pliston.AddToList(&hdisp);
497 | pliston.AddToList(&hdisp1);
498 | pliston.AddToList(&hdisp2);
499 | pliston.AddToList(&hdisp3);
500 | pliston.AddToList(&hdisp4);
501 |
502 | //*****************************
503 | // entries in MTaskList
504 |
505 | tliston.AddToList(&read);
506 | if (fdisp != NULL)
507 | tliston.AddToList(&contdisp);
508 | tliston.AddToList(&dispcalc);
509 | tliston.AddToList(&filldisp);
510 | tliston.AddToList(&filldisp1);
511 | tliston.AddToList(&filldisp2);
512 | tliston.AddToList(&filldisp3);
513 | tliston.AddToList(&filldisp4);
514 |
515 | //*****************************
516 |
517 | //-------------------------------------------
518 | // Execute event loop
519 | //
520 | MProgressBar bar;
521 | MEvtLoop evtloop;
522 | evtloop.SetParList(&pliston);
523 | evtloop.SetProgressBar(&bar);
524 |
525 | Int_t maxevents = -1;
526 | if ( !evtloop.Eventloop(maxevents) )
527 | return;
528 |
529 | tliston.PrintStatistics(0, kTRUE);
530 |
531 | //-------------------------------------------
532 | // Display the histograms
533 | //
534 | // hdisp.Draw();
535 | hdisp1.Draw();
536 | hdisp2.Draw();
537 | hdisp3.Draw();
538 | hdisp4.Draw();
539 |
540 | //-------------------------------------------
541 |
542 | gLog << "Disp plots were made for file '" << filenameData << endl;
543 | gLog << "-----------------------------------------------------" << endl;
544 | }
545 |
546 | delete fdisp;
547 |
548 | gLog << "Macro OptimizeDisp.C : End " << endl;
549 | gLog << "=======================================================" << endl;
550 |
551 | }
552 |
553 |
554 |
555 |
556 |
557 |
558 |
559 |
560 |