1 |
2 |
3 | void computeCoeff()
4 | {
5 | MEffAreaAndCoeffCalc calc;
6 |
7 | // initial MC files
8 | calc.AddFileToInitialMC("/data/camera_NCL/Gamma_zbin0_0_7_1000to1009_w0.root");
9 | calc.AddFileToInitialMC("/data/camera_NCL/Gamma_zbin0_0_7_1130to1139_w0.root");
10 | calc.AddFileToInitialMC("/data/camera_NCL/Gamma_zbin0_0_7_1520to1529_w0.root");
11 | calc.AddFileToInitialMC("/data/camera_NCL/Gamma_zbin0_90_7_1260to1269_w0.root");
12 | calc.AddFileToInitialMC("/data/camera_NCL/Gamma_zbin0_90_7_1390to1399_w0.root");
13 | calc.AddFileToInitialMC("/data/camera_NCL/Gamma_zbin0_90_7_1650to1659_w0.root");
14 |
15 |
16 | // files with remaining events after cuts (or where to apply cuts) see warning above
17 | calc.AddFileToFinalMC("/data/camera_CL/Gamma_zbin0_0_7_1000to1009_w0_cleaned4035.root");
18 | calc.AddFileToFinalMC("/data/camera_CL/Gamma_zbin0_0_7_1130to1139_w0_cleaned4035.root");
19 | calc.AddFileToFinalMC("/data/camera_CL/Gamma_zbin0_0_7_1520to1529_w0_cleaned4035.root");
20 | calc.AddFileToFinalMC("/data/camera_CL/Gamma_zbin0_90_7_1260to1269_w0_cleaned4035.root");
21 | calc.AddFileToFinalMC("/data/camera_CL/Gamma_zbin0_90_7_1390to1399_w0_cleaned4035.root");
22 | calc.AddFileToFinalMC("/data/camera_CL/Gamma_zbin0_90_7_1650to1659_w0_cleaned4035.root");
23 |
24 |
25 | // define the funtion of the desired spectrum
26 | calc.SetFunction("4.e9*pow(x,-2.6+1)",10.,10000.);
27 | calc.ComputeAllFactors();
28 |
29 | /************************************************/
30 | /* Build spectrum */
31 | /* now it's just a cross check with the same MC */
32 | /************************************************/
33 | const Int_t ebins = 10; // number of bins to build spectrum
34 | const Int_t esubbins = 20; // number of subbins per big bin
35 | const Double_t emin=10;
36 | const Double_t emax=10000;
37 | const Double_t logemin = TMath::Log10(emin);
38 | const Double_t logemax = TMath::Log10(emax);
39 | const Double_t de = (logemax-logemin)/ebins; // bin size (in log)
40 | const Double_t desub = de/esubbins; // subbin size (in log)
41 | const Int_t esbins = ebins*esubbins; // total number of subbins
42 |
43 | // remaining events after cuts
44 | const UInt_t ncutfiles=6;
45 | Char_t* cutName[ncutfiles]={
46 | "/data/camera_CL/Gamma_zbin0_0_7_1000to1009_w0_cleaned4035.root",
47 | "/data/camera_CL/Gamma_zbin0_0_7_1130to1139_w0_cleaned4035.root",
48 | "/data/camera_CL/Gamma_zbin0_0_7_1520to1529_w0_cleaned4035.root",
49 | "/data/camera_CL/Gamma_zbin0_90_7_1260to1269_w0_cleaned4035.root",
50 | "/data/camera_CL/Gamma_zbin0_90_7_1390to1399_w0_cleaned4035.root",
51 | "/data/camera_CL/Gamma_zbin0_90_7_1650to1659_w0_cleaned4035.root"
52 | };
53 |
54 | TChain* ccut = new TChain("Events");
55 | for(Int_t i = 0; i < ncutfiles; i++)
56 | ccut->Add(cutName[i]);
57 | ccut->SetAlias("logestenergy","log10(MHillas.fSize/15.)");
58 | const Int_t nentries = Int_t(ccut->GetEntries());
59 |
60 | MHillas* hillas;
61 | MMcEvt* mcevt;
62 | ccut->SetBranchStatus("*",0);
63 | ccut->SetBranchStatus("MHillas.*",1);
64 | ccut->SetBranchStatus("MMcEvt.*",1);
65 | ccut->SetBranchAddress("MHillas.",&hillas);
66 | ccut->SetBranchAddress("MMcEvt.",&mcevt);
67 |
68 | TH1D* hspec = new TH1D("hspec","Spectrum",ebins,logemin,logemax);
69 | hspec->Sumw2();
70 |
71 | for(Int_t i=0;i<nentries;i++)
72 | {
73 | ccut->GetEntry(i);
74 |
75 | // OJO!! Estimated energy will be taken directly from some input container
76 | Float_t estim = hillas->GetSize()/15.;
77 |
78 | UInt_t effabin = UInt_t((TMath::Log10(estim)-logemin)/desub);
79 | UInt_t coefbin = UInt_t((TMath::Log10(estim)-logemin)/de);
80 |
81 | Float_t effa = calc.GetEffectiveArea(effabin);
82 | Float_t unfold = calc.GetCoefficient(coefbin);
83 |
84 | if(effa)
85 | hspec->Fill(TMath::Log10(estim),unfold/effa*1e9);
86 | }
87 |
89 | TFile file("prueba.root","RECREATE");
90 | hspec->Write();
91 |
92 | return;
93 | }