1 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 | //
3 | // mmcCleaning - calibrate/clean mc events
4 | //
5 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6 |
7 |
8 | void mmcCleaning()
9 | {
10 | //
11 | // This is a demonstration program which reads in MC camera files
12 | // and produces and output with calibrated events (signal in photons
13 | // for all pixels, in MCerPhotEvt containers).
14 | //
15 |
16 | // ------------- user change -----------------
17 | Char_t* NonoiseFilename = "/local_disk/jrico/mc/Gammas/Gamma_zbin0_0_7_1000to1009_w0_nonoise.root"; // File to be used for the calibration (must be a camera file without added noise)
18 | Char_t* NoiseFilename = "/local_disk/jrico/mc/Gammas/Gamma_zbin0_0_7_1000to1009_w0.root"; // File to be analyzed
19 |
20 | Char_t* NoiseOutFilename = "/local_disk/jrico/mc/Gammas/prueba.root"; // Output file name
21 |
22 | // Signal extractor
23 | // (other extraction methods can be used)
24 | MExtractFixedWindowPeakSearch sigextract;
25 |
26 | // Define FADC slices to be integrated in high and low gain:
27 | sigextract.SetRange(1, 14, 2, 14);
28 | sigextract.SetWindows(6,6,4);
29 |
30 | // Defines when to switch to low gain
31 | sigextract.SetSaturationLimit(240);
32 |
33 | // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
34 | //
35 | // Create a empty Parameter List and an empty Task List
36 | // The tasklist is identified in the eventloop by its name
37 | //
38 | MParList plist;
39 | MTaskList tlist;
40 | plist.AddToList(&tlist);
41 |
42 | MPedestalCam pedcam;
43 | MGeomCamMagic geomcam;
44 | MCerPhotEvt nphot;
45 |
46 | plist.AddToList(&pedcam);
47 | plist.AddToList(&geomcam);
48 | plist.AddToList(&nphot);
49 |
50 | //
51 | // Now setup the tasks and tasklist:
52 | // ---------------------------------
53 | //
54 | MReadMarsFile read("Events");
55 | read.AddFile(NonoiseFilename);
56 | read.DisableAutoScheme();
57 |
58 | MGeomApply geom;
59 | // Reads in geometry from MC file and sets the right sizes for
60 | // several parameter containers.
61 |
62 | MMcPedestalCopy pcopy;
63 | // Copies pedestal data from the MC file run fadc header to the
64 | // MPedestalCam container.
65 |
66 | MDisplay display(&nphot,&geomcam);
67 | MHillasDisplay display2(&nphot,&geomcam);
68 |
69 | MPointingPosCalc pointcalc;
70 | // Creates MPointingPos object and fill it with the telescope orientation
71 | // information taken from MMcEvt.
72 |
73 | MMcCalibrationUpdate mccalibupdate;
74 |
75 | MCalibrate calib;
76 | // MCalibrate transforms signals from ADC counts into photons. In the first
77 | // loop it applies a "dummy" calibration supplied by MMcCalibrationUpdate, just
78 | // to equalize inner and outer pixels. At the end of the first loop, in the
79 | // PostProcess of MMcCalibrationCalc (see below) the true calibration constants
80 | // are calculated.
81 |
82 | calib.SetCalibrationMode(MCalibrate::kFfactor);
83 |
84 | MImgCleanStd clean(2.5,2.0);
85 | clean.SetCleanRings(1);
86 | // clean.SetRemoveSingle(kFALSE);
87 | //
88 | // Applies tail cuts to image. Since the calibration is performed on
89 | // noiseless camera files, the precise values of the cleaning levels
90 | // are unimportant (in any case, only pixels without any C-photon will
91 | // be rejected).
92 | //
93 |
94 | MHillasCalc hcalc; // Calculates Hillas parameters not dependent on source position.
95 | MHillasSrcCalc hsrccalc;
96 |
97 | MMcCalibrationCalc mccalibcalc;
98 | // Calculates calibration constants to convert from ADC counts to photons.
99 |
100 | tlist.AddToList(&read);
101 | tlist.AddToList(&geom);
102 | tlist.AddToList(&pcopy);
103 | tlist.AddToList(&pointcalc);
104 | tlist.AddToList(&sigextract);
105 | tlist.AddToList(&mccalibupdate);
106 | tlist.AddToList(&calib);
107 | tlist.AddToList(&clean);
108 | tlist.AddToList(&hcalc);
109 | tlist.AddToList(&hsrccalc);
110 | tlist.AddToList(&mccalibcalc);
111 | //tlist.AddToList(&display2);
112 |
113 | //
114 | // First loop: No noise
115 | //
116 | MProgressBar bar;
117 | bar.SetWindowName("No noise...");
118 |
119 | MEvtLoop evtloop;
120 | evtloop.SetProgressBar(&bar);
121 | evtloop.SetParList(&plist);
122 |
123 | if (!evtloop.Eventloop())
124 | return;
125 | mccalibcalc.GetHistADC2PhotEl()->Write();
126 | mccalibcalc.GetHistPhot2PhotEl()->Write();
127 | // Writes out the histograms used for calibration.
128 |
129 |
130 | //
131 | // Second loop: process file with noise
132 | //
133 | MIslands isl;
134 | MArrivalTimeCam timecam;
135 | plist.AddToList(&isl);
136 | plist.AddToList(&timecam);
137 |
138 | MArrivalTimeCalc2 timecalc;
139 | MIslandsCalc islandcalc;
140 | islandcalc.SetOutputName("MIslands");
141 | islandcalc.SetAlgorithm(1);
142 | MIslandsClean islclean(40);
143 | islclean.SetInputName("MIslands");
144 | islclean.SetMethod(1);
145 |
146 | MReadMarsFile read2("Events");
147 | read2.AddFile(NoiseFilename);
148 | read2.DisableAutoScheme();
149 | tlist.AddToListBefore(&read2, &read, "All");
150 | tlist.RemoveFromList(&read);
151 |
152 | tlist.AddToListBefore(&timecalc,&mccalibupdate,"All");
153 | tlist.AddToListBefore(&islandcalc,&hcalc,"All");
154 | tlist.AddToListBefore(&islclean,&hcalc,"All");
155 |
156 | MWriteRootFile write(NoiseOutFilename); // Writes output
157 | write.AddContainer("MRawRunHeader", "Events");
158 | write.AddContainer("MMcEvt", "Events");
159 | write.AddContainer("MRawEvtHeader", "Events");
160 | write.AddContainer("MHillas", "Events");
161 | write.AddContainer("MHillasSrc", "Events");
162 | write.AddContainer("MImagePar", "Events");
163 | write.AddContainer("MNewImagePar", "Events");
164 | write.AddContainer("MIslands", "Events");
165 |
166 | tlist.RemoveFromList(&mccalibcalc);
167 | tlist.AddToList(&write);
168 | // tlist.AddToListBefore(&display2,&write, "All");
169 |
170 | bar.SetWindowName("Calibrating/Cleaning...");
171 | // clean.SetRemoveSingle();
172 | // clean.SetMethod(MImgCleanStd::kDemocratic);
173 |
174 | if (!evtloop.Eventloop())
175 | return;
176 |
177 | tlist.PrintStatistics();
178 | }