1 | // pedrmsonoff.C
2 | // compare pedestal rms for two different sets
3 | //
4 |
5 | #include "MParList.h"
6 | #include "MTaskList.h"
7 | #include "MPedestalCam.h"
8 | #include "MReadMarsFile.h"
9 | #include "MGeomApply.h"
10 | #include "MPedCalcPedRun.h"
11 | #include "MEvtLoop.h"
12 | #include "MPedestalPix.h"
13 | #include "MHCamera.h"
14 |
15 | #include "TTimer.h"
16 | #include "TString.h"
17 | #include "TCanvas.h"
18 | #include "TFile.h"
19 | #include "TGraphErrors.h"
20 | #include "TMultiGraph.h"
21 | #include "TLegend.h"
22 | #include "TPaveStats.h"
23 | #include "TH1F.h"
24 | #include "TStyle.h"
25 | #include "TROOT.h"
26 |
27 | #include <iostream>
28 |
29 | using namespace std;
30 |
31 | void compare(TCanvas* canvas,TString onfname, TString offfname,TString descon, TString descoff, UInt_t index=-1);
32 |
33 | void pedrmsonoff()
34 | //int main()
35 | {
36 | // general settings
37 | gROOT->Reset();
38 | gStyle->SetCanvasColor(0);
39 | gStyle->SetStatColor(0);
40 | gStyle->SetStatBorderSize(1);
41 | gStyle->SetOptStat(111111);
42 | gStyle->SetStatW(0.2);
43 | gStyle->SetStatH(0.1);
44 | gStyle->SetStatX(0.9);
45 | gStyle->SetStatY(0.9);
46 |
47 | // create canvas
48 | TCanvas* canvas = new TCanvas("canvas","On/Off crab pedestal rms", 0, 100, 800, 500);
49 | canvas->SetBorderMode(0); // Delete the Canvas' border line
50 | canvas->cd();
51 |
52 | #ifdef TEMPLATE
53 | // define input files/parameters
54 | const UInt_t ncomp = 9;
55 |
56 | // const TString onfile ="/mnt/disc02/Data/rootdata/CrabNebula/2004_01_26/20040125_10412_P_Crab-On_E.root";
57 | TString onfile[ncomp] = {
58 | "/local_disk/jrico/rootdata/20040126_12149_P_Cab-On_E.root",
59 | "/local_disk/jrico/rootdata/20040125_10412_P_Crab-On_E.root",
60 | "/local_disk/jrico/rootdata/20040125_10412_P_Crab-On_E.root",
61 | "/local_disk/jrico/rootdata/20040119_04642_P_Crab-On_E.root",
62 | "/local_disk/jrico/rootdata/20040128_1342*_P_ClosedLidsHVoff_E.root",
63 | "/local_disk/jrico/rootdata/20040128_1342*_P_ClosedLidsLVoff_E.root",
64 | "/local_disk/jrico/rootdata/20040128_1343*_P_ReciversOff_E.root",
65 | "/local_disk/jrico/rootdata/20040126_12386_P_Cab-On_E.root",
66 | "/local_disk/jrico/rootdata/20040126_12543_P_OffCrab-1_E.root"};
67 |
68 |
69 | TString ondesc[ncomp] = {"Run 12149 Jan 27th, Crab On, #theta 28 deg",
70 | "Run 10412 Jan 26th, Crab On, #theta 12.5 deg",
71 | "Run 10412 Jan 26th, Crab On, #theta 12.5 deg",
72 | "Run 4642 Jan 20th, Crab On, #theta 14.1 deg",
73 | "Runs 13426-7 Jan 29th, Closed lids HV off",
74 | "Runs 13428-9 Jan 29th, Closed lids LV off",
75 | "Runs 13430-1 Jan 29th, Recivers Off",
76 | "Run 12386 Jan 27th, Crab On #theta 37.1 deg",
77 | "Run 12543 Jan 27th, Crab Off #theta 8.6 deg"};
78 |
79 |
80 | TString offfile[ncomp] = {
81 | "/local_disk/jrico/rootdata/20040121_06773_P_OffCrab1_E.root",
82 | "/local_disk/jrico/rootdata/20040125_11477_P_OffCrab1_E.root",
83 | "/local_disk/jrico/rootdata/20040125_10415_P_Crab-On_E.root",
84 | "/local_disk/jrico/rootdata/20040125_10415_P_Crab-On_E.root",
85 | "/local_disk/jrico/rootdata/20040128_13425_P_ClosedLidsHVon_E.root",
86 | "/local_disk/jrico/rootdata/20040128_13425_P_ClosedLidsHVon_E.root",
87 | "/local_disk/jrico/rootdata/20040128_13425_P_ClosedLidsHVon_E.root",
88 | "/local_disk/jrico/rootdata/20040128_13425_P_ClosedLidsHVon_E.root",
89 | "/local_disk/jrico/rootdata/20040128_13425_P_ClosedLidsHVon_E.root"};
90 |
91 |
92 | TString offdesc[ncomp] = {"Run 6773 Jan 22nd, Crab Off #theta 28 deg",
93 | "Run 11477 Jan 26th, Crab Off #theta 9.2 deg",
94 | "Run 10415 Jan 26th, Crab On, #theta 13.8 deg",
95 | "Run 10415 Jan 26th, Crab On, #theta 13.8 deg",
96 | "Run 13425 Jan 29th, Closed lids HV on",
97 | "Run 13425 Jan 29th, Closed lids HV on",
98 | "Run 13425 Jan 29th, Closed lids HV on",
99 | "Run 13425 Jan 29th, Closed lids HV on",
100 | "Run 13425 Jan 29th, Closed lids HV on"};
101 | #endif
102 |
103 | // define input files/parameters
104 | const UInt_t ncomp = 1;
105 |
106 | TString onfile[ncomp] = {"/local_disk/jrico/rootdata/pedestals/20040619_*_P_OffPSR1957-1_E.root"};
107 | TString ondesc[ncomp] = {"Off-PSR1957"};
108 | TString offfile[ncomp] = {"/local_disk/jrico/mc/empty_disc00.root"};
109 | TString offdesc[ncomp] = {"MC (Vela)"};
110 |
111 | canvas->Print("pedrmsonoff.ps[");
112 | for(UInt_t i=0;i<ncomp;i++)
113 | compare(canvas,onfile[i],offfile[i],ondesc[i],offdesc[i],i);
114 | canvas->Print("pedrmsonoff.ps]");
115 | }
116 |
117 |
118 | void compare(TCanvas* canvas,TString onfname, TString offfname,TString descon, TString descoff,UInt_t index)
119 | {
120 | /*************************/
121 | /* FIRST LOOP: ON DATA */
122 | /*************************/
123 |
124 | // basic lists
125 | MParList plist;
126 | MTaskList tlist;
127 | plist.AddToList(&tlist);
128 |
129 | // containers
130 | MPedestalCam onpedcam;
131 | plist.AddToList(&onpedcam);
132 |
133 | //tasks
134 | MReadMarsFile read("Events", onfname);
135 | MGeomApply geomapl;
136 | MPedCalcPedRun pedcalc;
137 |
138 | read.DisableAutoScheme();
139 |
140 | tlist.AddToList(&read);
141 | tlist.AddToList(&geomapl);
142 | tlist.AddToList(&pedcalc);
143 |
144 | // Create and execute the event looper
145 | MEvtLoop evtloop;
146 | evtloop.SetParList(&plist);
147 |
148 | cout << "*********************" << endl;
149 | cout << "** RUNNING ON DATA **" << endl;
150 | cout << "*********************" << endl;
151 |
152 | if (!evtloop.Eventloop())
153 | return;
154 |
155 | tlist.PrintStatistics();
156 |
157 | /**************************/
159 | /**************************/
160 | MReadMarsFile read2("Events",offfname);
161 | read2.DisableAutoScheme();
162 | tlist.AddToListBefore(&read2, &read, "All");
163 | tlist.RemoveFromList(&read);
164 |
165 | // containers
166 | MPedestalCam offpedcam;
167 | plist.Remove(&onpedcam);
168 | plist.AddToList(&offpedcam);
169 |
170 | // Execute the event looper
171 | cout << "**********************" << endl;
172 | cout << "** RUNNING OFF DATA **" << endl;
173 | cout << "**********************" << endl;
174 |
175 | if (!evtloop.Eventloop())
176 | return;
177 |
178 | tlist.PrintStatistics();
179 |
180 | /*******************/
182 | /*******************/
183 | const UInt_t npix = 577;
184 | const UInt_t ninner = 397;
185 | const UInt_t imin = 0;
186 | const UInt_t imax = 20;
187 | const UInt_t itot = 50;
188 |
189 | TH1F* honinpedrms = new TH1F(descon+TString(" Inner"),"Pedestal RMS" ,itot,imin,imax);
190 | TH1F* hoffinpedrms = new TH1F(descoff+TString(" Inner"),"Pedestal RMS",itot,imin,imax);
191 | TH1F* honoutpedrms = new TH1F(descon+TString(" Outer"),"Pedestal RMS" ,itot,imin,imax);
192 | TH1F* hoffoutpedrms = new TH1F(descoff+TString(" Outer"),"Pedestal RMS",itot,imin,imax);
193 |
194 | for(UInt_t i=0;i<npix;i++)
195 | {
196 | const Float_t onpedrms = onpedcam[i].GetPedestalRms();
197 | const Float_t offpedrms = offpedcam[i].GetPedestalRms();
198 |
199 | if(i<ninner)
200 | {
201 | honinpedrms->Fill(onpedrms);
202 | hoffinpedrms->Fill(offpedrms);
203 | }
204 | else
205 | {
206 | honoutpedrms->Fill(onpedrms);
207 | hoffoutpedrms->Fill(offpedrms);
208 | }
209 | }
210 |
211 | /*******************/
213 | /*******************/
214 |
215 | // draw pedestal histos
216 | honinpedrms->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Pedestal RMS (ADC cnts)");
217 | honinpedrms->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("# pixels");
218 | honinpedrms->SetFillStyle(3004);
219 | honinpedrms->SetFillColor(1);
220 |
221 | hoffinpedrms->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Pedestal RMS (ADC cnts)");
222 | hoffinpedrms->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("# pixels");
223 | hoffinpedrms->SetFillStyle(3005);
224 | hoffinpedrms->SetFillColor(2);
225 | hoffinpedrms->SetLineColor(2);
226 |
227 | honoutpedrms->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Pedestal RMS (ADC cnts)");
228 | honoutpedrms->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("# pixels");
229 | honoutpedrms->SetFillStyle(3017);
230 | honoutpedrms->SetFillColor(1);
231 |
232 | hoffoutpedrms->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Pedestal RMS (ADC cnts)");
233 | hoffoutpedrms->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("# pixels");
234 | hoffoutpedrms->SetFillStyle(3018);
235 | hoffoutpedrms->SetFillColor(2);
236 | hoffoutpedrms->SetLineColor(2);
237 |
238 | hoffinpedrms->Draw();
239 | hoffoutpedrms->Draw("sames");
240 | honinpedrms->Draw("sames");
241 | honoutpedrms->Draw("sames");
242 |
243 | // move stat boxes to make them all visible
244 | gPad->Update();
245 | TPaveStats* onoutpavstat = (TPaveStats*) honoutpedrms->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject("stats");
246 | TPaveStats* offinpavstat = (TPaveStats*) hoffinpedrms->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject("stats");
247 | TPaveStats* offoutpavstat = (TPaveStats*) hoffoutpedrms->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject("stats");
248 | Float_t shifty = offinpavstat->GetY2NDC()-offinpavstat->GetY1NDC();
249 | Float_t shiftx = onoutpavstat->GetX2NDC()-onoutpavstat->GetX1NDC();
250 |
251 | onoutpavstat->SetX1NDC(onoutpavstat->GetX1NDC()-shiftx);
252 | onoutpavstat->SetX2NDC(onoutpavstat->GetX2NDC()-shiftx);
253 |
254 | offinpavstat->SetY1NDC(offinpavstat->GetY1NDC()-shifty);
255 | offinpavstat->SetY2NDC(offinpavstat->GetY2NDC()-shifty);
256 |
257 | offoutpavstat->SetX1NDC(offoutpavstat->GetX1NDC()-shiftx);
258 | offoutpavstat->SetX2NDC(offoutpavstat->GetX2NDC()-shiftx);
259 | offoutpavstat->SetY1NDC(offoutpavstat->GetY1NDC()-shifty);
260 | offoutpavstat->SetY2NDC(offoutpavstat->GetY2NDC()-shifty);
261 |
262 | // include legend
263 | TLegend* leg1 = new TLegend(.52,.25,.88,.45);
264 | leg1->SetHeader("");
265 | leg1->AddEntry(honinpedrms,descon+TString(" (Inner)"),"f");
266 | leg1->AddEntry(hoffinpedrms,descoff+TString(" (Inner)"),"f");
267 | leg1->AddEntry(honoutpedrms,descon+TString(" (Outer)"),"f");
268 | leg1->AddEntry(hoffoutpedrms,descoff+TString(" (Outer)"),"f");
269 | leg1->SetFillColor(0);
270 | leg1->SetLineColor(0);
271 | leg1->SetBorderSize(0);
272 | leg1->Draw();
273 |
274 | if(index>=0)
275 | {
276 | char fname[100];
277 | sprintf(fname,"pedrmsonoff%02d.eps",index);
278 | canvas->Print(fname);
279 | }
280 | canvas->Print("pedrmsonoff.ps");
281 |
282 | return;
283 |
284 | }