1 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 | //
3 | // _____ Plot Optimized cuts _____
4 | //
5 | // Take as input an output from programs/optimizeCuts and plot the results
6 | // You only need to specify the input file name
7 | //
8 | // Jose Flix <jflix@ifae.es>
9 | // Javier Rico <jrico@ifae.es>
10 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
11 |
12 |
13 | void plotOptimal(TString fname="optimize.out")
14 | {
15 | gROOT->Reset();
16 | gStyle->SetCanvasColor(0);
17 | gStyle->SetCanvasBorderMode(0);
18 | gStyle->SetPadBorderMode(0);
19 | gStyle->SetFrameBorderMode(0);
20 | gStyle->SetOptStat(000000);
21 | gStyle->SetPalette(1);
22 |
23 | ifstream ifun(fname.Data());
24 | Float_t width,length,excess,significance;
25 |
26 | Float_t wmin=9999999;
27 | Float_t lmin=9999999;
28 | Float_t wmax=-9999999;
29 | Float_t lmax=-9999999;
30 | Float_t emax=-9999999;
31 | Float_t smax=-9999999;
32 |
33 | Float_t dw=-1;
34 | Float_t dl=-1;
35 | Float_t prevw=-1;
36 | Float_t prevl=-1;
37 |
38 | // first loop to get parameters
39 | Int_t i=0;
40 | while(ifun >> width)
41 | {
42 | // read data
43 | ifun >> length;
44 | ifun >> excess;
45 | ifun >> significance;
46 |
47 | // keep max/min
48 | if(width<wmin) wmin=width;
49 | if(length<lmin) lmin=length;
50 | if(width>wmax) wmax=width;
51 | if(length>lmax) lmax=length;
52 | if(significance>smax)
53 | {
54 | smax=significance;
55 | emax=excess;
56 | }
57 |
58 | if(width!=prevw) dw=width-prevw;
59 | if(length!=prevl) dl=length-prevl;
60 |
61 | prevw=width;
62 | prevl=length;
63 | i++;
64 | }
65 | ifun.close();
66 |
67 | cout << "wmin: " << wmin << ", wmax: " << wmax+dw << ", lmin: " << lmin << ", lmax: " << lmax+dl << endl;
68 |
69 | // define histos
70 | Int_t nx = TMath::Nint((wmax-wmin)/dw)+1;
71 | Int_t ny = TMath::Nint((lmax-lmin)/dl)+1;
72 | TH2F *ex = new TH2F("Excess","Excess",nx,wmin,wmax+dw,ny,lmin,lmax+dl);
73 | TH2F *sig = new TH2F("Significance","Significance",nx,wmin,wmax+dw,ny,lmin,lmax+dl);
74 |
75 | cout << "nx: " << nx << ", ny: " << ny << endl;
76 | cout << "dw: " << dw << ", dl: " << dl << endl;
77 |
78 | ifstream ifun2;
79 | ifun2.open(fname.Data());
80 |
81 | // second loop to fill the histograms
82 | Float_t wopt,lopt,eopt;
83 | while(ifun2 >> width)
84 | {
85 | // read data
86 | ifun2 >> length;
87 | ifun2 >> excess;
88 | ifun2 >> significance;
89 |
90 | cout << "Width: " << width << '\t' << "Length: " << length << '\t' << "Excess: " << excess << '\t' << "Significance: " << significance;
91 | if(significance==smax)
92 | {
93 | cout << " *****";
94 | wopt=width;
95 | lopt=length;
96 | eopt=excess;
97 | }
98 |
99 | cout << endl;
100 |
101 | Int_t binx = TMath::Nint(((width-wmin)/dw));
102 | Int_t biny = TMath::Nint(((length-lmin)/dl));
103 |
104 | // cout << "binnx: " << binx+1 << ", biny: " << biny+1 << endl;
105 |
106 | ex->SetBinContent(binx+1,biny+1,excess+.00001);
107 | sig->SetBinContent(binx+1,biny+1,significance+.00001);
108 | }
109 | cout << "Maximal significance: " << smax << " (excess=" << eopt << ") for width="<<wopt<<", length=" << lopt << endl;
110 |
111 | // plot
112 | TCanvas *c3 = new TCanvas("c3","c3",0,0,500,750);
113 | c3->Divide(1,2);
114 |
115 | c3->cd(1);
116 | ex->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Width (degrees)");
117 | ex->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Length (degrees)");
118 | ex->Draw("colz");
119 |
120 | c3->cd(2);
121 | sig->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Width (degrees)");
122 | sig->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Length (degrees)");
123 | sig->Draw("colz");
124 | }