1 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 | // Data card template for makeHillas executable //
3 | // //
4 | // *** Compulsory cards are: //
6 | // //
7 | // the rest are optional //
8 | // *** Do NEVER add a datacard with no value after it //
9 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10 |
11 |
12 | // Maximun number of (data) events to be processed)
13 | NEVENTS 9999999
14 |
15 | // data file directory
16 | IDIR /home/ona/link_data/
17 |
18 | // Pedestal (PRUNS), calibration (CRUNS) and data runs (DRUNS), e.g 1500-23444,25444,25455-26544
19 | // if PRUNS 0, take pedestals from low gains
20 | PCRUNS 45469
21 | CRUNS 45470
22 | DRUNS 45220-45223,45228-45231,45233-45236,45238,45383-45386,45388-45390,45392-45394,45396-45398,45495-45498,45500
23 |
24 | // output file name
25 | // OUTFILE ~/magic/mars/mars/hillasCrab/crab20040215OnA.root
26 | OUTFILE /home/rico/magic/hillasFiles/hillasCrab_200411_new.root
27 |
28 |
29 | // Selection cut.
30 | // Condition "==" not supported.
31 | // Enclose all conditions between brakets, like: "(x<y) && (z<5)"
32 | // (see MF description class for more details)
33 | FILTER (MNewImagePar.fNumUsedPixels<400)
34 |
35 | // Display flag
36 | // DISPLAY 0 will simply produce the hillas parameters files
37 | // DISPLAY 1 will show event display and produce ps file
38 | // DISPLAY 2 will produce the ps files, no display
39 | DISPLAY 0
40 |
41 | // PS file name
42 | PSFILENAME makehillas.ps
43 |
44 | // If want to include a file with a list of bad pixels, add next word
45 | // followed by the name of the file (provide the whole path)
46 | BADPIXELFILE /home/emma/Mars/mtemp/mifae/programs/badpixels.dat
47 |
48 | // Signal extractor, higain first, higainlast, logainfirst, logainlast, window size
49 | // signal extractors: 0 fixed window, 1 sliding window, 2 peak search, 3 spline
50 | EXTRACTOR 3 1 11 3 14 2
51 |
52 | // calibration flag:
53 | // -1: kDummy
54 | // 0: kNone
55 | // 1: kDefault(F factor)
56 | // 2: kDemocratic
57 | // 11: kDefault(F factor) + bad pixel interpolation
58 | // 21: kDemocratic + bad pixel interpolation
59 | CALFLAG 11
60 |
61 | // calibration time:
62 | // 0: kFALSE (no time calibration)
63 | // 1: kTRUE (time calibration)
64 | CALTIME 1
65 |
66 |
67 | // Cleaning level (tail cut, boundary cut, number of rings, cleaning method - 1=standard, 2=democratic)
68 | CLEANLEVEL 4.0 3.5 1 1
69 |
70 | // Add the following word if you want to include Hadronness calculation,
71 | // followed by the name of the Random Forest file
72 | RANFOREST /home/rico/magic/mars/mtemp/mifae/programs/RFstd.root
73 |
74 | // Add the following word if you want to apply DISP method analysis,
75 | // followed by the name of the file where the MDispParameters container
76 | // with the optimal values of the DISP parameters is stored
77 | DISP /home/rico/magic/mars/mtemp/mifae/programs/DISPstd_inv1pluswl_Spline.root
78 |
79 | //Island calculations
80 | // 0 same as 1 1:normal algorithm
81 | // 1 islands w/o cleaning 2:alternative algorithm
82 | // 2 islands w cleaning
83 | ISLFLAG 0 1
84 |
85 | // island cleaning:
86 | // 0: timing method val:0.2, 0.3, 0.5...
87 | // 1: no timing method val: 40, 50, 60...
89 |
90 | // topology flag
91 | // 0: do not calculate topology parameters
92 | // 1: calculate topology parameters
93 | TOPFLAG 1
94 |