///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Data card template for makeHillas executable // // // // *** Compulsory cards are: // // PRUNS, CRUNS, DRUNS, OUTFILE // // // // the rest are optional // // *** Do NEVER add a datacard with no value after it // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Maximun number of (data) events to be processed) NEVENTS 9999999 // data file directory IDIR /local_disk/jrico/rootdata/Crab20040215/ // Pedestal (PRUNS), calibration (CRUNS) and data runs (DRUNS), e.g 1500-23444,25444,25455-26544 PRUNS 16743 CRUNS 16744 DRUNS 16745 // output file name // OUTFILE ~/magic/mars/mars/hillasCrab/crab20040215OnA.root OUTFILE ./prueba.root // Selection cut. // Condition "==" not supported. // Enclose all conditions between brakets, like: "(x50) // Display flag // DISPLAY 0 will simply produce the hillas parameters files // DISPLAY 1 will show event display and produce ps file // DISPLAY 2 will produce the ps files, no display DISPLAY 1 // PS file name PSFILENAME makehillas.ps // calibration flag: // -1: kDummy // 0: kNone // 1: kDefault // 11: kDefault + bad pixel interpolation CALFLAG 11 // Cleaning level CLEANLEVEL 3.0 1.5 //Island calculations // 0 nothing about islands // 1 islands w/o cleaning // 2 islands w cleaning ISLFLAG 0 // island cleaning: // 0: timing method val:0.2, 0.3, 0.5... // 1: no timing method val: 40, 50, 60... ISLANDCLEAN 1 40