//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // _____ Optimize cuts _____ // // Take as input root files with hillas parameters and compute the optimal cuts by // mapping the width/length plane (only upper cuts so far) // // Jose Flix // Javier Rico //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include "TString.h" #include "TChain.h" #include "TH1F.h" #include "MArgs.h" #include "MLog.h" using namespace std; Bool_t readDatacards(TString& filename); void optimizeCuts(); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // declaration of variables read from datacards //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TString onFile; TString offFile; TString outputFile; ULong_t nmaxevents=999999999; Float_t lowdistcut=0; Float_t uppdistcut=10; Float_t lowsizecut=1800; Float_t uppsizecut=1800; Int_t nsizebins=1; UInt_t onRate=1; Float_t lowlgcut=0.01; Float_t upplgcut=0.3; Float_t lgstep=0.005; Float_t lowwdcut=0.01; Float_t uppwdcut=0.3; Float_t wdstep=0.005; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // constants //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const TString defaultcard="optimizecuts.datacard"; const Float_t conver = 189./0.6; // conversion factor degrees to mm const Int_t nbins=18; //number of bins in alpha plots const Float_t frontiere=20.; // [deg] value below (above) wich signal (background is computed (normalized) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void Usage() { gLog <" << endl << endl; gLog << " : datacards file name (default " << defaultcard <<")" << endl; gLog << " -?/-h: This help" << endl << endl; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int main(int argc, char **argv) { // evaluate arguments MArgs arg(argc, argv); if (arg.HasOnly("-?") || arg.HasOnly("-h") || arg.HasOnly("--help")) { Usage(); return -1; } TString datacard = arg.GetArgumentStr(0); if(!datacard.Length()) datacard = defaultcard; if(!readDatacards(datacard)) { cout << "Error reading datacards. Stoping" << endl; return -1; } optimizeCuts(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void optimizeCuts() { // create the TChains for ON and OFF data TChain* ton= new TChain("Parameters"); TChain* toff= new TChain("Parameters"); if(!ton->Add(onFile)) { cout << "On-data file not found or not valid format" << endl; return; } if(!toff->Add(offFile)) { cout << "Off-data file not found or not valid format" << endl; return; } ofstream fout; fout.open(outputFile.Data()); // define aliases ton->SetAlias("length","MHillas.fLength*0.6/189"); ton->SetAlias("width","MHillas.fWidth*0.6/189"); ton->SetAlias("dist","MHillasSrc.fDist*0.6/189"); ton->SetAlias("conc","MNewImagePar.fConc"); ton->SetAlias("size","MHillas.fSize"); ton->SetAlias("event","MRawEvtHeader.fDAQEvtNumber"); ton->SetAlias("alpha","abs(MHillasSrc.fAlpha)"); toff->SetAlias("length","MHillas.fLength*0.6/189"); toff->SetAlias("width","MHillas.fWidth*0.6/189"); toff->SetAlias("dist","MHillasSrc.fDist*0.6/189"); toff->SetAlias("conc","MNewImagePar.fConc"); toff->SetAlias("size","MHillas.fSize"); toff->SetAlias("event","MRawEvtHeader.fDAQEvtNumber"); toff->SetAlias("alpha","abs(MHillasSrc.fAlpha)"); // general cut char gencut[256]; char evecut[256]; sprintf(evecut,"event%%%d==0",onRate); sprintf(gencut,"dist>%f && dist<%f",lowdistcut,uppdistcut); cout << "General cut " << gencut << " (" << evecut << " for on-data)" << endl; Bool_t isDiff = kFALSE; if(nsizebins<0) { nsizebins*=-1; isDiff=kTRUE; } else nsizebins+=1; // loop on size, width and length cuts for(Int_t isb=0;isb%f && size<%f && length<%f && width<%f",minsize,maxsize,length,width); cout << "Cutting " << varcut << endl; // define the on/off data cut char offcut[1024]; sprintf(offcut,"%s && %s",gencut,varcut); char oncut[1024]; sprintf(oncut,"%s && %s",evecut,offcut); // Fill the histos ton->Draw("alpha>>OnHist",oncut); toff->Draw("alpha>>OffHist",offcut); // Normalize histos const Int_t inibin = (Int_t)(frontiere/90.*nbins+1); Float_t level=0; Float_t leveloff=0; for(Int_t ibin = inibin; ibin<=nbins;ibin++) { level+=onhisto->GetBinContent(ibin); leveloff+=offhisto->GetBinContent(ibin); } offhisto->Sumw2(); // needed to compute correct errors after normalization const Float_t norm = leveloff ? level/leveloff: 1; cout << "Normalizing by factor " << norm <Scale(norm); // compute significance/excess Float_t sig=0,bg=0,esig=0,ebg=0; Float_t significance=0; const Int_t signbins = inibin-1; for(Int_t ibin = 1; ibin<=signbins;ibin++) { sig += onhisto->GetBinContent(ibin); esig += onhisto->GetBinError(ibin)*onhisto->GetBinError(ibin); bg += offhisto->GetBinContent(ibin); ebg += offhisto->GetBinError(ibin)*offhisto->GetBinError(ibin); } Float_t error= TMath::Sqrt(esig+ebg); significance = error ? (sig-bg)/error : 0; cout << "Excess: " << sig-bg << endl; cout << "N bkg: " << bg << endl; cout << "Significance: " << significance << endl; // save the result in file fout << minsize << '\t' << maxsize << '\t' << width << '\t' << length << '\t' << sig-bg << '\t' << significance << '\t' << endl; delete onhisto; delete offhisto; width+=wdstep; } length+=lgstep; } } fout.close(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Bool_t readDatacards(TString& filename) { ifstream ifun(filename.Data()); if(!ifun) { cout << "File " << filename << " not found" << endl; return kFALSE; } TString word; while(ifun >> word) { // skip comments if(word[0]=='/' && word[1]=='/') { while(ifun.get()!='\n'); // skip line continue; } // number of events if(strcmp(word.Data(),"NEVENTS")==0) ifun >> nmaxevents; // number of events if(strcmp(word.Data(),"ONRATE")==0) ifun >> onRate; // input file name (on data) if(strcmp(word.Data(),"ONFILES")==0) { if(onFile.Length()) cout << "readDataCards Warning: overriding on-data file name" << endl; ifun >> onFile; } // input file name (off data) if(strcmp(word.Data(),"OFFFILES")==0) { if(offFile.Length()) cout << "readDataCards Warning: overriding off-data file name" << endl; ifun >> offFile; } // output file name if(strcmp(word.Data(),"OUTFILE")==0) { if(outputFile.Length()) cout << "readDataCards Warning: overriding output file name" << endl; ifun >> outputFile; } // size cuts if(strcmp(word.Data(),"SIZECUTS")==0) { ifun >> lowsizecut; ifun >> uppsizecut; ifun >> nsizebins; } // dist cuts if(strcmp(word.Data(),"DISTCUTS")==0) { ifun >> lowdistcut ; ifun >> uppdistcut ; } // length cuts if(strcmp(word.Data(),"LENGTHCUTS")==0) { ifun >> lowlgcut; ifun >> upplgcut; ifun >> lgstep; } // width cuts if(strcmp(word.Data(),"WIDTHCUTS")==0) { ifun >> lowwdcut; ifun >> uppwdcut; ifun >> wdstep; } } // check compulsory values if(!onFile.Length()) { cout << "No on-data file name specified" << endl; return kFALSE; } if(!offFile.Length()) { cout << "No off-data file name specified" << endl; return kFALSE; } if(!outputFile.Length()) { cout << "No output file name specified" << endl; return kFALSE; } // Dump read values cout << "************************************************" << endl; cout << "* Datacards read from file " << filename << endl; cout << "************************************************" << endl; cout << "Maximum number of input events: " << nmaxevents << endl; cout << "On-data acceptance rate: 1/" << onRate << endl; cout << "On-data input file name(s): " << onFile << endl; cout << "Off-data input file name(s): " << offFile << endl; cout << "Output file name: " << outputFile << endl; cout << "Dist cuts (deg): [" << lowdistcut<< ","<