// Maximun number of on and off events to be processed) NEVENTS 9999999 // Input file name pattern (wildcards allowed) INPUTFILES /mnt/users/jrico/magic/mars/Mars_Standard02/mtemp/mifae/hillas/crab20040215OnCal*.root // Specify optionally the name of OFF-data files you want to apply the same source position distribution to OFFFILES /mnt/users/jrico/magic/mars/Mars_Standard02/mtemp/mifae/hillas/crab20040215OffCal*.root // output file name (on data) OUTFILE /mnt/users/jrico/magic/mars/Mars_Standard02/mtemp/mifae/hillas/crab20040215OnRotateCalA-D.root // output file name (off data) OFFOUTFILE /mnt/users/jrico/magic/mars/Mars_Standard02/mtemp/mifae/hillas/crab20040215OffRotateCalA-H.root // X and Y position of the source (degrees) for a MJ date (days) -important only in case of rotation SRCPOS 0.3 0.1 53049.89 // Flag to determine whether source position is absolute (0) or relative to previous position (1) SRCABS 0 // rotation flag: // 0: Do not rotate // 1: Do rotate ROTFLAG 1 // source coordinates (RA DEC in rads) SRCCOORDS 1.46 0.384 // (Crab) // SRCCOORDS 2.899 0.667 // (Mrk 421) // File containing source position as a function of run number (invalidates SRCPOS, SRCABS, ROTFLAG and SRCCOORDS values) // SRCFILE /mnt/users/jrico/magic/mars/Mars_Standard02/mtemp/mifae/programs/20040215_Mrk421.B.pos