1 | #ifndef MARS_MApplySupercuts
2 | #define MARS_MApplySupercuts
3 |
4 | #ifndef MARS_MTask
5 | #include "MTask.h"
6 | #endif
7 |
8 | #ifndef MARS_MHadronness
9 | #include "MHadronness.h"
10 | #endif
11 |
12 | class MGeomCamMagic;
13 | class MParList;
14 | class MRawEvtHeader;
15 | class MRawRunHeader;
16 | class MSupercuts;
17 | class MHillas;
18 | class MHillasSrc;
19 | class MHadronness;
20 | class MHFindSignificance;
21 | class MEnergyEst;
22 | class TH1F;
23 |
24 | class MApplySupercuts : public MTask
25 | {
26 | private:
27 |
28 | // Constant to convert size in photoelectrons to photons
29 | static const Float_t kPhe2Ph = 0.18;
30 | static const Double_t kHadronHadronness = 0.75;
31 | static const Double_t kGammaHadronness = 0.25;
32 | static const Double_t fDistOffset = 0.9;
33 | static const Double_t fSizeOffset = 3000.;
34 |
35 | Bool_t fPhe;
36 | Bool_t fPlot;
37 | Double_t fLengthUp[8];
38 | Double_t fLengthLo[8];
39 | Double_t fWidthUp[8];
40 | Double_t fWidthLo[8];
41 | Double_t fDistUp[8];
42 | Double_t fDistLo[8];
43 | Double_t fAlphaMin; // Minimum alpha of background region (deg)
44 | Double_t fAlphaMax; // Maximum alpha of background region (deg)
45 | Double_t fAlphaSignal; // Maximum alpha of signal region (deg - Min=0)
46 | Int_t fDegree; // Degree of polinomial interpolating function
47 | Double_t fSizeUp;
48 | Double_t fSizeLow;
49 |
50 | TString fSCFilename;
51 |
52 | MGeomCamMagic *fGeom;
53 | MRawRunHeader *fRunHeader;
54 | MRawEvtHeader *fEvtHeader;
55 | MSupercuts *fSupercuts;
56 | MHillas *fHillas;
57 | MHillasSrc *fHillasSrc;
58 |
59 | TH1F *fAlpha;
60 | MHadronness *fHadronness;
61 | MHFindSignificance *fHFindSigma;
62 | MEnergyEst *fEnergyEst;
63 |
64 | Double_t CalcLimit(Double_t *a, Double_t ls, Double_t ls2, Double_t dd2);
65 |
66 | Int_t PreProcess(MParList *pList);
67 | Int_t Process();
68 | Int_t PostProcess();
69 |
70 | public:
71 | MApplySupercuts(const char *name=0, const char *title=0);
72 |
73 | void SetPhotoelectrons() { fPhe = kTRUE; }
74 | void SetPhotons() { fPhe = kFALSE; }
75 | void SetSCFilename(TString filename) { fSCFilename = filename; }
76 | void SetPrintOutSignificance(Double_t bgalphamin, Double_t bgalphamax,
77 | Double_t alphasig, Int_t kDegree);
78 | void SetPlotON() { fPlot = kTRUE; };
79 | void SetPlotOFF() { fPlot = kFALSE; };
80 | void SetBGAlphaMin(Double_t alphamin) { fAlphaMin=alphamin; SetPlotON(); };
81 | void SetBGAlphaMax(Double_t alphamax) { fAlphaMax=alphamax; SetPlotON(); };
82 | void SetAlphaSig(Double_t alphasig) { fAlphaSignal=alphasig; SetPlotON(); };
83 | void SetPolDegree(Int_t deg) { fDegree=deg; SetPlotON(); };
84 | void SetPlotSizeLow(Double_t size) { fSizeLow = size; };
85 | void SetPlotSizeUp(Double_t size) { fSizeUp = size; };
86 |
87 | ClassDef(MApplySupercuts, 1) // Task to apply supercuts
88 | };
89 |
90 | #endif
91 |