#ifndef MARS_MFindSupercutsONOFF #define MARS_MFindSupercutsONOFF #ifndef MARS_MParContainer #include "MParContainer.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_TArrayD #include #endif #ifndef ROOT_TArrayI #include #endif #ifndef ROOT_TH1F #include #endif #ifndef ROOT_TPostScript #include #endif class MFilter; class MEvtLoop; class MH3; class MSupercutsCalcONOFF; class MGeomCam; class MHMatrix; class MFindSupercutsONOFF : public MParContainer { private: // TMP // There are quite some problems during the data preprocessing. // For the time being, I will add some cuts to the functions // DefineTrainTestMatrixThetaRange and for OFF, so that I can // make a kind of preprocess on my own. This allows me // to make a very silly preprocess with wolfgangs macro, which // might be free of corrupted data, and then I can do on my own. // VARIABLES INITIALIZED IN CONSTRUCTOR Double_t fSizeCutLow; Double_t fSizeCutUp; Double_t fDistCutLow; Double_t fDistCutUp; Double_t fLengthCutLow; Double_t fLengthCutUp; Double_t fWidthCutLow; Double_t fWidthCutUp; // ENDTMP TString fFilenameTrain; TString fFilenameTest; Int_t fHowManyTrain; Int_t fHowManyTest; Int_t fHowManyTrainOFF; Int_t fHowManyTestOFF; Double_t fAlphaSig; // Max alpha value were signal is expected // Background range (in alpha) is defined by the member variables // fAlphaBkgMin and fAlphaBkgMax Double_t fAlphaBkgMin; Double_t fAlphaBkgMax; Int_t fThetaMin; // Cuts in ThetaOrig.fVal (in mili radians!!!) Int_t fThetaMax; // Cuts in ThetaOrig.fVal (in mili radians !!!) TString fThetaRangeString; // Variables for binning of alpha plots Int_t fNAlphaBins; Double_t fAlphaBinLow; Double_t fAlphaBinUp; Bool_t fUseOrigDistribution; Double_t fNormFactorTrain; Double_t fNormFactorTest; Double_t fSigmaLiMaTrain; Double_t fSigmaLiMaTest; Double_t fNexTrain; Double_t fNexTest; Double_t fGammaEfficiency; // Fraction of gammas that remain after cuts // Quantity that will have to be determined with MC Bool_t fTuneNormFactor; // If true, normalization factors are corrected using the estimated number of gammas and the gamma efficiency // fNormFactorTrain = fNormFactorTrain - Ngammas/EventsInTrainMatrixOFF // Boolean variable used to determine wether the normalization factor is // computed from method 1) or 2) // 1) Using total number of ON and OFF events before cuts, and tuning the factor // correcting for "contamination" of gamma events in ON sample // 2) Using number of ON and OFF events after cuts in the background // region determined by variables fAlphaBkgMin-fAlphaBkgMax Bool_t fNormFactorFromAlphaBkg; // if kTRUE, method 2) is used // Boolean variable used to disable the usage ("serious" usage) of the // quantities computed from fits. This will be useful in those cases // where there is too few events to perform a decent fit to the // alpha histograms. Default value will be kTRUE. Bool_t fUseFittedQuantities; // Boolean variable that controls wether the optimization of the // parameters (MMinuitInterface::CallMinuit(..) in function FindParams(..)) // takes place or not. kTRUE will skip such optimization. // This variable is useful to test the optmized parameters (previously found // and stored in root file) on the TRAIN sample. Bool_t fSkipOptimization; // Boolean variable that allows the user to set some limits to the // some of the Minuit parameters. For the time being, only the limits // for the parameters which do NOT depend in size, dist and theta are set, // i.e. static limits. The value of this boolean variable is set in the // constructor of the class. Bool_t fSetLimitsToSomeMinuitParams; // Limits for the Minuit parameters. For the time being the values are set in the constructor // of the class. One MUST be very careful to set limits such that the expected final values // (optimized values) are far away from the limits. Double_t fMinuitDistUPUpperLimit; Double_t fMinuitDistUPLowerLimit; Double_t fMinuitLengthUPUpperLimit; Double_t fMinuitLengthUPLowerLimit; Double_t fMinuitWidthUPUpperLimit; Double_t fMinuitWidthUPLowerLimit; Double_t fMinuitLeakage1UPUpperLimit; Double_t fMinuitLeakage1UPLowerLimit; Double_t fMinuitDistLOWUpperLimit; Double_t fMinuitDistLOWLowerLimit; Double_t fMinuitLengthLOWUpperLimit; Double_t fMinuitLengthLOWLowerLimit; Double_t fMinuitWidthLOWUpperLimit; Double_t fMinuitWidthLOWLowerLimit; // Boolean variable used to control decide wether to use theta information // in the computation of teh dynamical cuts. Bool_t fNotUseTheta; // Boolean variable that allows to use/not use the dist info in the cuts parameterization // kTRUE for use it. // For the time being this variable is set in the constructor Bool_t fUseDist; // Boolean variable used to decide wether to use dynamical cuts or static cuts // kTRUE means that static cuts are used. Bool_t fUseStaticCuts; // Boolean variable that allows the user to write the initial parameters // into the root file that will be used to store the optimum cuts. // If fUseInitialSCParams = kTRUE , parameters are written. // In this way, the initial SC parameters can be applied on the data (train/test) // The initial parameters are ONLY written to the root file if // there is NO SC params optimization, i.e., if variable // fSkipOptimization = kTRUE; // The default value is obviously kFALSE. Bool_t fUseInitialSCParams; TString fFilenameParam; TString fHadronnessName; TString fHadronnessNameOFF; // name for the containers to store the // supercuts applied to Train (ON/OFF) and Test(ON/OFF) samples TString fTrainONSupercutsAppliedName; TString fTrainOFFSupercutsAppliedName; TString fTestONSupercutsAppliedName; TString fTestOFFSupercutsAppliedName; // Name of Postscript file where, for each theta bin, alpha ON and OFF distributions // after cuts (and hence, Nex and SigmaLiMa computations) will be stored // If fAlphaDistributionsPostScriptFilename is not defined, postscript file is not // produced. It is an optional variable... // NOT WORKING YET !!!! TPostScript* fPsFilename; TPostScript* fPsFilename2; TString fPsFilenameString; // Name of the file where plots will be stored while the // TPostScript option is not working TString fAlphaDistributionsRootFilename; // Root file where histograms containing the ON alpha distribution and the // OFF alpha distribution (non normalized) , AFTER CUTS, are stored. // Histograms containing the normalization factors, Nex and SigmaLiMa for // each theta bin will be also stored there. // This name MUST be defined, since the histograms stored there will be used by // function XXX to compute an overall Nex and sigmaLiMa combining all those histograms MSupercutsCalcONOFF *fCalcHadTrain; MSupercutsCalcONOFF *fCalcHadTest; MSupercutsCalcONOFF *fCalcHadTrainOFF; MSupercutsCalcONOFF *fCalcHadTestOFF; MHMatrix *fMatrixTrain; MHMatrix *fMatrixTest; MHMatrix *fMatrixTrainOFF; MHMatrix *fMatrixTestOFF; MGeomCam *fCam; MEvtLoop *fObjectFit; MFilter *fMatrixFilter; // to comunicate with MINUIT ----------------- // attention : dimensions must agree with those in // MMinuitInterface::CallMinuit() //char fParName [80][100]; TArrayD fVinit; TArrayD fStep; TArrayD fLimlo; TArrayD fLimup; TArrayI fFix; UInt_t fNpar; TString fMethod; Double_t fMin, fEdm, fErrdef; Int_t fNpari, fNparx, fIstat; Int_t fErrMinimize; //-------------------------------------------- public: MFindSupercutsONOFF(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL); ~MFindSupercutsONOFF(); void SetFilenameTraining(const TString &name, const Int_t howmany) {fFilenameTrain = name; fHowManyTrain = howmany; } void SetFilenameTest(const TString &name, const Int_t howmany) {fFilenameTest = name; fHowManyTest = howmany; } void SetFilenameParam(const TString &name) {fFilenameParam = name;} void SetHadronnessName(const TString &name) {fHadronnessName = name;} void SetHadronnessNameOFF(const TString &name) {fHadronnessNameOFF = name;} void SetSupercutsAppliedTreeNames(); void SetAlphaDistributionsRootFilename(const TString &name) {fAlphaDistributionsRootFilename = name;} Bool_t SetAlphaSig (Double_t alphasig); Bool_t SetAlphaBkgMin (Double_t alphabkgmin); Bool_t SetAlphaBkgMax (Double_t alphabkgmax); // Function that checks that the values of the member data // fAlphaSig, fAlphaBkgMin and fAlphaBkgMax make sense // (ie, fAlphaSig < fAlphaBkgMin < fAlphaBkgMax) Bool_t CheckAlphaSigBkg(); void SetUseFittedQuantities (Bool_t b) {fUseFittedQuantities = b;} void SetPostScriptFile(TPostScript* PsFile); void SetPostScriptFile2(TPostScript &PsFile); void SetPsFilenameString (const TString filename); void SetMatrixFilter(MFilter *filter) {fMatrixFilter = filter;} Bool_t DefineTrainMatrix(const TString &name, MH3 &href, const Int_t howmany, const TString &filetrain); Bool_t DefineTestMatrix(const TString &name, MH3 &href, const Int_t howmany, const TString &filetest); Bool_t DefineTrainTestMatrix(const TString &name, MH3 &href, const Int_t howmanytrain, const Int_t howmanytest, const TString &filetrain, const TString &filetest); Bool_t DefineTrainTestMatrixThetaRange(const TString &name, const Double_t whichfractiontrain, const Double_t whichfractiontest, Double_t ThetaMin, Double_t ThetaMax, const TString &filetrain, const TString &filetest); Bool_t DefineTrainTestMatrixOFFThetaRange(const TString &name, const Double_t whichfractiontrain, const Double_t whichfractiontest, Double_t ThetaMin, Double_t ThetaMax, const TString &filetrain, const TString &filetest); MHMatrix *GetMatrixTrain() { return fMatrixTrain; } MHMatrix *GetMatrixTest() { return fMatrixTest; } MHMatrix *GetMatrixTrainOFF() { return fMatrixTrainOFF; } MHMatrix *GetMatrixTestOFF() { return fMatrixTestOFF; } void SetUseOrigDistribution(Bool_t b); Bool_t ReadMatrix( const TString &filetrain, const TString &filetest); Bool_t ReadMatrixOFF( const TString &filetrainOFF, const TString &filetestOFF); Bool_t ComputeNormFactorTrain (); Bool_t ComputeNormFactorTest (); Bool_t FindParams(TString parSCinit, TArrayD ¶ms, TArrayD &steps); // Bool_t TestParams(); // Function used to apply the supercuts on the TEST sample. // Two event loops (one after the other) // are used to fill the 2 alpha distributions (ON and OFF) // applying supercuts to the Test sample Bool_t TestParamsOnTestSample(); // Function used to apply the supercuts on the TRAIN sample. // Two event loops (one after the other) // are used to fill the 2 alpha distributions (ON and OFF) // applying supercuts to the TRAIN sample Bool_t TestParamsOnTrainSample(); Bool_t SetThetaRange(Double_t ThetaMin, Double_t ThetaMax); Bool_t SetSizeRange(Double_t SizeMin, Double_t SizeMax); void SetAlphaPlotBinining(Int_t nbins, Double_t binlow, Double_t binup) { fNAlphaBins = nbins; fAlphaBinLow = binlow; fAlphaBinUp = binup;} Double_t GetNormFactorTrain() {return fNormFactorTrain;} Double_t GetNormFactorTest() {return fNormFactorTest;} Double_t GetSigmaLiMaTrain() {return fSigmaLiMaTrain;} Double_t GetSigmaLiMaTest() {return fSigmaLiMaTest;} Double_t GetNexTrain() {return fNexTrain;} Double_t GetNexTest() {return fNexTest;} Double_t GetAlphaSig() {return fAlphaSig;} Double_t GetAlphaBkgMin () {return fAlphaBkgMin;} Double_t GetAlphaBkgMax () {return fAlphaBkgMax;} Bool_t GetUseFittedQuantities() {return fUseFittedQuantities;} Bool_t GetSkipOptimization() {return fSkipOptimization;} Bool_t GetUseInitialSCParams() {return fUseInitialSCParams;} Bool_t SetGammaEfficiency (Double_t gammaeff); Double_t GetGammaEfficiency() {return fGammaEfficiency;} // Double_t ComputeNormFactorFromAlphaBkg(TH1 *histON, TH1 *histOFF); void SetTuneNormFactor(Bool_t b) {fTuneNormFactor = b;} void SetNormFactorFromAlphaBkg (Bool_t b) {fNormFactorFromAlphaBkg = b;} void SetSkipOptimization(Bool_t b); void SetUseInitialSCParams(Bool_t b); void SetVariableNotUseTheta(Bool_t b) {fNotUseTheta = b;} Bool_t GetVariableNotUseTheta() { return fNotUseTheta;} void SetVariableUseStaticCuts(Bool_t b) {fUseStaticCuts = b;} Bool_t GetVariableUseStaticCuts() { return fUseStaticCuts;} ClassDef(MFindSupercutsONOFF, 1) // Class for optimization of the Supercuts }; #endif