1 | #ifndef MARS_MFindSupercutsONOFFThetaLoop
2 | #define MARS_MFindSupercutsONOFFThetaLoop
3 |
4 | #ifndef MARS_MParContainer
5 | #include "MParContainer.h"
6 | #endif
7 |
8 | #ifndef ROOT_TArrayD
9 | #include <TArrayD.h>
10 | #endif
11 | #ifndef ROOT_TArrayI
12 | #include <TArrayI.h>
13 | #endif
14 |
15 | #ifndef ROOT_TH1F
16 | #include <TH1F.h>
17 | #endif
18 |
19 | #ifndef ROOT_TPostScript
20 | #include <TPostScript.h>
21 | #endif
22 |
23 |
24 | class MFilter;
25 | class MEvtLoop;
26 | class MH3;
27 | class MSupercutsCalcONOFF;
28 | class MFindSupercutsONOFF;
29 | class MGeomCam;
30 | class MHMatrix;
31 |
32 |
33 | class MFindSupercutsONOFFThetaLoop : public MParContainer
34 | {
35 | private:
36 |
37 | TString fDataONRootFilename;
38 | TString fDataOFFRootFilename;
39 |
40 |
41 | TString fPathForFiles; // Path to directory where files (PsFiles, rootfiles) will be stored
42 |
43 |
44 | TString* fOptSCParamFilenameVector; // Pointer to vector of TStrings containing name of the root files where optimized supercuts will be stored. To be created and filled once Vector of Costheta ranges is defined
45 |
46 |
47 |
48 |
49 | // Vectors containing the names of the root files where matrices
50 | // will be stored for Train/Test ON/OFF samples.
51 | // To be defined and filled once vector fCosThetaRangeVector is
52 | // defined
53 |
54 | TString* fTrainMatrixONFilenameVector;
55 | TString* fTestMatrixONFilenameVector;
56 | TString* fTrainMatrixOFFFilenameVector;
57 | TString* fTestMatrixOFFFilenameVector;
58 |
59 |
60 | Double_t fAlphaSig; // Max alpha value were signal is expected
61 |
62 |
63 | // Background range (in alpha) is defined by the member variables
64 | // fAlphaBkgMin and fAlphaBkgMax
65 | Double_t fAlphaBkgMin;
66 | Double_t fAlphaBkgMax;
67 |
68 |
69 | // Degree used in the polyinomial fits for ON and OFF data
70 |
71 | Int_t fDegreeON;
72 | Int_t fDegreeOFF;
73 |
74 |
75 |
76 |
77 |
78 | // Size range of events used to fill the data matrices
79 | // is defined by the following variables
80 |
81 | Double_t fSizeCutLow;
82 | Double_t fSizeCutUp;
83 |
84 | Double_t fLeakMax;
85 | Double_t fDistMax;
86 | Double_t fDistMin;
87 |
88 | // Variables for binning of alpha plots
89 |
90 | Int_t fNAlphaBins;
91 | Double_t fAlphaBinLow;
92 | Double_t fAlphaBinUp;
93 |
94 |
95 |
96 | // Boolean variable used to disable the usage ("serious" usage) of the
97 | // quantities computed from fits. This will be useful in those cases
98 | // where there is too few events to perform a decent fit to the
99 | // alpha histograms. In general this variable will be always kTRUE
100 |
101 | Bool_t fUseFittedQuantities;
102 |
103 |
104 | Double_t fPolyGaussFitAlphaSigma;
105 |
106 |
107 | Double_t fWhichFractionTrain; // number <= 1; specifying fraction of ON Train events
108 | Double_t fWhichFractionTest; // number <= 1; specifying fraction of ON Test events
109 |
110 | Double_t fWhichFractionTrainOFF; // number <= 1; specifying fraction of OFF Train events
111 | Double_t fWhichFractionTestOFF; // number <= 1; specifying fraction of OFF Test events
112 |
113 | Double_t fThetaMin; // Cuts in ThetaOrig.fVal (in rad!!!)
114 | Double_t fThetaMax; // Cuts in ThetaOrig.fVal (in rad !!!)
115 | TArrayD fCosThetaRangeVector; // vector containing the
116 | // theta ranges that will be used in the
117 | // optimization
118 |
119 | TString* fThetaRangeStringVector; // Pointer to vector of TStrings that contain Cos theta ranges specified in fCosThetaRangeVector. It will be used to identify alpha distributions stored in fAlphaDistributionsRootFilename
120 |
121 | TArrayD fCosThetaBinCenterVector; // vector containing the
122 | // theta bin centers of the theta ranges/bins contained in
123 | // fCosThetaRangeVector
124 |
125 | Double_t fActualCosThetaBinCenter; // Theta value used to fill
126 | // the histograms fNormFactorTrainHist, fNormFactorTestHist,
127 | // fSigmaLiMaTrainHist ...
128 |
129 |
130 |
131 | Double_t fOverallNexTrain;
132 | Double_t fOverallNexTest;
133 |
134 | Double_t fOverallSigmaLiMaTrain;
135 | Double_t fOverallSigmaLiMaTest;
136 |
137 |
138 | TH1F* fSuccessfulThetaBinsHist; // Hist containing theta bins were optimization was successful
139 |
140 | TH1F* fNormFactorTrainHist; // Hist containing norm factors train for all Cos theta ranges
141 | TH1F* fNormFactorTestHist; // Hist containing norm factors test for all Cos theta ranges
142 | TH1F* fSigmaLiMaTrainHist; // Hist containing SigmaLiMa for Train samples for all Cos theta ranges
143 | TH1F* fSigmaLiMaTestHist; // Hist containing SigmaLiMa for Test samples for all Cos theta ranges
144 | TH1F* fNexTrainHist; // Hist containing Number os excess events for Train sample for all Cos thetas
145 | TH1F* fNexTestHist; // Hist containing Number os excess events for Test sample for all Cos theta
146 |
147 | TH1F* fNEvtsInTrainMatrixONHist; // Hist containing total number of events in Train Matrices of ON data for all Cos theta ranges
148 | TH1F* fNEvtsInTestMatrixONHist; // Hist containing total number of events in Test Matrices of ON data for all Cos theta ranges
149 | TH1F* fNEvtsInTrainMatrixOFFHist; // Hist containing total number of events in Train Matrices of OFF data for all Cos theta ranges
150 | TH1F* fNEvtsInTestMatrixOFFHist; // Hist containing total number of events in Test Matrices of OFF data for all Cos theta ranges
151 |
152 |
153 |
154 |
155 | // Boolean variable that controls wether the optimization of the
156 | // parameters (MMinuitInterface::CallMinuit(..) in function FindParams(..))
157 | // takes place or not. kTRUE will skip such optimization.
158 | // This variable is useful to test the optmized parameters (previously found
159 | // and stored in root file) on the TRAIN sample.
160 |
161 | Bool_t fSkipOptimization;
162 |
163 |
164 |
165 |
166 | // Boolean variable that allows the user to write the initial parameters
167 | // into the root file that will be used to store the optimum cuts.
168 | // If fUseInitialSCParams = kTRUE , parameters are written.
169 | // In this way, the initial SC parameters can be applied on the data (train/test)
170 |
171 | // The initial parameters are ONLY written to the root file if
172 | // there is NO SC params optimization, i.e., if variable
173 | // fSkipOptimization = kTRUE;
174 |
175 | // The default value is obviously kFALSE.
176 |
177 | Bool_t fUseInitialSCParams;
178 |
179 |
180 | Double_t fGammaEfficiency; // Fraction of gammas that remain after cuts
181 | // Quantity that will have to be determined with MC
182 |
183 | Bool_t fTuneNormFactor; // If true, normalization factors are corrected
184 | // using the estimated number of gammas and the gamma efficiency
185 | // fNormFactor = fNormFactor - Ngammas/EventsInMatrixOFF
186 |
187 |
188 | // Boolean variable used to determine wether the normalization factor is
189 | // computed from method 1) or 2)
190 | // 1) Using total number of ON and OFF events before cuts, and tuning the factor
191 | // correcting for "contamination" of gamma events in ON sample
192 | // 2) Using number of ON and OFF events after cuts in the background
193 | // region determined by variables fAlphaBkgMin-fAlphaBkgMax
194 |
195 | Bool_t fNormFactorFromAlphaBkg; // if kTRUE, method 2) is used
196 |
197 |
198 | // Boolean variable used to control decide wether to use theta information
199 | // in the computation of teh dynamical cuts.
200 | Bool_t fNotUseTheta;
201 |
202 | // Boolean variable used to decide wether to use dynamical cuts or static cuts
203 | // kTRUE means that static cuts are used.
204 | Bool_t fUseStaticCuts;
205 |
206 |
207 | // Names for the Hadronness containers for ON and OFF data
208 |
209 | TString fHadronnessName;
210 | TString fHadronnessNameOFF;
211 |
212 | // Vectors where initial SC parameters and steps are stored.
213 | // If these vectors are empty, initial SC parameters and steps
214 | // are taken from Supercuts container.
215 | // They will be intialized to empty vectors in constructor
216 |
217 | TArrayD fInitSCPar;
218 | TArrayD fInitSCParSteps;
219 |
220 |
221 |
222 | // Name of Postscript file where, for each theta bin, alpha ON and OFF distributions
223 | // after cuts (and hence, Nex and SigmaLiMa computations) will be stored
224 | // If fAlphaDistributionsPostScriptFilename is not defined, postscript file is not
225 | // produced. It is an optional variable...
226 |
227 | // Still not working...
228 |
229 | TPostScript* fPsFilename;
230 |
231 |
232 | // ********************************************************
233 | // Due to the failure of the use of object TPostScript
234 | // to make a Ps document with all plots, I decided to use the
235 | // standard way (SaveAs(filename.ps)) to store plots related
236 | // to alpha distributions
237 | // for ON and OFF and BEFORE and AFTER cuts (VERY IMPORTANT
239 |
240 | // Psfilename is set inside function LoopOverThetaRanges()
241 | // and given to the object MFindSupercutsONOFF created
242 | // within this loop.
243 |
244 | // This will have to be removed as soon as the TPostScript
245 | // solutions works...
246 | // ********************************************************
247 |
248 |
249 | TString fAlphaDistributionsRootFilename;
250 | // Root file where histograms containing the ON alpha distribution and the
251 | // OFF alpha distribution (non normalized) , AFTER CUTS, are stored.
252 | // Histograms containing the normalization factors, Nex and SigmaLiMa for
253 | // each theta bin will be also stored there.
254 | // This name MUST be defined, since the histograms
255 | // stored there will be used by
256 | // function XXX to compute an overall Nex and sigmaLiMa
257 | // combining all those histograms
258 |
259 | // Boolean variables seting flags for loop over theta ranges
260 |
261 | Bool_t fReadMatricesFromFile;
262 | Bool_t fOptimizeParameters;
263 | Bool_t fTestParameters;
264 |
265 | //--------------------------------------------
266 |
267 |
268 | public:
269 | MFindSupercutsONOFFThetaLoop(const char *name=NULL,
270 | const char *title=NULL);
271 | ~MFindSupercutsONOFFThetaLoop();
272 |
273 | void SetHadronnessName(const TString &name)
274 | {fHadronnessName = name;}
275 | void SetHadronnessNameOFF(const TString &name)
276 | {fHadronnessNameOFF = name;}
277 |
278 | void SetPathForFiles(const TString &path)
279 | {fPathForFiles = path;}
280 |
281 | void SetDataONOFFRootFilenames(const TString &name1, const TString &name2 )
282 | {fDataONRootFilename = name1; fDataOFFRootFilename = name2; }
283 |
284 |
285 |
286 | // Names of root files containing matrices and optimizedparameters
287 | Bool_t SetALLNames();
288 |
289 | // Function to set names manually... in case matrices are
290 | // already defined...
291 |
292 | Bool_t SetNamesManually(TString* OptSCParamFilenameVector,
293 | TString* ThetaRangeStringVector,
294 | TString* TrainMatrixONFilenameVector,
295 | TString* TestMatrixONFilenameVector,
296 | TString* TrainMatrixOFFFilenameVector,
297 | TString* TestMatrixOFFFilenameVector)
298 |
299 | {
300 | fOptSCParamFilenameVector = OptSCParamFilenameVector;
301 | fThetaRangeStringVector = ThetaRangeStringVector;
302 | fTrainMatrixONFilenameVector = TrainMatrixONFilenameVector;
303 | fTestMatrixONFilenameVector = TestMatrixONFilenameVector;
304 | fTrainMatrixOFFFilenameVector = TrainMatrixOFFFilenameVector;
305 | fTestMatrixOFFFilenameVector = TestMatrixOFFFilenameVector;
306 |
307 | return kTRUE;
308 | }
309 |
310 | Bool_t SetAlphaDistributionsRootFilename(const TString &name);
311 |
312 |
313 | Bool_t SetAlphaSig (Double_t alphasig);
314 |
315 | Bool_t SetAlphaBkgMin (Double_t alphabkgmin);
316 | Bool_t SetAlphaBkgMax (Double_t alphabkgmax);
317 |
318 |
319 | void SetDegreeON (Int_t d) {fDegreeON = d;}
320 | void SetDegreeOFF (Int_t d) {fDegreeOFF = d;}
321 |
322 | Bool_t CheckAlphaSigBkg();
323 |
324 | void SetPostScriptFile(TPostScript* PsFile);
325 |
326 |
327 | Bool_t SetCosThetaRangeVector (const TArrayD &d);
328 |
329 | Bool_t SetThetaRange (Int_t thetabin);
330 |
331 |
332 | void SetAlphaPlotBinining(Int_t nbins, Double_t binlow, Double_t binup)
333 | { fNAlphaBins = nbins; fAlphaBinLow = binlow; fAlphaBinUp = binup;}
334 |
335 | Bool_t SetNormFactorTrainHist();
336 | Bool_t SetNormFactorTestHist();
337 | Bool_t SetSigmaLiMaTrainHist();
338 | Bool_t SetSigmaLiMaTestHist();
339 | Bool_t SetNexTrainHist();
340 | Bool_t SetNexTestHist();
341 | Bool_t SetNexSigmaLiMaNormFactorNEvtsTrainTestHist();
342 | Bool_t SetSuccessfulThetaBinsHist();
343 | void WriteNexSigmaLiMaNormFactorNEvtsTrainTestHistToFile();
344 |
345 | void WriteSuccessfulThetaBinsHistToFile();
346 |
347 |
348 | Bool_t SetInitSCPar (TArrayD &d);
349 | Bool_t SetInitSCParSteps (TArrayD &d);
350 |
351 |
352 |
353 | Bool_t ReadSCParamsFromAsciiFile(const char* filename, Int_t Nparams);
354 |
355 |
356 | void SetFractionTrainTestOnOffEvents(Double_t fontrain,
357 | Double_t fontest,
358 | Double_t fofftrain,
359 | Double_t fofftest);
360 |
361 | void SetTuneNormFactor(Bool_t b) {fTuneNormFactor = b;}
362 | Bool_t SetGammaEfficiency (Double_t gammaeff);
363 |
364 |
365 |
366 | void SetNormFactorFromAlphaBkg (Bool_t b) {fNormFactorFromAlphaBkg = b;}
367 |
368 | void SetUseFittedQuantities (Bool_t b)
369 | {fUseFittedQuantities = b;}
370 |
371 | void SetReadMatricesFromFile(Bool_t b);
372 | void SetTrainParameters(Bool_t b) {fOptimizeParameters = b;}
373 | void SetTestParameters(Bool_t b) {fTestParameters = b;}
374 |
375 |
376 | void SetSkipOptimization(Bool_t b) {fSkipOptimization = b;}
377 |
378 | void SetUseInitialSCParams(Bool_t b) {fUseInitialSCParams = b;}
379 |
380 |
381 | void SetVariableNotUseTheta(Bool_t b) {fNotUseTheta = b;}
382 | Bool_t GetVariableNotUseTheta() { return fNotUseTheta;}
383 |
384 |
385 | void SetVariableUseStaticCuts(Bool_t b) {fUseStaticCuts = b;}
386 | Bool_t GetVariableUseStaticCuts() { return fUseStaticCuts;}
387 |
388 |
389 | void SetSizeRange(Double_t SizeMin, Double_t SizeMax)
390 | {fSizeCutLow = SizeMin; fSizeCutUp = SizeMax; }
391 |
392 | //DM:
393 | void SetFilters(Double_t LeakageMax, Double_t DistMax, Double_t DistMin)
394 | {fLeakMax = LeakageMax; fDistMax = DistMax; fDistMin = DistMin; }
395 |
396 | // Function that loops over the theta ranges defined by
397 | // fCosThetaRangeVector optimizing parameter and/or testing
398 | // parameters
399 |
400 | Bool_t LoopOverThetaRanges();
401 |
402 |
403 | // Function that loops over the alpha distributions (ON-OFF)
404 | // stored in root file defined by fAlphaDistributionsRootFilename
405 | // and computes the significance and Nex (using MHFindSignificanceONOFF::FindSigma)
406 | // for several cuts in alpha (0-fAlphaSig; in bins defined for alpha distributions
407 | // by user).
408 |
409 | // It creates the histograms, fills them and store them
410 | // in root file defined by fAlphaDistributionsRootFilename. A single histogram
411 | // for each theta bin.
412 |
413 | // The function returns kFALSE if it could not accomplish its duty
414 |
415 | Bool_t ComputeNexSignificanceVSAlphaSig();
416 |
417 |
418 |
419 |
420 | // Function that gets the histograms with the alpha distributions
421 | // (for all the theta bins specified by fCosThetaRangeVector)
422 | // stored in fAlphaDistributionsRootFilename, and combine them
423 | // (correcting OFF histograms with the normalization factors stored
424 | // in NormFactorTrain or NormFactorTest) to get one single
425 | // Alpha distribution for ON and another one for OFF.
426 | // Then these histograms are given as arguments to
427 | // the function MHFindSignificanceONOFF::FindSigmaONOFF,
428 | // (Object of this class is created) to compute the
429 | // Overall Excess events and significance, that will be
430 | // stored in variables fOverallNexTrain and fOverallSigmaLiMaTrain
431 | // and Test.
432 |
433 |
434 |
435 | Bool_t ComputeOverallSignificance(Bool_t CombineTrainData,
436 | Bool_t CombineTestData);
437 |
438 |
439 | Double_t GetOverallNexTrain() {return fOverallNexTrain;}
440 | Double_t GetOverallNexTest() {return fOverallNexTest;}
441 |
442 | Double_t GetOverallSigmaLiMaTrain() {return fOverallSigmaLiMaTrain;}
443 | Double_t GetOverallSigmaLiMaTest() {return fOverallSigmaLiMaTest;}
444 |
445 | Double_t GetGammaEfficiency() {return fGammaEfficiency;}
446 |
447 | Double_t GetAlphaSig() {return fAlphaSig;}
448 | Double_t GetAlphaBkgMin () {return fAlphaBkgMin;}
449 | Double_t GetAlphaBkgMax () {return fAlphaBkgMax;}
450 |
451 | Int_t GetDegreeON () {return fDegreeON;}
452 | Int_t GetDegreeOFF () {return fDegreeOFF;}
453 |
454 |
455 | Bool_t GetSkipOptimization() {return fSkipOptimization;}
456 |
457 | Bool_t GetUseFittedQuantities() {return fUseFittedQuantities;}
458 |
459 | ClassDef(MFindSupercutsONOFFThetaLoop, 1)
460 | // Class for optimization of the Supercuts
461 | };
462 |
463 | #endif
464 |
465 |
466 |
467 |