/* ======================================================================== *\ ! ! * ! * This file is part of MARS, the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction ! * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful ! * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes. ! * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. ! * ! * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its ! * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, ! * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and ! * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear ! * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express ! * or implied warranty. ! * ! ! ! Author(s): Wolfgang Wittek, July 2003 ! David Paneque, Nov 2003 ! ! Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2003 ! ! \* ======================================================================== */ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // MHFindSignificanceONOFF // // determines the significance of a gamma signal in an |alpha| plot // it uses real OFF events in the computation of excess events // // Input : 2 TH1 histogram (ON and OFF) of |alpha| : with 0 < |alpha| < 90 degrees // //************TEMP ************************************************ // alphamin, alphamax : defining the background region // alphasig : defining the signal region for which // the significance is calculated // degree : the degree of the polynomial to be fitted to the background // ( a0 + a1*x + a2*x**2 + a3*x**3 + ...) // // Output : // // // - the number of events in the signal region (Non) // the number of background events in the signal region (Nbg) // (counted number of events 'NoffSig' and fitted number of events 'NoffSigFitted // - the number of excess events in the signal region (Nex = Non - Nbg) // (again, counted 'NexONOFF' and fitted 'NexONOFFFitted' // - thew effective number of background events (Noff), and gamma : // Nbg = gamma * Noff // - // - the significance of the gamma signal according to Li & Ma // 3 significances are computed // a) LiMa formula (17) using fitted quantities; fSigLiMa // b) LiMa formula (17) using counted quantities; fSigLiMa2 // c) LiMa formula (5) using counted quantities. // // call member function 'FindSigmaONOFF' // to fit the background and to determine the significance // // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////// *********** ENDTEMPORAL ************************* #include "MHFindSignificanceONOFF.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "MLog.h" #include "MLogManip.h" #include "MMinuitInterface.h" ClassImp(MHFindSignificanceONOFF); using namespace std; const TString MHFindSignificanceONOFF::gsDefName = "MHFindSignificanceONOFF"; const TString MHFindSignificanceONOFF::gsDefTitle = "Find Significance in alpha plot"; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // fcnpoly // // calculates the chi2 for the fit of the polynomial function 'poly' // to the histogram 'fhist' // // it is called by CallMinuit() (which is called in FitPolynomial()) // // bins of fhist with huge errors are ignored in the calculation of the chi2 // (the huge errors were set in 'FitPolynomial()') // static void fcnpoly(Int_t &npar, Double_t *gin, Double_t &f, Double_t *par, Int_t iflag) { TH1 *fhist = (TH1*)gMinuit->GetObjectFit(); TF1 *fpoly = fhist->GetFunction("Poly"); //------------------------------------------- Double_t chi2 = 0.0; Int_t nbins = fhist->GetNbinsX(); Int_t mbins = 0; for (Int_t i=1; i<=nbins; i++) { Double_t content = fhist->GetBinContent(i); Double_t error = fhist->GetBinError(i); Double_t center = fhist->GetBinCenter(i); //----------------------------- // ignore unwanted points if (error > 1.e19) continue; if (content <= 0.0) { gLog << "fcnpoly : bin with zero content; i, content, error = " << i << ", " << content << ", " << error << endl; continue; } if (error <= 0.0) { gLog << "fcnpoly : bin with zero error; i, content, error = " << i << ", " << content << ", " << error << endl; continue; } //----------------------------- mbins++; Double_t fu; fu = fpoly->EvalPar(¢er, par); // the fitted function must not be negative if (fu <= 0.0) { chi2 = 1.e10; break; } Double_t temp = (content - fu) / error; chi2 += temp*temp; } //------------------------------------------- f = chi2; //------------------------------------------- // final calculations //if (iflag == 3) //{ //} //------------------------------------------------------------- } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // fcnpolyOFF // // calculates the chi2 for the fit of the polynomial function 'poly' // to the histogram 'fhist' // // it is called by CallMinuit() (which is called in FitPolynomial()) // // bins of fhist with huge errors are ignored in the calculation of the chi2 // (the huge errors were set in 'FitPolynomial()') // static void fcnpolyOFF(Int_t &npar, Double_t *gin, Double_t &f, Double_t *par, Int_t iflag) { TH1 *fhist = (TH1*)gMinuit->GetObjectFit(); TF1 *fpoly = fhist->GetFunction("PolyOFF"); //------------------------------------------- Double_t chi2 = 0.0; Int_t nbins = fhist->GetNbinsX(); Int_t mbins = 0; for (Int_t i=1; i<=nbins; i++) { Double_t content = fhist->GetBinContent(i); Double_t error = fhist->GetBinError(i); Double_t center = fhist->GetBinCenter(i); //----------------------------- // ignore unwanted points if (error > 1.e19) continue; if (content <= 0.0) { gLog << "fcnpoly : bin with zero content; i, content, error = " << i << ", " << content << ", " << error << endl; continue; } if (error <= 0.0) { gLog << "fcnpoly : bin with zero error; i, content, error = " << i << ", " << content << ", " << error << endl; continue; } //----------------------------- mbins++; Double_t fu; fu = fpoly->EvalPar(¢er, par); // the fitted function must not be negative if (fu <= 0.0) { chi2 = 1.e10; break; } Double_t temp = (content - fu) / error; chi2 += temp*temp; } //------------------------------------------- f = chi2; //------------------------------------------- // final calculations //if (iflag == 3) //{ //} //------------------------------------------------------------- } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // fcnpolygauss // // calculates the chi2 for the fit of the (polynomial+Gauss) function // 'PolyGauss' to the histogram 'fhist' // // it is called by CallMinuit() (which is called in FitGaussPoly()) // // bins of fhist with huge errors are ignored in the calculation of the chi2 // (the huge errors were set in 'FitGaussPoly()') // static void fcnpolygauss(Int_t &npar, Double_t *gin, Double_t &f, Double_t *par, Int_t iflag) { TH1 *fhist = (TH1*)gMinuit->GetObjectFit(); TF1 *fpolygauss = fhist->GetFunction("PolyGauss"); //------------------------------------------- Double_t chi2 = 0.0; Int_t nbins = fhist->GetNbinsX(); Int_t mbins = 0; for (Int_t i=1; i<=nbins; i++) { Double_t content = fhist->GetBinContent(i); Double_t error = fhist->GetBinError(i); Double_t center = fhist->GetBinCenter(i); //----------------------------- // ignore unwanted points if (error > 1.e19) continue; if (content <= 0.0) { gLog << "fcnpolygauss : bin with zero content; i, content, error = " << i << ", " << content << ", " << error << endl; continue; } if (error <= 0.0) { gLog << "fcnpolygauss : bin with zero error; i, content, error = " << i << ", " << content << ", " << error << endl; continue; } //----------------------------- mbins++; Double_t fu; fu = fpolygauss->EvalPar(¢er, par); // the fitted function must not be negative if (fu <= 0.0) { chi2 = 1.e10; break; } Double_t temp = (content - fu) / error; chi2 += temp*temp; } //------------------------------------------- f = chi2; //------------------------------------------- // final calculations //if (iflag == 3) //{ //} //------------------------------------------------------------- } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Constructor // MHFindSignificanceONOFF::MHFindSignificanceONOFF(const char *name, const char *title) { fName = name ? name : gsDefName.Data(); fTitle = title ? title : gsDefTitle.Data(); // fSigVsAlpha = NULL; fPoly = NULL; fPolyOFF = NULL; fPolyOFFNormalized = NULL; fGPoly = NULL; fGBackg = NULL; fHist = NULL; fHistOrig = NULL; fHistOFF = NULL; fHistOrigOFF = NULL; fHistOFFNormalized = NULL; // allow rebinning of the alpha plot fRebin = kTRUE; // allow reducing the degree of the polynomial fReduceDegree = kTRUE; // Low and Upper limits for the OFF alpha distribution fit // are set to 0 and 90 degrees respectively fAlphaminOFF = 0.0; fAlphamaxOFF = 90.0; // use quantities computed from the fits // The variable allows the user to NOT use these quantities when there is not // enough statistics and fit not always is possible. // Default value is kTRUE. fUseFittedQuantities = kTRUE; // Bool variable used to decide wether to print or not the results // of the fit, significance, Nex... onto the final alpha plot. // for the time being, this variable is set in the constructor. // At some point, I might make it such it can be set externally... fPrintResultsOntoAlphaPlot = kTRUE; fCanvas = NULL; fSavePlots = kFALSE; // By default plots are not saved in Postscriptfiles fPsFilename = NULL; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Destructor. // // =====> it is not clear why one obtains sometimes a segmentation violation // when the destructor is active <======================= // // therefore the 'return'statement // MHFindSignificanceONOFF::~MHFindSignificanceONOFF() { return; *fLog << "destructor of MHFindSignificanceONOFF is called" << endl; fPsFilename = NULL; cout << "PS set to null... " << endl; delete fHist; delete fHistOFF; delete fHistOFFNormalized; cout << "Histos removed..." << endl; delete fPoly; delete fPolyOFF; delete fPolyOFFNormalized; delete fGPoly; delete fGBackg; cout << "Functions are also removed..." << endl; // delete fCanvas; if I removed fCanvas pointed memory address the // program crashes ??? *fLog << "destructor of MHFindSignificanceONOFF finished successfully" << endl; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Set flag fRebin // // if flag is kTRUE rebinning of the alpha plot is allowed // // void MHFindSignificanceONOFF::SetRebin(Bool_t b) { fRebin = b; *fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::SetRebin; flag fRebin set to " << (b? "kTRUE" : "kFALSE") << endl; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Set flag fReduceDegree // // if flag is kTRUE reducing of the degree of the polynomial is allowed // // void MHFindSignificanceONOFF::SetReduceDegree(Bool_t b) { fReduceDegree = b; *fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::SetReduceDegree; flag fReduceDegree set to " << (b? "kTRUE" : "kFALSE") << endl; } // Function that returns one of the 3 LiMa sigmas. // The returned value is the one used in the optimization // and final alpha plots. // For the time being, if fUseFittedQuantities = kTRUE (default) // fSigLiMa is used, otherwise, fSigLiMa2 is used. Double_t MHFindSignificanceONOFF::GetSignificance() { if(fUseFittedQuantities) { return fSigLiMa; } return fSigLiMa2; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FindSigmaONOFF // // calls FitPolynomialOFF it gets bkg events in "signal" region // from histogram histOFF which is the alpha // distribution of OFF data NON normalized. // Normalization factor is also one of the // arguments. // calls DetExcess to determine the number of excess events // using the previously computed bkg events // calls SigmaLiMa to determine the significance of the gamma signal // in the range |alpha| < alphasig // calls FitGaussPoly to fit a (polynomial+Gauss) function in the // whole |alpha| region of ON - OFF diagram // // Bool_t MHFindSignificanceONOFF::FindSigmaONOFF(TH1 *fhistON, TH1 *fhistOFF, Double_t NormFactor, Double_t alphamin, Double_t alphamax, Int_t degreeON, Int_t degreeOFF, Double_t alphasig, Bool_t drawpoly, Bool_t fitgauss, Bool_t print, Bool_t saveplots, //TPostScript* PsFile const TString psfilename) { //*fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::FindSigma;" << endl; // Pointer to object TPostScript where plots will be stored // is copied into member varialbe // NOT WORKING !!! // fPsFilename = PsFile; // Temporally (while TPostSctipt option is not working) psfiles // will be produced by the standard way (Canvas.SaveAs()) fPsFilenameString = psfilename; // "3 Li and Ma significances" are initialized to 0.0 fSigLiMa = 0.0; fSigLiMa2 = 0.0; fSigLiMa3 = 0.0; // fNormFactor is set fNormFactor = NormFactor; // Report when this histograms given in the // arguments are empty Double_t tmpdouble= -1.0; tmpdouble = double(fhistON->GetEntries()); if (tmpdouble < 0.5) { cout << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::FindSigmaONOFF; ERROR " << endl << "fhistON has ZERO entries" << endl; } tmpdouble = double(fhistOFF->GetEntries()); if (tmpdouble < 0.5) { cout << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::FindSigmaONOFF; ERROR " << endl << "fhistOFF has ZERO entries" << endl; } // Variables set for alpha from ON events fHistOrig = fhistON; fHist = (TH1*)fHistOrig->Clone(); fHist->SetName(fhistON->GetName()); fDegree = degreeON; // Variables set for alpha from OFF events fHistOrigOFF = fhistOFF; fHistOFF = (TH1*)fHistOrigOFF->Clone(); fHistOFF->SetName(fhistOFF->GetName()); fDegreeOFF = degreeOFF; if ( !fHist ) { *fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::FindSigmaONOFF; Clone of histogram could not be generated" << endl; return kFALSE; } if ( !fHistOFF ) { *fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::FindSigmaONOFF; Clone of OFF histogram could not be generated" << endl; return kFALSE; } fHist->Sumw2(); fHist->SetXTitle("|alpha| [\\circ]"); fHist->SetYTitle("Counts"); fHist->UseCurrentStyle(); fHistOFF->Sumw2(); // if error has been set (via function SetBinError(j)) // the errors set remain, i.e. are not overwritten with the sum of the square of weights. // Which means that this function will not have any effect. fHistOFF->SetXTitle("|alpha| [\\circ]"); fHistOFF->SetYTitle("Counts"); fHistOFF->UseCurrentStyle(); ///////////////////////////////////// fAlphamin = alphamin; fAlphamax = alphamax; fAlphammm = (alphamin+alphamax)/2.0; fAlphasig = alphasig; // UYpper limits for fit to OFF data set are taken also from alphamax // fAlphaminOFF is set in constructor. Inn principle, it WILL ALWAYS BE ZERO. fAlphamaxOFF = alphamax; fDraw = drawpoly; fSavePlots = saveplots; fFitGauss = fitgauss; //-------------------------------------------- // fit a polynomial in the backgr region //*fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::FindSigma; calling FitPolynomial()" << endl; if ( !FitPolynomialOFF()) { *fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::FindSigmaONOFF; PolynomialOFF failed" << endl; return kFALSE; } //-------------------------------------------- // calculate the number of excess events in the signal region //*fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::FindSigma; calling DetExcess()" << endl; if ( !DetExcessONOFF()) { *fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::FindSigmaONOFF; DetExcessONOFF failed" << endl; return kFALSE; } //-------------------------------------------- // calculate the significance of the excess //*fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::FindSigma; calling SigmaLiMa()" << endl; // For testing purposes "3 Li&Ma significances" will be computed // At some point, only one will remain Double_t siglima = 0.0; // Significance computed using effective number of OFF events in signal // region (fNoff) and gamma factor (fGama). // This is Wolfgang approach to the calulation of significance // using Li&Ma formula and estimated OFF events from polynomial fit. if(fUseFittedQuantities) { if ( !SigmaLiMa(fNon, fNoff, fGamma, &siglima) ) { *fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::FindSigmaONOFF; SigmaLiMa failed" << endl; return kFALSE; } fSigLiMa = siglima; } else { fSigLiMa = 0.0; } // Significance computed using counted number of OFF events in signal // region (fNoffSig) and normalization factor (fNormFactor). // This is the strictly speaking the significance in Li&Ma paper... if ( !SigmaLiMa(fNon, fNoffSig, fNormFactor, &siglima) ) { *fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::FindSigmaONOFF; SigmaLiMa2 failed" << endl; return kFALSE; } fSigLiMa2 = siglima; // Significance computed using counted number of OFF events in signal // region (fNoffSig) and normalization factor (fNormFactor). // significance of gamma signal according to Li & Ma using // formula (5) if ( !SigmaLiMaForm5(fNon, fNoffSig, fNormFactor, &siglima) ) { *fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::FindSigmaONOFF; SigmaLiMa failed" << endl; return kFALSE; } fSigLiMa3 = siglima; //-------------------------------------------- // calculate the error of the number of excess events // using fitted quantities and counted quantities // from fit to OFF histogram if (fSigLiMa > 0.0) {fdNexONOFFFitted = fNexONOFFFitted / fSigLiMa;} else {fdNexONOFFFitted = 0.0;} // from counted OFF events if (fSigLiMa2 > 0.0) { fdNexONOFF = fNexONOFF / fSigLiMa2; } else { fdNexONOFF = 0.0; } if (fDraw || fFitGauss) { // ------------------------------------------------ // Polynomial fit to bkg region from ON data is performed, // Because some of the quantities will be used as // initial values in the PolyGAuss fit. // Besides, this function will modify the binning of fHist // so that the number of events in each bin is big enough // This might change in future... if ( !FitPolynomial()) { *fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::FindSigmaONOFF; Polynomial fit failed" << endl; return kFALSE; } } if (fDraw) { // Compute fHistOFFNormalized if (!ComputeHistOFFNormalized()) { *fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::ComputeHistOFFNormalized; Normalization of fHistOFF was not possible" << endl; return kFALSE; } } //-------------------------------------------- //*fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::FindSigma; calling PrintPoly()" << endl; if (print) PrintPolyOFF(); //-------------------------------------------- // fit a (polynomial + Gauss) function to the ON-OFF alpha distribution if (fFitGauss) { //-------------------------------------------------- // delete objects from this fit // in order to have independent starting conditions for the next fit delete gMinuit; gMinuit = NULL; //-------------------------------------------------- //*fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::FindSigma; calling FitGaussPoly()" // << endl; if ( !FitGaussPoly() ) { *fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::FindSigmaONOFF; FitGaussPoly failed" << endl; return kFALSE; } if (print) { //*fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::FindSigma; calling PrintPolyGauss()" // << endl; PrintPolyGauss(); } } //-------------------------------------------------- // draw the histogram if requested if (fDraw) { // TEMPORALLY I will plot fHistOFF and fHistOFFNormalized (with the fits) if (!DrawHistOFF()) { *fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::DrawHistOFF; Drawing of fHistOFF was not possible" << endl; // return kFALSE; } if (!DrawHistOFFNormalized()) { *fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::DrawHistOFFNormalized; Drawing of fHistOFFNormalized was not possible" << endl; // return kFALSE; } //*fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::FindSigma; calling DrawFit()" << endl; if ( !DrawFit() ) { *fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::FindSigmaONOFF; DrawFit failed" << endl; return kFALSE; } } //-------------------------------------------------- // delete objects from this fit // in order to have independent starting conditions for the next fit delete gMinuit; gMinuit = NULL; //-------------------------------------------------- return kTRUE; } //// ********************* end sigmaonoff ************************ // UNDER CONSTRUCTION Bool_t MHFindSignificanceONOFF::SigmaVsAlphaONOFF(TH1 *fhistON, TH1 *fhistOFF, Double_t alphamin, Double_t alphamax, Int_t degree, Bool_t print) { *fLog << " MHFindSignificanceONOFF::SigmaVsAlphaONOFF still under construction !!!" << endl; return kFALSE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FitPolynomialOFF // - create a clone 'fHistOFF' of the |alpha| distribution 'fHistOrigOFF' // - fit a polynomial of degree 'fDegreeOFF' to the alpha distribution // 'fHistOFF' in the region alphaminOFF < |alpha| < alphamaxOFF Bool_t MHFindSignificanceONOFF::FitPolynomialOFF() { //-------------------------------------------------- // check the histogram : // - calculate initial values of the parameters // - check for bins with zero entries // - set minimum errors // - save the original errors // - set errors huge outside the fit range // (in 'fcnpolyOFF' points with huge errors will be ignored) Double_t dummy = 1.e20; Double_t mean; Double_t rms; Double_t nclose; Double_t nfar; Double_t a2init = 0.0; TArrayD saveError; Int_t nbins; Int_t nrebin = 1; //---------------- start while loop for rebinning ----------------- while(1) { fNzeroOFF = 0; fMbinsOFF = 0; fMlowOFF = 0; fNoffTot = 0.0; // same variables (as in fitpoly to ON data) are used // here for naming the actual values for low/up limit for fit fAlphami = 10000.0; fAlphamm = 10000.0; fAlphama = -10000.0; mean = 0.0; rms = 0.0; nclose = 0.0; nfar = 0.0; nbins = fHistOFF->GetNbinsX(); saveError.Set(nbins); for (Int_t i=1; i<=nbins; i++) { saveError[i-1] = fHistOFF->GetBinError(i); // bin should be completely contained in the fit range // (fAlphaminOFF, fAlphamaxOFF) Double_t xlo = fHistOFF->GetBinLowEdge(i); Double_t xup = fHistOFF->GetBinLowEdge(i+1); if ( xlo >= fAlphaminOFF-fEps && xlo <= fAlphamaxOFF+fEps && xup >= fAlphaminOFF-fEps && xup <= fAlphamaxOFF+fEps ) { fMbinsOFF++; if ( xlo < fAlphami ) fAlphami = xlo; if ( xup > fAlphama ) fAlphama = xup; Double_t content = fHistOFF->GetBinContent(i); // fNoffTot += content; mean += content; rms += content*content; // count events in low-alpha and high-alpha region if ( xlo >= fAlphammm-fEps && xup >= fAlphammm-fEps) { nfar += content; if ( xlo < fAlphamm ) fAlphamm = xlo; if ( xup < fAlphamm ) fAlphamm = xup; } else { nclose += content; if ( xlo > fAlphamm ) fAlphamm = xlo; if ( xup > fAlphamm ) fAlphamm = xup; } // count bins with zero entry if (content <= 0.0) { fNzeroOFF++; // The error of the bin is set to a huge number, // so that it does not have any weight in the fit fHistOFF->SetBinError(i, dummy); } // set minimum error if (content < 9.0) { fMlowOFF += 1; fHistOFF->SetBinError(i, 3.0); } //*fLog << "Take : i, content, error = " << i << ", " // << fHist->GetBinContent(i) << ", " // << fHist->GetBinError(i) << endl; continue; } // bin is not completely contained in the fit range : set error huge fHistOFF->SetBinError(i, dummy); //*fLog << "Omit : i, content, error = " << i << ", " // << fHist->GetBinContent(i) << ", " << fHist->GetBinError(i) // << endl; } // mean of entries/bin in the fit range if (fMbinsOFF > 0) { mean /= ((Double_t) fMbinsOFF); rms /= ((Double_t) fMbinsOFF); } rms = sqrt( rms - mean*mean ); // if there are no events in the background region // there is no reason for rebinning // and this is the condition for assuming a constant background (= 0) if (mean <= 0.0) break; Double_t helpmi = fAlphami*fAlphami*fAlphami; Double_t helpmm = fAlphamm*fAlphamm*fAlphamm; Double_t helpma = fAlphama*fAlphama*fAlphama; Double_t help = (helpma-helpmm) * (fAlphamm-fAlphami) - (helpmm-helpmi) * (fAlphama-fAlphamm); if (help != 0.0) a2init = ( (fAlphamm-fAlphami)*nfar - (fAlphama-fAlphamm)*nclose ) * 1.5 * fHistOFF->GetBinWidth(1) / help; else a2init = 0.0; //-------------------------------------------- // rebin the histogram // - if a bin has no entries // - or if there are too many bins with too few entries // - or if the new bin width would exceed half the size of the // signal region if ( !fRebin || ( fNzeroOFF <= 0 && (Double_t)fMlowOFF<0.05*(Double_t)fMbinsOFF ) || (Double_t)(nrebin+1)/(Double_t)nrebin * fHistOFF->GetBinWidth(1) > fAlphasig/2.0 ) { //*fLog << "before break" << endl; break; } nrebin += 1; TString histname = fHistOFF->GetName(); delete fHistOFF; fHistOFF = NULL; *fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::FitPolynomialOFF; rebin the |alpha|OFF plot, grouping " << nrebin << " bins together" << endl; // TH1::Rebin doesn't work properly //fHist = fHistOrig->Rebin(nrebin, "Rebinned"); // use private routine RebinHistogram() fHistOFF = new TH1F; fHistOFF->Sumw2(); fHistOFF->SetNameTitle(histname, histname); fHistOFF->UseCurrentStyle(); // do rebinning such that x0 remains a lower bin edge Double_t x0 = 0.0; if ( !RebinHistogramOFF(x0, nrebin) ) { *fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::FitPolynomialOFF; RebinHistgramOFF() failed" << endl; return kFALSE; } fHistOFF->SetXTitle("|alpha| [\\circ]"); fHistOFF->SetYTitle("Counts"); } //---------------- end of while loop for rebinning ----------------- // if there are still too many bins with too few entries don't fit // and assume a constant background fConstantBackg = kFALSE; // Condition for disabling the fitting procedure and // assuming a constant background (before Nov 2004) // if ( fNzeroOFF > 0 || (Double_t)fMlowOFF>0.05*(Double_t)fMbinsOFF ) // Condition for disabling the fitting procedure and // assuming a constant background (After Nov 01 2004) // I softened the condition to allow the fit also in situations // where the reduction of the background is such that very // few events survived; which is // Specially frequent with Random Forest at high Sizes) if ( (Double_t)fNzeroOFF > 0.1*(Double_t)fMbinsOFF || (Double_t)fMlowOFF > 0.2*(Double_t)fMbinsOFF ) { *fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::FitPolynomialOFF; polynomial fit not possible, fNzeroOFF, fMlowOFF, fMbinsOFF = " << fNzeroOFF << ", " << fMlowOFF << ", " << fMbinsOFF << endl; *fLog << " assume a constant background" << endl; fConstantBackg = kTRUE; fDegreeOFF = 0; TString funcname = "PolyOFF"; Double_t xmin = 0.0; Double_t xmax = 90.0; TString formula = "[0]"; fPolyOFF = new TF1(funcname, formula, xmin, xmax); TList *funclist = fHistOFF->GetListOfFunctions(); funclist->Add(fPolyOFF); //-------------------- Int_t nparfree = 1; fChisqOFF = 0.0; fNdfOFF = fMbinsOFF - nparfree; fProbOFF = 0.0; fIstatOFF = 0; fValuesOFF.Set(1); fErrorsOFF.Set(1); Double_t val, err; val = mean; err = rms; // sqrt( mean / (Double_t)fMbinsOFF ); fPolyOFF->SetParameter(0, val); fPolyOFF->SetParError (0, err); fValuesOFF[0] = val; fErrorsOFF[0] = err; fEmaOFF[0][0] = err*err; fCorrOFF[0][0] = 1.0; //-------------------- //-------------------------------------------------- // reset the errors of the points in the histogram for (Int_t i=1; i<=nbins; i++) { fHistOFF->SetBinError(i, saveError[i-1]); } return kTRUE; } //=========== start loop for reducing the degree ================== // of the polynomial while (1) { //-------------------------------------------------- // prepare fit of a polynomial : (a0 + a1*x + a2*x**2 + a3*x**3 + ...) TString funcname = "PolyOFF"; Double_t xmin = 0.0; Double_t xmax = 90.0; TString formula = "[0]"; TString bra1 = "+["; TString bra2 = "]"; TString xpower = "*x"; TString newpower = "*x"; for (Int_t i=1; i<=fDegreeOFF; i++) { formula += bra1; formula += i; formula += bra2; formula += xpower; xpower += newpower; } //*fLog << "FitPolynomial : formula = " << formula << endl; fPolyOFF = new TF1(funcname, formula, xmin, xmax); TList *funclist = fHistOFF->GetListOfFunctions(); funclist->Add(fPolyOFF); //------------------------ // attention : the dimensions must agree with those in CallMinuit() const UInt_t npar = fDegreeOFF+1; TString parname[npar]; TArrayD vinit(npar); TArrayD step(npar); TArrayD limlo(npar); TArrayD limup(npar); TArrayI fix(npar); vinit[0] = mean; vinit[2] = a2init; for (UInt_t j=0; jGetEntries(); // use the subsequernt loop if you want to apply the // constraint : uneven derivatives (at alpha=0) = zero for (UInt_t j=1; jmnstat(fmin, fedm, errdef, npari, nparx, fIstatOFF); *fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::FitPolynomialOFF; fmin, fedm, errdef, npari, nparx, fIstat = " << fmin << ", " << fedm << ", " << errdef << ", " << npari << ", " << nparx << ", " << fIstatOFF << endl; //------------------- // store the results Int_t nparfree = gMinuit!=NULL ? gMinuit->GetNumFreePars() : 0; fChisqOFF = fmin; fNdfOFF = fMbinsOFF - nparfree; fProbOFF = TMath::Prob(fChisqOFF, fNdfOFF); // get fitted parameter values and errors fValuesOFF.Set(npar); fErrorsOFF.Set(npar); for (Int_t j=0; j<=fDegreeOFF; j++) { Double_t val, err; if (gMinuit) gMinuit->GetParameter(j, val, err); fPolyOFF->SetParameter(j, val); fPolyOFF->SetParError(j, err); fValuesOFF[j] = val; fErrorsOFF[j] = err; } // if the highest coefficient (j0) of the polynomial // is consistent with zero reduce the degree of the polynomial Int_t j0 = 0; for (Int_t j=fDegreeOFF; j>1; j--) { // ignore fixed parameters if (fErrorsOFF[j] == 0) continue; // this is the highest coefficient j0 = j; break; } if (!fReduceDegree || j0==0 || TMath::Abs(fValuesOFF[j0]) > fErrorsOFF[j0]) break; // reduce the degree of the polynomial *fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::FitPolynomialOFF; reduce the degree of the polynomial from " << fDegreeOFF << " to " << (j0-2) << endl; fDegreeOFF = j0 - 2; funclist->Remove(fPolyOFF); //if (fPoly) delete fPolyOFF; fPolyOFF = NULL; // delete the Minuit object in order to have independent starting // conditions for the next minimization //if (gMinuit) delete gMinuit; gMinuit = NULL; } //=========== end of loop for reducing the degree ================== // of the polynomial //-------------------------------------------------- // get the error matrix of the fitted parameters if (fIstatOFF >= 1) { // error matrix was calculated if (gMinuit) gMinuit->mnemat(&fEmatOFF[0][0], fNdimOFF); // copy covariance matrix into a matrix which includes also the fixed // parameters TString name; Double_t bnd1, bnd2, val, err; Int_t jvarbl; Int_t kvarbl; for (Int_t j=0; j<=fDegreeOFF; j++) { if (gMinuit) gMinuit->mnpout(j, name, val, err, bnd1, bnd2, jvarbl); for (Int_t k=0; k<=fDegreeOFF; k++) { if (gMinuit) gMinuit->mnpout(k, name, val, err, bnd1, bnd2, kvarbl); fEmaOFF[j][k] = jvarbl==0 || kvarbl==0 ? 0 : fEmatOFF[jvarbl-1][kvarbl-1]; } } } else { // error matrix was not calculated, construct it *fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::FitPolynomialOFF; error matrix not defined" << endl; for (Int_t j=0; j<=fDegreeOFF; j++) { for (Int_t k=0; k<=fDegreeOFF; k++) fEmaOFF[j][k] = 0; fEmaOFF[j][j] = fErrorsOFF[j]*fErrorsOFF[j]; } } //-------------------------------------------------- // calculate correlation matrix for (Int_t j=0; j<=fDegreeOFF; j++) { for (Int_t k=0; k<=fDegreeOFF; k++) { const Double_t sq = fEmaOFF[j][j]*fEmaOFF[k][k]; fCorrOFF[j][k] = sq == 0 ? 0 : (fEmaOFF[j][k] / TMath::Sqrt(fEmaOFF[j][j]*fEmaOFF[k][k])); } } //-------------------------------------------------- // reset the errors of the points in the histogram for (Int_t i=1; i<=nbins; i++) { fHistOFF->SetBinError(i, saveError[i-1]); } return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FitPolynomial // // - create a clone 'fHist' of the |alpha| distribution 'fHistOrig' // - fit a polynomial of degree 'fDegree' to the alpha distribution // 'fHist' in the region alphamin < |alpha| < alphamax // // in pathological cases the histogram is rebinned before fitting // (this is done only if fRebin is kTRUE) // // if the highest coefficient of the polynomial is compatible with zero // the fit is repeated with a polynomial of lower degree // (this is done only if fReduceDegree is kTRUE) // // Bool_t MHFindSignificanceONOFF::FitPolynomial() { //-------------------------------------------------- // check the histogram : // - calculate initial values of the parameters // - check for bins with zero entries // - set minimum errors // - save the original errors // - set errors huge outside the fit range // (in 'fcnpoly' points with huge errors will be ignored) Double_t dummy = 1.e20; Double_t mean; Double_t rms; Double_t nclose; Double_t nfar; Double_t a2init = 0.0; TArrayD saveError; Int_t nbins; Int_t nrebin = 1; //---------------- start while loop for rebinning ----------------- while(1) { fNzero = 0; fMbins = 0; fMlow = 0; fNbgtot = 0.0; fAlphami = 10000.0; fAlphamm = 10000.0; fAlphama = -10000.0; mean = 0.0; rms = 0.0; nclose = 0.0; nfar = 0.0; nbins = fHist->GetNbinsX(); saveError.Set(nbins); for (Int_t i=1; i<=nbins; i++) { saveError[i-1] = fHist->GetBinError(i); // bin should be completely contained in the fit range // (fAlphamin, fAlphamax) Double_t xlo = fHist->GetBinLowEdge(i); Double_t xup = fHist->GetBinLowEdge(i+1); if ( xlo >= fAlphamin-fEps && xlo <= fAlphamax+fEps && xup >= fAlphamin-fEps && xup <= fAlphamax+fEps ) { fMbins++; if ( xlo < fAlphami ) fAlphami = xlo; if ( xup > fAlphama ) fAlphama = xup; Double_t content = fHist->GetBinContent(i); fNbgtot += content; mean += content; rms += content*content; // count events in low-alpha and high-alpha region if ( xlo >= fAlphammm-fEps && xup >= fAlphammm-fEps) { nfar += content; if ( xlo < fAlphamm ) fAlphamm = xlo; if ( xup < fAlphamm ) fAlphamm = xup; } else { nclose += content; if ( xlo > fAlphamm ) fAlphamm = xlo; if ( xup > fAlphamm ) fAlphamm = xup; } // count bins with zero entry if (content <= 0.0) { fNzero++; // The error of the bin is set to a huge number, // so that it does not have any weight in the fit fHistOFF->SetBinError(i, dummy); } // set minimum error if (content < 9.0) { fMlow += 1; fHist->SetBinError(i, 3.0); } //*fLog << "Take : i, content, error = " << i << ", " // << fHist->GetBinContent(i) << ", " // << fHist->GetBinError(i) << endl; continue; } // bin is not completely contained in the fit range : set error huge fHist->SetBinError(i, dummy); //*fLog << "Omit : i, content, error = " << i << ", " // << fHist->GetBinContent(i) << ", " << fHist->GetBinError(i) // << endl; } // mean of entries/bin in the fit range if (fMbins > 0) { mean /= ((Double_t) fMbins); rms /= ((Double_t) fMbins); } rms = sqrt( rms - mean*mean ); // if there are no events in the background region // there is no reason for rebinning // and this is the condition for assuming a constant background (= 0) if (mean <= 0.0) break; Double_t helpmi = fAlphami*fAlphami*fAlphami; Double_t helpmm = fAlphamm*fAlphamm*fAlphamm; Double_t helpma = fAlphama*fAlphama*fAlphama; Double_t help = (helpma-helpmm) * (fAlphamm-fAlphami) - (helpmm-helpmi) * (fAlphama-fAlphamm); if (help != 0.0) a2init = ( (fAlphamm-fAlphami)*nfar - (fAlphama-fAlphamm)*nclose ) * 1.5 * fHist->GetBinWidth(1) / help; else a2init = 0.0; //-------------------------------------------- // rebin the histogram // - if a bin has no entries // - or if there are too many bins with too few entries // - or if the new bin width would exceed half the size of the // signal region if ( !fRebin || ( fNzero <= 0 && (Double_t)fMlow<0.05*(Double_t)fMbins ) || (Double_t)(nrebin+1)/(Double_t)nrebin * fHist->GetBinWidth(1) > fAlphasig/2.0 ) { //*fLog << "before break" << endl; break; } nrebin += 1; TString histname = fHist->GetName(); delete fHist; fHist = NULL; *fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::FitPolynomial; rebin the |alpha| plot, grouping " << nrebin << " bins together" << endl; // TH1::Rebin doesn't work properly //fHist = fHistOrig->Rebin(nrebin, "Rebinned"); // use private routine RebinHistogram() fHist = new TH1F; fHist->Sumw2(); fHist->SetNameTitle(histname, histname); fHist->UseCurrentStyle(); // do rebinning such that x0 remains a lower bin edge Double_t x0 = 0.0; if ( !RebinHistogram(x0, nrebin) ) { *fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::FitPolynomial; RebinHistgram() failed" << endl; return kFALSE; } fHist->SetXTitle("|alpha| [\\circ]"); fHist->SetYTitle("Counts"); } //---------------- end of while loop for rebinning ----------------- // if there are still too many bins with too few entries don't fit // and assume a constant background fConstantBackg = kFALSE; // Condition for disabling the fitting procedure and // assuming a constant background (before Nov 2004) // if ( fNzero > 0 || (Double_t)fMlow>0.05*(Double_t)fMbins ) // Condition for disabling the fitting procedure and // assuming a constant background (After Nov 01 2004) // I softened the condition to allow the fit also in situations // where the reduction of the background is such that very // few events survived; which is // Specially frequent with Random Forest at high Sizes) if ( (Double_t)fNzero > 0.1*(Double_t)fMbins || (Double_t)fMlow > 0.2*(Double_t)fMbins ) { *fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::FitPolynomial; polynomial fit not possible, fNzero, fMlow, fMbins = " << fNzero << ", " << fMlow << ", " << fMbins << endl; *fLog << " assume a constant background" << endl; fConstantBackg = kTRUE; fDegree = 0; TString funcname = "Poly"; Double_t xmin = 0.0; Double_t xmax = 90.0; TString formula = "[0]"; fPoly = new TF1(funcname, formula, xmin, xmax); TList *funclist = fHist->GetListOfFunctions(); funclist->Add(fPoly); //-------------------- Int_t nparfree = 1; fChisq = 0.0; fNdf = fMbins - nparfree; fProb = 0.0; fIstat = 0; fValues.Set(1); fErrors.Set(1); Double_t val, err; val = mean; err = rms; // sqrt( mean / (Double_t)fMbins ); fPoly->SetParameter(0, val); fPoly->SetParError (0, err); fValues[0] = val; fErrors[0] = err; fEma[0][0] = err*err; fCorr[0][0] = 1.0; //-------------------- //-------------------------------------------------- // reset the errors of the points in the histogram for (Int_t i=1; i<=nbins; i++) { fHist->SetBinError(i, saveError[i-1]); } return kTRUE; } //=========== start loop for reducing the degree ================== // of the polynomial while (1) { //-------------------------------------------------- // prepare fit of a polynomial : (a0 + a1*x + a2*x**2 + a3*x**3 + ...) TString funcname = "Poly"; Double_t xmin = 0.0; Double_t xmax = 90.0; TString formula = "[0]"; TString bra1 = "+["; TString bra2 = "]"; TString xpower = "*x"; TString newpower = "*x"; for (Int_t i=1; i<=fDegree; i++) { formula += bra1; formula += i; formula += bra2; formula += xpower; xpower += newpower; } //*fLog << "FitPolynomial : formula = " << formula << endl; fPoly = new TF1(funcname, formula, xmin, xmax); TList *funclist = fHist->GetListOfFunctions(); funclist->Add(fPoly); //------------------------ // attention : the dimensions must agree with those in CallMinuit() const UInt_t npar = fDegree+1; TString parname[npar]; TArrayD vinit(npar); TArrayD step(npar); TArrayD limlo(npar); TArrayD limup(npar); TArrayI fix(npar); vinit[0] = mean; vinit[2] = a2init; for (UInt_t j=0; jGetEntries(); // use the subsequernt loop if you want to apply the // constraint : uneven derivatives (at alpha=0) = zero for (UInt_t j=1; jmnstat(fmin, fedm, errdef, npari, nparx, fIstat); *fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::FitPolynomial; fmin, fedm, errdef, npari, nparx, fIstat = " << fmin << ", " << fedm << ", " << errdef << ", " << npari << ", " << nparx << ", " << fIstat << endl; //------------------- // store the results Int_t nparfree = gMinuit!=NULL ? gMinuit->GetNumFreePars() : 0; fChisq = fmin; fNdf = fMbins - nparfree; fProb = TMath::Prob(fChisq, fNdf); // get fitted parameter values and errors fValues.Set(npar); fErrors.Set(npar); for (Int_t j=0; j<=fDegree; j++) { Double_t val, err; if (gMinuit) gMinuit->GetParameter(j, val, err); fPoly->SetParameter(j, val); fPoly->SetParError(j, err); fValues[j] = val; fErrors[j] = err; } //-------------------------------------------------- // if the highest coefficient (j0) of the polynomial // is consistent with zero reduce the degree of the polynomial Int_t j0 = 0; for (Int_t j=fDegree; j>1; j--) { // ignore fixed parameters if (fErrors[j] == 0) continue; // this is the highest coefficient j0 = j; break; } if (!fReduceDegree || j0==0 || TMath::Abs(fValues[j0]) > fErrors[j0]) break; // reduce the degree of the polynomial *fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::FitPolynomial; reduce the degree of the polynomial from " << fDegree << " to " << (j0-2) << endl; fDegree = j0 - 2; funclist->Remove(fPoly); //if (fPoly) delete fPoly; fPoly = NULL; // delete the Minuit object in order to have independent starting // conditions for the next minimization //if (gMinuit) delete gMinuit; gMinuit = NULL; } //=========== end of loop for reducing the degree ================== // of the polynomial //-------------------------------------------------- // get the error matrix of the fitted parameters if (fIstat >= 1) { // error matrix was calculated if (gMinuit) gMinuit->mnemat(&fEmat[0][0], fNdim); // copy covariance matrix into a matrix which includes also the fixed // parameters TString name; Double_t bnd1, bnd2, val, err; Int_t jvarbl; Int_t kvarbl; for (Int_t j=0; j<=fDegree; j++) { if (gMinuit) gMinuit->mnpout(j, name, val, err, bnd1, bnd2, jvarbl); for (Int_t k=0; k<=fDegree; k++) { if (gMinuit) gMinuit->mnpout(k, name, val, err, bnd1, bnd2, kvarbl); fEma[j][k] = jvarbl==0 || kvarbl==0 ? 0 : fEmat[jvarbl-1][kvarbl-1]; } } } else { // error matrix was not calculated, construct it *fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::FitPolynomial; error matrix not defined" << endl; for (Int_t j=0; j<=fDegree; j++) { for (Int_t k=0; k<=fDegree; k++) fEma[j][k] = 0; fEma[j][j] = fErrors[j]*fErrors[j]; } } //-------------------------------------------------- // calculate correlation matrix for (Int_t j=0; j<=fDegree; j++) for (Int_t k=0; k<=fDegree; k++) { const Double_t sq = fEma[j][j]*fEma[k][k]; fCorr[j][k] = sq==0 ? 0 : fEma[j][k] / TMath::Sqrt(fEma[j][j]*fEma[k][k]); } //-------------------------------------------------- // reset the errors of the points in the histogram for (Int_t i=1; i<=nbins; i++) fHist->SetBinError(i, saveError[i-1]); return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // ReBinHistogramOFF // // rebin the histogram 'fHistOrig' by grouping 'nrebin' bins together // put the result into the histogram 'fHist' // the rebinning is made such that 'x0' remains a lower bound of a bin // Bool_t MHFindSignificanceONOFF::RebinHistogramOFF(Double_t x0, Int_t nrebin) { //----------------------------------------- // search bin i0 which has x0 as lower edge Int_t i0 = -1; Int_t nbold = fHistOrigOFF->GetNbinsX(); for (Int_t i=1; i<=nbold; i++) { if (TMath::Abs(fHistOrigOFF->GetBinLowEdge(i) - x0) < 1.e-4 ) { i0 = i; break; } } if (i0 == -1) { i0 = 1; *fLog << "MHFindsignificanceOFF::RebinOFF; no bin found with " << x0 << " as lower edge, start rebinning with bin 1" << endl; } Int_t istart = i0 - nrebin * ( (i0-1)/nrebin ); //----------------------------------------- // get new bin edges const Int_t nbnew = (nbold-istart+1) / nrebin; const Double_t xmin = fHistOrigOFF->GetBinLowEdge(istart); const Double_t xmax = xmin + (Double_t)nbnew * nrebin * fHistOrigOFF->GetBinWidth(1); fHistOFF->SetBins(nbnew, xmin, xmax); *fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::ReBinOFF; x0, i0, nbold, nbnew, xmin, xmax = " << x0 << ", " << i0 << ", " << nbold << ", " << nbnew << ", " << xmin << ", " << xmax << endl; //----------------------------------------- // get new bin entries for (Int_t i=1; i<=nbnew; i++) { Int_t j = nrebin*(i-1) + istart; Double_t content = 0; Double_t error2 = 0; for (Int_t k=0; kGetBinContent(j+k); error2 += fHistOrigOFF->GetBinError(j+k) * fHistOrigOFF->GetBinError(j+k); } fHistOFF->SetBinContent(i, content); fHistOFF->SetBinError (i, sqrt(error2)); } fHistOFF->SetEntries( fHistOrigOFF->GetEntries() ); return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // ReBinHistogram // // rebin the histogram 'fHistOrig' by grouping 'nrebin' bins together // put the result into the histogram 'fHist' // the rebinning is made such that 'x0' remains a lower bound of a bin // Bool_t MHFindSignificanceONOFF::RebinHistogram(Double_t x0, Int_t nrebin) { //----------------------------------------- // search bin i0 which has x0 as lower edge Int_t i0 = -1; Int_t nbold = fHistOrig->GetNbinsX(); for (Int_t i=1; i<=nbold; i++) { if (TMath::Abs(fHistOrig->GetBinLowEdge(i) - x0) < 1.e-4 ) { i0 = i; break; } } if (i0 == -1) { i0 = 1; *fLog << "MHFindsignificance::Rebin; no bin found with " << x0 << " as lower edge, start rebinning with bin 1" << endl; } Int_t istart = i0 - nrebin * ( (i0-1)/nrebin ); //----------------------------------------- // get new bin edges const Int_t nbnew = (nbold-istart+1) / nrebin; const Double_t xmin = fHistOrig->GetBinLowEdge(istart); const Double_t xmax = xmin + (Double_t)nbnew * nrebin * fHistOrig->GetBinWidth(1); fHist->SetBins(nbnew, xmin, xmax); *fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::ReBin; x0, i0, nbold, nbnew, xmin, xmax = " << x0 << ", " << i0 << ", " << nbold << ", " << nbnew << ", " << xmin << ", " << xmax << endl; //----------------------------------------- // get new bin entries for (Int_t i=1; i<=nbnew; i++) { Int_t j = nrebin*(i-1) + istart; Double_t content = 0; Double_t error2 = 0; for (Int_t k=0; kGetBinContent(j+k); error2 += fHistOrig->GetBinError(j+k) * fHistOrig->GetBinError(j+k); } fHist->SetBinContent(i, content); fHist->SetBinError (i, sqrt(error2)); } fHist->SetEntries( fHistOrig->GetEntries() ); return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FitGaussPoly // // fits a (Gauss + polynomial function) to the alpha distribution 'fhist' // // Bool_t MHFindSignificanceONOFF::FitGaussPoly() { *fLog << "Entry FitGaussPoly" << endl; //-------------------------------------------------- // check the histogram : // - calculate initial values of the parameters // - check for bins with zero entries // - set minimum errors // - save the original errors // - set errors huge outside the fit range // (in 'fcnpoly' points with huge errors will be ignored) Double_t dummy = 1.e20; fGNzero = 0; fGMbins = 0; //------------------------------------------ // if a constant background has been assumed (due to low statistics) // fit only in the signal region if ( !fConstantBackg ) { fAlphalow = 0.0; fAlphahig = fAlphamax; } else { fAlphalow = 0.0; fAlphahig = 2.0*fAlphasig>25.0 ? 25.0 : 2.0*fAlphasig; } //------------------------------------------ fAlphalo = 10000.0; fAlphahi = -10000.0; Int_t nbins = fHist->GetNbinsX(); TArrayD saveError(nbins); for (Int_t i=1; i<=nbins; i++) { saveError[i-1] = fHist->GetBinError(i); // bin should be completely contained in the fit range // (fAlphalow, fAlphahig) Double_t xlo = fHist->GetBinLowEdge(i); Double_t xup = fHist->GetBinLowEdge(i+1); if ( xlo >= fAlphalow-fEps && xlo <= fAlphahig+fEps && xup >= fAlphalow-fEps && xup <= fAlphahig+fEps ) { fGMbins++; if ( xlo < fAlphalo ) fAlphalo = xlo; if ( xup > fAlphahi ) fAlphahi = xup; Double_t content = fHist->GetBinContent(i); // count bins with zero entry if (content <= 0.0) fGNzero++; // set minimum error if (content < 9.0) fHist->SetBinError(i, 3.0); //*fLog << "Take : i, content, error = " << i << ", " // << fHist->GetBinContent(i) << ", " // << fHist->GetBinError(i) << endl; continue; } // bin is not completely contained in the fit range : set error huge fHist->SetBinError(i, dummy); //*fLog << "Omit : i, content, error = " << i << ", " // << fHist->GetBinContent(i) << ", " << fHist->GetBinError(i) // << endl; } // if a bin has no entries don't fit if (fGNzero > 0) { *fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::FitGaussPoly; out of " << fGMbins << " bins there are " << fGNzero << " bins with zero entry" << endl; fGPoly = NULL; return kFALSE; } //-------------------------------------------------- // prepare fit of a (polynomial+Gauss) : // (a0 + a1*x + a2*x**2 + a3*x**3 + ...) + A*exp( -0.5*((x-x0)/sigma)**2 ) TString funcname = "PolyGauss"; Double_t xmin = 0.0; Double_t xmax = 90.0; TString xpower = "*x"; TString newpower = "*x"; TString formulaBackg = "[0]"; for (Int_t i=1; i<=fDegree; i++) formulaBackg += Form("+[%d]*x^%d", i, i); const TString formulaGauss = Form("[%d]/[%d]*exp(-0.5*((x-[%d])/[%d])^2)", fDegree+1, fDegree+3, fDegree+2, fDegree+3); TString formula = formulaBackg; formula += "+"; formula += formulaGauss; *fLog << "FitGaussPoly : formulaBackg = " << formulaBackg << endl; *fLog << "FitGaussPoly : formulaGauss = " << formulaGauss << endl; *fLog << "FitGaussPoly : formula = " << formula << endl; fGPoly = new TF1(funcname, formula, xmin, xmax); TList *funclist = fHist->GetListOfFunctions(); funclist->Add(fGPoly); fGBackg = new TF1("Backg", formulaBackg, xmin, xmax); //funclist->Add(fGBackg); //------------------------ // attention : the dimensions must agree with those in CallMinuit() Int_t npar = fDegree+1 + 3; TString parname[npar]; TArrayD vinit(npar); TArrayD step(npar); TArrayD limlo(npar); TArrayD limup(npar); TArrayI fix(npar); // take as initial values for the polynomial // the result from the polynomial fit for (Int_t j=0; j<=fDegree; j++) vinit[j] = fPoly->GetParameter(j); Double_t sigma = 8; vinit[fDegree+1] = 2.0 * fNexONOFF * fHist->GetBinWidth(1) / TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Pi()*2); vinit[fDegree+2] = 0; vinit[fDegree+3] = sigma; *fLog << "FitGaussPoly : starting value for Gauss-amplitude = " << vinit[fDegree+1] << endl; for (Int_t j=0; jGetEntries()*10; // limit the sigma of the Gauss function limup[fDegree+3] = 20; // use the subsequernt loop if you want to apply the // constraint : uneven derivatives (at alpha=0) = zero for (Int_t j=1; j<=fDegree; j+=2) { vinit[j] = 0; step[j] = 0; fix[j] = 1; } // fix position of Gauss function vinit[fDegree+2] = 0; step[fDegree+2] = 0; fix[fDegree+2] = 1; // if a constant background has been assumed (due to low statistics) // fix the background if (fConstantBackg) { step[0] = 0; fix[0] = 1; } MMinuitInterface inter; const Bool_t rc = inter.CallMinuit(fcnpolygauss, parname, vinit, step, limlo, limup, fix, fHist, "Migrad", kFALSE); if (rc != 0) { // *fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::FitGaussPoly; (polynomial+Gauss) fit failed" // << endl; // return kFALSE; } //------------------- // get status of the minimization Double_t fmin; Double_t fedm; Double_t errdef; Int_t npari; Int_t nparx; if (gMinuit) gMinuit->mnstat(fmin, fedm, errdef, npari, nparx, fGIstat); *fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::FitGaussPoly; fmin, fedm, errdef, npari, nparx, fGIstat = " << fmin << ", " << fedm << ", " << errdef << ", " << npari << ", " << nparx << ", " << fGIstat << endl; //------------------- // store the results Int_t nparfree = gMinuit!=NULL ? gMinuit->GetNumFreePars() : 0; fGChisq = fmin; fGNdf = fGMbins - nparfree; fGProb = TMath::Prob(fGChisq, fGNdf); // get fitted parameter values and errors fGValues.Set(npar); fGErrors.Set(npar); for (Int_t j=0; jGetParameter(j, val, err); fGPoly->SetParameter(j, val); fGPoly->SetParError(j, err); fGValues[j] = val; fGErrors[j] = err; if (j <=fDegree) { fGBackg->SetParameter(j, val); fGBackg->SetParError(j, err); } } fSigmaGauss = fGValues[fDegree+3]; fdSigmaGauss = fGErrors[fDegree+3]; // fitted total number of excess events fNexGauss = fGValues[fDegree+1] * TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Pi()*2) / (fHist->GetBinWidth(1)*2 ); fdNexGauss = fNexGauss * fGErrors[fDegree+1]/fGValues[fDegree+1]; //-------------------------------------------------- // get the error matrix of the fitted parameters if (fGIstat >= 1) { // error matrix was calculated if (gMinuit) gMinuit->mnemat(&fGEmat[0][0], fGNdim); // copy covariance matrix into a matrix which includes also the fixed // parameters TString name; Double_t bnd1, bnd2, val, err; Int_t jvarbl; Int_t kvarbl; for (Int_t j=0; jmnpout(j, name, val, err, bnd1, bnd2, jvarbl); for (Int_t k=0; kmnpout(k, name, val, err, bnd1, bnd2, kvarbl); fGEma[j][k] = jvarbl==0 || kvarbl==0 ? 0 : fGEmat[jvarbl-1][kvarbl-1]; } } } else { // error matrix was not calculated, construct it *fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::FitPolynomial; error matrix not defined" << endl; for (Int_t j=0; jSetBinError(i, saveError[i-1]); return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // DetExcessONOFF // // using the result of the polynomial fit (fValuesOFF), DetExcessONOFF determines // // - the total number of events in the signal region (fNon) // - the number of backgound events (fitted) in the signal region (fNoffSigFitted) // - the number of OFF (normalized evetns) in the alpha OFF distribution (fNoffSig) // - the number of excess events (fNexONOFF) // - the number of excess events using the fitted OFF (fNexONOFFFitted) // - the effective number of background events (fNoff), and fGamma : // fNoffSigFitted = fGamma * fNoff; fdNoffSigFitted = fGamma * sqrt(fNoff); // // It assumed that the polynomial is defined as // a0 + a1*x + a2*x**2 + a3*x**3 + .. // // and that the alpha distribution has the range 0 < alpha < 90 degrees // Bool_t MHFindSignificanceONOFF::DetExcessONOFF() { //*fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::DetExcessONOFF;" << endl; //-------------------------------------------- // calculate the total number of events (fNon) in the signal region fNon = 0.0; fdNon = 0.0; Double_t alphaup = -1000.0; Double_t binwidth = fHist->GetBinWidth(1); Int_t nbins = fHist->GetNbinsX(); for (Int_t i=1; i<=nbins; i++) { Double_t xlo = fHist->GetBinLowEdge(i); Double_t xup = fHist->GetBinLowEdge(i+1); // bin must be completely contained in the signal region if ( xlo <= (fAlphasig+fEps) && xup <= (fAlphasig+fEps) ) { Double_t width = fabs(xup-xlo); if (fabs(width-binwidth) > fEps) { *fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::DetExcessONOFF; alpha plot has variable binning, which is not allowed" << endl; return kFALSE; } if (xup > alphaup) alphaup = xup; fNon += fHist->GetBinContent(i); fdNon += fHist->GetBinError(i) * fHist->GetBinError(i); } } fdNon = sqrt(fdNon); *fLog << "MHFindSignificamceONOFF::DetExcessONOFF:" << endl << "fNon = " << fNon << " ; fdNon = " << fdNon << endl; // tmp //if (fNon == 0) //{ // cout << "ERROR... WITH COUNTED OF ON EVETNS: fAlphasig, fEps = " // << fAlphasig << ", " << fEps << endl; // fHist-> DrawCopy(); // gPad -> SaveAs("HistON.ps"); //} // endtmp // the actual signal range is : if (alphaup == -1000.0) return kFALSE; fAlphasi = alphaup; //*fLog << "fAlphasi, fNon, fdNon, binwidth, fDegree = " << fAlphasi << ", " // << fNon << ", " << fdNon << ", " << binwidth << ", " // << fDegree << endl; // Calculate the number of OFF events in the signal region // ___________________________________________________ fNoffSig = 0.0; fdNoffSig = 0.0; Double_t alphaupOFF = -1000.0; Double_t binwidthOFF = fHistOFF->GetBinWidth(1); Int_t nbinsOFF = fHistOFF->GetNbinsX(); for (Int_t i=1; i<=nbinsOFF; i++) { Double_t xlo = fHistOFF->GetBinLowEdge(i); Double_t xup = fHistOFF->GetBinLowEdge(i+1); // bin must be completely contained in the signal region if ( xlo <= (fAlphasig+fEps) && xup <= (fAlphasig+fEps) ) { Double_t width = fabs(xup-xlo); if (fabs(width-binwidthOFF) > fEps) { *fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::DetExcessONOFF; alphaOFF plot has variable binning, which is not allowed" << endl; return kFALSE; } if (xup > alphaupOFF) alphaup = xup; fNoffSig += fHistOFF->GetBinContent(i); fdNoffSig += fHistOFF->GetBinError(i) * fHistOFF->GetBinError(i); } } fdNoffSig = sqrt(fdNoffSig); // tmp //if (fNoffSig == 0) //{ // cout << "ERROR... WITH COUNTED OF OFF EVETNS: fAlphasig, fEps = " // << fAlphasig << ", " << fEps << endl; // fHistOFF-> DrawCopy(); // gPad -> SaveAs("HistOFF.ps"); //} //endtmp // the actual signal range is : if (alphaup == -1000.0) return kFALSE; fAlphasiOFF = alphaup; if (fabs(fAlphasiOFF - fAlphasi) > fEps) { *fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::DetExcessONOFF; fAlphasiOFF (" << fAlphasiOFF << ") is not equal to fAlphasi (" << fAlphasi << "), this is something that should not happen" << endl; //return kFALSE; It might happen in pathological cases (very few OFF) // and I want to see the results, anyhow } // Calculate the number of OFF events in the total OFF region // defined by fAlphaminOFF and fAlphamaxOFF // ___________________________________________________ fNoffTot = 0.0; fdNoffTot = 0.0; for (Int_t i=1; i<=nbinsOFF; i++) { Double_t xlo = fHistOFF->GetBinLowEdge(i); Double_t xup = fHistOFF->GetBinLowEdge(i+1); // bin must be completely contained in the signal region if ( xlo >= (fAlphaminOFF-fEps) && xup <= (fAlphamaxOFF+fEps) ) { Double_t width = fabs(xup-xlo); if (fabs(width-binwidthOFF) > fEps) { *fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::DetExcessONOFF; alphaOFF plot has variable binning, which is not allowed" << endl; return kFALSE; } fNoffTot += fHistOFF->GetBinContent(i); fdNoffTot += fHistOFF->GetBinError(i) * fHistOFF->GetBinError(i); } } fdNoffTot = sqrt(fdNoffTot); //-------------------------------------------- // calculate the number of OFF fitted events (fNoffSigFitted) in the signal region // and its error (fdNoffSigFitted) if (fUseFittedQuantities) { //-------------------------------------------- // calculate the number of OFF fitted events (fNoffSigFitted) in the signal region // and its error (fdNoffSigFitted) Double_t fac = 1.0/binwidthOFF; fNoffSigFitted = 0.0; Double_t altothejplus1 = fAlphasi; // Limit for signal found for ON data is used. for (Int_t j=0; j<=fDegreeOFF; j++) { fNoffSigFitted += fValuesOFF[j] * altothejplus1 / ((Double_t)(j+1)); altothejplus1 *= fAlphasi; } fNoffSigFitted *= fac; // derivative of fNoffSigFitted Double_t facj; Double_t fack; Double_t sum = 0.0; altothejplus1 = fAlphasi; for (Int_t j=0; j<=fDegreeOFF; j++) { facj = altothejplus1 / ((Double_t)(j+1)); Double_t altothekplus1 = fAlphasi; for (Int_t k=0; k<=fDegreeOFF; k++) { fack = altothekplus1 / ((Double_t)(k+1)); sum += facj * fack * fEmaOFF[j][k]; altothekplus1 *= fAlphasi; } altothejplus1 *= fAlphasi; } sum *= fac*fac; if (sum < 0.0) { *fLog << "MHFindsignificanceONOFF::DetExcessONOFF; error squared is negative" << endl; return kFALSE; } fdNoffSigFitted = sqrt(sum); // We can now compare fNoffSig with fNoffSigFitted (and their errors) // NUmbers should agree within 10 % (errors within 20%) if (fabs(fNoffSig - fNoffSigFitted) > 0.1 * fNoffSigFitted) { *fLog << "MHFindsignificanceONOFF::DetExcessONOFF; number of OFF events and Fitted number of OFF events in signal region do not agree (within 10 %)" << endl; *fLog << "fNoffSig = " << fNoffSig << " ; fNoffSigFitted = " << fNoffSigFitted << endl; // return kFALSE; NOt yet... } /* if (fabs(fdNoffSig - fdNoffSigFitted) > 0.2 * fdNoffSigFitted) { *fLog << "MHFindsignificanceONOFF::DetExcessONOFF; error in number of OFF events and error in Fitted number of OFF events in signal region do not agree (within 20 %)" << endl; *fLog << "fdNoffSig = " << fdNoffSig << " ; fdNoffSigFitted = " << fdNoffSigFitted << endl; //return kFALSE; NOt yet... } */ // Calculate the number of OFF events in the whole fit region (fAlphaminOFF-fAlphamaxOFF) // ___________________________________________________ fNoffTotFitted = 0.0; altothejplus1 = fAlphamaxOFF; // Limit for OFF data fit for (Int_t j=0; j<=fDegreeOFF; j++) { fNoffTotFitted += fValuesOFF[j] * altothejplus1 / ((Double_t)(j+1)); altothejplus1 *= fAlphamaxOFF; } fNoffTotFitted *= fac; // derivative of fdNoffTotFitted sum = 0.0; altothejplus1 = fAlphamaxOFF; for (Int_t j=0; j<=fDegreeOFF; j++) { facj = altothejplus1 / ((Double_t)(j+1)); Double_t altothekplus1 = fAlphamaxOFF; for (Int_t k=0; k<=fDegreeOFF; k++) { fack = altothekplus1 / ((Double_t)(k+1)); sum += facj * fack * fEmaOFF[j][k]; altothekplus1 *= fAlphamaxOFF; } altothejplus1 *= fAlphamaxOFF; } sum *= fac*fac; if (sum < 0.0) { *fLog << "MHFindsignificanceONOFF::DetExcessONOFF; error squared is negative" << endl; return kFALSE; } fdNoffTotFitted = sqrt(sum); } else { fNoffSigFitted = 0.0; fdNoffSigFitted = 0.0; fNoffTotFitted = 0.0; fdNoffTotFitted = 0.0; } *fLog << "MHFindSignificamceONOFF::DetExcessONOFF; INFO ABOOUT COMPUTED OFF EVENTS..." << endl << "fNoffSig = " << fNoffSig << "; fdNoffSig = " << fdNoffSig << endl << "fNoffSigFitted = " << fNoffSigFitted << "; fdNoffSigFitted = " << fdNoffSigFitted << endl; //-------------------------------------------- // calculate the number of excess events in the signal region fNexONOFF = fNon - fNoffSig*fNormFactor; fNexONOFFFitted = fNon - fNoffSigFitted*fNormFactor; *fLog << "MHFindSignificamceONOFF::DetExcessONOFF;" << endl << "fNexONOFF (= fNon - fNoffSig*fNormFactor) = " << fNexONOFF << endl << "fNexONOFFFitted (= fNon - fNoffSigFitted*fNormFactor) = " << fNexONOFFFitted << endl; //-------------------------------------------- // calculate the effective number of background events (fNoff) , and fGamma : // fNbg = fGamma * fNoff = fNormFactor* fNoffSigFitted; // dfNbg = fGamma * sqrt(fNoff) = fNormFactor * fdNoffSigFitted; if (fNoffSigFitted < 0.0) { *fLog << "MHFindSignificamceONOFF::DetExcessONOFF; number of fitted OFF events in signal region is negative, fNoffSigFitted, fdNoffSigFitted = " << fNoffSigFitted << ", " << fdNoffSigFitted << endl; fGamma = 1.0; fNoff = 0.0; return kFALSE; } if (fNoffSigFitted > 0.0) { fGamma = fNormFactor * fdNoffSigFitted*fdNoffSigFitted/fNoffSigFitted; fNoff = fNormFactor * fNoffSigFitted/fGamma; } else { fGamma = 1.0; fNoff = 0.0; } *fLog << "MHFindSignificamceONOFF::DetExcessONOFF: " << endl << "fGamma = " << fGamma << " ; fNoff = " << fNoff << endl; return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // SigmaLiMa // // calculates the significance according to Li & Ma // ApJ 272 (1983) 317; formula 17 // Bool_t MHFindSignificanceONOFF::SigmaLiMa(Double_t non, Double_t noff, Double_t gamma, Double_t *siglima) { if (gamma <= 0.0 || non <= 0.0 || noff <= 0.0) { *siglima = 0.0; return kFALSE; } Double_t help1 = non * log( (1.0+gamma)*non / (gamma*(non+noff)) ); Double_t help2 = noff * log( (1.0+gamma)*noff / ( non+noff ) ); *siglima = sqrt( 2.0 * (help1+help2) ); Double_t nex = non - gamma*noff; if (nex < 0.0) *siglima = - *siglima; //*fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::SigmaLiMa; non, noff, gamma, *siglima = " // << non << ", " << noff << ", " << gamma << ", " << *siglima << endl; return kTRUE; } // calculates the significance according to Li & Ma // ApJ 272 (1983) 317; formula 5 // Bool_t MHFindSignificanceONOFF::SigmaLiMaForm5(Double_t non, Double_t noff, Double_t gamma, Double_t *siglima) { if (gamma <= 0.0 || non <= 0.0 || noff <= 0.0) { *siglima = 0.0; return kFALSE; } Double_t nex = non - (gamma*noff); Double_t tmp = non + (gamma*gamma)*noff; tmp = TMath::Sqrt(tmp); *siglima = nex/tmp; if (nex < 0.0) *siglima = - *siglima; //*fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::SigmaLiMa; non, noff, gamma, *siglima = " // << non << ", " << noff << ", " << gamma << ", " << *siglima << endl; return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Following function computes a clone of fHistOFF and normalizes // contents, errors and fPolyOFF (if exists) with the fNormFactor. // This normalized OFF hist will be used when plotting OFF data // together with ON data. Bool_t MHFindSignificanceONOFF::ComputeHistOFFNormalized() { if (!fHist) { *fLog << "MHFindsignificanceONOFF::ComputeHistOFFNormalized; fHist does not exist, normalization of HistOFF can not be performed properly..." << endl; return kFALSE; } if (!fHistOFF) { *fLog << "MHFindsignificanceONOFF::ComputeHistOFFNormalized; fHistOFF does not exist, hence can not be normalized" << endl; return kFALSE; } if (fNormFactor <= 0) { *fLog << "MHFindsignificanceONOFF::ComputeHistOFFNormalized; fNormFactor is ZERO or NEGATIVE, it might have not been defined yet..." << endl; return kFALSE; } Double_t BinWidthAlphaON = fHist -> GetBinWidth(1); Double_t BinWidthAlphaOFF = fHistOFF -> GetBinWidth(1); Double_t BinWidthRatioONOFF = BinWidthAlphaON/BinWidthAlphaOFF; *fLog << "MHFindsignificanceONOFF::ComputeHistOFFNormalized; INFO about alpha ON, OFF histo bins" << endl // << "fHist bin width = " << BinWidthAlphaON << " fHistOFF bin width = " << BinWidthAlphaOFF << endl; TString fHistOFFNormalizedName = fHistOFF -> GetName(); fHistOFFNormalizedName += (" (Normalized)"); // fHistOFFNormalized = (TH1*) fHistOFF -> Clone(); // fHistOFFNormalized -> SetNameTitle(fHistOFFNormalizedName, fHistOFFNormalizedName); Int_t nbinsOFFNormalized = 0; Int_t nbinsOFF = 0; Double_t xlow = 0.0; Double_t xup = 0.0; Double_t content = 0.0; Double_t error = 0.0; Double_t BinCenter = 0.0; // Bins for normalized OFF histo will be the ones of ON histo nbinsOFF = fHistOFF -> GetNbinsX(); nbinsOFFNormalized = nbinsOFF; xlow = fHistOFF -> GetBinLowEdge(1); xup = fHistOFF -> GetBinLowEdge(nbinsOFFNormalized); xup = xup + BinWidthAlphaON; *fLog << "MHFindsignificanceONOFF::ComputeHistOFFNormalized; Limits for fHistOFFNormalized: " << "nbins, xlow, xup: " << nbinsOFFNormalized << ", " << xlow << ", " << xup << endl; fHistOFFNormalized = new TH1F (fHistOFFNormalizedName, fHistOFFNormalizedName, nbinsOFFNormalized, xlow, xup); // fHistOFFNormalized is filled with data from fHistOFF, // taken into account the possible bin difference for (Int_t i = 1; i <= nbinsOFF; i++) { BinCenter = fHistOFF -> GetBinCenter(i); fHistOFFNormalized -> Fill (BinCenter, fHistOFF -> GetBinContent(i)); fHistOFFNormalized -> SetBinError(i, fHistOFF -> GetBinError(i)); } for (Int_t i = 1; i <= nbinsOFFNormalized; i++) { content = fNormFactor * fHistOFFNormalized -> GetBinContent(i); error = fNormFactor * fHistOFFNormalized -> GetBinError(i); fHistOFFNormalized -> SetBinContent (i, content); fHistOFFNormalized -> SetBinError (i, error); } // Number of entries is obtained from histOFF. // and set to histOFFNoramlized; otherwise, the number // of entries in histOFFNoramlized would be "nbins" Double_t entries = fNormFactor * (fHistOFF -> GetEntries()); fHistOFFNormalized -> SetEntries(entries); // If polynomial fit has been performed for fHistOFF, // it is defined a new polyfunction for fHistOFFNormalized, // which will be the polyfunction of fHistOFF normalized. // Function will be added to the function list of fHistOFFNormalized if (fPolyOFF == NULL) { *fLog << "MHFindsignificanceONOFF::ComputeHistOFFNormalized; fPolyOFF does not exist..." << endl; } if (fPolyOFF) { *fLog << "MHFindsignificanceONOFF::ComputeHistOFFNormalized; fPolyOFF exists... will be also normalized and included in the list of functions of fHistOFFNormalized" << endl; // Normalization of the function using fNormFactor and // BinWidthON/BinWidthOFF relation of alpha ON/OFF histograms // This makes possible to plot it together with ON alpha histo TString FunctionName("PolyOFFNormalized"); Double_t xmin = fAlphaminOFF; Double_t xmax = fAlphamaxOFF; TString formula = "[0]"; TString bra1 = "+["; TString bra2 = "]"; TString xpower = "*x"; TString newpower = "*x"; for (Int_t i=1; i<=fDegreeOFF; i++) { formula += bra1; formula += i; formula += bra2; formula += xpower; xpower += newpower; } *fLog << "MHFindsignificanceONOFF::ComputeHistOFFNormalized; formula = " << formula << endl; fPolyOFFNormalized = new TF1 (FunctionName, formula, xmin, xmax); Double_t Parameter = 0.0; Double_t ParameterError = 0.0; *fLog << " MHFindsignificanceONOFF::ComputeHistOFFNormalized; Fit parameters info: " << endl; for (Int_t i = 0; i <= fDegreeOFF; i++) { Parameter = fNormFactor * BinWidthRatioONOFF * fValuesOFF[i]; ParameterError = fNormFactor * BinWidthRatioONOFF * fErrorsOFF[i]; fPolyOFFNormalized -> SetParameter(i, Parameter); fPolyOFFNormalized -> SetParError(i,ParameterError); // Parameters are shown : *fLog << " fValuesOFF[" << i<< "] = " << fValuesOFF[i] << " ; Parameter for fPolyOFFNormalized = " << Parameter << endl; } TList *funclist = fHistOFFNormalized->GetListOfFunctions(); // temporal... //*fLog << "INFO concerning list of functions of fHistOFFNormalized :" << endl // << "List before adding OFF Normal., after adding it and after removing fPolyOFF..." // << endl; //funclist-> Print(); funclist-> Add(fPolyOFFNormalized); //funclist-> Print(); } return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Bool_t MHFindSignificanceONOFF::DrawHistOFF() { if (fHistOFF == NULL ) { *fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::DrawHistOFF; fHistOFF = NULL" << endl; return kFALSE; } // fPsFilename -> NewPage(); // PLOT DISABLE /* TCanvas* CanvasHistOFF = new TCanvas(fHistOFF->GetName(), fHistOFF->GetName(), 600, 600); //gStyle->SetOptFit(1011); gROOT->SetSelectedPad(NULL); gStyle->SetPadLeftMargin(0.1); gStyle -> SetOptStat(1); CanvasHistOFF->cd(); if (fHistOFF) { fHistOFF->DrawCopy(); } // TF1 *fpolyOFF = fHistOFF->GetFunction("PolyOFF"); if (fPolyOFF == NULL) *fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::DrawHistOFF; fpolyOFF = NULL" << endl; if (fPolyOFF) { // 2, 1 is red and solid fPolyOFF->SetLineColor(2); fPolyOFF->SetLineStyle(1); fPolyOFF->SetLineWidth(2); fPolyOFF->DrawCopy("same"); } CanvasHistOFF -> Update(); */ return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Bool_t MHFindSignificanceONOFF::DrawHistOFFNormalized() { if (fHistOFFNormalized == NULL ) { *fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::DrawHistOFF; fHistOFFNormalized = NULL" << endl; return kFALSE; } // fPsFilename -> NewPage(); // PLOT DISABLE TO PERFORM GRID ANALYSIS /* TCanvas* CanvasHistOFFNormalized = new TCanvas(fHistOFFNormalized->GetName(), fHistOFFNormalized->GetName(), 600, 600); //gStyle->SetOptFit(1011); // gROOT->SetSelectedPad(NULL); gStyle->SetPadLeftMargin(0.1); gStyle -> SetOptStat(1); CanvasHistOFFNormalized->cd(); if (fHistOFFNormalized) { fHistOFFNormalized->DrawCopy(); } // TF1 *fpolyOFFNormalized = fHistOFFNormalized->GetFunction("PolyOFFNormalized"); if (fPolyOFFNormalized == NULL) *fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::DrawHistOFF; fPolyOFFNormalized = NULL" << endl; if (fPolyOFFNormalized) { // 2, 1 is red and solid fPolyOFFNormalized->SetLineColor(2); fPolyOFFNormalized->SetLineStyle(1); fPolyOFFNormalized->SetLineWidth(2); fPolyOFFNormalized->DrawCopy("same"); } CanvasHistOFFNormalized -> Update(); */ return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Bool_t MHFindSignificanceONOFF::DrawFit(const Option_t *opt) { if (fHistOFFNormalized == NULL || fHist == NULL) *fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::DrawFit; fHistOFFNormalized = NULL or fHist == NULL" << endl; //fPsFilename -> NewPage(); // PLOT DISABLE TO PERFORM GRID ANALYSIS // I DO SAVE PS FILE, BUT CANVAS IS DELETED AFTERWARDS fCanvas = new TCanvas("Alpha", "Alpha plot", 600, 600); fCanvas -> SetFillColor(10); //gStyle->SetOptFit(1011); gROOT->SetSelectedPad(NULL); gStyle -> SetFrameFillColor(10); gStyle->SetPadLeftMargin(0.15); gStyle -> SetOptStat(1); fCanvas->cd(); if (fHist) { fHist -> SetTitle("Alpha Plot"); fHist-> SetTitleOffset(1.5, "Y"); fHist-> DrawCopy(); } if (fHistOFFNormalized) { TF1 *fpoly = fHistOFFNormalized->GetFunction("PolyOFFNormalized"); if (fpoly == NULL) *fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::DrawFit; fPolyOFFNormalized = NULL" << endl; if (fpoly) { // 2, 1 is red and solid fpoly->SetLineColor(2); fpoly->SetLineStyle(1); fpoly->SetLineWidth(2); fpoly->DrawCopy("same"); } } if (fFitGauss) { TF1 *fpolygauss = fHist->GetFunction("PolyGauss"); if (fpolygauss == NULL) *fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::DrawFit; fpolygauss = NULL" << endl; if (fpolygauss) { // 4, 1 is blue and solid fpolygauss->SetLineColor(4); fpolygauss->SetLineStyle(1); fpolygauss->SetLineWidth(4); fpolygauss->DrawCopy("same"); } TF1 *fbackg = fHist->GetFunction("Backg"); if (fbackg == NULL) *fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::DrawFit; fbackg = NULL" << endl; if (fbackg) { // 10, 1 is white and solid fbackg->SetLineColor(10); fbackg->SetLineStyle(1); fbackg->SetLineWidth(4); // fbackg->DrawCopy("same"); I do not want to draw it... already too many things. } } //------------------------------- // print results onto the figure TPaveText *pt = new TPaveText(0.30, 0.35, 0.70, 0.90, "NDC"); char tx[100]; sprintf(tx, "Results of polynomial fit to OFF (order %2d) :", fDegreeOFF); TText *t1 = pt->AddText(tx); t1->SetTextSize(0.03); t1->SetTextColor(2); sprintf(tx, " (%6.2f< |alpha| <%6.2f [\\circ])", fAlphaminOFF, fAlphamaxOFF); pt->AddText(tx); sprintf(tx, " chi2 = %8.2f, Ndof = %4d, Prob = %6.2f", fChisqOFF, fNdfOFF, fProbOFF); pt->AddText(tx); sprintf(tx, " OFF events (fit)= %8.1f #pm %8.1f", fNoffTotFitted, fdNoffTotFitted); pt->AddText(tx); sprintf(tx, " OFF events (meas) = %8.1f #pm %8.1f", fNoffTot, fdNoffTot); pt->AddText(tx); sprintf(tx, " OFF Normalization Factor (= Non/Noff) = %4.4f", fNormFactor); pt->AddText(tx); //sprintf(tx, " "); //pt->AddText(tx); //-------------- sprintf(tx, "Results for |alpha|< %6.2f [\\circ] :", fAlphasi); TText *t6 = pt->AddText(tx); t6->SetTextSize(0.03); t6->SetTextColor(8); sprintf(tx, " Non = %8.1f #pm %8.1f", fNon, fdNon); pt->AddText(tx); if(fUseFittedQuantities) { //// ************************************************** ///// PRINT INFORMATION ABOUT FITTED QUANTITIES ///////// Double_t NoffFitNormalized = fNoffSigFitted * fNormFactor; Double_t ErrorNoffFitNormalized = fdNoffSigFitted * fNormFactor; Double_t SignificanceUsed = GetSignificance(); sprintf(tx, " Noff Fitted (Normalized) = %8.1f #pm %8.1f", NoffFitNormalized, ErrorNoffFitNormalized); pt->AddText(tx); sprintf(tx, " Nex (ON - OFF Fitted) = %8.1f #pm %8.1f", fNexONOFFFitted, fdNexONOFFFitted); pt->AddText(tx); sprintf(tx, " Gamma = %4.4f, Effective Noff (i.e. fNoff) = %6.1f", fGamma, fNoff); pt->AddText(tx); Double_t ratio = fNoffSigFitted>0.0 ? fNexONOFFFitted/(fNoffSigFitted*fNormFactor) : 0.0; sprintf(tx, " Significance = %6.2f, Nex/(Nbg*NormFactor) = %6.2f", SignificanceUsed, ratio); pt->AddText(tx); } else { //// ************************************************** ///// PRINT INFORMATION ABOUT MEASURED QUANTITIES ///////// Double_t NoffNormalized = fNoffSig * fNormFactor; Double_t ErrorNoffNormalized = fdNoffSig * fNormFactor; Double_t SignificanceUsed = GetSignificance(); sprintf(tx, " Noff measured (Normalized) = %8.1f #pm %8.1f", NoffNormalized, ErrorNoffNormalized); pt->AddText(tx); sprintf(tx, " Nex (ON - OFF measured) = %8.1f #pm %8.1f", fNexONOFF, fdNexONOFF); pt->AddText(tx); Double_t ratio = fNoffSig>0.0 ? fNexONOFF/(fNoffSig*fNormFactor) : 0.0; sprintf(tx, " Significance = %6.2f, Nex/(Nbg*NormFactor) = %6.2f", SignificanceUsed, ratio); pt->AddText(tx); } /* // Temporally I will also show ALL SIGMALIMA COMPUTED. sprintf(tx, " fSigLiMa1 = %6.2f, fSigLiMa2 = %6.2f, fSigLiMa3 = %6.2f", fSigLiMa,fSigLiMa2, fSigLiMa3); pt->AddText(tx); */ //-------------- if (fFitGauss) { sprintf(tx, "Results of (polynomial+Gauss) fit :"); TText *t7 = pt->AddText(tx); t7->SetTextSize(0.03); t7->SetTextColor(4); sprintf(tx, " chi2 = %8.2f, Ndof = %4d, Prob = %6.2f", fGChisq, fGNdf, fGProb); pt->AddText(tx); sprintf(tx, " Sigma of Gauss = %8.1f #pm %8.1f [\\circ]", fSigmaGauss, fdSigmaGauss); pt->AddText(tx); sprintf(tx, " total no.of excess events = %8.1f #pm %8.1f", fNexGauss, fdNexGauss); pt->AddText(tx); } //-------------- pt->SetFillStyle(0); pt->SetBorderSize(0); pt->SetTextAlign(12); if(fPrintResultsOntoAlphaPlot) { pt->Draw(); } fCanvas->Modified(); fCanvas->Update(); // fPsFilename -> NewPage(); if (fSavePlots) { // ******************************************** // TMP solution while the TPostScript thing is not working. // PsFileName for storing these histograms is derived // from fPsFilenameString. cout << "Alpha plot with ON-OFF data will be saved in PostScript file " ; if (!fPsFilenameString.IsNull()) { TString filename = (fPsFilenameString); // Train or Test Sample is specified outside // class MHFindSignificanceONOFF, and included in // fPsFilenameString filename += ("AlphaPlotAfterSupercuts.ps"); cout << filename << endl; fCanvas -> SaveAs(filename); } // END OF TEMPORAL SOLUTION // ******************************************** } // Canvvas deleted to allow for GRID analysis delete fCanvas; return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Print the results of the polynomial fit to the alpha OFF distribution // // void MHFindSignificanceONOFF::PrintPolyOFF(Option_t *o) { *fLog << "---------------------------" << endl; *fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::PrintPolyOFF :" << endl; *fLog << "fAlphaminOFF, fAlphamaxOFF, fDegreeOFF " << fAlphaminOFF << ", " << fAlphamaxOFF << ", " << fDegreeOFF << endl; *fLog << "fMbinsOFF, fNzeroOFF, fIstatOFF = " << fMbinsOFF << ", " << fNzeroOFF << ", " << fIstatOFF << endl; *fLog << "fChisqOFF, fNdfOFF, fProbOFF = " << fChisqOFF << ", " << fNdfOFF << ", " << fProbOFF << endl; *fLog << "fNon; fNoffSigFitted, fdNoffSigFitted; fNoffSig, fdNoffSig = " << fNon << "; " << fNoffSigFitted << ", " << fdNoffSigFitted << "; " << fNoffSig << ", " << fdNoffSig << endl; Double_t sigtoback = fNoffSigFitted >0.0 ? fNexONOFFFitted/(fNoffSigFitted*fNormFactor) : 0.0; *fLog << "fNexONOFFFitted, fdNexONOFFFitted, fGamma, fNoff, fSigLiMa, sigtoback = " << fNexONOFFFitted << ", " << fdNexONOFFFitted << ", " << fGamma << ", " << fNoff << ", " << fSigLiMa << ", " << sigtoback << endl; Double_t sigtoback2 = fNoffSig >0.0 ? fNexONOFF/(fNoffSig*fNormFactor) : 0.0; *fLog << "fNexONOFF, fdNexONOFF, fNormFactor, fNoffSig, fSigLiMa2, sigtoback2 = " << fNexONOFF << ", " << fdNexONOFF << ", " << fNormFactor << ", " << fNoffSig << ", " << fSigLiMa2 << ", " << sigtoback2 << endl; *fLog << "---------------------------" << endl; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Print the results of the polynomial fit to the alpha distribution // // void MHFindSignificanceONOFF::PrintPoly(Option_t *o) { *fLog << "---------------------------" << endl; *fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::PrintPoly :" << endl; *fLog << "fAlphami, fAlphama, fDegree, fAlphasi = " << fAlphami << ", " << fAlphama << ", " << fDegree << ", " << fAlphasi << endl; *fLog << "fMbins, fNzero, fIstat = " << fMbins << ", " << fNzero << ", " << fIstat << endl; *fLog << "fChisq, fNdf, fProb = " << fChisq << ", " << fNdf << ", " << fProb << endl; *fLog << "fNon, fNbg, fdNbg, fNbgtot, fNbgtotFitted, fdNbgtotFitted = " << fNon << ", " << fNbg << ", " << fdNbg << ", " << fNbgtot << ", " << fNbgtotFitted << ", " << fdNbgtotFitted << endl; Double_t sigtoback = fNbg>0.0 ? fNex/fNbg : 0.0; *fLog << "fNex, fdNex, fGamma, fNoff, fSigLiMa, sigtoback = " << fNex << ", " << fdNex << ", " << fGamma << ", " << fNoff << ", " << fSigLiMa << ", " << sigtoback << endl; //------------------------------------ // get errors /* Double_t eplus; Double_t eminus; Double_t eparab; Double_t gcc; Double_t errdiag; if ( !fConstantBackg ) { *fLog << "parameter value error eplus eminus eparab errdiag gcc" << endl; for (Int_t j=0; j<=fDegree; j++) { if (gMinuit) gMinuit->mnerrs(j, eplus, eminus, eparab, gcc); errdiag = sqrt(fEma[j][j]); *fLog << j << " " << fValues[j] << " " << fErrors[j] << " " << eplus << " " << eminus << " " << eparab << " " << errdiag << " " << gcc << endl; } } else { *fLog << "parameter value error errdiag " << endl; for (Int_t j=0; j<=fDegree; j++) { errdiag = sqrt(fEma[j][j]); *fLog << j << " " << fValues[j] << " " << fErrors[j] << " " << errdiag << endl; } } */ //---------------------------------------- /* *fLog << "Covariance matrix :" << endl; for (Int_t j=0; j<=fDegree; j++) { *fLog << "j = " << j << " : "; for (Int_t k=0; k<=fDegree; k++) { *fLog << fEma[j][k] << " "; } *fLog << endl; } *fLog << "Correlation matrix :" << endl; for (Int_t j=0; j<=fDegree; j++) { *fLog << "j = " << j << " : "; for (Int_t k=0; k<=fDegree; k++) { *fLog << fCorr[j][k] << " "; } *fLog << endl; } */ *fLog << "---------------------------" << endl; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Print the results of the (polynomial+Gauss) fit to the alpha distribution // // void MHFindSignificanceONOFF::PrintPolyGauss(Option_t *o) { *fLog << "---------------------------" << endl; *fLog << "MHFindSignificanceONOFF::PrintPolyGauss :" << endl; *fLog << "fAlphalo, fAlphahi = " << fAlphalo << ", " << fAlphahi << endl; *fLog << "fGMbins, fGNzero, fGIstat = " << fGMbins << ", " << fGNzero << ", " << fGIstat << endl; *fLog << "fGChisq, fGNdf, fGProb = " << fGChisq << ", " << fGNdf << ", " << fGProb << endl; //------------------------------------ // get errors Double_t eplus; Double_t eminus; Double_t eparab; Double_t gcc; Double_t errdiag; *fLog << "parameter value error eplus eminus eparab errdiag gcc" << endl; for (Int_t j=0; j<=(fDegree+3); j++) { if (gMinuit) gMinuit->mnerrs(j, eplus, eminus, eparab, gcc); errdiag = sqrt(fGEma[j][j]); *fLog << j << " " << fGValues[j] << " " << fGErrors[j] << " " << eplus << " " << eminus << " " << eparab << " " << errdiag << " " << gcc << endl; } *fLog << "Covariance matrix :" << endl; for (Int_t j=0; j<=(fDegree+3); j++) { *fLog << "j = " << j << " : "; for (Int_t k=0; k<=(fDegree+3); k++) { *fLog << fGEma[j][k] << " "; } *fLog << endl; } *fLog << "Correlation matrix :" << endl; for (Int_t j=0; j<=(fDegree+3); j++) { *fLog << "j = " << j << " : "; for (Int_t k=0; k<=(fDegree+3); k++) { *fLog << fGCorr[j][k] << " "; } *fLog << endl; } *fLog << "---------------------------" << endl; } //============================================================================